[美劇] 傲骨賢妻/The Good Wife 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 傲骨賢妻/The Good Wife 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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《傲骨賢妻》第三季中,艾麗西婭·福瑞克(Alicia Florrick,朱麗安娜?瑪格麗絲Julianna Margulies飾)改了髮型,不過這一季中的變化可不只這麼一點兒。


第三季第一集「糟糕透頂」( Bad Bad Thing)中,艾麗西婭·福瑞克必須先把感情上的糾葛放在一旁,為一個被指控殺害[展開全文]

《傲骨賢妻》第三季中,艾麗西婭·福瑞克(Alicia Florrick,朱麗安娜?瑪格麗絲Julianna Margulies飾)改了髮型,不過這一季中的變化可不只這麼一點兒。


第三季第一集「糟糕透頂」( Bad Bad Thing)中,艾麗西婭·福瑞克必須先把感情上的糾葛放在一旁,為一個被指控殺害了猶太同學的穆斯林學生辯護。

YYeTs新聞組出品 原創翻譯 cynthiazyx 轉帖請註明出處及譯者


Good morning.


An hour ago, I resigned as States Attorney of Cook County.

=> 一個小時前,我辭去了庫克縣的州檢察長。

I did this with a heavy heart and a deep commitment to fight these scurrilous charges.

=> 我為此付出了沉重的代價,並承諾打擊這些罪魁禍首。

I want to be clear.

=> 我想清楚。

I have never abused my office.

=> 我從來沒有濫用過我的辦公室。

I have never traded lighter sentences for financial or sexual favors.

=> 我從來沒有為了金錢或性好處而交易較輕的刑罰。

At the same time, I need to atone for my personal failings with my wife, Alicia, and our two children.

=> 同時,我需要和我的妻子艾麗西亞和我們的兩個孩子一起彌補自己的失敗。

The money used in these transactions was mine and mine alone.

=> 這些交易中使用的資金只有我和我自己。

No public funds were ever utilized.

=> 沒有公共資金被利用過。

But I do admit to a failure of judgment in my private dealings with these women.

=> 但是我承認,在與這些女人私下交往中沒有做出判斷。

Alicia and I ask that the press please respect our privacy.

=> 艾麗西亞和我問新聞請尊重我們的隱私。

Give us time to heal.

=> 給我們時間來醫治。

With the love of God, and the forgiveness of my family, I know I can rebuild their trust.

=> 有了上帝的愛和我家的寬恕,我知道我可以重建他們的信任。

I want to thank the people of Chicago.

=> 我要感謝芝加哥的人民。

It has been an honor to serve you.

=> 為您服務是一種榮幸。

And I pray that one day, I may serve you again.

=> 我祈禱有一天,我可以再次為你服務。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Sir! Are you still involved with prostitutes, sir? How many were there, sir? Will you ever try to hold public office again? Sir! Answer the question! We have interviews set up with the Tribune and Channel Four.

=> 先生!先生,你還和妓女有牽連嗎?先生,有多少人?你有沒有想過再次擔任公職?先生!回答問題!我們與「論壇報」和「第四頻道」進行了採訪。

Absolutely not.

=> 絕對不。

Im not doing any more interviews.

=> 我不再做採訪了。

I want you to cancel all of them.

=> 我希望你取消所有這些。

Thats it.

=> 而已。

Ill tell Channel Two we dont have a comment at the present time, but we emphatically question the authenticity of this thing.

=> 我會告訴第二頻道,我們目前沒有評論,但是我們強烈質疑這個事情的真實性。


=> 嘿。

You all right? Mrs.

=> 你沒事吧?太太。

Florrick, how long have you known your husband was having an affair? How are you going to protect your children? Oh, excuse me! Isnt the staff meeting at 9:30? Youre in the wrong conference room.

=> 弗洛里克,你知道你丈夫有多久了?你打算如何保護你的孩子?哦,對不起工作人員不是9點半開會嗎?你在錯誤的會議室里

Its up one floor.

=> 它在一個樓層。


=> 哦。

God This is a major class action.

=> 上帝這是一個主要的集體行動。

A case that could propel us to the top rank of full service firms, and I dont think I need to remind you what that will do to your year-end bonuses.

=> 這個案例可能會推動我們進入全面服務公司的頭把交椅,而且我不認為我需要提醒大家,年底獎金將會怎樣。

Anyway, Sheffrin-Marks fired their last firm because they took their eye off the ball.

=> 無論如何,Sheffrin-Marks最後一家公司開了他們的眼睛。

So, until further notice, your personal lives have been cancelled.

