
[美劇] 靈書妙探/Castle 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 靈書妙探/Castle 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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Murder, mystery, the macabre.


What is it about a hard-boiled detective, a femme fatale and the cold steel of a gun that keeps our bedside lamps burning into the wee hours of the morning? However the spell is cast, tonight we honor a master of the form and celebrate the launch of Storm Fall? Call me when youre ready to wash that off.

=> 關於一個熾熱的偵探,一個蛇蠍美人和一把槍的冷鋼,在凌晨時分讓我們的床頭燈燃燒起來呢?然而,這個法術是鑄造的,今天晚上我們尊敬一個形式的主人,並慶祝風暴秋季的發布?當你準備洗掉的時候給我打電話。

?the stunning conclusion to his best-selling Derrick Storm mystery series.

=> 他最暢銷的Derrick Storm神秘系列的驚艷結論。

Ladies and gentlemen, the master of the macabre, Rick Castle.

=> 女士們,先生們,可怕的主人,里克城堡。

When I grow up I wanna be famous I wanna be a star I wanna be in movies When I grow up Be on TV People know me Be on magazines When I grow up But be careful what you wish for Cause you just might get it Just might get it Just might get it Who are you? - Alison Tisdale, 24.

=> 當我長大了我想成名我想成為一個明星我想成為電影當我長大了在電視上人們知道我在雜誌上當我長大但是要小心你所希望的因為你只是可能得到它只是可能會得到它只是可能得到它你是誰? - 24歲的Alison Tisdale

Grad student at NYU.

=> 在紐約大學畢業的學生。

Part of the Social Work program.

=> 社會工作計劃的一部分。

Nice place for a social worker.

=> 一個社會工作者的好地方。

Daddys money.

=> 爸爸的錢

Neighbors called to complain about the music.

=> 鄰居打電話來抱怨音樂。

When she didnt answer, they had the super check on her.

=> 當她沒有回答時,他們對她進行了超級檢查。

No signs of struggle.

=> 沒有任何的鬥爭跡象。

He knew her.

=> 他認識她。

Even bought her flowers.

=> 即使買了她的花。

Who says romance is dead? I do, every Saturday night.

=> 誰說浪漫死了?我每個星期六晚上都會。

A little lipstick wouldnt hurt.

=> 一個小口紅不會傷害。

Im just saying.

=> 我只是說。

So what did he give her besides roses? Two shots to the chest, small caliber.

=> 那麼除了玫瑰之外,他還給了她什麼?胸部兩口,小口徑。

Does this look familiar to anyone? No.

=> 這看起來對任何人都很熟悉嗎?沒有。

But Im not the one with a thing for freaky ones.

=> 但我不是一個怪物的東西。

Just give me a "Jack shot Jill over Bill," so I can get my collar and go home.

=> 只要給我一個「傑克擊敗比爾的吉爾」,所以我可以把我的領子,回家。

But the freaky ones require more.

=> 但怪異的需要更多。

They reveal more.

=> 他們透露更多。

Look at how he left her, covered modestly.

=> 看他如何離開她,謙虛地報道。

So? - So, despite all of the effort, all of the preparation, you wont find any evidence of sexual abuse.

=> 所以?所以,儘管所有的努力,所有的準備,你不會找到任何性虐待的證據。

You really get that from just this? This, plus, Ive seen this before.

=> 你真的明白這一點嗎?這,再加上,我以前見過這個。

Youve seen it before? Where? What kind of idiot kills off his best-selling main character? Are you asking as my bloodsucking publisher or as my bloodsucking ex-wife? Oh, is that what youre doing? Punishing me by killing the golden goose? Oh, come on.

=> 你以前見過嗎?哪裡?什麼樣的白痴殺了他最暢銷的主角?你是問我是吸血的出版商還是我的吸血前妻?哦,你在做什麼?殺死金鵝來懲罰我?哦,來吧。

I may be petty and short-sighted, but Im not that petty and short-sighted.

=> 我可能是小而短視的,但我並不那麼吝嗇和短視。

Really? Then why? Writing Derrick used to be fun.

=> 真?那麼為什麼?寫Derrick過去很有趣。

Now its like work.

=> 現在就像工作。


=> 嗯。

God forbid you should work.

=> 上帝禁止你應該工作。

I mean, you could have retired him.

=> 我的意思是,你可能已經退休了。

You couldve crippled him.

=> 你可能已經傷害了他。

You could have had him join the frigging circus.

=> 你本來可以讓他加入這個冷酷的馬戲團。

But, no, you had to put a bullet through his head.

=> 但是,不,你必須在他的頭上放一顆子彈。


=> 是啊。

Real messy, too.

=> 真的很亂。

Big exit wound.

=> 大出口傷口。

Dont worry, Derrick Storm is not the golden goose here.

=> 別擔心,Derrick Storm在這裡不是金鵝。

I am.

=> 我是。

I wrote half a dozen bestsellers before him.

=> 我在他面前寫了半打暢銷書。

What makes you think Im gonna stop now? Oh, I dont know, the fact the new book was due nine weeks ago.

=> 是什麼讓你覺得我現在會停下來?哦,我不知道,這本新書是九個星期前要發行的。

You cant rush genius.

=> 你不能衝天才。

Genius, Richard? Try blockage.

=> 天才,理查德?嘗試堵塞。

I heard you havent written in months.

=> 我聽說你沒有寫幾個月。

Thats ridiculous.

=> 這是荒謬的。

- My sources are very reliable.

=> - 我的來源非常可靠。

Well, theyre wrong.

=> 那麼,他們錯了。

- They better be.

=> - 他們最好。

If I dont have a new manuscript on my desk in the next three weeks, Black Pawn is prepared to demand the return of your advance.

=> 如果在接下來的三周內我的桌子上沒有新的稿件,那麼黑兵準備要求你回來。

You wouldnt dare.

=> 你不敢。

- Try me.

=> - 試試我

Just try me.

=> 試試我吧

You know, I already returned that advance.

=> 你知道,我已經把這個進展歸還了。

I spent it divorcing you.

=> 我把它和你分開了。

Really, doll face, who does homework at a party? I have a test next week.

=> 真的,娃娃臉,誰在派對上做作業?我下周有一個測試。

So do I.

=> 我也是。

Liver function.

=> 肝功能。

You dont see me studying.

=> 你看不到我學習。

All right, give me a hit of the bubbly.

=> 好吧,給我一個泡泡的打擊。

- Make that two.

=> - 做那兩個。

Hey, kiddo, sales must be slipping.

=> 嘿,孩子,銷售一定是滑倒。

Theyre only serving the soft stuff.

=> 他們只是服務於軟體。

Hey, Dad.

=> 嘿老爸。

- Hey, sweetie.

=> - 嘿,親愛的

So! Mother? Not so loud.

=> 所以!母親??別那麼大聲。

Im still hoping to get lucky.

=> 我仍然希望能夠幸運。

Did you tell Gina I was having trouble writing? Oh, I told her nothing of the sort.

=> 你有沒有告訴吉娜我寫字有困難?哦,我沒有告訴過她。

I? I may have said something about spending your days moping in your underwear, waiting for post time at Belmont.

=> 一世??我可能已經說了一些關於把你的日子用在內衣上的事情,等著在貝爾蒙特的時間。

But, hey, youre an artist.

=> 但是,嘿,你是一個藝術家。

Its expected.

=> 這是預料之中的。

We had a deal.

=> 我們說好的。

I let you live with us, but you dont talk about my work.

=> 我讓你和我們一起生活,但是你不談論我的工作。

Whats to talk about? You havent done any since I moved in.

=> 什麼是談論?自從我搬進來之後,你還沒有做過任何事情。

Gram! - Well, he hasnt.

=> 公克! - 他沒有。

Whatever I have and havent done, I would just appreciate it if you wouldnt share it with my ex-wife.

=> 無論我有沒有做過,只要不與我的前妻分享,我只會感激你。

Oh, whats the big deal? Hang on, sweetie.

=> 哦,有什麼大不了的?等一下,親愛的

I just got a hit on my gray-dar.

=> 我剛碰到了我的灰色。

Bingo! No ring.

