Animality of Modern Men 現代人的動物性
寫在前面: 寫這些文章並不是我的本意,很多事都並不是我的本意。諷刺的是,我討論著動物性,一邊還要和毫無人性的人打交道。關鍵是這種人還往往受到很多不明真相的圍觀群眾追捧,愛穿西裝,蛇蠍心腸,可以說是「衣冠禽獸」了。糟心,糟心啊。
廣義上講,學術圈的這種現象揭示現代人總的來說傾向於 名聲而不是意義(或者說,名聲就是他們追尋的意義)。這是是現代人的通病,也讓尼采對古希臘風範的一番想法顯得「不合時宜」。
As the modern scholars base their studies on the history while in reality and submit the philosophical ideals to state and fame, they clung to the regulations of universities and prioritize their survival and fame to the truth. Thus, they fail to perform some of the basic ethics, namely, to be 「simple and honest」 (133) .
In a broader scope, such phenomenon suggests that modern men in general may tend to pursue fame instead of meaning, which is the symptoms common in the modern age, rendering the meditations on ancient greek ideals to be 「untimely」.
Here, the metaphor of animals draw the attention to the animality, which is crucial to the savior of humanity.
On transcendence of such animality in the form of 「the unreason in the nature of this age」, Nietzsche gives the definition of a true philosopher who could help modern men of their own redemption from their nature, that 「true philosopher is an educator who could raise [us] above [our] insufficiencies insofar as these originated in the age and teach [us] again to be simple and honest in thought and life」 (179, 133) .
The first thing a philosopher needs:」inflexible and rugged manliness...father neither an official nor a scholar...to study not books but men, and revere not governments but truth. (180)」
Ironically, the finery of modern infrastructures deprives modern men of naivete or leisure that are necessary for any philosophical inquiry; the great affluence of humanity hinders man from performing their humanity.
In the modern world where the Socratian lifestyle which is deficient in material wealth and rich in philosophical wisdom seem to be anachronistic, Schopenhauer the untimely philosopher becomes a rebellious counterexample to the common animality that most modern men bear and fail to transcend.
In the meantime, it is exactly his courage and commitment to truth that distinct Schopenhauer from all the contemporary scholars and qualify him as an educator to instruct the modern men in general to pursue their nature.
In the essay 「Schopenhauer as Educator」, through attention to the animal, Nietzsche draws the broader distinction between scholarly modern man and true philosophers like Schopenhauer.
感謝教授Jay Garcia課堂上深cui入mian的講解,和助教Andrea Chu Long對我的指tu導cao。我總認為老生常談的事沒必要重複,而這篇文章話題不太敏感,我本是不喜的,但也許是尼採的飽受爭議,讓我覺得自己做了一些微小的貢獻。我覺得哲學家重要的不是他的觀點多麼「正確」、「令人信服」,因為本身每個人各xin有huai看gui法tai,很難通過一席話就放棄自己的立場。相反,我認為重要的是他要足夠挑釁,讓人們關注他所關注的話題,某種意義上「唯恐天下不亂」。我也不贊同尼採的很多觀點,但我認為在(也許是莽夫之勇)「簡樸真誠」的求知態度上,尼采作出了很好的表率,至少他口頭是這麼說的:要耿直。現在大環境對話語權收得很緊,再少有人敢於站出來懟人了。像村上春樹那樣在「高牆和雞蛋」里無條件選擇站在雞蛋那邊的人,屈指可數。這不怪大家。普通人,或者說腦子正常的人,都做不到。但至少,我們要對這樣的人心懷敬意。在力所能及的範圍內討論足夠有價值的話題,引發一些思考,這就是為什麼我選擇在「西方文學藝術賞析」這一專欄的開篇選擇討論「不合時宜的冥想」這一作品。