=> 所以,直到另行通知,你的個人生活已經被取消。

So, well need some of you to help out with the lower profile client work to free up our top litigators.

=> 所以,我們需要你們中的一些人幫助低調的客戶工作來釋放我們的頂級訴訟律師。

Ed, you take the witness prep on highway redistribution.

=> 埃德,你把證人準備在高速公路上重新分配。

Don, you take the Brighton criminal.

=> 唐,你把布賴頓罪犯。

And Alicia will take the pro bono.

=> 艾麗西亞也會免費的。

Huh? Everyone else, your task is to show Sheffrin-Marks our "A" game, okay? Lets do this.

=> 咦?其他人,你的任務是向Sheffrin-Marks展示我們的「A」遊戲,好嗎?我們開工吧。


=> 將。


=> 艾麗西亞。


=> 嘿。

Im sorry I didnt introduce you in there.

=> 對不起,我沒有在那裡介紹你。

Everythings moving real fast with this class action.

=> 所有這一切的行動都是真正的快速。

Well, I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity.

=> 那麼,我只是想說,謝謝你的機會。

Its a real life saver.

=> 這是一個真正的生活救星。

No, glad you could come aboard.

=> 不,很高興你能登上。

Hope youre all right with this pro bono.

=> 希望你們這個公益無恙。

Howd it sound? Interesting.

=> 聽起來怎麼樣?有趣。


=> 好。

Dont be nervous.

=> 別緊張。

You worried about the gunshot residue? The, um Oh, God.

=> 你擔心槍傷殘留物?哦,上帝啊。

Nice ring tone.

=> 尼斯鈴聲。

Who gets that? Oh, my mother-in-law.

=> 誰得到的?哦,我的岳母。

My daughter programmed it.

=> 我的女兒編程。

And whats yours? I dont want to know.

=> 什麼是你的?我不想知道。

So, um, the gun residue Diane, youre briefing Alicia, right? Good.

=> 那麼,呃,槍呃呃呃,你正在向艾麗西亞通報情況吧?好。

Youre in good hands.

=> 你很好。

So, lets catch up, have dinner.

=> 所以,讓我們趕上,吃晚飯。

So, Will speaks highly of you.

=> 所以,威爾高度評價你。

He says you graduated top of your class at Georgetown.

=> 他說你畢業於喬治敦大學。

When was this? Uh-huh? And you spent two years at Crozier, Abrams & Abbott.

=> 這是什麼時候的事?嗯?你在Crozier,Abrams&Abbott工作了兩年。

Good firm.

=> 好公司

Will says you clocked the highest billable hours there.

=> 威爾說,你在那裡記錄了最高的計費時間。

Why did you leave? Well, the kids and Peters career.

=> 你為什麼離開?那麼,小孩和彼得的職業生涯。


=> 嗯。

Brian! Can you get Mrs.

=> 布賴恩!你能找到夫人嗎?

Florrick the files? Mm-hmm.

=> Florrick的文件? MM-嗯。


=> 當然。

I want you to think of me as a mentor, Alicia.

=> 我想讓你把我當成一個導師,艾麗西亞。

Its the closest thing we have to an old boys network in this town.

=> 這是我們在這個城鎮里最老的男孩網路。

Women helping women, okay? Okay.

=> 幫助女人的女人,好嗎?好的。

When I was starting out, I got one great piece of advice.

=> 當我剛開始的時候,我得到了一個很好的建議。

Men can be lazy.

=> 男人可以懶惰。

Women cant.

=> 女人不能。

And I think that goes double for you.

=> 我認為這對你來說是雙重的。

Not only are you coming back to the workplace fairly late, but you have some very prominent baggage.

=> 你不僅要相當晚的回到工作崗位,還要有一些非常突出的包袱。

But, hey, if she can do it, so can you.

=> 但是,嘿,如果她能做到的話,你也可以。

Thanks, Brian.

=> 謝謝,Brian。

Like many law firms, we donate five percent of billable hours to pro bono.

=> 像許多律師事務所一樣,我們捐出百分之五的時間來無償。

Sadly, Im long past my quote on this one.

=> 可悲的是,我早就在這篇文章中引用了我的話。

Jennifer Lewis.

=> 詹妮弗·劉易斯。

26 years old.

=> 26歲。

Taught second grade.

=> 教二年級。

Accused of killing her ex-husband.

=> 被控殺害前夫。

Prosecution thought it was a slam dunk 45 years, but the jury came back last week deadlocked.