=> 答對了!沒有戒指。

Stand back, kids.

=> 退後一步,孩子們。

Mamas going fishing.

=> 媽媽要去釣魚了

You should have me committed.

=> 你應該讓我承諾。

For what, letting her move in? I think its sweet.

=> 為了什麼,讓她搬進來?我覺得這很好。

Wont be when I strangle her.

=> 當我掐死她的時候不會。

You know Im only 15, right? Youre an old soul.

=> 你知道我只有15歲,對吧?你是一個古老的靈魂。

- Yeah, well, me and my soul can wait.

=> - 好吧,我和我的靈魂可以等待。

When I was your age? I cant tell that story.

=> 當我是你的年齡?我不能講這個故事。

Its wildly inappropriate.

=> 這是非常不合適的。

Which, oddly, is my point.

=> 奇怪的是,我的觀點。

Dont you want to have wildly inappropriate stories that you cant tell your children? I think you have enough of those for the both of us.

=> 難道你不想要那些你不能告訴你的孩子的瘋狂的不合適的故事嗎?我覺得你們對於我們倆來說已經足夠了。

Life should be an adventure.

=> 生活應該是一次冒險。

You want to know why I killed Derrick? There were no more surprises.

=> 你想知道我為什麼殺了德里克?沒有更多的驚喜。

I knew exactly what was gonna happen every moment of every scene.

=> 我知道每一個場景的每一刻會發生什麼。

Its just like these parties.

=> 就像這些派對一樣。

Theyve become so predictable.

=> 他們變得如此可預測。

"Im your biggest fan.

=> 「我是你最忠實的粉絲。

" "Where do you get your ideas?" And the ever popular, "Will you sign my chest?" That one I dont mind so much.

=> 「」你從哪裡得到你的想法?「還有那個流行的」你會簽我的胸?「那個我不介意。

Yeah, well, FYI, I do.

=> 好的,請問,我是這麼做的。

Just once, Id like someone to come up to me and say something new.

=> 有一次,我希望有人來找我說一些新話。


=> 先生。

Castle? Where would you like it? Detective Kate Beckett, NYPD.

=> 城堡?你喜歡哪個?紐約警局局長凱特·貝克特(Kate Beckett)

Thats new.



=> 先生。


=> 城堡。

Youve got quite a rap sheet for a best-selling author.

=> 你有一個暢銷書作家的說唱表。

Disorderly conduct, resisting arrest.

=> 擾亂行為,拒捕。

Boys will be boys.

=> 男孩將是男孩。

Says here that you stole a police horse.

=> 這裡說你偷了一匹警車。


=> 借來的。

- Ah! And you were nude at the time.

=> - 啊!而你當時是裸體的。

- It was spring.

=> - 那是春天。

And every time, the charges were dropped.

=> 而且每一次的指控都被撤銷了。

What can I say? The mayor is a fan.

=> 我能說什麼?市長是一個粉絲。

But if it makes you feel any better, Id be happy to let you spank me.

=> 但如果這讓你感覺更好,我會很高興讓你打我。


=> 先生。

Castle, this whole bad boy charm thing that youve got going might work for bimbettes and celebutantes.

=> 城堡,這整個壞男孩魅力的東西,你要去可能適合bimbettes和celebutantes。

Me? I work for a living.

=> 我?我為謀生而工作

So that makes you one of two things in my world, either the guy who makes my life easier or the guy who makes my life harder.

=> 所以這讓你成為我世界上的兩件事情之一,不管是讓我的生活更輕鬆的傢伙,還是讓我的生活更加艱難的傢伙。

And trust me, you do not want to be the guy who makes my life harder.

=> 相信我,你不想成為讓我的生活更難的人。


=> 好的。

Alison Tisdale.

=> 艾莉森·提斯代爾。

Daughter of real estate mogul Jonathan Tisdale.

=> 房地產大亨喬納森·提斯代爾的女兒。

Shes cute.

=> 她很可愛。

- Shes dead.

=> - 她死了。

Did you ever meet her? Book signing? Charity event? Its possible.

=> 你有見過她嗎?書籤?慈善活動?這是可能的。

Shes not in my little black book, if thats what youre asking.

=> 如果這就是你要求的,她不在我小小的黑皮書里。

What about this guy? Marvin Fisk.

=> 那這個傢伙呢?馬文·菲斯克

Small claims lawyer.

=> 小額索賠律師。

Most of my claims tend to be on the large side.

=> 我的大部分要求往往是在大的方面。

So whats this got to do with me? Fisk was found murdered in his office two weeks ago.

=> 那麼這跟我有什麼關係呢?菲斯克兩周前在他的辦公室遇害。

I didnt put it together until we saw the Tisdale crime scene tonight.

=> 直到今天晚上我們看到了提斯代爾的犯罪現場,我才把它們放在一起。

Flowers For Your Grave.

=> 花為你的墳墓。

And this is how we found Marvin Fisk, right out of Hell Hath No Fury.

=> 這就是我們如何找到馬文·菲斯克(Marvin Fisk),離開了地獄。

Looks like I have a fan.

=> 看起來我有粉絲。

- Yeah, a really deranged fan.

=> - 是的,一個非常瘋狂的球迷。

Oh, you dont look deranged to me.

=> 哦,你看起來不像我。

- What? Hell Hath No Fury? Angry Wiccans out for blood? Come on.

=> - 什麼?地獄沒有憤怒?憤怒的巫師出血?來吧。

Only hardcore Castle groupies read that one.

=> 只有鐵杆堡壘集團讀了那一個。

Do any of these groupies ever write you letters? Disturbing letters? All my fan mails disturbing.

=> 這些小夥子有沒有寫信給你?令人不安的信件?我所有的粉絲郵件令人不安。

Its an occupational hazard.

=> 這是一種職業危害。

Because sometimes, in cases like this, we find that the killer attempts to? Killer attempts to contact the subject of his obsession.

=> 因為有時候,在這種情況下,我們發現兇手企圖?殺手試圖聯繫他的迷戀的主題。

Im also pretty well-versed in psychopathic methodologies.

=> 我對精神病學方法也非常精通。

Another occupational hazard.

=> 另一個職業危害。

And do you know you have gorgeous eyes? So I take it that you wont have any objection to us going through your mail? Knock yourself out.

=> 你知道你有漂亮的眼睛嗎?所以我認為你不會反對我們通過你的郵件?把自己打昏。

Can I get copies of those? Copies? - I have this poker game.

=> 我可以得到這些副本嗎?副本? - 我有這個撲克遊戲。

Its mostly other writers.

=> 這大多是其他作家。

Patterson, Cannell.

=> Patterson,Cannell。

You know, bestsellers.

=> 你知道,暢銷書。

You have no idea how jealous those would make them.

=> 你不知道這些會使他們嫉妒。

Jealous? - That I have a copycat.

=> 妒? - 我有一個山寨。

Oh, my gosh.

=> 天啊。

In my world, thats the red badge of honor.

=> 在我的世界裡,這是榮譽的紅色徽章。

Thats the criminal Cooperstown.

=> 這是Cooperstown罪犯。

People are dead, Mr.

=> 先生們死了


=> 城堡。

Im not asking for the bodies.

=> 我沒有要求屍體。

Just the pictures.

=> 只是照片。

I think were done here.

=> 我想我們在這裡完成了。

Im just a gal Who cant say no Im in a terrible fix I always say, "Come on, lets go" Just when I ought to? Hey, kiddo! Im just showing Burt here how we did it at the Palace.

=> 我只是一個gal誰不能說不,我正處於一個可怕的糾正中我總是說:「快點,走吧」就在我應該去的時候?嘿,小子!我只是在這裡向伯特展示了我們在皇宮是如何做到的。

Does he know its your theme song? Ready to bring it home, ducky? - Hey, yes! Five, six, seven, eight.

=> 他知道這是你的主題曲嗎?準備好把它帶回家,是嗎? - 嘿,是的!五,六,七,八

Im just a fool When lights are low I cant? Youre missing the late show.

=> 我只是一個傻瓜當燈光低,我不能?你錯過了晚秀。

- I saw it in previews.

