
加拿大夫妻團聚移民材料清單 - 加拿大境外申請(imm 5491)

SCLPC 加拿大配偶子女團聚簽證申請材料清單 - 加拿大境外申請 IMM5491E(DOCUMENT CHECKLIST - SPONSOR) - 飛出國

1. SCLPC 申請表格(提供原件) - 飛出國


  1. IMM1344E - 擔保人和申請人協議;
  2. IMM5481E - 擔保能力評估表;
  3. [IMM5476E] 5476- 代理表(如適用);
  4. 費用支付證明
  5. IMM5409E - 法律同居伴侶聯合擔保法定聲明(如果聯合擔保人是擔保人的法律同居伴侶);
  6. IMM5540E - 擔保人調查表;


7.IMM0008ENU_2D - 基本信息表;

8.IMM0008DEPENU43 - 如果家庭成員達到5個需要填寫 ;

9. IMM5669E - 教育工作履歷表;

10. IMM5490E - 夫妻或者同居關係調查表;

11. IMM5406E - 家庭成員信息表;

12. IMM5476E - 代理表(如適用)。


  • [IMM5491E][5491] - 本清單

2.SCLPC 申請材料複印件(特殊要求的除外)- 飛出國


13.身份文件:楓葉卡雙面複印,或者移民紙(IMM 1000),或者永居身份確認文件(IMM 5292 或 IMM 5688);或者加拿大公民證書(雙面複印);或者加拿大出生證明;或者加拿大護照;




17.提供最近一個稅務年度的稅單原件(列印即可)可以從加拿大稅務局(CRA)免費獲取。如果不能提供,需要提供單獨的解釋說明信(An original 「Option C Printout」 of your and your co-signer』s last Notice of Assessment for the most recent taxation year.To obtain this printout free-of-charge from the Canada Revenue Agency, call 1 800 959-8281. If you do not provide this printout, provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper.);


Proof of employment

If you are employed, provide an original letter from your current employer stating your period of employment, salary, and regular hours per week. If you have a co-signer who is employed, include a similar letter from his or her employer.

AND/OR Proof of income

For the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship, if you and, if applicable, your co-signer:

- are the sole owners of, or partners in an unincorporated business, provide evidence of self-employment income (statement of business activities).

- received interest on income earned, provide evidence of interest income (bank statement showing rate of interest, deposit amount and length of time deposit held).


If you must meet the minimum necessary income requirement and you and, if applicable, your co-signer:

  • are not producing an original Option-C printout of your last Notice of Assessment for the most recent year or
  • are producing an original Option-C printout of your last Notice of Assessment for the most recent year, but the total income reported on your and your co-signer』s printout is less than the mininum necessary income, provide a photocopy of the following documents
  • a. Evidence of employment income (pay stubs) over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you and your co-signer are employed
  • b. Evidence of self-employment income (statement of business activities) over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you and your co-signer are the sole owners of or partners in an uncorporated business
  • c.Evidence of interest income (bank statement showing rate of interest, deposit amount and length of time deposit held), over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you and your co-signer received interest
  • d. Evidence of:
    • investment income (e.g., dividends),
    • rental income (e.g., statement of real estate rentals),
    • pension income,
    • special benefits income (e.g., certificate delivered by HRDC onfirming payment of maternity, parental or sickness benefits),
    • other income (give details below)

      received over the 12 months preceding the date of your sponsorship application, if you and your co-signer received such income.


21.如果隨行子女是收養的子女,需要提供其身體狀況聲明(Medical Condition Statement)








加拿大配偶和子女團聚移民 - 加拿大境外申請官方材料清單: cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/k



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