=> 起訴方認為這是扣籃45年,但陪審團上周回來僵持不下。

Six jurors voted to convict, six not.

=> 六名陪審員投票定罪,六名不是。

Im not even sure why the State Attorney is re-trying except he wants Justice! He wants to prove himself.

=> 我甚至不知道為什麼國家檢察官正在重新嘗試,除了他想要正義!他想證明自己。

So, stick with my strategy from the first trial.

=> 所以,堅持我的戰略從一審。

The police focused on Jennifer so early in the investigation, they never even looked for the carjacker.

=> 警方在調查中很早就把注意力集中在了珍妮弗身上,他們甚至從來沒有找過劫機者。

Deadlock a jury a second time, theyll never re-try a third.

=> 死亡陪審團第二次,他們將永遠不會再嘗試三分之一。

Okay? Okay.

=> 好的?好的。

Our investigator can get you up to speed for the bail hearing at 3:00.

=> 我們的調查人員可以讓你趕快在3點鐘進行保釋聽證會。

Cormac, Im ready.

=> 科馬克,我準備好了。

The hearings today? Well, we could delay, but that would leave Jennifer incarcerated for another month.

=> 今天的聽證會?那麼,我們可以推遲,但這將使詹妮弗被監禁一個月。

Dont worry.

=> 別擔心

Youll be fine.

=> 你會沒事的。

The ASAs not going to argue against a recognizance release.

=> ASA不會反對擔保釋放。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Meetings at 10:30.

=> 10點半開會

But I do admit to a failure of judgment in my private dealings with these women Sorry.

=> 但是我承認在與這些女人的私密交往中,判斷力的失敗抱歉。

mine and mine alone.

=> 我和我一個人。

No public funds were ever utilized.

=> 沒有公共資金被利用過。

The recent news Oh, hey.

=> 最近的消息哦,嘿。

Let me help you with that.

=> 讓我來幫你。

No, Im fine.

=> 不我沒事。

No, no, Im heading that way anyway.

=> 不,不,我無論如何都要這樣。

Oh, right.



=> 艾麗西亞。

Yeah, look, I know we should be at each others throats, but I just want to say I really respect what youre doing here.

=> 是啊,看,我知道我們應該在對方的喉嚨里,但我只想說我真的很尊重你在這裡做什麼。

Raising a family and then jumping right back into this.

=> 養一個家庭,然後跳回來。

My mom, shes thinking of doing the same thing.

=> 我的媽媽,她正在考慮做同樣的事情。


=> 大。


=> 是啊。

So, youre on the pro bono, right? Mm-hmm.

=> 所以,你是無償的,對不對? MM-嗯。

Yeah, thats great.

=> 對,那太好了。

I interned last summer at the Innocence Project.

=> 我去年夏天在Innocence Project實習。

My dads best friend is Barry Scheck and it was just amazing.

=> 我爸爸最好的朋友是Barry Scheck,這真是太棒了。

Helping people.

=> 幫助人們。

Here, they got me on the Sheffrin-Marks.

=> 在這裡,他們把我帶到了謝弗林標記上。

Im sure it will be challenging, but at the end of the day, what have you really done? Saved a corporation a few billion dollars? You want to trade? I would, but I guess they have other plans, so I am almost done, Cary.

=> 我相信這將是有挑戰性的,但在一天結束的時候,你真的做了什麼?保存了幾十億美元的公司?你想交易?我想,但我想他們有其他的計劃,所以我差不多完成了,卡里。

The lattes on your desk.

=> 拿鐵咖啡放在你的桌子上

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Hi, Mrs.

=> 嗨,太太


=> Florrick的。

Looks like we share an assistant, so tell me when Im hogging her, okay? And let the best man win.

=> 看起來我們共用一個助手,所以告訴我什麼時候我正在哄她,好嗎?讓最好的人取勝。

Excuse me? Uh, let the Nothing.

=> 打擾一下?呃,什麼都不要

Its nothing.

=> 沒什麼。

I Its nothing.

=> 我沒什麼


=> 哎呀。

Dont worry.

=> 別擔心

Its yours.

=> 是你的。


=> 哦。

Kalinda Sharma.

=> Kalinda Sharma。

Im the in-house.

=> 我是內部的。

Oh, the investigator.

=> 哦,調查員。

Youre Peter Florricks wife.

=> 你是Peter Florrick的妻子

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

I worked with him at the States Attorneys office three years.

=> 我在國家檢察官辦公室工作了三年。

He fired me.

