
[美劇] 超感警探/The Mentalist 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 超感警探/The Mentalist 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版

《超感警探》英文片名為《The Mentalist》,由美國CBS發行,金球獎提名者Simon Baker主演,飾演一位過去曾長期在媒體上發表各類關於精神疾病和超自然感覺的文章,並且一直擔任電視談話節目的嘉賓,儼然是一個心理專家,但這位 "半名人" 自己也承認,他所謂的 "超自然能力" 純粹是糊弄人的騙局--只不過他的觀察力和感知力遠比別人強而已。如今,從 "名人圈" 里 "卸甲歸田" 的Jane[展開全文]

《超感警探》英文片名為《The Mentalist》,由美國CBS發行,金球獎提名者Simon Baker主演,飾演一位過去曾長期在媒體上發表各類關於精神疾病和超自然感覺的文章,並且一直擔任電視談話節目的嘉賓,儼然是一個心理專家,但這位 "半名人" 自己也承認,他所謂的 "超自然能力" 純粹是糊弄人的騙局--只不過他的觀察力和感知力遠比別人強而已。如今,從 "名人圈" 里 "卸甲歸田" 的Jane當上了加利福尼亞調查局(CBI)專案調查組的獨立顧問。他利用自己的 "超感" 特長連續破獲了多起公眾關注度高的疑難懸案,驚人的破案效率和成功記錄讓很多人連呼 "神人"。但是在調查局內,大家都知道Jane的底細--他是個缺乏紀律感、不願意按規矩辦事的傢伙。

古板嚴肅、一切只知道照本宣科的高級特工Teresa Lisbon (Robin Tunney, "Prison Break") 拿Jane非常頭疼。她不喜歡Jane公私不明、輕重不分的性格。但另一方面,她也不得不承認:Jane的作用無人可替代,他的判斷力對同事們來說非常有價值。

Lisbon手下的得力乾將包括聰明的Kimball Cho (Tim Kang, "Rambo") 和Wayne Rigsby (Owain Yeoman, "The Nine"),還有一名毫無經驗的新手Grace Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti, "The O.C.")。


Excuse me.


Can I get a comment, please? Yes, maam.

=> 我可以收到評論嗎?是的女士。

Were just gonna keep you right back here.

=> 我們只是要讓你回到這裡。

- Captain.

=> 船長

- Agent Lisbon.

=> - 代理里斯本。

Dont think well be needing you guys.

=> 不要以為我們會需要你們。

We like the neighbor kid who found the body.

=> 我們喜歡找到身體的鄰居小孩。

- Did he confess? - Eh, hes a real squirrel.

=> - 他懺悔了嗎? - 呃,他是一隻真正的松鼠。

Hard to say - Did you kill her? - Did you kill her? Mercys father would like to give a brief statement.

=> 很難說 - 你殺了她嗎? - 你殺了她?慈悲的父親想發表一個簡短的聲明。

I just wanna take a moment and thank everyone in law enforcement and all the volunteers who helped us in the search for our beloved daughter.

=> 我只想花一點時間,感謝執法人員和所有幫助我們尋找我們心愛的女兒的志願者。

The way that this entire community has come together to support me and Juniper in this terrible time has been of great comfort to us.

=> 在這個可怕的時代,整個社區聚集在一起支持我和Juniper的方式給我們帶來了極大的安慰。

And now I would just like to ask that you give us some time, space and privacy to grieve for our daughter.

=> 現在我只想問,你給我們一些時間,空間和隱私為我們的女兒傷心。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Hello, Mrs.

=> 你好女士。


=> 托利弗。

- Who are you? - My names Patrick Jane.

=> - 你是誰? - 我叫帕特里克·簡。

Im here to help you.

=> 我來幫你

Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, I would.

=> 你想要一杯茶嗎?是的,我會。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

You must be tired.

=> 你一定很累了。

Why dont you sit down? Its nice and quiet in here, isnt it? Quiet, soothing, calm.

=> 你為什麼不坐下?這裡很安靜,不是嗎?安靜,舒緩,平靜。


=> 冷靜。

Ive been watching you and your husband and I want you to know that I understand what youre feeling right now.

=> 我一直在關注著你和你的丈夫,我希望你知道我明白你現在的感受。

You have no idea.

=> 你不知道。

Believe me.

=> 相信我。

I do.

=> 我做。

I know.

=> 我知道。

- I know, and I wanna help you.

=> - 我知道,我想幫助你。

- You cant help me.

=> - 你幫不了我

- What do you know? - All sorts of things.

=> - 你知道什麼? - 各種各樣的事情

- You really only pretend to like skiing, right? - Yes, but Youre pleased that your best friend recently gained some weight.

=> - 你真的只是假裝喜歡滑雪,對吧? - 是的,但是最近你最好的朋友獲得了一些分量,你很高興。

About 10 pounds.

=> 大約10磅。

You wish youd been more adventurous when you were younger.

=> 你希望你年輕的時候更喜歡冒險。

You love India, but youve never been there.

=> 你愛印度,但你從未去過那裡。

You have trouble sleeping.

=> 你有睡眠困難。

Your favorite color is blue.

=> 你最喜歡的顏色是藍色。

I dont understand.

=> 我不明白。

Youre? - Youre psychic? - Ha, no.

=> 你是? - 你是精神的? - 哈,不。

Just paying attention.

=> 只是注意。

I used to make a good living pretending to be a psychic.

=> 我曾經假裝自己是一個精神病患者,過上了美好的生活。

I tell you this because I want you to understand theres no point hiding things from me.

=> 我告訴你,因為我想讓你明白,從我這裡隱藏的東西是沒有意義的。

Hiding what? You know what I see when I look at your husband? I see a warm, loving, generous man.

=> 隱藏什麼?當我看著你的丈夫時,你知道我看到了什麼嗎?我看到一個溫暖,愛的,慷慨的人。

A little vain, maybe.

=> 有一點虛榮,也許。


=> 自私。


=> 控制。

But a decent man.

=> 但一個體面的男人。


=> 是。

So why do you suspect him of murdering your daughter? I dont.

=> 那麼你為什麼懷疑他殺了你的女兒?我不。

- The McCluskey boy did it.

=> - McCluskey男孩做到了。

- Yes, thats what the police say.

=> - 是的,這就是警察所說的。

But you think theyre wrong.