=> - 我在預覽中看到它。

Looks like weve got a new lead.

=> 看起來我們有了新的領導。

- His name is Burt.

=> 他的名字是伯特。

He does magic.

=> 他做魔術。


=> 哇。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Lets hope he disappears by morning.

=> 我們希望他早上消失。

Cest après minuit dans une school night.

=> 今天晚上再見。

Dont you turn into a pumpkin or something? Not when your dads been escorted away by cops.

=> 難道你不會變成南瓜嗎?不是你父親被警察押走的時候

How was the slammer? Anyone make you their bitch? Sorry, switchblade.

=> 抨擊者怎麼樣?任何人讓你成為他們的婊子?對不起,切換刀片。

I still belong to you.

=> 我仍然屬於你。

Baby bird? I already brushed.

=> 小鳥?我已經刷了。

- Your loss.

=> - 你的損失。

So are you gonna tell me about it, or do I have to look it up on the fan sites? No, we had a deal.

=> 那麼你會告訴我,還是我必須查看粉絲網站?不,我們有一個交易。

Surf all the Internet you want.

=> 衝浪你想要的所有互聯網。

Stay off the fan sites.

=> 離開粉絲網站。

Seriously, Dad.

=> 真的,爸爸。

Are you in some kind of trouble? Despite my best efforts, no.

=> 你有麻煩嗎?儘管我盡了最大的努力,沒有。

They want my help on a case.

=> 他們需要我的幫助。

A case? Apparently, someones been killing people the way I kill them in my books.

=> 一個案例?顯然,有人殺我的方式,我殺了他們在我的書。

Thats horrible.

=> 那太糟了。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

How many? - Two, so far.

=> 多少? - 兩個,到目前為止。

Are you okay? - Yeah.

=> 你還好嗎? - 是的。

Its just so senseless.

=> 這真是太無聊了

Murder usually is.

=> 謀殺通常是。


=> 不。

Murder usually makes a great deal of sense.

=> 謀殺通常具有很大的意義。

Passion, greed, politics.

=> 激情,貪婪,政治。

Whats senseless here is the books the killer chose.

=> 這裡有什麼沒有意義的是殺手選擇的書籍。

Hell Hath No Fury? Flowers For Your Grave? My truly lesser works.

=> 地獄沒有憤怒?花為你的墳墓?我真正的較小的作品。

Why would a psychotic fan pick those? Maybe because hes psychotic.

=> 為什麼精神病患者會選那些?也許是因為他精神錯亂

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Its bedtime.

=> 睡覺時間了。

You can figure it out in the morning.

=> 你可以在早上弄清楚。

What are those? - Castles greatest hits.

=> 那些是什麼? - 城堡最偉大的命中。

Youre gonna familiarize yourselves with all of his murder scenes so we dont miss any.

=> 你要熟悉他所有的謀殺場面,所以我們不會錯過任何。

Got any on tape? First victim, male lawyer.

=> 有什麼磁帶?第一名受害人,男性律師。

Second victim, female social worker.

=> 第二個受害者,女社工。

Somewhere in these books, those two are connected.

=> 在這些書的某處,這兩個是相連的。

"From the library of Katherine Beckett.

=> 「從凱瑟琳·貝克特圖書館。

" Do you have a problem with reading, Ryan? Yo, check it, girl.

=> 「你有讀書的問題嗎,瑞恩?喲,檢查一下,女孩。

Youre totally a fan! - Right, of the genre.

=> 你完全是一個粉絲! - 對,這個流派。

Right, the genre.

=> 對,這個流派

Thats why youre blushing.

=> 這就是為什麼你臉紅。

What are you, 12? Profiling indicates a perp with low intelligence, someone who has, or thinks he has, a personal relationship with our author.

=> 你是什麼,12?分析表明一個智力低下的人,一個有或認為他與我的作者有個人關係的人。

So thats where we start.

=> 所以這就是我們開始的地方。

What? I work dead bodies all day.

=> 什麼?我整天都在工作。

The last thing I want to do when I go home is read murder books.

=> 我回家的最後一件事情是讀謀殺書。

Arent you curious? - Curious? About how people can do these kinds of things to one another.

=> 你不好奇嗎? - 好奇?關於人們如何能夠彼此做這些事情。

Whoever did this read Castles books, and somewhere in those pages is the answer to where hell strike next.

=> 不管是誰讀了城堡的書籍,而是在這些頁面的某個地方,就是他下一步要去的地方的答案。

Is all that Castles mail? His fans love him almost as much as he loves himself.


Can you take that back to briefing, please? Did we hear back from the lab? Yeah.

=> 你可以把它回到簡報嗎?我們從實驗室聽到了嗎?是啊。

Scene was negative for DNA and prints, just like Fisk.

=> 像Fisk一樣,場景對於DNA和印刷品是不利的。

The guys careful.

=> 這傢伙很小心。

What about Tisdale and Fisk? Any connection? Other than your boy there, no.

=> 那麼Tisdale和Fisk呢?任何連接?除了你的男孩,沒有。

Whats he doing here? - Maybe he likes you.

=> 他在這裡做什麼? - 也許他喜歡你

Detective Beckett.

=> 偵探貝克特。

Captain? Yes, sir.

=> 隊長?是的先生。


=> 先生。

Castles offered to assist with the investigation.

=> Castle提供協助調查。

Really? - Its the least I can do for the city I love.

=> 真? - 這是我所愛的城市所能做到的最少的事。

Considering the nature of the crime scenes, I think its a good idea.

=> 考慮到犯罪現場的性質,我認為這是個好主意。

Sir, can I talk to you for a minute in private? Nope.

=> 主席先生,我可以私下和你談談嗎?不。

What? - Nothing.

=> 什麼? - 沒有。

No, its just the way your brow furrows when youre thinking.

=> 不,這只是你思考時眉頭皺起來的方式。

Its cute.

=> 它真可愛。

I mean, not if youre playing poker.

=> 我的意思是,不是如果你在玩撲克。

Then itd be deadly.

=> 那麼這將是致命的。

But otherwise? Can I ask you a question? - Shoot.

=> 然而在其他方面??我可以問你一個問題嗎? - 拍攝。

Why are you here? You dont care about the victims, so you arent here for justice.

=> 你為什麼在這?你不關心受害者,所以你不在這裡為正義。

You dont care that the guys aping your books, so you arent here cause youre outraged.

=> 你不在乎那個人是否在抨擊你的書,所以你不在這裡因為你感到憤怒。

So what is it, Rick? Are you here to annoy me? - Im here for the story.

=> 那麼,瑞克呢?你在這裡煩我嗎? - 我來這裡講故事

The story? Why those people? Why those murders? Sometimes, there is no story.

=> 故事?為什麼這些人?為什麼這些謀殺?有時候,沒有故事。

Sometimes, the guy is just a psychopath.

=> 有時候,這個人只是一個精神病患者。

Theres always a story, always a chain of events that makes everything make sense.

=> 總有一個故事,總是一連串的事件,使一切都有意義。

Take you, for example.

=> 以你為例。

Under normal circumstances, you should not be here.

=> 一般情況下,你不應該在這裡。

Most smart, good-looking women become lawyers, not cops.

=> 最聰明,好看的女性成為律師,而不是警察。

And yet, here you are.

=> 然而,在這裡,你是。

Why? I dont know, Rick.

=> 為什麼?我不知道,瑞克。

Youre the novelist.

=> 你是小說家

You tell me.

=> 你告訴我。

Well, youre not bridge-and-tunnel.

=> 那麼,你不是橋樑和隧道。

No trace of the boroughs when you talk.

=> 你說話的時候沒有跡象。

So that means Manhattan.

=> 那就是說曼哈頓

That means money.

=> 這意味著金錢。

You went to college, probably a pretty good one.

=> 你去上大學,可能是一個很好的。

You had options.

=> 你有選擇。

Yeah, you had lots of options, better options, more socially acceptable options.

=> 是的,你有很多選擇,更好的選擇,更多的社會可以接受的選擇。

And you still chose this.

=> 而你還是選擇了這個。

That tells me something happened.

=> 這告訴我發生了一些事情。

Not to you.