=> 他解僱了我


=> 好的。

So, what do you know? The client is a second- grade school teacher.

=> 那麼,你知道什麼?客戶是一名二年級的教師。

Jennifer Lewis.

=> 詹妮弗·劉易斯。

She was arrested for killing her ex-husband.

=> 她因為殺害前夫而被捕

Making it look like a botched carjacking.

=> 使它看起來像一個拙劣的劫車。

Gunshot residue was found on Jennifers face and hands.

=> 詹妮弗的臉上和手上都有槍傷殘留物。

Thats why the cops started to think it was a murder disguised as a carjacking.

=> 這就是為什麼警察開始認為這是一起偽裝成劫車的謀殺。

According to them, Jennifer shot her ex-husband and wiped down the gun.

=> 據他們說,詹妮弗和她的前夫開槍,擦槍。

And the motive? He remarried and wanted custody of the three-year-old.

=> 而動機?他再婚,並希望三歲的監護權。

Witnesses saw them arguing a week before the murder.

=> 目擊者看到他們在謀殺前一個星期爭論。

Hey, mom.

=> 嗨,媽媽。

Pick up the phone.

=> 拿起電話。

Hey, mom.

=> 嗨,媽媽。

Pick up the phone.

=> 拿起電話。

Hey, mom.

=> 嗨,媽媽。

Pick up Sorry.

=> 拿起抱歉。

Thats my daughter.

=> 那是我女兒

Hi, Grace.

=> 嗨,Grace。

Hey, Mom.

=> 嗨,媽媽。

I want to ask you a question, but I dont want you to freak out, okay? Uh-oh.

=> 我想問你一個問題,但我不希望你嚇壞了,好嗎?嗯,哦。

Forget it.

=> 算了吧。

Ill ask Zach.

=> 我會問扎克。

No, no, no.

=> 不不不。

What? All right, well, some girl said dad slept with a hooker my age.

=> 什麼?好吧,有一個女孩說爸爸和我這個年齡的妓女睡了。

And I just What? Maam, youll have to turn that off.

=> 而我只是什麼?女士,你必須把這個關掉。

They were playing the tape in the computer lab.

=> 他們正在電腦室玩磁帶。

And some girl said her dads a cop and he said one of the hookers was a teenager.

=> 還有一個女孩說她的父親是一個警察,他說其中一個妓女是一個少年。

Okay, first of all, they were all over 20 and second, wheres the teacher? Its no big deal, mom.

=> 好的,首先,他們都是二十多歲,老師呢?媽媽沒什麼大不了的

Look, Ive got homework.

=> 看,我有作業。

Ill talk to you later.

=> 我稍後再和你談談。

What? Last time I was in court was 13 years ago.

=> 什麼?上次我在法庭上是13年前。


=> 哇。

I was 12.

=> 我12歲。


=> 謝謝。

The judge reaches into his pocket, pulls out a check, handing it to the plaintiff.

=> 法官伸進他的口袋裡,取出一張支票,交給原告。

"Im returning five grand and were going to decide this.

=> 「我要回到五大,我們要決定這一點。

" Thats Florricks wife.


Alicia? My God.

=> 艾麗西亞?天哪。

Matan, remember? From the department Christmas party.

=> 馬坦,記得嗎?從部門聖誕派對。

Youre at Stern, Lockhart & Gardner? Yeah.

=> 你在斯特恩,洛克哈特和加德納?是啊。

First day.

=> 第一天。


=> 哇。


=> 哦。

This is Sandra Pai.

=> 這是桑德拉·派。

Shes new.

=> 她是新的

Since Peter.

=> 自彼得。

Hows he doing, by the way? Peter? Fine.

=> 順便問一下,他怎麼樣?彼得?精細。

Say hello for me, will you? Look at all this.

=> 為我打個招呼,好嗎?看看這一切。

Youre going to bury us.

=> 你要埋葬我們

I dont know how you do it, Alicia.

=> 艾麗西亞,我不知道你是怎麼做到的。

Id be huddled up in a ball somewhere.

=> 我會被擠在一個地方。

Well, back to work.

=> 好吧,回去工作。

Good luck.

=> 祝你好運。

Wheres Diane? Diane asked me to step in for her.

=> 黛安娜在哪裡?黛安邀請我介入她。

Jennifer, Im Alicia Florrick.

=> 珍妮弗,我是艾莉西亞·弗洛里克。

Im one of the other lawyers with the firm.

=> 我是公司的其他律師之一。

Step in? For how long? For the retrial.

=> 介入;涉足?多長時間?為重審。

Oh, my God.