=> 但是你認為他們錯了。

Why? I dont know.

=> 為什麼?我不知道。

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

I Tell me.

=> 我告訴我。

The last year, they have been so strange with each other.

=> 去年,他們一直很陌生。

And neither one would admit that anything was wrong.

=> 而且誰也不會承認有什麼錯。

And I think that I think that she tried to tell me once, and I didnt I God.

=> 我認為,我想她曾試圖告訴我一次,我不是上帝。

Oh, God.

=> 天啊。

Did you ask him if he killed her? What would he say? Most wives can tell when their husbands are lying.

=> 你問他是否殺了她?他會說什麼?大多數妻子可以分辨丈夫什麼時候在撒謊。


=> 是。


=> 是。

L I dont want Uh The McCluskey boy did it.

=> L我不要呃McCluskey男孩做到了。


=> 也許。

You think he did it too? I trust a mothers instinct.

=> 你以為他也這麼做?我相信一個母親的本能。

June? There you are.

=> 六月?你在這。


=> 你好。

Who are you? Im the police.

=> 你是誰?我是警察

Did you kill your daughter? How dare you? I asked you a simple question, sir.

=> 你殺了你的女兒?你怎麼敢?先生,我問你一個簡單的問題。

Did you kill your daughter? - No.

=> 你殺了你的女兒? - 沒有

I did not kill my daughter.

=> 我沒有殺死我的女兒。

- Oh.

=> - 哦。

Now, you get the hell out of my house.

=> 現在,你從我家裡走出來了。

June? June, whats the matter with you? Im gonna have your badge.

=> 六月?六月,你怎麼了?我會有你的徽章。

An innocent man wouldve punched me by now.

=> 現在一個無辜的人會打我。

I am gonna make life miserable for you.

=> 我會讓你的生活變得悲慘

You come in here, you accost my wife.

=> 你進來了,你跟我老婆說話

You cause trouble, uh June.

=> 六月,你惹麻煩了。

June, honey, please Shots fired.

=> 六月,親愛的,請開槍射擊。


=> 內。

Move, move! Hey.

=> 移動,移動!嘿。

Honestly, its not as bad as it looks.

=> 老實說,這不像看起來那麼糟糕。


=> 太太。

Tolliver? Mrs.

=> 托利弗?太太。

Tolliver? Please wait.

=> 托利弗?請稍候。

Front rooms clear.

=> 前面的房間很清楚。

Then the son of a bitch eagles 17.

=> 然後,一個婊子的老鷹17。

Are you kidding me? On that course? A damn eagle? That course never suited you, Price.

=> 你在跟我開玩笑嗎?那當然?一隻該死的老鷹?價格,那當然不適合你。

Well do better in Orlando.

=> 我們會在奧蘭多做得更好。

- We have a nice spot on the draw.

=> - 我們有一個很好的平局。

- Well, Ill tell you what.

=> - 好吧,我會告訴你什麼。

Davis Love III can kiss my butt.

=> 戴維斯三世可以吻我的屁股。

Alison? Alison? Flight 233 from Sacramento you may claim your baggage from Carousel 2.

=> 艾莉森?艾莉森?從薩克拉門托233航班,您可以從輪播2號領取您的行李。

Flight 233 from Sacramento Uh, sorry.

=> 從薩克拉門托航班233呃,對不起。

You checked luggage? What are you, on vacation? - No, maam.

=> 你檢查了行李?你在假期是什麼? - 不,女士。

Wont do it again.

=> 不會再這樣做。

- When your trousseau arrives pick up the second rental and go to the sheriffs department.

=> - 當你的特殊情況到達時,拿起第二份租金去治安部門。

Hustle us up a couple of rooms, furniture and phone lines.

=> 趕走我們幾個房間,傢具和電話線。

Yes, maam.

=> 是的女士。

Come on, lets go.

=> 來吧,走吧。

Morning, everybody.

=> 大家早上好。

- How was your flight? - Go away.

=> - 你航班怎麼樣? - 走開。

Youre on suspension.

=> 你正在暫停。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

- Mandated leave.

=> - 法定假期

Ends next week.

=> 下周結束。

- So come back next week.

=> 所以下周再來

- Hot enough for you? - Which one of you jackasses told him? - It was you, wasnt it, Cho? - Yes.

=> - 夠熱嗎? - 你們哪一個叫jackasses? - 是你,不是嗎,趙? - 是的。

Of course he called me.

=> 他當然打電話給我

Its Red John.

=> 這是紅色的約翰。

Cant keep me out of this.

=> 不能讓我離開這個。

Why would you want to? You got a man killed.

=> 你為什麼要?你有一個人死亡

Theres consequences.

=> 有後果。

A man that murdered his daughter because she wouldnt have sex with him? You did not know that.

=> 一個因為不和他性交而殺害女兒的男人?你不知道。

If she hadnt left the diary But she did, though.

=> 如果她沒有離開日記但是她確實如此。

Be reasonable.

=> 合理。

This is my case.

=> 這是我的情況。

- Your case? - Red Johns mine.

=> - 你的情況? - 紅色的約翰是我的。

Red John doesnt belong to anyone.

=> 紅約翰不屬於任何人。

He belongs to me.

=> 他屬於我。

Its not my call.

=> 這不是我的電話。

Rules are rules.

=> 規則是規則。

Come back next week.

=> 下周再來

Dont let this man past.

=> 不要讓這個人過去。


=> 老闆。

We have Gregory Tannen, Caucasian, male, 43, single.

=> 我們有Gregory Tannen,高加索人,男,43歲,單身。

We havent opened him up yet, but Sorry I went over your head.

=> 我們還沒有打開他,但抱歉,我把你的頭轉過去了。

Ill redeem myself, I promise.

=> 我會兌現自己,我保證。

You want redemption, be silent.

=> 你想要救贖,保持沉默。

- Okay, I can learn to do that.

=> - 好的,我可以學會這樣做。

- Shh.

=> - 噓。


=> 抱歉。

Death appears to be caused by several blows to the back of the skull consistent with the bloody golf club found at the scene.


Female is Alison Randolph, They were found at her listed residence.

=> 女是艾莉森·蘭多夫,他們在她所列的住處被發現。

TOD looks to be early Saturday evening.