=> 不是你。

No, youre wounded, but youre not that wounded.

=> 不,你受傷了,但你沒受傷。

No, it was somebody you cared about.

=> 不,這是你關心的人。

It was someone you loved.

=> 這是你所愛的人。

And you probably could have lived with that, but the person responsible was never caught.

=> 而且你也許可以和那個一起生活,但是負責的人從來沒有被抓到過。

And that, Detective Beckett, is why youre here.

=> 而那個,貝克特偵探,就是你來這裡的原因。

Cute trick.

=> 可愛的把戲。

But dont think you know me.

=> 但是不要以為你認識我。

The point is, theres always a story.

=> 重點是,總有一個故事。

You just have to find it.

=> 你只需要找到它。

I think I just did.

=> 我想我只是做了。

?shot anybody? - Yeah, thank you.

=> 拍攝任何人? - 是的,謝謝。

Did you ever shoot anyone? - Yeah.

=> 你有沒有開槍? - 是的。

Labs got lifts off the letter.

=> 實驗室的信件被抬起來了。

- Whose? The systems backlogged.

=> - 誰的?系統積壓。

Itll take a week to run a match.

=> 這將需要一周的時間來進行比賽。

A week? - Welcome to reality, superstar.

=> 一周? - 歡迎來到現實,超級巨星。

Well, I never did much like reality.

=> 那麼,我從來沒有像現實一樣。

Mayors office.

=> 市長辦公室

Hi, Denise, its Rick Castle.

=> 嗨,丹尼斯,這是瑞克城堡。


=> 你好。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Is he in? Hold on.

=> 他在嗎?等一下。

- Thanks.

=> - 謝謝。

Like I said, mayors a fan.

=> 就像我說的,市長的粉絲。

Rick! - Yo, big cheese! Its Ricky.

=> 里克! - 喲,大乳酪!這是瑞奇。

Doing okay? - Yeah, of course.

=> 好嗎? - 嗯,當然咯。

Well, I dont know where you went.

=> 那麼,我不知道你去了哪裡。

We looked all over for you.

=> 我們看了你一切。

You took off with that girl.

=> 你和那個女孩脫了衣服

Mans got the mayor on speed dial.

=> 快速撥號的人得到了市長。

The rich really are different.

=> 富人真的是不一樣的。

- You want him? Hes yours.

=> - 你想要他?他是你的

A control freak like you with something you cant control? No, no.

=> 一個控制怪胎像你一樣,你無法控制的東西?不,不。

Thats gonna be more fun than Shark Week.

=> 這將比鯊魚周更有趣。

Okay, you will have your prints in an hour.

=> 好的,你將在一個小時內得到你的照片。


=> 先生。


=> 城堡。

Half of the guys here are waiting for prints.

=> 這裡的一半人正在等待列印。

You dont just jump the line.

=> 你不只是跳線。

Oh, I think somebody feels threatened.

=> 哦,我覺得有人覺得受到威脅。

- Im not threatened.

=> 我沒有受到威脅

No, no.

=> 不,不。

I get it.

=> 我知道了。

I can call the mayor, and you cant.

=> 我可以打電話給市長,你不能。

We have procedure.

=> 我們有程序。


=> 協議。

Yeah, and you always come to a complete stop at a red light and you never fudge your taxes.

=> 是的,你總是在紅燈下完全停下來,而且你永遠不會欺騙你的稅收。

Tell me something.

=> 告訴我一些事情。

You ever have any fun? You know, let your hair down? Drop your top? A little Cops Gone Wild? You do know Im wearing a gun? Beckett.

=> 你有什麼樂趣嗎?你知道,讓你的頭髮下來?放下你的上衣?一個小警察去野外?你知道我戴著槍嗎?貝克特。


=> 中城。

They just found another one.

=> 他們剛剛找到另一個。

Let me take this one on.

=> 讓我拿這個。

Im gonna ask her? Death of a Prom Queen.

=> 我要問她?舞會女王的死亡。

Maintenance found her an hour ago.

=> 維護一小時前發現她。

Kendra Pitney.

=> 肯德拉Pitney。

She lives in the building.

=> 她住在大樓里。

All right, lets get her out of the water.

=> 好的,讓我們把她從水裡拿出來。

Um, you just stay here and dont touch anything.

=> 呃,你只要留在這裡,不要碰任何東西。


=> 你好。

Im Richard Castle.

=> 我是理查德城堡

Im consulting.

=> 我正在諮詢。

Richard Castle, the author? - On my better days.

=> 作者Richard Castle? - 在我更美好的日子裡

Lanie Parish, medical examiner.

=> 拉尼教區,醫學檢查員。

I love your books.

=> 我愛你的書。

You know, you have a real gift with the details of death.

=> 你知道,你有一個真正的禮物與死亡的細節。

I thought I told you to stay over there.

=> 我以為我讓你留在那裡

- I got lonely.

=> - 我感到孤獨。

You got a COD? - Not until the full exam.

=> 你有一個COD? - 直到全面考試。

But this wasnt a stabbing.

=> 但是這不是一個刺。

Lack of blood around the wound suggests she was dead before it was inserted.

=> 傷口周圍缺血表明在插入之前她已經死了。

No foam around the mouth, so we know she didnt drown.

=> 嘴邊沒有泡沫,所以我們知道她沒有淹死。

- Oh, youre good.

=> - 哦,你很好。

Yeah, yeah.

=> 是啊。

She was killed first and then posed, just like the others.

=> 她和其他人一樣,先是被殺,然後才擺出姿勢。

Yeah, I know.

=> 是的,我知道。

Can I have a word? Something wrong? - This is a homicide investigation, not a day at Disneyland.

=> 我能說一個字嗎?有問題? - 這是一個殺人案調查,而不是在迪斯尼樂園的一天。

If I give you an order, I expect you to obey it.

=> 如果我給你一個命令,我希望你服從它。

Then you dont know me very well.

=> 那麼你不了解我很好。

You know, in my book, the dress was blue.

=> 你知道,在我的書里,這件衣服是藍色的。

Dont try and change the subject.

=> 不要試圖改變主題。

- Did Tisdale and Fisk know each other? We havent found a connection.

=> - 蒂斯代爾和菲斯克互相了解嗎?我們還沒有找到連接。

Why? - What about motive? Hes a serial killer.

=> 為什麼? - 動機呢?他是一個連環殺手。

He doesnt need motive.

=> 他不需要動機。


=> 貝克特。


=> 好的。

They got a match off the print.

=> 他們列印了一個匹配。

Kyle Cabot.

=> 凱爾卡博特。

Hes in Brooklyn.

=> 他在布魯克林。

We got him.

=> 抓到他了。

Stay here.

=> 待在這。

- Scouts honor.

=> - 偵察兵的榮譽

All clear.


You should invite him to join your book club.

=> 你應該邀請他加入你的圖書俱樂部。


=> 貝克特。

You got to see this.

=> 你必須看到這一點。

Oh, thats creepy! I was never a Scout.

=> 哦,真是令人毛骨悚然!我從來不是一個偵察兵。

Hey, Beckett.

=> 嘿,貝克特

Alisons blouse.

=> 艾莉森的襯衫。

Im guessing he kept trophies.

=> 我猜他保留了獎盃。

Twenty-two caliber.

=> 二十二口徑。

Get out of my house! - Show me your hands! Let me see your hands! Let me see your hands! Hes still not speaking.

=> 滾出我的房子! - 讓我看看你的手!讓我看看你的手!讓我看看你的手!他還沒有說話。

State medical records indicate hes got Pervasive Developmental Disorder.

=> 州醫療記錄顯示他患有廣泛性發育障礙。

Well, that explains his fixation with me.

=> 那麼這就解釋了他對我的注意。

PDD sometimes manifests in an obsession with a single subject.

=> PDD有時表現為對單個主題的迷戀。

Yeah, well, your super-fan also has a history of delusions.

=> 是的,你的超級粉絲也有妄想的歷史。

Guess who his caseworker was.

=> 猜猜他的個案工作者是誰。

- Alison Tisdale.

=> - 艾莉森·提斯代爾


=> 是啊。

Her files indicate that he was on pretty heavy antipsychotics.