=> 哦,我的上帝。

All rise.

=> 全部上漲。


=> 太太。

The Criminal Court of Cook County is now in session, the Honorable Judge Richard Cuesta presiding.

=> 庫克縣刑事法院正在開庭,理查德·奎斯塔法官閣下主持會議。

Be seated.

=> 就座。

Okay, lets hear it.

=> 好的,讓我們聽聽。

Your Honor, I just Your Honor, just to refresh your memory, the accused was deemed a flight risk due to an earlier custody hearing in which she threatened to run off with her daughter.

=> 您的榮譽,我只是您的榮譽,只是為了讓您更加記憶,被告被視為逃跑風險,因為之前的監護權聽證會,她威脅要與女兒一起逃跑。

And yet just last week a jury deadlocked on these murder charges six to six, Mr.

=> 然而就在上個星期,一個陪審團對這起謀殺指控六點半就僵持不下,


=> 布羅迪。

Now I know our new states attorney wants to look tough, but why are you fighting this? Your Honor, I just wanted to The people are prepared to retry this case right now, Your Honor.

=> 現在我知道我們新州的律師想要看起來很強硬,但你為什麼要打這個?你的榮譽,我只是想讓人們現在準備重試這個案子,你的榮譽。

If Mrs.

=> 如果夫人

Florrick is so intent on getting her client out, why doesnt she agree to a speedy trial? Mrs.

=> Florrick非常想讓客戶離開,為什麼她不同意快速試用呢?太太。

Florrick? Yes, Your Honor.

=> Florrick的?是的,你的榮譽

The wife of the esteemed Peter Florrick? Your husband and I never quite saw eye to eye, maam.

=> 尊敬的Peter Florrick的妻子?你和我丈夫從來沒有見過面,夫人。

Your Honor Mrs.

=> 你的榮譽

Florrick, dont talk.

=> 弗洛里克,別說話。

But if the prosecution thinks that this will in some way prejudice me against your client, he is sorely mistaken.

=> 但如果控方認為這會在某種程度上損害我對您的當事人的利益,那麼他是錯誤的。

Nice try, Matan.

=> 很好,馬坦。

So Ms.

=> 所以女士

Lewis is granted pretrial release with electronic monitoring.

=> 劉易斯被授予電子監測的預審版本。

She is restricted to temporary housing, attorneys offices, and transit in between.

=> 她被限制在臨時住房,律師事務所,並在兩者之間過境。

And given that this is a rerun, Ill set the trial date for the 25th.

=> 鑒於這是一個重新運行,我會設置25日的審判日期。

Now, are we all happy? Good.

=> 現在,我們都快樂嗎?好。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。


=> 當然。

We had an amazing time.

=> 我們度過了美好的時光。

Michael talked about missing his daughter, the life we had together.

=> 邁克爾談到想念他的女兒,我們在一起的生活。

We were driving home and, uh we got a flat.

=> 我們開車回家,呃我們有一個單位。

He was getting out to fix it, and I saw a red pickup truck.

=> 他正在出門修理,我看到一輛紅色的小卡車。

A man came up to Michael.

=> 一個男人來到邁克爾。

I didnt see the gun until Michael! And I saw Michaels face.

=> 直到邁克爾,我才看到槍。我看到Michael的臉。

It was, um Do you need to take a break? Uh, no.

=> 那是,你需要休息一下嗎?呃,不。

Just if there was some water.

=> 只要有一些水。


=> 當然。

Sonia, we need some water in here.

=> 索尼婭,我們在這裡需要一些水。

Its going to be about five minutes, but then Ive got to do his depo upstairs.

=> 這將是大約五分鐘,但我必須做他的depo樓上。

You say this man ran to a red pickup truck here, and took off in this direction across the parking lot.


Theres a surveillance camera here.

=> 這裡有一台監控攝像機。

And the prosecution played it to make you look like a liar.

=> 控方起到這個作用,讓你看起來像個騙子。

Im not lying.

=> 我不是說假話。

But theres no truck on the tape.

=> 但是磁帶上沒有卡車。

And thats why youre facing a retrial now and not an acquittal.

=> 這就是為什麼你現在面臨重審,而不是無罪釋放。

I think what Kalinda is trying to say, Jennifer is, is it possible that you were mistaken and that the car went this way not that way? Is that your daughter? They wont let me see her.

=> 我覺得Kalinda想要說的是,Jennifer是不是有可能是你弄錯了,那輛車就這樣走了?那是你的女兒嗎?他們不會讓我看見她。

Michaels parents have custody.