=> TOD看起來是星期六晚上。

On Alison, we have stun-gun marks followed by binding with tight, black, plastic ligatures frenzied cutting and stabbing assault of the torso, and abuse of the viscera.

=> 在艾莉森身上,我們有了眩暈的痕迹,然後緊緊地綁著黑色的塑料連字,瘋狂地割斷和刺傷了軀幹,並且虐待了內臟。

- Textbook Red John.

=> - 教科書紅約翰。

- Who found the bodies? This ones husband, coming home from the airport with his brother.

=> - 誰發現了屍體?這位先生,和他的兄弟一起從機場回家。

- Hes a pro golfer.

=> - 他是職業高爾夫球手

- Oh, yeah? Price Randolph? - Whats her deal with him? Do we know? - Hes on file as one of her physicians.

=> - 哦耶?價格蘭多夫? - 她和他有什麼關係?我們知道嗎? - 他正在作為她的醫生之一。

- Making a house call? - Lovers? No.

=> - 打個電話? - 戀人?沒有。

This ones gay.

=> 這是同性戀


=> 博士

Wagner might know what their relationship was.

=> 瓦格納可能知道他們的關係是什麼。

Hes here to make the formal ID.

=> 他在這裡做正式的ID。


=> 好的。


=> 博士


=> 瓦格納。


=> 你好。

Im Agent Teresa Lisbon, California Bureau of Investigation.

=> 我是代理特里薩里斯本,加州調查局。

- Whats your connection to the victims? - Well, I work with Gregory.

=> - 你和受害者有什麼關係? - 我和格雷戈里一起工作。


=> 博士

Tannen and the Randolph family are long-time clients of our practice.

=> Tannen和Randolph家族是我們實踐的長期客戶。

- Are house calls the norm at your practice? - No.

=> - 你家的電話是你的慣例嗎? - 沒有

Gregory and Alison were close friends.

=> 格雷戈里和艾莉森是親密的朋友。

- Lovers? - No.

=> - 戀人? - 沒有

He was gay.

=> 他是同性戀。

No, they were just friends.

=> 不,他們只是朋友。

- What in Gods name happened to them? - Looks like Red John.

=> - 上帝的名字發生在他們身上? - 看起來像紅色約翰。

- Whos Red John? - We dont know who did this.

=> - 誰是紅約翰? - 我們不知道是誰做的。

Well be in touch probably.

=> 我們可能會聯繫。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

- Tracy wanna set up? Here? Yeah, thats good.

=> - Tracy想成立?這裡?是的,那很好。

Red John enters here.

=> 紅約翰進入這裡。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。


=> 抱歉。

He comes around here.

=> 他來到這裡

He waits for her, expecting her to come in alone.

=> 他等著她,期待著她獨自一人前來。

Only thing, her friend Tannen chose the wrong night to come over for a Richard Gere and ice-cream orgy.

=> 唯一的事情是,她的朋友Tannen選擇了錯誤的夜晚來過Richard Gere和冰淇淋狂歡。

So Red John zaps them both with his trusty stun gun and Excuse me.

=> 所以紅色的約翰用他可靠的電槍打了他們兩個,對不起。

- Grabs a five iron from the bag here and Ugh! Crushes Tannens skull.

=> - 從包里拿出五個鐵,呃!擊碎Tannen的頭骨。

Then he takes his sweet time dealing with Alison how he likes.

=> 然後,他花了他的甜蜜時間處理艾莉森他喜歡什麼。

Shes a nice big girl so unless hes pretty strong, Im guessing that he grabbed her by the arms and dragged her down the hall.

=> 她是一個漂亮的大女孩,所以除非他很堅強,否則我猜他抓住了她的胳膊,把她拖了下來。

He says hes sorry for all the pain hes caused you and your mother.

=> 他說他為你和你母親所造成的痛苦感到遺憾。

Deeply sorry.

=> 深表歉意。

He asks you to forgive him.

=> 他請你原諒他。

Can you do that Jenny? - He needs to hear it.

=> 你可以做那個珍妮嗎? - 他需要聽到。

- I forgive you, Daddy.

=> - 我原諒你爸爸

- Oh, yes.

=> - 哦,是的。

- I forgive you.

=> - 我原諒你。

Hes smiling now.

=> 他現在正在微笑。

There are tears of joy.

=> 有歡樂的眼淚。

He says, "God bless you and keep you.

=> 他說:「上帝保佑你,保護你。

" Hes gone.

=>「 他走了。

- Amazing, amazing.

=> - 令人驚嘆,令人驚嘆。


=> 驚人。

- Shes amazed.

=> - 她很驚訝

- Patrick - One second.

=> - 帕特里克 - 一秒鐘

- Give him some time.

=> - 給他一些時間。

- Abso Come on back to us.

=> - 阿索回到我們身邊。

- Im back.

=> - 我回來了。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

- Hes back.

=> - 他回來了。


=> 呵呵,哈哈。

So, Patrick, I understand that youre also sort of a paranormal detective.

=> 所以,帕特里克,我明白你也是一個超自然的偵探。

- Is that right? - I try to help the police when I can.

=> - 是對的嗎? - 我儘可能幫助警方。

And youre helping them hunt this scary serial killer.

=> 而你正在幫助他們追捕這個可怕的連環殺手。

- Whats his name? Red John.

=> - 他的名字是什麼?紅約翰。

- Red John.

=> - 紅色約翰。

There she blows.

=> 她在那裡吹。

Classic Red John smiley face.

=> 經典紅約翰笑臉。

Drawn in the victims blood, clockwise, with three fingers of his right hand wearing a rubber kitchen glove.

=> 在受害者的血液中順時針繪製,右手三指戴著橡膠廚房手套。

- Im stoked to finally see one in the flesh.

=> - 我很興奮終於看到一個在肉身。

- This isnt Red John.

=> - 這不是紅色的約翰。


=> 對。

Red John thinks of himself as a showman, an artist.

=> 紅約翰認為自己是一個表演家,一個藝術家。

He has a strong sense of theater.

=> 他有很強烈的戲劇感。

In the previous killings he made sure that the first thing that anyone sees is the face on the wall.

=> 在之前的殺戮事件中,他確信任何人看到的第一件事就是牆上的臉。

You see the face first, and you know.

=> 你先看到臉,你知道。

You know whats happened, and you feel dread.

=> 你知道發生了什麼,你感到恐懼。

Then, and only then, do you see the body of the victim.

