

Quora上看到的一篇越南人的回答,作者是Ha-Anh (河英) Nguyen-Viet (阮鉞),自我介紹為Native of Hanoi/U.S. educated/Chinese professionally trained。


How has learning Mandarin changed your perspectives? quora.com/How-has-learn



Mandarin changes the way I see my motherland - Vietnam. It changes the

way I define what it means to be Vietnamese. It changes my understanding

of Vietnamese culture and language, especially what we lost by using

Latin characters.


  1. If you don』t know Hanzi (Chinese

    characters), then you cannot differentiate the homophones (different

    characters - same pronunciations) in Vietnamese, which means you

    basically do not understand a lot of words in Vietnamese. In a lot of

    cases, people do not understand their own names (which 99% are all

    written in Hanzi.) Or may I say, if you do not know Hanzi, you cannot

    deeply understand Vietnamese language.不認識漢字(中國文字)的話,就無法區分越南語中的同音字,也就無法理解越南語中的很多詞。大多數情況下,人們都不認識他們自己的名字(百分之九十九都是用漢字書寫的)。或者我也可以說,不認識漢字就無法深入地理解越南語
  2. If you do not understand

    the language, you cannot understand the culture and the history. If you

    know Chinese, then you will understand that Vietnam is a part of the

    Sinosphere. I also realize that it』s such a shame since we cannot read

    the all documents that dated just more than 100 years ago. You claim to

    be Vietnamese and understand this culture, but you cannot read what your

    great-grandparents wrote - such a joke. You don』t know what the hell is

    written in every single temples and pagodas, or maybe just your own

    family』s ancestor shrines.不學這門語言,就無法理解文化和歷史。學了中文以後,就會明白,越南是中文文化圈的一部分。我也覺得很羞愧的是,我們甚至無法閱讀僅僅一百年前的資料。自認為是越南人並且理解越南文化的人,卻無法閱讀曾祖父所寫的東西——完全是笑話。也看不懂寺廟和佛塔上,甚至是自家牌位上的任何一個字。
  3. Language decides mentality.

    Vietnamese people』s mentality is getting more and more swallow partly

    because of the language they use. Imaging Chinese people only use pinyin

    to communicate. That』s the problem of Vietnamese』s Latin characters.

    Vocabulary variety is limited and vocabulary usage gets confusing.

    Simply, you just do not have enough words to think deeper or discuss

    more complex concepts. At this point I feel pretty desperate, because I

    know this stupidity is not gonna disappear in my lifetime. Fuck the

    French. 語言決定精神。越南人民的精氣神正變得越來越swallow(查不到該怎麼解釋),部分原因就在於他們所使用的語言。想像一下中國人只用拼音交流。這就是越南人的拉丁字的問題。辭彙量受限,辭彙的使用變得模糊。簡單地說,就是沒有足夠的辭彙來深入思考或討論複雜的概念。現在我覺得相當絕望,因為我知道這種愚蠢在我有生之年都不會消失。法國人去死。
  4. I feel proud and happy, as for the first time in my

    life, I got to understand the characters that my family used to name me

    (yeah I was lucky, my family really understand the characters they gave

    the kids.) It』s just beautiful. I feel proud to be a part of the

    Sinosphere culture. I feel more confident too, as in finally you

    understand more about your roots and heritages, or I may say, where you

    come from. Feeling smarter because I know another language, plus I

    understand my own language better. Learning Mandarin really gave me a

    sense of security, not just because I felt more convenient, but it did

    clear my mind and my vision.有生以來頭一次我感到驕傲和幸福,因為我理解了我的家人為我取的名字(是的,我很幸運,我的家人確實知道他們為孩子取的名字的意義)。這太棒了。我為作為中文文化圈的一分子而自豪。我也感到更加自信,因為終於能對祖先和傳統有更多了解,也對自己的語言有更深入的認識。學習普通話給了我一種安全感,不只是讓我覺得方便,更讓我心明眼亮。
  5. As a language, Chinese changes the

    way I see the current geopolitical situation of the world. Just too

    stupid to be anti-China, in all terms and from all kinds of



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