=> 邁克爾的父母有監護權。

What am I going to do? Youre going to take it one day at a time.

=> 我該怎麼辦?你一天要拿一次。

We got you housing.

=> 我們有你的住房。

Youre going to go there, take a shower, take a nap.

=> 你要去那裡洗澡,睡午覺。

Dont turn on the TV.

=> 不要打開電視機。

You like reading? Im going to get you some books.

=> 你喜歡讀書嗎?我要拿你一些書。

Fiction is best.

=> 虛構是最好的。

You wont feel like it, but put on nice clothes and makeup.

=> 你不會覺得這樣,但穿上漂亮的衣服和化妝。

Force yourself to.

=> 強迫自己。

Not for court for you.

=> 不是為了你的法庭。

Its the superficial things that matter most right now.

=> 現在最重要的是膚淺的東西。

Does it ever get easier? No.

=> 它變得更容易嗎?沒有。

But you do get better at it.

=> 但是你做得更好。

What? If you identify with too many clients, you burn out.

=> 什麼?如果你認同太多的客戶,就會被燒毀。

Why dont you tell me when I do something right, okay? Sure.

=> 你為什麼不告訴我什麼時候做對了,好嗎?當然。

You go and interview the jurors and Ill try to figure out how a surveillance camera can lie.

=> 你去採訪陪審員,我會試圖弄清楚一台監控攝像機如何可以說謊。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

I was the jury foreman.

=> 我是陪審團的領班。

And you dont mind answering a few questions for us, Doctor? Itll help us refine the case for the retrial.

=> 你不介意為我們回答幾個問題,醫生?這將有助於我們改進再審案件。

No problem.

=> 沒問題。

I dont think youll need much refining.

=> 我認為你不需要太多精鍊。

Your case was very strong, very logical.

=> 你的情況非常強烈,非常合乎邏輯。

In fact, Im not even sure why the other side went to trial.

=> 事實上,我甚至不知道對方為什麼要去審判。

I voted for conviction right from the start.

=> 我從一開始就投了信。


=> 好。

You you mean, acquittal.

=> 你是說,無罪釋放。

No, conviction.

=> 不,信念。

But Im with the defense.

=> 但是我有防守


=> 哦。

She was lying about the pickup truck.

=> 她正躺在小卡車上。

She had the gunshot residue on her hands.

=> 她手上有槍彈殘留物。

Can I ask you how many voted for conviction from the start, sir? Eleven.

=> 先生,我可以問你一開始有多少票被定罪嗎?十一。

What? There was only one holdout.

=> 什麼?只有一個堅持。

Juror number nine.

=> 陪審員九號。

We argued with her for three days.

=> 我們和她爭了三天。

But the judge polled the jury and they deadlocked six to six.

=> 但法官對陪審團進行了調查,他們六六人陷入僵局。

Yes, well, the judge would only declare us deadlocked if we were evenly split.

=> 是的,如果我們平分秋色,法官只會宣布我們陷入僵局。

So some of us agreed to change our vote to not guilty just to get out of there.

=> 所以我們中的一些人同意改變我們的投票無罪只是為了離開那裡。

If it hadnt been for juror number nine we would have convicted.

=> 如果不是第九號陪審員,我們可能會被定罪。

She didnt convince us.

=> 她沒有說服我們。

She exhausted us.

=> 她用盡了我們。

No tea for me, Mrs.

=> 我沒有茶,夫人。


=> Duretsky。

Suit yourself.

=> 你自便。

So the other jurors said you were a holdout.

=> 所以其他陪審員說你是一個堅強的人。

Is that correct? Mm-hmm.

=> 那是對的嗎? MM-嗯。

They all thought they were so much smarter than me.

=> 他們都以為他們比我聰明得多。

My vote counted just as much as theirs.

=> 我的投票和他們的投票一樣多。


=> 嗯。

What exactly in the defenses case convinced you? Well, the whole thing, really.

=> 在辯方的情況下,你說服了什麼?那麼,整個事情呢,真的。

I tend to look at a person and size them up pretty quickly.

=> 我傾向於看一個人,並迅速調整他們的大小。

That lady, I liked her.

=> 那位女士,我喜歡她。

The defendant, Jennifer? No, that lawyer lady.

=> 被告詹妮弗?不,那個律師女士

She never put on airs.

=> 她從不擺架子。

I like that.

=> 我喜歡。

Just so Im clear: the defense expert argued that the gunshot residue on Jennifers hands came from the struggle.