=> 那麼,只有這樣,你才能看到受害者的身體。

Always in that order.

=> 總是按照這個順序。

Here, its the opposite.

=> 在這裡,情況正好相反。

The first thing you see is the body and you have to look around to see the face on the wall.

=> 你首先看到的是身體,你必須環顧四周才能看到牆上的臉。

- Doesnt play nearly as well, does it? - Depends on your taste, I suppose.

=> - 幾乎沒有玩,是嗎? - 我想,取決於你的口味。


=> 沒有。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

The killer couldve painted on the correct wall here, but he didnt because he didnt know better, because he isnt Red John.

=> 兇手可能已經畫在這裡的正確的牆上,但他不是因為他不知道更好,因為他不是紅色的約翰。


=> 哇。

Thats interesting.

=> 那很有意思。

You know what your problem is, my friend? You enjoy your work a little too much.

=> 你知道你的問題是什麼,我的朋友?你太喜歡你的工作了。

Youre a ghoul.

=> 你是一個食屍鬼

If you dont get horny reading Fangoria, Im Britney Spears.

=> 如果你沒有得到角質閱讀方洛莉亞,我是布蘭妮斯皮爾斯。

L I resent that.

=> 我討厭那個。

- This is you trying to redeem yourself, is it? - Im sorry.

=> - 這是你試圖贖回自己,是嗎? - 對不起。

He irks me.

=> 他厭惡我。

Hes irksome.

=> 他很討厭

You dont need me here.

=> 你不需要我在這裡。

- So, yeah, this one doesnt fit the pattern.

=> - 是的,這個不符合這個模式。

- So Jane was right.

=> 所以簡是對的。

We have a copycat.

=> 我們有一個山寨。

Or we have Red John trying new things.

=> 或者我們有紅約翰嘗試新的東西。

Or we have Red John making a mistake.

=> 或者我們有Red John犯了一個錯誤。

We dont know.

=> 我們不知道。

Well work the evidence until we do know.

=> 直到我們知道的時候,我們才會做證據。

- Go talk to the husband.

=> - 去跟丈夫談談

- Will do, boss.

=> - 會做,老闆。

What are you waiting for? Hey.

=> 你在等什麼?嘿。

So you might be right about this case.

=> 所以你可能是正確的這個案件。

Might be.

=> 可能。

Thanks for the insight.

=> 感謝您的洞察力。


=> 沒有。

Did I say that? Im acknowledging the fact that you might be right, thats all.

=> 我說過了嗎?我承認你可能是對的,就是這樣。

I mean, if you wanted to come back, I couldnt stop you.

=> 我的意思是,如果你想回來,我無法阻止你。

Yeah, fine.

=> 好的。

Im asking you to come back.

=> 我要求你回來


=> 因為。

Because youre useful to the team.

=> 因為你對團隊有用。


=> 沒有。

No, I wont say "please.

=> 不,我不會說「請。

" Go screw yourself.



=> 公驢。

Good morning.

=> 早上好。

Can I help you? You must be Van Pelt.

=> 我能幫你嗎?你一定是范佩爾特。


=> 樂趣。

Patrick Jane.

=> 簡·帕特里克

Oh, hi.

=> 啊,你好。

Good to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。

Agent Cho said youd left town.

=> 特工趙說你會離開這個城市。


=> 沒有。

Nowhere to go.

=> 無處可去。


=> 好的。


=> 嗯。

Do you want that desk over there, or this one? - I mean, that one gets more light.

=> 你想要那張桌子,還是這張桌子? - 我的意思是,一個人得到更多的光。

- That one.

=> - 那個。

More light, by all means.

=> 更多的光線,一切手段。

Very pleasant addition to the Serious Crimes family.

=> 非常愉快的除了嚴重犯罪家庭。


=> 哦。


=> 你好。

When did you get here? Stop.

=> 你什麼時候到的?停止。

I give up.

=> 我放棄。



Turn off the camera.

=> 關閉相機。


=> 標籤。

Come on, come on, come on.

=> 來吧,來吧,來吧。

- Okay, were done.

=> - 好的,我們完成了。

Were done.

=> 我們完成了。

- Stop.

=> - 停止。

Good, good.

=> 好好。

You are awful.

=> 你太可怕了

- Go, go, go.

=> - 沖啊。

- Stop, please.

=> - 請停下來。


=> 停止。

I lost a beautiful, precious angel.

=> 我失去了一個美麗,珍貴的天使。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

Good-Iooking woman.

=> 好女人。

Im jumping right in, if you dont mind, Price.

=> 如果你不介意的話,我正在跳進去。

You missed the tournament cut on Friday, yes? But you didnt come home until Sunday.

=> 星期五你錯過了錦標賽的裁員,是嗎?但你直到星期天才回家

Whatd you do with the rest of your time? I get this.

=> 你剩下的時間做了什麼?我明白了

You guys cant catch the real killer so you wanna lay this one on me? - No, sir.

=> 你們不能抓住真正的殺手,所以你想把這一個放在我身上? - 不,先生。

If we have confirmation of where you were, lets us exclude you from the investigation.

=> 如果我們確認你在哪裡,讓我們排除你的調查。

I was with a massage therapist.

=> 我在按摩治療師。

Name? - Uh, it had "lady" in there somewhere.

=> 名稱? - 呃,那裡有個「淑女」。

- Itll be on his credit-card bill.

=> - 這將在他的信用卡賬單上。

There you go.

=> 你走了

Pleasure meeting you, boys.

=> 快樂會見你,男孩。

Were a full-service private practice.

=> 我們是一個全方位服務的私人執業。

We deliver primary care, uh, cosmetic surgery psychotherapy, sports medicine, you name it.

=> 我們提供初級保健,呃美容手術心理治療,運動醫學,你的名字。

Whats the African connection? Its what this place is all about.

=> 什麼是非洲聯繫?這是這個地方的全部。

Half our profits go to build and staff basic health clinics in poor African communities.

=> 我們的一半利潤是在貧窮的非洲社區建立基層醫療診所。

All right, here we are.

=> 好的,我們來了。

Its a thin file.

=> 這是一個瘦文件。

Alison was a healthy young woman.

=> 艾莉森是一個健康的年輕女子。

- Psychiatric history? - She didnt have one.

