

1. 跟對老闆;

2. 學會躲明槍暗箭;

3. 多學點東西,有一技之長;

4. 在1的前提下,討老闆喜歡,如果你老闆沒前途,你再有本事,總有一天被幹掉;


之前遇到個sb上司,非專業出身,所以只能是要求流程,你做事情是不是符合規範,你是不是按時完成任務,你是不是郵件溝通充分,按照這些來體現你的工作能力和水平。這樣的好處是,職業習慣比價好,但是可能讓你難以專註業務,對於新人不是好事。 外企就是把人培養成專業合格的打工仔的工廠,有太多自己想法的在外企呆不久的。但是外企的品牌效應好,出來找工作會有幫助。

The answer to this question may differ slightly depending on a couple factors:


  1. Large Multinational Company (MNC) or Fortune 500 (大型跨國公司或是世界500強)
  2. Small to Medium Foreign Enterprise (SME), Privately-held (中小型的,私人外企)

The answer will also differ depending on your level (entry-level vs. senior manager or higher).

同時也要考慮到你的職位高低 (初級 vs 資深經理或是更高職位)

For Chinese employed at Foreign companies (外置企業) in China, SURVIVAL (生存) is very similar to working at a Chinese company (中國民營企業). MNCs must follow Chinese law, the majority of their customers, partners, and suppliers are Chinese, and there are Chinese managers at all levels of the organization, even at the C-level. Two famous Dutch companies, Philips China and DSM China, all have or have had Chinese CEOs. 中國員工在中國設立的外企工作的話,其生存法則和中國民營企業差不多。跨國企業會按照中國法律辦事,因為大部分的客戶,合作夥伴和供應商是中國人,包括組織內部各階層,甚至高層都有中國管理者的身影。如:兩家著名的荷蘭公司,飛利浦,帝斯曼中國集團都有設立中國CEO.

I believe it is more important to learn how to EXCEL (突破) at MNCs, because just learning to "survive" is very short-term thinking. 我認為與其思考如何生存問題,還不如思考更重要的長久之計:如何在外企尋求突破。

A McKinsey survey of 1,200 MNCs in China about the Number #1 thing lacking in Chinese employees was "long-term thinking" or "a big picture view". This perception (外國人對中國人的印象) exists not only because Chinese workers have a tendency to change jobs frequently, but to have a long-term perspective is the foundation for making choices that demonstrate a win-win attitude. Having a "healthy attitude" is the most important characteristic for EXCELLING (being trust, promoted, and selected for overseas or global rotation assignments) within a MNC.

根據麥肯錫諮詢公司對中國的1200個跨國企業做的調查表明:中國員工最缺乏的是「長期戰略「或」職業大方向「。外國人對中國人的此看法不僅僅因為中國員工傾向於頻繁跳槽,更是一種對於未來建立雙贏態度的缺乏。所以說,擁有一個」健康「的態度可賦予你獲得更多的職業發展機會 (取得信任感,職位提升,海外公派)。

How are you perceived? (Do you know and do you care?) 別人對你的印象如何?

  • Motivated by MONEY or motivated by Professional Development Opportunities? 以薪酬至上或職業發展機會
  • Motivated by MONEY or motivated by Continuous Learning Opportunities? 以薪酬至上或職業培訓機會
  • Motivated by TITLE/STATUS or motivated by having meaningful Roles and Responsibilities (making a positive contribution)? 以職位名稱至上或有意義的具體工作職責
  • Motivated by WHATS BEST FOR YOU or motivated by Whats best for the organization and all its stakeholders? 以個人利益至上或公司和股東大局為重
  • Do you have the self-awareness to know how you are perceived by others? 你具有自我意識,知道別人如何評價你的嗎?

    Do you realize that within an organization, it is irrelevant what you think is RIGHT or WRONG? Because "Its NOT about you!" (same concept as the recent movie American movie about the Marvel Hero, Dr. Strange) 你是否意識到在企業組織里,無關你認為的對與錯。因為一切和你沒有關係 (這點和美國電影」奇異博士「傳達的理念一模一樣)

    Some of these questions (and my suggestions) are very contrary to typical Chinese thinking, which is also why only the select few Chinese who have the right attitude can excel in a MNC (on a global stage). 思維差異產生的距離,才是中國員工難以在跨國企業成為獨領風騷的佼佼者的關鍵所在。












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