

Quiz 1-4

A. Fill in each blank with the correct letter:

a. grave b. gravitate c. gravitas d. aggravate e. alleviate f. cantilever g. levity h. elevation

1. Even the smallest motion would ___ the pain in his shoulder.

2. She hesitated to step onto the balcony, which was supported by a single ___.

3. At their fathers funeral they showed the same solemn ___ at which they had often laughed during his lifetime.

4. To relieve the swelling, the doctor recommended ___ of her legs several times a day.

5. Attracted magically by the music, all animals and natural objects would ___ toward the sound of Orpheuss lyre.

6. With the two armies moving toward the border, they knew the situation was ___.

7. The neighboring nations organized an airlift of supplies to ___ the suffering caused by the drought.

8. The board meeting ended in an unusual mood of ___ when a man in a gorilla suit burst in.

B. Match the word on the left to the correct definition on the right:

1. levity 2. gravitas 3. grave 4. alleviate 5. elevation 6. aggravate 7. cantilever 8. gravitate

a. solemn dignity

b. relieve

c. raising

d. support beam

e. move toward as if drawn

f. lack of seriousness

g. serious

h. worsen

Quiz 1-4

A 1.d 2.f 3.c 4.h 5.b 6.a 7.e 8.g

B 1.f 2.a 3.g 4.b 5.c 6.h 7.d 8.e



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