=> 她的檔案表明他的抗精神病藥物很重。

Limited intelligence, thinks he has a personal relationship with his hero.

=> 有限的智慧,認為他與他的英雄有私人關係。

Looks like your profile was right, Detective Beckett.

=> 看起來你的個人資料是正確的,偵探貝克特。

So, what? Thats it? What more do you want? Evidence is in his apartment.

=> 所以呢?而已?你還想要什麼?證據在他的公寓里。

We can connect him with the three victims.

=> 我們可以把他和三名受害者聯繫起來。

Two from the diner where he worked, and Tisdale was his social worker.

=> 在他工作的那家餐館裡有兩個,而Tisdale是他的社工。

Call the DA.

=> 打電話給DA。

Get him a legal aid.

=> 給他一個法律援助。

- Okay.

=> - 好的。

Im? Thats? Its too easy.

=> 我?那是??太簡單了

You know, the reader would never buy it.

=> 你知道,讀者永遠不會買它。

This isnt one of your books, Castle.

=> 這不是你的書之一,城堡。

Out here, we find a guy standing over a body with a gun, hes usually the guy who did it.

=> 在這裡,我們發現一個人用槍站在身體上,他通常是那個做的人。

You know this kid was in and out of the system for years? Doesnt seem like he ever got the proper treatment until Alison Tisdale took over his case file.

=> 你知道這個孩子進出系統多年了嗎?直到艾莉森·提斯代爾(Alison Tisdale)接管他的案件檔案之後,似乎並沒有得到妥善的處理。

Shes the one who got him a job at the diner, and her notes seem to say he was doing okay.

=> 她是那個在餐廳找到工作的人,她的筆記似乎說他做得不錯。

Well, you can let the DA worry about all that now.

=> 那麼,你可以讓DA擔心現在的一切。

Our job is done.

=> 我們的工作已經完成。


=> 是啊。

Hey, can you leave the box? Ill take care of it tomorrow.

=> 嘿,你可以離開盒子嗎?明天我會好好照顧的

Castle, Im kind of glad that you killed off Storm.

=> 城堡,我很高興你殺死了風暴。

Less competition.

=> 較少的競爭。


=> 嗯。

Thats 20 to you, Cannell.

=> Cannell,對你來說是20。

- Youre bluffing, Patterson.

=> - 你在嚇唬Patterson。

Cough up some of that TV money and youll find out.

=> 咳嗽一些電視的錢,你會發現。

Ah, bets to you, Ricky.

=> 啊,Ricky,打賭給你。


=> 城堡。


=> 城堡。

- Hmm? Bets to you.

=> - 嗯?打賭給你。

- Oh, sorry.

=> - 哦對不起。

I know that look.

=> 我知道那個樣子。

Story trouble.

=> 故事麻煩。

You know, you never should have killed off Storm.

=> 你知道,你永遠不應該殺死風暴。

That was a big mistake.

=> 這是一個很大的錯誤。

I wouldve retired him.

=> 我會退休的。

Or crippled him.

=> 或者使他殘廢。

I mean, the man was money.

=> 我的意思是,這個人是錢。

You dont see me putting a bullet through Alex Cross head.

=> 你看不到我在亞歷克斯·克羅斯(Alex Cross)的頭上放了一顆子彈。

And my boy Shane Scullys gonna be fueling my private jet long after people have all forgotten about Storm.

=> 在人們忘記風暴之後很久,我的男孩謝恩·斯卡利(Scnely)將會加油。

Oh, you know what? Just for that, I am gonna call.

=> 哦,你知道嗎?為此,我會打電話給你。

So whats the problem, Ricky? Maybe we can help.

=> 那麼,Ricky有什麼問題?也許我們可以幫忙。

Im working on this thing.

=> 我正在做這件事情。

It starts with a famous author.

=> 它從一位著名作家開始。

Some psycho starts staging murders like the way he does in his books.

=> 一些心理學家開始像他在書中那樣進行謀殺。

Thats pretty self-aggrandizing, isnt it? This is Castle were talking about.

=> 這很自我誇大,不是嗎?這是我們正在談論的城堡。

So, the crime scenes are clean.

=> 所以犯罪現場很乾凈

Doesnt leave any fingerprints, doesnt leave any DNA.

=> 不留下任何指紋,不留下任何DNA。

But the psycho writes the author a fan letter with his prints all over it.

=> 但是精神病學家在他的作品上寫了一封粉絲的信。

Well, that leads the cops to his apartment, where they find enough evidence to convict him.

=> 那麼,這導致警察到他的公寓,他們找到足夠的證據來定罪他。

And then? - Thats it.

=> 接著? - 而已。

Thats it? - Yeah.

=> 而已? - 是的。

They arrest him.

=> 他們逮捕了他。

Thats terrible.

=> 這太可怕了。

No wonder youre blocked.

=> 難怪你被封鎖了

And heres another thing.

=> 還有另外一件事

The guy doesnt leave his prints at the scene of the crime, but he sends a letter with his prints on it? Well, you lost me there.

=> 那個人在犯罪現場沒有留下他的照片,但是他寄了一封信,上面印有他的照片?那麼,你在那裡失去了我。

And what about a twist? Wheres the twist? - Yeah.

=> 那扭曲呢?扭曲在哪裡? - 是的。

Yeah, right? Like, maybe somebody set this kid up.

=> 是的,對吧?就像也許有人設置這個小孩

Thats what your story needs, the character who thinks the kids innocent, keeps digging until he finds the truth.

=> 這就是你的故事所需要的,那個認為孩子天真無邪的人物,一直在挖掘,直到他發現真相。

Oh, I have just the guy.

=> 哦,我只是那個人。

What are you doing? - Its a novelists habit, looking through other peoples mail, checking their medicine cabinets.

=> 你在做什麼? - 這是一個小說家的習慣,通過其他人的郵件,檢查他們的葯櫃。

Why are you still here? I just came by to give you this.

=> 你為什麼還在這兒?我剛過來給你這個。

Its a little something to memorialize our brief partnership.

=> 紀念我們簡短的合作關係是一點點東西。

Dont look so suspicious.

=> 別看起來很可疑。

Go on, open it.

=> 繼續,打開它。

I got you an advance copy.

=> 我給你一個預先複印件。

I even signed it to you.

=> 我甚至還給你簽了字。

Not that youre a fan.

=> 不是你是粉絲。


=> 謝謝。

Thats actually kind of sweet.

=> 這其實很親切。

Well? - Well.

=> 好?? - 好。

It was nice to have met you, Detective Beckett.

=> 很高興見到你,貝克特偵探。

He didnt.

=> 他沒有。

Oh, he did! Richard Castle, you are under arrest for felony theft and obstruction of justice.

=> 哦,他做到了!理查德城堡,因重罪盜竊和阻撓司法而被逮捕。

You forgot making you look bad.

=> 你忘了讓你看起來很糟糕。

You know, for a minute there, you actually made me believe that you were human.

=> 你知道,在那裡一分鐘,你確實讓我相信你是人類。

Cuff him.

=> 打他。


=> 奴役。

My safe word is "apples.

=> 我的安全詞是「蘋果。

" Oh, theres no need to be gentle.

=> 「哦,沒有必要溫柔。

Howd you find me, anyway? - Im a detective.

=> 不管怎樣,你怎麼找到我的? - 我是一個偵探。

Thats what I do.

=> 我就是做這個的。

My mother told you, didnt she? By the way, the rose petals in the Tisdale murder? Theyre grandiflora, not hybrid teas.

=> 我母親告訴過你,不是嗎?順便說一下,在提斯代爾謀殺的玫瑰花瓣?他們是grandiflora,而不是混合茶。

- Ill make a note of it.

=> - 我會記下來的。

Yeah, you probably should, since it means Kyle Cabot is innocent.

=> 是的,你可能應該,因為這意味著Kyle Cabot是無辜的。

Thank you, Officer.

=> 謝謝,主任。

Hello, Father.

=> 你好父親。

- Hello, daughter.

=> - 你好,女兒

I wish I could say I was surprised.

=> 我希望我能說我很驚訝。

Its my fault, really.

