2017.05 CATTI三筆試題實務真題及參考譯文


AllLuciano Faggiano wanted when he purchased the seemingly unremarkable buildingat 56 Via Ascanio Grandi, was to open a restaurant. The only problem was thetoilet. Sewage kept backing up. So Mr. Faggiano enlisted his two older sons tohelp him dig a trench and investigate. He predicted the job would take about aweek. 「We found underground corridors and other rooms, so we kept digging,」said Mr. Faggiano, 60. His search for a sewage pipe, which began in 2000,became one family』s tale of discovery.

盧西亞諾·法賈諾(Luciano Faggiano)當初之所以買下阿斯卡尼奧 格蘭迪大街(Via Ascanio Grandi)56號,這棟看似不起眼的房子,只是想開一家餐廳。原本一切都還好,唯一的問題出在廁所,不知道為什麼,污水總會滿上來。法賈諾讓他的大兒子和二兒子挖了條溝,看看到底是怎麼回事。他原以為,這活兒最多一周就能幹完。60歲的法賈諾先生說:「我們當時發現了不少地下通道和房間,於是繼續往下挖。」這場排水管道搜尋工作始於2000年,最後居然成了家族探寶的傳奇故事。

Leccewas once a critical crossroads in the Mediterranean. Severo Martini, a memberof the City Council, said archaeological relics turn up on a regular basis —and can present a headache for urban planning. A project to build a shoppingmall had to be redesigned after the discovery of an ancient Roman templebeneath the site of a planned parking lot.

萊切(Lecce)曾是地中海地區的交通重鎮。市政府職員塞韋羅·馬提尼(Severo Martini)表示,這裡時不時就會冒出各種文物,令市鎮規劃人員頭痛不已。當地原本有個購物商場要建,結果在規劃停車場底下發現了一座古羅馬廟宇。這下子,商場建設方案不得不重新設計。

One weekquickly passed, as father and sons discovered a tomb of the Messapians, wholived in the region centuries before the birth of Jesus. Soon, the familydiscovered a chamber used to store grain by the ancient Romans.


If thishistory only later became clear, what was immediately obvious was that findingthe pipe would be a much bigger project than Mr. Faggiano had anticipated. Hedid not initially tell his wife about the extent of the work. He tied a ropearound the chest of his youngest son, Davide, then 12, and lowered him to digin small, darkened openings. 「I made sure to tell him not to tell his mama,」 hesaid. His wife, Anna Maria Sanò, soon became suspicious. 「We had all thesedirty clothes, every day,」 she said. 「I didn』t understand what wasgoing on.」

眼下的情況,雖然不是很清楚,但搜尋排水管的工作規模,明擺著要比法賈諾預料得要大得多了。但到底會有多浩大,他一開始沒告訴妻子。小兒子戴維德當時12歲。法賈諾在他胸膛上綁了繩子,下放到一個個黑漆漆的洞室里挖掘。法賈諾說:「我讓他絕對不要告訴媽媽。」可是,法賈諾的妻子安娜·瑪利亞·薩諾(Anna Maria Sanò)很快就起了疑心,說:「真不明白他們在搞什麼,怎麼每天的衣服都髒兮兮的。」

Afterwatching the Faggiano men haul away debris in the back seat of the family car,neighbors also became suspicious and notified the authorities. Investigatorsarrived and shut down the excavations, warning Mr. Faggiano against operatingan unapproved archaeological work site. Mr. Faggiano responded that he was justlooking for a sewage pipe.


A yearpassed. Finally, Mr. Faggiano was allowed to resume his pursuit of the sewagepipe on condition that heritage officials observed the work. An undergroundtreasure house emerged, as the family uncovered ancient vases, Roman devotionalbottles, an ancient ring with Christian symbols, medieval artifacts, hiddenfrescoes and more. Today, the building is Museum Faggiano, an independentarchaeological museum authorized by the Lecce government.

一年過去了,法賈諾先生終於獲准在文物保護官員的監督下,繼續搜尋排水管。結果,這家人挖出了許多古代花瓶、古羅馬靈瓶、帶基督教標誌的古代戒指、中世紀藝術品、隱藏的壁畫等文物,一座地下寶庫就此大白於天下。如今,這座房子成了法賈諾博物館(Museum Faggiano),一座由萊切市政府親自授權的獨立考古博物館。

Mr.Faggiano is now satisfied with his museum, but he has not forgotten about therestaurant. A few years into his excavation, he finally found his sewage pipe.It was, indeed, broken. He has since bought another building and is againplanning for a restaurant, assuming it does not need any renovations. 「I stillwant it,」 he said of the restaurant. 「I』m very stubborn.」




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