=> 我很清楚:辯方專家認為,詹妮弗手上的槍擊殘餘物來自鬥爭。

Oh, so sweet.

=> 你真貼心。

Is that why you held out? Oh, I dont know about that.

=> 這就是為什麼你堅持?哦,我不知道。

I just tend to get a feeling.

=> 我只是傾向於有一種感覺。

Dont I, Cyrus? Hi, Jackie.

=> 我不是,賽勒斯?嗨,傑姬。

Whats wrong? Nothings wrong.

=> 怎麼了?沒什麼不對

I was going through the laundry and I think some of Graces school clothes you would find inappropriate.

=> 我正在洗衣服,我認為一些格雷斯的學校服裝,你會發現不合適的。

We just moved away.

=> 我們剛搬走

Grace has left all her friends.

=> 格蕾絲已經離開了她所有的朋友

I need you to go easier on her.

=> 我需要你更容易對她。

All I said was I could take her shopping and help her find pants that would make her look slimmer.

=> 我所說的是我可以把她的購物,並幫助她找到褲子,這將使她看起來更苗條。

Shes at a perfectly healthy weight.

=> 她的體重非常健康。

I dont want her to have body image issues.

=> 我不希望她有身體形象問題。

Shell only have body image issues if she keeps gaining weight.

=> 如果她不斷增加體重,她只會有身體形象問題。


=> 艾麗西亞。

Um, well talk about this when I get home later, okay? All right.

=> 呃,等我回家以後再談這個,好嗎?好吧。


=> 再見。

You know the new associate Cary? The one in the Brioni? What? Im observant.

=> 你知道新的同事卡里? Brioni中的那個?什麼?我很守規矩

Yes, the one in the Brioni.

=> 是的,在Brioni的那個。

He said to me, "May the best man win.

=> 他對我說:「願最好的人贏。

" What exactly does he mean by that? What he means is something I thought we werent making public.


What? Look, we only have one associate position open.

=> 什麼?看,我們只有一個副職職位是開放的。

So we agreed to hire two applicants, and in six months decide which one to retain.

=> 所以我們同意聘請兩個申請人,並在六個月內決定保留哪一個。

So this is a contest between me and Cary? It was either that or a cage match.

=> 所以這是我和Cary的比賽?這是要麼或籠子匹配。

Im just happy your pro bonos going well.

=> 我只是很高興你的公益事業進展順利。

Visiting hours are almost over.

=> 訪問時間幾乎結束。

They said a visitor.

=> 他們說一個訪客。

I thought Mom.

=> 我以為媽媽

Ive been busy.

=> 我一直很忙。

Its good to see you.

=> 很高興見到你。

I need you to sign some things.

=> 我需要你簽署一些事情。


=> 好的。

We didnt get everything we wanted on the house.

=> 我們沒有得到我們想要的房子的一切。

Its a bad market to sell.

=> 這是一個糟糕的市場出售。

I see that.

=> 我看到。

We used most of it for your court costs.

=> 我們大部分用於法庭費用。

The rent will come out of my salary and the kids are going to have to stay in public school.

=> 租金將來自我的工資,孩子們將不得不留在公立學校。

How are they? Mother says that shes helping out around the house.

=> 他們怎麼樣?媽媽說她在房子周圍幫忙

Theyre good.

=> 他們很好。

Grace argues over clothes with your mother, and Zach is using you to make friends at school.

=> 格蕾絲與你媽媽爭辯著衣服,扎克正在用你在學校交朋友。

Which I dont know if thats a healthy thing or something worse.

=> 我不知道這是一個健康的事情還是更糟的事情。

Using me? FunnyOrDie has a skit about you.

=> 用我? FunnyOrDie有一個關於你的小品。

Its cool, I guess.

=> 我想這很酷。

Oh here.

=> 哦,在這裡。

Alicia, I know this has been hard on you, but you have to believe me.

=> 艾麗西亞,我知道這對你很重要,但你必須相信我。

Im innocent of the abuse of office charges.

=> 我無辜濫用辦公室收費。

You think I give a damn about that, Peter? They were playing a tape in Graces computer lab of you sucking the toes of a hooker.

=> 彼得,你覺得我該死嗎?他們在格雷斯的電腦室里玩膠帶,吸吮妓女的腳趾。

The state attorneys Oh, come on, Peter.


I dont want to talk! Im not going to fight.

=> 我不想說話!我不打架

I didnt come here to fight.

=> 我沒有來這裡打架。

Mom says youre on a case.