=> 這是我的錯,真的。

He never had a father figure.

=> 他從來沒有一個父親的身影。

Oh, thats not true, Mother.

=> 哦,那不是真的,媽媽。

I had lots of father figures.

=> 我有很多父親的數字。

I see youve met Captain Montgomery and Detective Beckett.

=> 我看到你遇到了蒙哥馬利上尉和貝克特偵探。

And they have agreed to drop the charges if you agree to behave.

=> 他們同意放棄收費,如果你同意行為。

No more interference with this case, Mr.

=> 沒有更多的干擾這個案件,先生。


=> 城堡。

Do we understand each other? Yeah.

=> 我們相互了解嗎?是啊。

But you still got the wrong guy.

=> 但你還是錯了。

I mean, really.

=> 我的意思是,真的。

Darling, must you always have to make a comment? No.

=> 親愛的,你一定要發表評論嗎?沒有。

No, no, no.

=> 不不不。

Dont tell me he got to you.

=> 不要告訴我,他找到你了。


=> 請。

She did.


Who, Alison? Marvin Fisk, first murder.

=> 誰,艾莉森?馬文·菲斯克,第一次謀殺。

Kyle knew him from the diner.

=> 凱爾從小餐館認識他。

And then he kills Alison, his social worker.

=> 然後他殺死了他的社工艾莉森。

And then he kills Kendra Pitney, also from the diner.

=> 然後他殺死了來自餐館的肯德拉皮特尼。

So? - So he starts with a murder of convenience, and then escalates to a murder of somebody he knows very well, and then goes back to a murder of convenience? It doesnt make any sense.

=> 所以? - 所以他開始以方便謀殺,然後升級為謀殺他熟悉的人,然後又回到謀殺的便利之中?這沒有任何意義。

Somebody set up Kyle to take the fall.

=> 有人讓凱爾走下坡路。

Somebody who knew enough about his fixation with me to use it to get away with murder.

=> 有人對我的注意力足夠了解,用它來謀殺。

That means were not looking for a serial killer.

=> 這意味著我們不是在尋找連環殺手。

Were looking for a good old-fashioned murderer.

=> 我們正在尋找一個好老式的兇手。

Someone with motive.

=> 有動機的人

You think the victims were somehow related? Police would have found it by now.

=> 你認為遇難者有某種相關性?警方現在已經找到了。

Now, if I were writing the story, the killer would have only wanted one of the victims dead.

=> 現在,如果我寫這個故事的話,殺手只會讓其中一名遇難者死亡。

He would have killed the other ones just to cover up the crime.

=> 為了掩蓋罪行,他會殺死其他人。

How do you get away with one murder by committing two more? At one death, you look for motive.

=> 你怎麼逃脫一個謀殺呢?在一次死亡中,你尋找動機。

At two, you look for a connection.

=> 在兩個,你尋找一個連接。

At three, you look for someone like Kyle.

=> 三點,你要找像凱爾這樣的人。

At three, you dont need motive, because mentally unstable serial killers dont usually have one.

=> 三,你不需要動機,因為精神不穩定的連環殺手通常不會有一個。

That makes about as much sense as Mousetrap.

=> 這和Mousetrap一樣有意義。

I did that play eight times a week for a year.

=> 我一年玩八次。

I still have no idea what its about.

=> 我仍然不知道這是什麼。

Castle was right.

=> 城堡是正確的。

If he was trying to follow his books, then the roses on Alisons body were wrong.

=> 如果他想跟著他的書,那麼艾莉森身上的玫瑰就是錯的。

And Fisk should have been suffocated by a plastic bag, not strangled with a necktie.

=> 而且菲斯克本來應該被一個塑料袋窒息,而不是用領帶勒死。

And Kendras dress should have been blue, not yellow.

=> 而肯德拉的裙子應該是藍色的,不是黃色的。

For an obsessive, it wouldve been impossible not to get the details right.

=> 對於一個迷戀的人來說,不可能不知道細節是否正確。

Well, if it wasnt him, then who was it? The killer had to have known both his intended victim and Kyle fairly well.

=> 那麼,如果不是他,那麼是誰呢?殺手必須很好地知道他的預期受害者和凱爾。

The only victim that had any real knowledge of Kyles obsessive condition would have been Alison Tisdale.

=> 真正了解凱爾迷戀癥狀的唯一受害者是艾莉森·提斯代爾(Alison Tisdale)。

Alisons the key.

=> 艾莉森是關鍵。

Shes the one that the killers trying to hide.

=> 她是兇手試圖隱藏的那個。

Well, as far as we know, she wasnt seeing anyone, and none of her other case files fit the profile.

=> 那麼,據我們所知,她沒有看到任何人,而且她的其他案件檔案都不符合這個檔案。

Well, somebody had to know something about her.

=> 那麼,有人必須知道關於她的一些事情。

So if the killer found out about Kyle through Alison, then Alison must have been the intended target.

=> 所以如果殺手通過艾莉森發現了凱爾,那麼艾莉森就一定是預定的目標。

Somebody wanted Alison dead.

=> 有人希望艾莉森死了。

I just have to figure out why.

=> 我只需要弄清楚為什麼。

If I have to keep bailing you out, youre gonna need to raise my allowance, by a lot.

=> 如果我不得不保釋你的話,你需要提高我的津貼。

Mine, too.

=> 我也是。


=> 你好。

Im Rick Castle.

=> 我是里克城堡。

I have an appointment to see Mr.

=> 我有約見先生


=> 提斯代爾。

Yes, Mr.

=> 是的,先生


=> 城堡。

Hes expecting you.

=> 他期待著你。

Is he, now? This is not what it looks like.

=> 他現在嗎?這不是它的樣子。

This? Okay.

=> 這個??好的。

This is exactly what it looks like.

=> 這正是它的樣子。

But I can explain.

=> 但我可以解釋。

You coming? Did Alison ever mention having enemies or being threatened? People loved her.

=> 你來了?艾莉森有沒有提到有敵人或受到威脅?人們愛她。

All she wanted was to make the world a better place.

=> 她只想讓世界變得更美好。

I told all this to the other detective.

=> 我把這一切告訴了另一個偵探。

I know, sir.

=> 我知道,先生。

Were just following up? Did Alison know anybody who could have profited from her death? Mr.

=> 我們只是跟進?艾莉森知道誰能從她的死亡中獲利?先生。

Castle, I may be rich, but my daughter was not.

=> 城堡,我可能有錢,但我的女兒不是。

She abhorred money.

=> 她憎惡金錢。

The little she had, she gave to charity.

=> 她的小小,她給了慈善機構。

Thank you, sir.

=> 謝謝你,先生。


=> 先生。

Tisdale, Fortune magazine estimated your net worth at nearly $ 100 million.

=> Tisdale,「財富」雜誌估計你的凈資產將近1億美元。

Is that true? I dont check day to day.

=> 真的嗎?我不檢查一天一天。

- But its in the ballpark? Ive been lucky, yes.

=> - 但它在大球場?我很幸運,是的。

- Appreciate your time.

=> - 欣賞你的時間。

And what happens to all that money if something happens to you? Castle.

=> 如果你遇到什麼事情,那麼所有的錢都會發生什麼?城堡。

- Half of my estate goes to my charitable foundation and the rest to my children.

=> - 我的一半財產用於慈善基金會,其餘的用於我的孩子。

I mean, my son.

=> 我的意思是,我的兒子。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

What was that all about? - Hes dying.

=> 剛才那是幹什麼啊?他快死了

Whos dying? Tisdale? You want a hot dog? I want a hot dog.

=> 誰死了? Tisdale的?你想要一個熱狗?我想要一個熱狗。

What do you take on your? Apples! Apples! Apples! What makes you think hes dying? Okay! You see those pictures in his office? Yeah.

=> 你拿什麼?蘋果!蘋果!蘋果!什麼讓你覺得他快死了?好的!你在他的辦公室看到這些照片?是啊。

- Hes much thinner now.

=> 他現在瘦得多

Like, sick thin, not workout thin.

=> 喜歡,生病瘦,不鍛煉瘦。

His daughter was just murdered.