=> - 精神病史? - 她沒有。

STDs? Abortions? - Unexplained injuries? - No.

=> 性病?墮胎? - 不明原因的傷害? - 沒有

Aside from some routine checkups with me, its all Dr.

=> 除了我的一些例行檢查,這一切都是博士

Tannen, all aesthetic work.

=> Tannen,所有的審美工作。

Did Tannen keep a diary? Our last case was solved because the victim kept a diary.

=> Tannen寫日記了嗎?我們的最後一個案子已經解決了,因為受害人記了日記。

Diary? I dont think so.

=> 日記?我不這麼認為。

Getting back to Alison Randolph.

=> 回到艾莉森·蘭多夫。

How was her marriage, do you think? Happy? Unhappy? About six months ago, Dr.

=> 她的婚姻如何?你覺得呢?快樂?不開心?大約六個月前,博士

Tannen asked my advice.

=> Tannen問我的建議。

Alison asked him to get her a years supply of birth-control pills, off the books which is strictly against AMA code.

=> 艾莉森讓他給她一年的避孕藥的供應,而不是嚴格禁止使用AMA法規的書。

I said, "Sure, do it.

=> 我說:「當然可以。

" - Better us than some Tijuana drugstore.

=>「 - 比一些提華納藥店更好。

- Why the secrecy? Price Randolph had a vasectomy, April of 02.

=> - 為什麼保密? Randolph在02年4月做了輸精管切除術。

- Lf theres anything else I can do - I appreciate that.

=> 如果有什麼我可以做的 - 我明白這一點。

Actually, there is.

=> 其實,有。

Uh, Im out of sleeping pills.

=> 呃,我沒有安眠藥。

Can you fix me up? Anything strong will do.

=> 你能修理我嗎?任何強大的事情都可以做。


=> 當然。

Come in for a consultation.

=> 進來諮詢一下。

Well squeeze you in this afternoon.

=> 今天下午我們會擠你的

Oh, no, I was hoping to get something now.

=> 哦,不,我希望現在能得到一些東西。

Trying to avoid the chitchat.

=> 試圖避免閑聊。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

I wouldnt feel comfortable prescribing without some sort of chitchat.

=> 沒有某種閑聊,我不會感覺舒服。

I understand.

=> 我明白。

Uh, no problem.

=> 呃,沒問題。

Ill call you.

=> 我會打電話給你。


=> 也許。

I like the husband for it.

=> 我喜歡丈夫。

He hires some hooker to create an alibi, flies home, fillets the spouse, flies back.

=> 他僱用一些妓女創造一個不在場的,飛回家,給配偶魚片,飛回來。

Its a classic, elaborate and clever, but ultimately stupid plan.

=> 這是一個經典的,精巧的,聰明的,但最終是愚蠢的計劃。

Have you looked at his PGA tournament record? Its not bad.

=> 你看過他的PGA錦標賽紀錄嗎?不算太差。

Six mil career earnings.

=> 六百萬美元的職業收入

For coming in second and third.

=> 為了第二和第三。

Put him on the 18th tee with a big one on the line like night follows day, hell shank it.

=> 在第十八洞發球台上像一天晚上的一個大個子球員,他會把它撐起來。

Hes a choker.

=> 他是個ch子手。

He doesnt have the nerve to kill his wife.

=> 他沒有勇氣殺死他的妻子。

Didnt do it.

=> 沒有做到這一點。

Are you suggesting we drop a prime suspect because hes never won a major? Oh, no, no, no.

=> 你是否建議我們放棄一個主要的嫌疑犯,因為他從來沒有贏過一個專業?哦,不,不,不。

Im just making idle conversation.

=> 我只是閑聊。

Howd you do that? Telekinesis.

=> 你怎麼做的?心靈感應。

He blew on it.

=> 他吹了。

That is another way to do it.

=> 這是另一種方式來做到這一點。


=> 先生。

Jane, I have a question regarding your previous career path.

=> 簡,我有一個關於你以前的職業道路的問題。

Fire away.

=> 消失。

When you met with other psychics, real psychics could they tell you were just pretending? Theres no such thing as real psychics.

=> 當你遇到其他的心理學家時,真正的心理學家能否告訴你只是假裝?沒有真正的心理學家。

I beg to differ.

=> 我不敢苟同。

My cousin Yolandas a psychic.

=> 我的表弟約蘭達是一個通靈。

Your cousin is deluded or dishonest, or both.

=> 你的表弟是迷惑或不誠實的,或兩者兼而有之。

- Hey, steady.

=> - 嘿,穩定。

- No.

=> - 沒有

Hes entitled to his opinion.

=> 他有權收到他的意見。

Hes wrong, though.

=> 不過,他錯了。

- She has power.

=> - 她有權力

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

She can communicate with the other side.

=> 她可以和對方溝通。

Ive seen her do it myself.

=> 我見過她自己做。

She let you speak with someone thats gone? - Yes.

=> 她讓你跟一個走了的人說話? - 是的。

- Someone you love and still miss very much? - Yes.

=> - 你愛的人還是非常想念的人? - 是的。

You wanted her power to be real, so it was.

=> 你想要她的力量是真實的,所以是的。


=> 沒有。

Youre sure youre right.

=> 你確定你是對的。

Science dont know everything.

=> 科學不知道一切。

Five hundred years ago, radio wouldve seemed like magic.

=> 五百年前,收音機就像魔術一樣。

- Exactly.

=> - 確實如此。

- In the future, it could be totally normal to communicate with the other side.

=> - 將來,與對方通信可能是完全正常的。

- The other side? Mm-hm.

=> - 另一邊?嗯。

Your fathers a football coach, yeah? - Howd you know that? - Its obvious from your whole demeanor.

=> 你父親是一名足球教練,是嗎? - 你怎麼知道的? - 從你的整個風度來看,這是顯而易見的。

My point is, didnt Dad always say life is like football? When that final whistle blows, the game is over.

=> 我的觀點是,爸爸不是總說生命就像足球?當最後的哨聲響起時,比賽結束了。


=> 完成。

There is no more.

=> 沒有更多。

There is no other side.

=> 沒有其他的一面。

This is it.

=> 就是這個。

Lobster and bread rolls and nautical kitsch, and then pfft, nothingness.

=> 龍蝦和麵包卷和航海媚俗,然後是pfft,虛無。

You poor, sad man.

