
My First Machine Learning Study Notes

From today,I will take down the notes about my machine learning life! What I watch in the network is Machine Learning- Andrew Ng course,I will write down all his words,as a note to record and to comperhend.Lets start the first lesson

1-1 Welcome to Machine Learning

What is machine learning ? You probably use it dozens of time a day without even knowing it. Each time you do a web search on Google or Bing, that works so well, becase their machine learning software has figured out how to rank(排列,使成橫排; 把…分類;) what pages, When Facebook or Apples photo application recognizes your friends in your pictures, thats also machine learning, Each time you read your email and a spam filter saves you from having to wade through(跋涉) tons of spam, Again,thats because your computer has learned to distinguish spam from non-spam email , So, thats machine learning.

Its a science of getting computers to learn without being explicitly(明白地,明確地) programmed , One of the research projects that Im working on is getting robots to tidy up the house . How do you go about doing that? Well what you can do is you have the robot watch you demonstrate the task and learn from that . The robot can then watch what objects you pick up and where to put them and try to do the same thing even you arent there , For me, one of the raesons Im excited about this is the AI, or artificial intelligence problem . Building trully intelligent machines,we can do just about anything that you or I can do, Many scientists think the best way to make progress on this is through learning algorithms called neural networks, which mimic(摹擬; 模仿,學樣) how the human brain works, and Ill teach you about too,I n this class ,you learn about machine learning and get to implement them yourself . I hope you sign up on our website and join us (PS: the website is stanford university website)


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