=> 他的女兒剛剛被謀殺。

And the way he kept touching his hair, like hes self-conscious.

=> 他一直在摸他的頭髮,就像他的自我意識一樣。

You think it was a piece? - Its a good one, but its new to him.

=> 你認為這是一塊? - 這是一個很好的,但對他來說是新的。

The chemos relatively recent.

=> 化療的相對最近。

And he was wearing makeup.

=> 而他正在化妝。

Hes trying to look healthier than he is.

=> 他試圖看起來比他更健康。

He doesnt want his shareholders to know.

=> 他不想讓股東知道。

So hes got cancer.

=> 所以他得了癌症

That doesnt mean that hes terminal.

=> 這並不意味著他是終端。

But its a much better story if he is.

=> 但是,如果他是這樣的話,那會更好。

You interview the brother? There was never a reason to.

=> 你採訪哥哥?沒有理由。

Well, now there is.

=> 那麼,現在呢。

You got hot mustard? Harrison Tisdale? - Yeah.

=> 你有芥末醬嗎?哈里森·提斯代爾? - 是的。

Hey, Mitch! Lets get these pallets on the truck.

=> 嘿,米奇!讓我們把這些托盤放在卡車上。

Got it.

=> 得到它了。

- Detective Kate Beckett.

=> - 偵探凱特Beckett。

Rick Castle.

=> 里克城堡。

Wed like to ask you some questions about your sister.

=> 我們想問你一些關於你妹妹的問題。

Yeah, anything I can do.

=> 是的,我可以做任何事情。

Lets head inside.

=> 我們來進去吧

Last time I saw her? About a month ago at Dads.

=> 上次我看到她了?大約一個月前在爸爸的。

You know, I still cant believe shes gone.

=> 你知道,我仍然不相信她走了。

Were you close? - Everybody loved her.

=> 你靠近嗎? - 每個人都愛她

I mean, my sister, she just wanted to see the best in people.

=> 我的意思是,我的姐姐,她只是想看到最好的人。

Even that kid who killed her.

=> 就是那個殺了她的孩子

You know, she did everything she could to help that guy.

=> 你知道,她盡其所能幫助那個人。

Even brought him around here once to see if I could get him a job.

=> 甚至把他帶到這裡來看看我能否找到他的工作。

But you didnt.

=> 但你沒有。

- I cant afford to, all right? My employees mess up, I lose my bond.

=> - 我買不起,好嗎?我的員工搞砸了,我失去了保證金。

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

Maybe if Id helped him, things would be different.

=> 也許如果我幫助了他,情況就會不一樣。

Howd your sister react when your dad told you he was dying? She was upset.

=> 當你父親告訴你他快死了時,你妹妹怎麼回應?她很不高興。

We both were.

=> 我們都是。

What are you suggesting? You already caught the killer.


Yeah, we did.

=> 是的,我們做到了。

But the first thing his lawyers will do is shift suspicion to someone else, someone with motive.

=> 但是他的律師會做的第一件事是把懷疑轉移給別人,有動機的人。

And then theyll stick me on the stand and ask me why I didnt investigate.

=> 然後他們會把我粘在架子上,問我為什麼沒有調查。

And then the jury will have doubts.

=> 然後陪審團會懷疑。

And we dont want them to have doubts, do we? No.

=> 我們不希望他們懷疑,我們呢?沒有。

- So youll have to excuse me for asking, but where were you the night of your sisters murder? I was traveling on business.

=> - 所以你不得不請求我,但是你妹妹遇害的那個晚上呢?我出差了。

Actually, I was out of the country for all three murders.

=> 事實上,我三次謀殺都不在這個國家。

Oh, here, check the stamps on that if its useful.

=> 哦,在這裡,檢查一下郵票是否有用。

A US passport.

=> 美國護照

- Absolutely unassailable.

=> - 絕對無懈可擊。

I was sure it was him.

=> 我確定是他。

Oh, dont take it so hard.

=> 哦,不要這麼難。

After all, youre just a writer.

=> 畢竟,你只是一個作家。

What? - Nothing.

=> 什麼? - 沒有。

What? Oh, come on.

=> 什麼?哦,來吧。

Hes lying.

=> 他在撒謊。

I mean, I get him knowing where he was the night of his sisters murder.

=> 我的意思是,我讓他知道他姐姐遇害的那個晚上。

But the other two victims? He didnt pause.

=> 但另外兩名受害者?他沒有停下來。

He didnt ask for dates.

=> 他沒有要求約會。

He didnt even check his calendar, but he was ready with an alibi.

=> 他甚至沒有檢查他的日曆,但他準備了一個不在場的證據。

In my experience, innocent people do not prepare alibis.

=> 根據我的經驗,無辜的人不準備庇護。

So I was right.

=> 所以我是對的。

Okay, give me the dates and flights.

=> 好的,給我日期和航班。

Why cant you just admit I was right? Because he totally fooled you.

=> 為什麼你不能只承認我是對的?因為他完全欺騙了你

He totally bought the alibi.

=> 他完全購買了不在場的證詞。


=> 是啊。

- I had a fleeting moment of self-doubt.

=> 我有一個短暫的自我懷疑。

So? - His credit card company confirms he paid for three round-trip tickets.

=> 所以? - 他的信用卡公司確認他支付了三張往返票。

Dates coincide with the three murders.

=> 日期恰逢三起謀殺案。

So according to his credit card, Tisdale was out of the country.

=> 所以根據他的信用卡,Tisdale不在國內。

Wait a minute.

=> 等一下。

So now Im not right? Which means the passport stamps were forged.

=> 所以現在我不是嗎?這意味著護照郵票是偽造的。

Im gonna call Passport Control and have them check the logs.

=> 我打電話給Passport Control,讓他們檢查日誌。

Thats not how he would have done it.

=> 這不是他怎麼做到的。

You got a better idea, Ricky? - Second passport.

=> 瑞奇,你有個更好的主意嗎? - 第二本護照

And how would he get one of those? - Oh, with his money? Trust me, in the black market, it would be a piece of cake.

=> 他將如何得到其中之一? - 哦,他的錢?相信我,在黑市上,這將是小菜一碟。

So he leaves the country on his own, comes back with the other passport, commits murder, flies out, and then comes back in on his own.

=> 於是他自己離開了這個國家,拿著另外一本護照回來,殺了他,飛了出來,然後自己回來了。

Perfect alibi, perfect murder.

=> 完美的不在場,完美的謀殺。

But almost impossible to prove.

=> 但幾乎不可能證明。

Unless you find the second passport.

=> 除非你找到第二本護照。

Hes got to be freaked after your little meet and greet.

=> 在小小的見面和迎接之後,他會被嚇壞的。

Keep eyeballs on him.

=> 保持眼球在他身上。

If he moves, I wanna know.

=> 如果他移動,我想知道。

The things that people will do for money.

=> 人們為了錢而做的事情。

This guy killed his own sister in cold blood and two more people to cover it up.

=> 這個人用冷血殺死了自己的妹妹,還有兩個人把它掩蓋起來。

Hes either a world-class sociopath or theres a lot more to this story than just money.

=> 他要麼是世界級的反社會運動,要麼就是這個故事不僅僅是金錢。

Judge Markway, please.

=> 請馬克威先生。

- Oh, Markway.

=> 哦,Markway。

Tell him I say hello.

=> 告訴他我打個招呼。

No, seriously.

=> 不,認真。

Theyre redoing the entire back nine.

=> 他們正在重整整個後九。

Oh, man, I love that course! When are they gonna reopen it? Judge, I hate to break up Golf Digest, but I have an exigent situation here.

=> 噢,夥計,我喜歡那個課程!他們什麼時候重新開放?法官,我討厭打破高爾夫文摘,但我在這裡有一個緊迫的情況。

Very well, Detective.

=> 很好,偵探。

Play through.

=> 通過播放。

We need a search warrant.

=> 我們需要一個搜查令。

She needs a search warrant.

=> 她需要一個搜查令。

For the home and office of Harrison Tisdale.

=> 為哈里森Tisdale的家和辦公室。

Harrison Tisdale? As in, Jonathan Tisdales son? Yes.

