the key to/一個a還是兩個a?/主謂搭配


the key to

「the key to」在論文里也是很常用的一個片語,使用的時候要避免把to寫成不定式了,如:… is the key to improve prognosis,正確的寫法是「the key to」後面接名詞或動名詞。

… is the key to improving prognosis

… is the key to understanding the inflammatory processes

… is the key to achieving this goal

… is the key to extending the survival of patients

systematic review和meta-analysis

標題中 …: a systematic review and a meta-analysis不妥,第二個a不需要,直接寫成…: a systematic review and meta-analysis即可,因為meta-analysis是systematic review過程中用到的統計學方法,二者是相互結合的(Systematic reviews often, but not always, use statistical techniques (meta-analysis) to combine results of eligible studies, or at least use scoring of the levels of evidence depending on the methodology used. – Wikipedia )。比如:a doctor and father(當醫生的父親),大概就是這麼回事。

關於systematic review和meta-analysis的關係可以參考文章:

yield/produce/lead to/result in

Therapy A yielded/produced/led to/resulted in a significantly higher survival rate than therapy B.

Patients treated with therapy A had/showed a significantly higher survival rate than those treated with therapy B.

survival rate是針對病人而言的,所以當主語是therapy的時候,不能用had/show,可以考慮用yielded/produced/led to/resulted in。


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