=> 你可憐,可悲的人。

The Kingdom of God is a real place.

=> 上帝的王國是一個真正的地方。

Okay, later tonight, when Rigsby asks you to come back to his hotel room say yes.

=> 好吧,今天晚些時候,Rigsby請你回到他的旅館房間說是的。

Excuse me? I know, you were planning on refusing him very curtly.

=> 打擾一下?我知道,你打算非常簡單地拒絕他。

First week on the job, you wanna set a tone, no monkey business.

=> 工作的第一個星期,你想要定下一個基調,而不是猴子生意。

But why not? Rigsbys an excellent lover, Im sure.

=> 但為什麼不呢? Rigsby是一位出色的情人,我敢肯定。

Tough, but fair.

=> 堅強,但公平。

Right? Right.

=> 對?對。

The Kingdom of God is a real place, Mr.

=> 上帝的王國是一個真正的地方,先生。


=> 簡。

And you have an immortal soul.

=> 你有一個不朽的靈魂。

Oh, I do so hope youre wrong.

=> 哦,我希望你錯了。

- Good night.

=> - 晚安。

- Night.

=> - 晚上

Later, dude.

=> 後來,夥計。

This is me.

=> 這就是我。

- Welcome to the unit, Agent Van Pelt.

=> - 歡迎來到Van Pelt代理商。

- Thank you, Agent Rigsby.

=> 謝謝代理Rigsby。

She explodes into action.

=> 她爆發成行動。

Reaching up to 60 miles per hour she easily outruns her terrified prey.

=> 達到每小時60英里,她很容易地把她嚇壞了的獵物。

"Greetings, old friend.

=> 「問候,老朋友。

Its been a while.

=> 有一陣子了。

I hope you are keeping well.

=> 我希望你保持良好。

I am thriving and happy.

=> 我正在欣欣向榮。

Why cant you catch me? You must feel so powerless and stupid and sad.


Oh, well.

=> 好吧。

All the best.

=> 祝一切順利。

Red John.

=> 紅約翰。

" That sounds like the real deal to me.


Sounds like Red John.

=> 聽起來像紅色約翰。

Its not.

=> 不是。

Red John wouldnt risk capture just to taunt me.

=> 紅色的約翰不會冒險捕捉只是為了嘲弄我。

So the real killers trying to throw us off track? Cho, find out where Price Randolph was a half an hour ago.

=> 所以真正的殺手試圖把我們趕跑?曹,找出蘭多夫在半小時前的價格。

Rigsby, check the hotel security cameras.

=> Rigsby,檢查酒店的安全攝像頭。

Get those over to Forensics.

=> 把這些交給法醫。

- You okay? - Absolutely.

=> - 你還好嗎? - 絕對。

Get some sleep.

=> 去睡一會。


=> 你好。

- Good morning.

=> - 早上好。

- You didnt sleep, did you? Hi.

=> - 你沒睡,是嗎?你好。

Id like to make an appointment with Dr.

=> 我想和博士預約

Wagner, please.

=> 瓦格納,請。

Its urgent.

=> 這很緊急。


=> 簡。

Patrick Jane.

=> 簡·帕特里克

Yeah, Ill hold.

=> 是的,我會堅持。

Forensics maybe got a break.

=> 法醫可能會休息一下。

Blood on the cloth in the envelope is Alison Randolphs.

=> 信封里的布上的血是艾莉森·蘭多夫的。

But they found a hair in there, doesnt belong to her or Tannen.

=> 但他們在那裡發現了一個頭髮,不屬於她或Tannen。

Guess who it does belong to.

=> 猜猜它是屬於誰的。

Its yours, Tag.

=> 這是你的,標籤。

Amazing, huh? Science.

=> 令人驚嘆的,嗯?科學。

This is insane.

=> 瘋了吧。

I didnt I didnt kill Alison.

=> 我沒有殺過艾莉森。

How do you explain your hair? Either it was a mistake, or Im being framed.

=> 你怎麼解釋你的頭髮?要麼是一個錯誤,要麼我被陷害了。

Who would wanna frame you? We dont want to, if thats what youre thinking.

=> 誰想要架起你?我們不想要,如果這就是你的想法。

He and Alison were lovers.

=> 他和艾莉森是戀人。

Who would wanna frame you, Tag? - My brother.

=> 誰願意架起你,Tag? - 我的兄弟。

- Why would he wanna do that? Alison and I were lovers.

=> - 他為什麼要這樣做?我和艾莉森是戀人。

I think you are psychic.

=> 我認為你是精神的。

Youre just afraid to admit it.

=> 你只是不敢承認。


=> 嗯。

So So, heh.

=> 那麼,呃。

Why is it you cant sleep? Because I cant get the good pills without talking to a doctor.

=> 你為什麼睡不著?因為沒有和醫生交談就不能得到好葯。

- And you dont like talking to doctors.

=> - 你不喜歡和醫生交談。

- Eh.

=> - 呃。

They always wanna be the smartest person in the room, dont they? When, in fact, thats me, obviously.

=> 他們總是想成為房間里最聰明的人,不是嗎?事實上,當然,這就是我。

You protect your core self very fiercely.

=> 你非常激烈地保護你的核心自我。

What do you think is the reason for that? You know, this is exactly how I imagined it would be.

=> 你認為是什麼原因?你知道,這正是我想像的那樣。

You gonna ask me about my mother? - Do you want me to ask about your mother? - I just wanna sleep.

=> 你會問我媽媽嗎? - 你想讓我問一下你的母親嗎?我只想睡覺

So, what is it that keeps you awake? Oh, whats his name? Red John? Thats right, Red John.

=> 那麼,這是什麼讓你保持清醒?哦,他叫什麼名字?紅約翰?沒錯,紅約翰。

Uh, hes killed at least eight women that we know of.

=> 呃,他殺了我們所知道的至少八個女人。

Uh, the police asked me to get a psychic fix on him to get a sense of who this man is.

=> 呃,警察要求我弄清楚他是誰的。

How do you do that exactly? Get a psychic fix on someone.

=> 你如何做到這一點?得到一個人的心理修復。

Well, Davis, true demonic evil burns like fire.

=> 好吧,戴維斯,真正的惡魔般的火焰像火一樣燃燒。

It burns with a terrible, cold, dark flame.

