
Choose the closest definition:

1. hedonism a. preference for males b. habit of gift-giving c. tendency to conceal feelings d. love of pleasure

2. hector a. encourage b. harass c. deceive d. swear

3. cicerone a. guide b. cartoon character c. orator d. lawyer

4. spartan a. cheap b. Greek c. severe d. luxurious

5. nestor a. journalist b. long-winded elder c. domestic hen d. judge

6. stoic a. pleasure-seeking b. bullying c. repressed d. unaffected by pain

7. sybaritic a. pleasure-seeking b. free of luxury c. sisterly d. ice-cold

8. stentorian a. obnoxious b. muffled c. loud d. dictated

1.d 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.c



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