=> 哈里森·提斯代爾?喬納森·提斯代爾的兒子呢?是。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

He murdered his sister, killed two more people to cover up the crime.

=> 他殺害了他的妹妹,又殺了兩個人來掩蓋罪行。

Murder? The Tisdales? You better be long and straight on this one, Detective.

=> 謀殺? Tisdales?偵探,你最好長一點。

Harrisons father is terminally ill, sir.

=> 哈里森的父親身患絕症,先生。

What? I just saw him at a benefit.

=> 什麼?我剛剛看到他有好處。

Hope you took a picture.

=> 希望你拍了一張照片。

With the sister out of the way, the son will inherit all of it.

=> 這個姐姐,這個兒子會繼承這一切。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Theres also a twisted emotional angle in there.

=> 那裡還有一個扭曲的情感角度。

I dont want to bore you with the details.

=> 我不想讓你知道細節。

But family and vengeance, its Shakespearean.

=> 但家庭和報復,這是莎士比亞。

Harrison just left work.

=> 哈里森剛剛離開工作。

Hes probably headed home to destroy the evidence.

=> 他可能是回家破壞證據。

Are you sure you can tie him to the other victims? Through a patient of his sisters that he was trying to frame.

=> 你確定你可以把他綁在其他受害者身上嗎?通過一個他正試圖架設的姐姐的病人。

Its days like this I wish I was back in Civil Division.

=> 這是這樣的日子,我希望我回到民事部門。

Thank you, sir.

=> 謝謝你,先生。


=> 謝謝。


=> 不久。

Youre home early, Mr.

=> 你早點回來


=> 提斯代爾。

Got a list inside.

=> 裡面有一個列表。

- Yeah, thank you for your help.

=> - 是的,謝謝你的幫助。

What do we got, guys? - Get this.

=> 我們有什麼,夥計? - 得到這個。

Juniors business is going under.

=> 少年的事情正在發生。

Hes tens of millions in debt.

=> 他有數千萬的債務。

But with his sisters share of the Tisdale fortune, he stands to pay off his debt and then some.

=> 但是,由於他的姐姐分享了提斯代爾的財富,他還是要還清債務,還有一些債務。

Castle, if youre going in, you should be armed.

=> 城堡,如果你要進去,你應該武裝起來。

My back-ups in the glove compartment.

=> 我的後備在手套箱里。

I cant find it.

=> 我找不到

It? This time, youre staying put.

=> 它??這一次,你留下來。

Oh, okay.

=> 哦好的。


=> 貝克特。

Very funny.

=> 非常有趣。

Jokes over! Come on! Cuff me once, shame on you.

=> 笑話結束了!來吧!摟我一次,恥辱你。

Cuff me twice, shame on me.

=> 給我兩次咒罵我


=> 嗯。

Harrison Tisdale.

=> 哈里森Tisdale。


=> 紐約市警察局。

We have a warrant.

=> 我們有一個手令。

Just a minute.

=> 等一下。

Open the door, Harrison! Open the door.

=> 哈里森打開門!打開門。

Its NYPD, we have a warrant.

=> 這是NYPD,我們有權證。

Hey! Hey! Hes coming down the fire escape.

=> 嘿!嘿!他正在走下逃生路。

Hes out back.

=> 他回來了

Cover the front! Stop! Police! Dont move! Castle, no! I got him! I got him! Castle! Stay back, stay back! Dont come anywhere closer! Stay back! Stay back! - Castle, get down! Hey, easy, easy, easy.

=> 覆蓋前面!停止!警察!不要動!城堡,不!我找到他了!我找到他了!城堡!留下來,留下來!別靠近!留下來!留下來! - 城堡,下來!嘿,輕鬆,簡單,輕鬆。

- Dont move! Let him go, Harrison! - Come on! Easy, easy! Okay.

=> - 別動!讓他走吧,哈里森! - 來吧!慢慢來!好的。

Okay, dont? Castle, you okay? Yeah, except this psycho here needs a breath mint.

=> 好的,不?城堡,你沒事吧?是的,除了這個心理需要一口氣薄荷。

Shut up! - Okay! Hey, Harrison.

=> 閉嘴! - 好的!嘿哈里森

You know whats bugging me? If you were that deep in debt, why didnt you just ask your father for the money? Castle, you are not helping! You know what I think? I think you did ask.

=> 你知道什麼在擾亂我嗎?如果你負債纍纍,為什麼不向你父親要錢?城堡,你沒有幫助!你知道我在想什麼嗎?我想你確實問過。

I think you asked and he said no.

=> 我想你問,他說不。

I think he always said no.

=> 我想他總是說不。

A self-made man like that, I bet he thought you were weak for asking.

=> 這樣一個自製的男人,我敢打賭,他以為自己軟弱無力。

I was trying to make something with my life, and all he cared about was her.


Thats why you killed her.

=> 所以你殺了她

It wasnt just for the money.

=> 這不僅是為了錢。

You wanted to punish him before he died, take away the only thing he loved.

=> 你想在他死前懲罰他,拿走他唯一的愛。

Thats a pretty good story! Who are you? - Harrison, let him go.

=> 這是一個很好的故事!你是誰?哈里森,讓他走吧。

Its over.

=> 結束了。

Its not over! Its not over! Drop the gun, or I swear to God, Ill? Tell me you saw that! Youre gonna put that in your report, right? Can I see the cuffs, please? - Yeah, yeah.

=> 還沒完!還沒完!放下槍,或者我向上帝發誓,我會?告訴我你看到了!你會把這個在你的報告中,對不對?我可以看到袖口嗎? - 是啊。


=> 好的。

What the hell were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed.

=> 你到底在想什麼?你可能已經死了

Well, the safety was on the whole time.

=> 那麼,整個過程是安全的。

You know, you could have told me.

=> 你知道,你可以告訴我。

- Wheres the fun in that? Well, guess this is it.

=> - 那裡的樂趣在哪裡?那麼,猜猜是這樣。

Oh, it doesnt have to be.

=> 哦,這不是必須的。

We could go to dinner, debrief each other.

=> 我們可以去吃晚飯,互相交談。

Why, Castle? So I can be another one of your conquests? Or I could be one of yours.

=> 為什麼,城堡?所以我可以成為你的另一個征服者?或者我可以成為你的一員。

It was nice to meet you, Castle.

=> 很高興認識你,Castle。

Its too bad.

=> 這太糟糕了。

It would have been great.

=> 這將是偉大的。

You have no idea.

=> 你不知道。

Just take the wheel Every glance is killing me Time to make one last appeal For the life I lead Stop and stare I think Im moving but I go nowhere Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared But Ive become what I cant be You wanted to see me, sir? Yeah.

=> 只是把輪子每一個眼神都在殺我時間做出最後一次呼籲對於我的生活,我領導停下來,凝視我想我正在移動,但我無處可去是的,我知道每個人都感到害怕但是我已經成為我可以先生,你想見我嗎?是啊。

I just got a call from the mayors office.

=> 我剛接到市長辦公室的電話。

Apparently, you have a fan.

=> 顯然,你有粉絲。

- A fan, sir? Rick Castle.

=> - 粉絲,先生?里克城堡。

Seems hes found the main character for his next set of novels, a tough but savvy female detective.

=> 似乎他已經成為他下一部小說的主角,一個強硬但精明的女偵探。

Im flattered.

=> 我受寵若驚。

- Dont be.

=> - 不要。

He says he has to do research.

=> 他說他必須做研究。

Oh, no.

=> 不好了。

No way.

=> 沒門。

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

Beckett, listen.

=> 貝克特,聽著。

He? - Sir, he is like a nine-year-old on a sugar rush, totally incapable of taking anything seriously.

=> 他?? - 主席先生,他好像一個九歲的小夥子,一點也不能認真對待任何事情。

But he did help solve this case.

=> 但他確實幫助解決了這個案子。

- Oh! And when the mayors happy, the commissioners happy.

=> - 哦!而當市長開心的時候,專員的開心。

And when the commissioners happy, Im happy.

=> 當專員開心,我很高興。

How long, sir? - Well, thats up to him.

=> 先生,多久了? - 好的,這取決於他。


=> OCR /重做/法術:



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