=> 它燃燒著可怕,寒冷,黑暗的火焰。

I force myself to look into that flame and I see an image of the evildoer.

=> 我強迫自己去看看那個火焰,我看到了一個邪惡的形象。

In this case, Red John.

=> 在這種情況下,紅約翰。

Hes an ugly, tormented little man.

=> 他是一個醜陋,受折磨的小個子。

A Ionely soul.

=> 一個孤獨的靈魂。


=> 傷心。

Very sad.

=> 很傷心。

"Dear Mr.

=> 「尊敬的先生。


=> 簡。

I do not like to be slandered in the media especially by a dirty, moneygrubbing fraud.

=> 我不喜歡在媒體上受到誹謗,尤其是在一場骯髒,浪費金錢的詐騙中。

If you were a real psychic instead of a dishonest little worm, you wouldnt need to open the door to see what Ive done to your lovely wife and child.

=> 如果你是一個真正的心理學家,而不是一個不誠實的小蟲子,你不需要打開門看看我對你可愛的妻子和孩子做了什麼。

" Mr.

=>「 先生。


=> 簡。


=> 先生。

Jane? What is it that keeps you awake? Um You know, when I was a boy, we had a farm.

=> 簡?這是什麼讓你保持清醒?嗯,你知道,我小時候有一個農場。

There was a lot of work.

=> 有很多工作。

- I was kind of a lazy kid.

=> - 我是一個懶惰的孩子。

- Yes? Id always be trying to get my little brother, Jimmy, to do my chores for me.

=> - 是嗎?我總是試圖讓我的弟弟吉米為我做我的瑣事。

One day, I promised him a dollar if hed cut the firewood.

=> 有一天,如果他砍柴,我答應給他一元錢。

- Heh.

=> - 呃。

- Well he opened up an artery in his leg on the saw, and he bled to death.

=> - 他在他的腿上打開了一條動脈,然後他就流血了。

Died doing my chores for me.

=> 死了為我做家務。

You know thats almost exactly the same thing that happened to Johnny Cash.

=> 你知道這幾乎和Johnny Cash發生的一樣。

Is it really? Wow.

=> 是不是真的?哇。

Thats spooky.

=> 這很怪。

- Mr.

=> - 先生。

Randolph - Cut the crap.

=> 蘭多夫 - 切掉廢話。

My brothers done nothing.

=> 我的兄弟什麼也沒做

You havent got the stones to come after me so you come after my family.

=> 你沒有石頭來追趕我,所以你跟我的家人。

- That is flat-out persecution.

=> - 這是平息迫害。

- What did we agree? Mr.

=> - 我們同意什麼?先生。

Randolph, theres no intent to persecute you.

=> 蘭多夫,沒有意圖逼迫你。

We are holding your brother because we have evidence linking him to the crime, and potential motive.

=> 我們抱著你的兄弟,因為我們有證據將他與罪行聯繫起來,並有潛在的動機。

Whenever you werent around, he was banging your wife like a big bass drum.

=> 每當你不在身邊時,他就像一個巨大的低音鼓敲你的妻子。

Tag and Alison? Thats what he states.

=> 標籤和艾莉森?他這樣說。

He states that you killed Alison.

=> 他說你殺了艾莉森。

- Youre trying to frame him in revenge.

=> - 你正在設法報復他

- What did you say? What? There Bastard.

=> - 你說什麼?什麼?那裡混蛋。

- Hey.

=> - 嘿。

- You Ow! Agh! - Son of a bitch.

=> - 你喔!哎! - 王八蛋。

- You treated her like crap.

=> - 你對待她像垃圾。

Whatd you expect? I didnt expect my little brother to be banging my wife, you bastard! Everything you told me is total fiction, isnt it? Yes.

=> 你期望什麼?我沒有想到我的小弟弟會砸我的妻子,你這個混蛋!你告訴我的全部是虛構的,不是嗎?是。

Why? I can tell youre in real pain.

=> 為什麼?我可以告訴你真正的痛苦

Why not tell the truth? The truth is mine.

=> 為什麼不說實話?事實是我的。

- I hear you.

=> - 我聽到你的聲音

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

Oh, yes.

=> 哦,是的。

Remember, uh, we were talking about Tannen the other day? I asked you if he kept a diary, and you said he did.

=> 請記住,呃,我們前幾天在談論Tannen?我問你是否記了日記,你說他是。

- Well, theres no diary among his effects.

=> - 呃,他的效果沒有日記。

- No.

=> - 沒有

Im sorry, no? No.

=> 對不起,不是嗎?沒有。

You have it wrong.

=> 你錯了。

I didnt think he kept a diary.

=> 我不認為他記日記。


=> 奇怪。

Then it mustve been someone else who told me.

=> 那一定是別人告訴我的。

Either that, or Im going mad.

=> 要麼,要麼我瘋了。

But I definitely, 100 percent, remember hearing that Tannen kept a diary.

=> 但我絕對百分之百地記得坦嫩寫日記。

Well, that is strange.

=> 那真奇怪呢

But why does it matter if he kept a diary? Youre right, doesnt matter.

=> 但為什麼他記日記呢?你說得對,沒關係。

Only, I was thinking, why do magicians have beautiful girl assistants? - Why? - Theyre reliable distractors of attention.

=> 只是,我在想,為什麼魔術師有美麗的女孩助手? - 為什麼? - 他們是可靠的注意力分散注意力。

People will look at a beautiful girl for a long time before they look where they should be looking if they wanna see how the trick really works.

=> 人們會長時間看著一個美麗的女孩,然後才看看他們應該看的地方,如果他們想看看這個伎倆真的有效。

Ill send over a couple of Forensics guys tomorrow to search his office and locate that diary.

=> 我明天會派遣幾位取證工作人員到他的辦公室尋找那本日記。

Didnt they already search his office? Oh, they never do it thoroughly the first time.

=> 他們不是已經在找他的辦公室嗎?哦,他們從來沒有徹底徹底地做過。

Thanks for everything, doc.


Good night.

=> 晚安。

Good night.

=> 晚安。

Lost something? - How did you get in? - Door was open.

=> 丟失了什麼? - 你是怎麼進來的? - 門打開了。

- I think I left my phone in your office.

=> - 我想我把手機留在你的辦公室。

- The door wasnt open.

=> - 門沒開。

Mustve been.

=> 一定是。

Here I am.

