

如果論文的結果不能重現,那麼論文的價值就大打折扣,所以一定要在Materials部分進行詳細地描述。那麼在Materials部分要寫些什麼呢?答案就在「投稿須知」(Information for Authors,Instructions to Authors)里,往往重要的細節都會在這裡進行羅列的。


  • Cell line data: The source of cells utilized, species, sex, strain, race, age of donor, whether primary or established, must be clearly indicated. The supplier name, city, and state abbreviation should be stated within parentheses when first cited. Specific tests used for verification of purported origin, donor traits, and detection for the presence of microbial agents should be identified. Specific tests should be performed on cell culture substrates for the presence of mycoplasmal contamination by using both a direct agar culture and an indirect staining or biochemical procedure. A brief description or a proper reference citation of the procedure used must be included. If these tests were not performed, this fact should be clearly stated in the Materials and Methods section. Other data relating to unique biological, biochemical and/or immunological markers should also be included if available.

(taken from the Information for Authors of In Vitro, the journal of the Tissue Culture Association):

來源:How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper-5th


2017年9月16日 英國人解析雅思寫作
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