


1. 縮寫(如:Fig.)和阿拉伯數字(如:8)不能放在句首,如果放在句首就應該寫全稱(如:Figure)和英文(如:Eight)。

2. 不要寫「by this way」,而是寫「by doing this」或「using this method」.

3. 不要在句首寫「How to…」

  • No: How to find the optimal parameter is the main objective.
  • Yes:Determining how to find the optimal parameter is the main objective.

4. 寫「the results are shown in Figure 2.」不要寫「the results are showed as Figure 2.」

5. 文中出現的變數用斜體表示,以區別於其他單詞,尤其變數是英文字母的時候,如:「The graph shows t, a, and C as a function of time.」中的t, a, C要用斜體

6. 在論文里不要像如下這樣使用「obviously」

  • No: Obviously, detecting regimes by means of PMH maps is a novel method.
  • Yes:Detecting regimes by means of PMH maps is a novel method.

7. 不要使用模糊的地點名詞,如「at home」、「abroad」、「here」、「our country」,因為讀者來自各個國家,所以要寫具體的地點,如「in China」.

8. 避免過多使用「that is to say」和「namely」,盡量用一句話來表達意思。

9. 盡量不要在句尾用「too」。

參考:The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written by Graduate Chinese Engineering Students (By Felicia Brittman)


[第225次聽寫]would用於soften the tone

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