=> 我在這裡。

What are you doing? I confess, the temptation to play detective was a little too strong.

=> 你在做什麼?我承認,偵探的誘惑力有點過於強大。

I was looking for that diary.

=> 我正在找那本日記。

- I got a little carried away.

=> - 我有點被帶走了。

- No kidding.

=> - 別開玩笑

But no diary? No diary.

=> 但沒有日記?沒有日記。

Maybe I should have a gander.

=> 也許我應該有一個甘德。

Im good at finding things.

=> 我擅長尋找事物。

Be my guest.

=> 別客氣。


=> 尤里卡。


=> 博士

Wagner, thanks for your help.

=> 瓦格納,謝謝你的幫助。


=> 先生。

Jane uh, your phone.

=> 簡,你的電話。


=> 對。


=> 哈。


=> 謝謝。

Yeah, got it.

=> 是的,明白了。

- Silly of me.

=> - 我傻了。

Well, goodbye again.

=> 好,再見。

- Wait.

=> 等一下

Give me the diary.

=> 給我日記。

- Thats very amusing.

=> - 這非常有趣

- I try.

=> - 我試試。

I knew I knew it might be a trick, but I - I had to be sure.

=> 我知道我知道這可能是一個騙局,但我 - 我必須確定。

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

Thats how the trick works.

=> 這就是訣竅的作用。

What led you to me? Not that Im saying I did it.

=> 是什麼讓你對我?不是我說我做了。

Im just asking.

=> 我只是問問。

When we first met, you said you didnt know who Red John was.

=> 當我們第一次見面時,你說你不知道紅色約翰是誰。

But you have books on criminal psychiatry there that have chapters on him.

=> 但是你有那些有關他的章節的犯罪心理學書籍。

Youre the Randolph family doctor so you could easily get a strand of Tags hair.

=> 你是倫道夫家庭醫生,所以你可以很容易地得到一串標籤的頭髮。

And, being a doctor you can hack up another human without difficulty.

=> 而且,作為一名醫生,你可以毫無困難地劈開另一個人。

Its obvious it was you.

=> 這顯然是你。

Thats it? You have nothing.

=> 而已?你什麼都沒有

- Thats just guesswork.

=> - 這只是猜測。

- Oh, I know.

=> - 哦,我知道。

I just wanted to be sure I had the right answer.

=> 我只是想確定我有正確的答案。

I was surprised, I gotta be honest.

=> 我很驚訝,我必須誠實。

You dont seem to be a wicked man.

=> 你看起來不是一個邪惡的人。

But you are.

=> 但你是。

Youre angry about the letter.

=> 你對這封信很生氣。

Yeah, it was a bit mean-spirited.

=> 是的,這有點意思。

For the record, Im sorry about your family.

=> 為了記錄,我對你的家人感到抱歉。

I can only imagine your pain.

=> 我只能想像你的痛苦。

But Im not a wicked man.

=> 但我不是一個邪惡的人。

- My conscience is clear.

=> 我的良知很清楚

- Really? Right now in Africa, theres 3000 beautiful children alive today who should be dead, but they arent, because of me.

=> - 真的嗎?現在在非洲,今天有3000個美麗的孩子應該死了,但是他們不是,因為我。

Tannen was gonna ruin me and destroy all that work over nothing.

=> Tannen要毀了我,摧毀所有的工作。


=> 錢。

Theft, he called it.

=> 他稱之為盜竊。


=> 侵占罪。

Self-righteous idiot.

=> 自以為是的白痴。

Its simple math.

=> 這是簡單的數學。

If I go to jail, thousands of kids will die.

=> 如果我去監獄,成千上萬的孩子將會死亡。

So I made a rational, moral decision to kill Tannen for the greater good.

=> 所以我做了一個理性的道德決定,為了更好的利益而殺死坦嫩。

And Alison? Whatd she do wrong? Mm.

=> 還有艾莉森?她做錯了什麼?毫米。

As we said, she was the magicians assistant, just a distraction.

=> 正如我們所說,她是魔術師的助手,只是分心。

- Ah.

=> - 啊。

- Lf only Tannen died the police wouldve been all over this place, wouldnt they? Truly, is killing two any worse than killing one when so many lives are at stake? I dont think so.

=> 如果只有Tannen死了,警方就會到處都是,不是嗎?事實上,如此多的生命受到威脅,殺死兩個比殺死更糟?我不這麼認為。

You poor, sad man.

=> 你可憐,可悲的人。

- Youre under arrest.

=> - 你被捕了。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

- Im pointing a gun at you.

=> - 我正指著你的槍

You really think I would set you up so nicely and let you pull a loaded gun on me? I took the bullets out earlier.

=> 你真的認為我會把你放得很好,讓你把一把裝滿槍的槍給我嗎?我早些時候拿出子彈。

- Youre late.

=> - 你遲到了。

Draw your weapon.

=> 畫你的武器。

- What? Huh? Drop the gun.

=> - 什麼?咦?放下槍。

Hands on your head.

=> 手在你的頭上。

Get down on your knees.

=> 放下你的膝蓋。


=> 下。

Closed-case doughnuts are here.

=> 封閉式甜甜圈在這裡。

I just went to get sleeping pills, I swear.

=> 我只是去吃安眠藥,我發誓。

I didnt even wanna go.

=> 我甚至不想去。

- You know I didnt wanna go.

=> - 你知道我不想走。

- Right.

=> - 對。

Yeah, you didnt set Wagner up.

=> 是的,你沒有設置瓦格納。

Didnt figure it was him days ago.

=> 沒有數字是他幾天前。

You didnt let us tear apart the victims family to satisfy your childish need for drama.

=> 你不讓我們把受害者的家人分開來滿足你幼稚的戲劇需要。

Hey, that family was screwed anyway.

=> 嘿,那個家庭無論如何都被搞砸了。

Dont blame yourselves, guys.

=> 不要怪你們,夥計們。

Dont even start.

=> 甚至不要開始。

Im still angry.

=> 我還在生氣

- Im sorry.

=> - 對不起。

- No, youre not.

=> - 不你不是。

A frog? Well, this makes everything better, doesnt it?

=> 一個青蛙?那麼,這使得一切都變好了,不是嗎?


[美劇] 訴訟雙雄/Suits 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 凶鬼惡靈/Supernatural 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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