=> 媽媽說你在做個案子


=> 恭喜。

The fake carjacking, right? Whos the judge? Richard Cuesta.

=> 假的劫車,對不對?誰是法官?理查德·奎斯塔

Youre kidding.

=> 你在開玩笑。

He hates me.

=> 他恨我。

I know.

=> 我知道。

Visiting hours are now over.

=> 訪問時間已經結束。

Visiting hours are now over.

=> 訪問時間已經結束。

You know there was something weird about that case, dont you? The Lewis case? There was a rumor going around that something got buried, pitted.

=> 你知道這件事有些奇怪,不是嗎?劉易斯案?有傳言說有東西被埋了,有點坑了。

What? Evidence or testimony.

=> 什麼?證據或證詞。

I should go.

=> 我應該走了。

Hey, listen, thanks for playing the breadwinner for a while.

=> 嘿,聽著,謝謝你打了一段時間的養家糊口。

Its not going to last forever.

=> 這不會永遠持續下去。

The lawyers think the appellate court is going to hear my case.

=> 律師認為上訴法院將聽取我的案件。

If they overturn it, everything goes back to normal.

=> 如果推翻它,一切都會恢復正常。

Its time.

=> 是時候了。

Peter, its never going back to normal.

=> 彼得,這永遠不會恢復正常。

As soon as the cops found gunshot residue on Jennifers hands, they had their suspect.

=> 警方一旦在珍妮的手上發現了槍彈殘留物,就有了嫌疑。

So what if they pitted everything else? And what if they didnt? Arguments are cheap.

=> 那麼如果他們與其他所有東西呢?而如果他們不呢?參數很便宜。

Whats that? Page one of the crime lab summary.

=> 那是什麼?第一個犯罪實驗室總結。

I was digging through discovery.

=> 我正在挖掘發現。

Look at the top corner.

=> 看看最上面的角落。

Looks like a staple.

=> 看起來像主食。

It is a staple.

=> 這是主食。

And thats odd because? Theres no page two.

=> 這很奇怪,因為?沒有第二頁。

Why do they need to staple if theres no page two? You think the cops kept something out of the discovery that pointed to another suspect? Well, I think either they did or it would be helpful in court to imply that they did.

=> 如果沒有第二頁,他們為什麼需要裝訂?你認為警方在發現另一名嫌疑犯的過程中有什麼東西嗎?那麼,我認為他們要麼做了,要麼在法庭上幫助暗示他們做到了。

Two days away from trial and youre thinking of dropping the old strategy? Diane barely convinced a cat lady to acquit.

=> 離審判兩天,你想放棄舊的戰略?黛安娜幾乎沒有說服貓女士無罪釋放。

So, a pickup truck is seen racing through a well-lit, empty parking lot.

=> 所以,看到一輛小貨車在一個光線充足的空蕩蕩的停車場。

How is a truck missed by that surveillance camera? Mismarked surveillance tape.

=> 那輛監控攝像機錯過了一輛卡車?錯標的監控磁帶。


=> 是啊。

What are you doing? Working.

=> 你在做什麼?加工。

These are better than subpoenas.

=> 這些都比傳票要好。

We just need to see how the surveillance system works, and well be out of your hair in five minutes.

=> 我們只需要看看監控系統是如何工作的,五分鐘之內我們就會掉頭髮了。

Five minutes? Uh-huh.

=> 5分鐘?嗯。

Okay, its down here.

=> 好吧,在這裡。

Why did my husband fire you? He accused me of working two jobs.

=> 我丈夫為什麼解僱你?他指責我做兩份工作。

Were you? Oh, yeah.

=> 你呢?哦耶。

See, the computer automatically records the surveillance.

=> 看,電腦自動記錄監視。

Marks it with date and time.

=> 標記日期和時間。

Is that the night of the murder? Yeah.

=> 那是謀殺的夜晚嗎?是啊。

I mean, even if the computer did mismark it, I make an hourly tour of the lot, and I didnt see no pickup truck.

=> 我的意思是,即使電腦有誤,我每小時巡視一次,我也沒有看到小卡車。

Look, thats me.

=> 瞧,那就是我。

Can we get copies of these? Sure.

=> 我們可以得到這些副本嗎?當然。

Lanie? Lanie?! What? Get me some disks.

=> Lanie? Lanie?什麼?給我一些磁碟。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Your machine spit out an extra one.

=> 你的機器吐出一個額外的。

Would you like it? Oh.

=> 你想要嗎?哦。

Oh, what beautiful children.

=> 哦,美麗的孩子。

Two kids, two grandkids.

=> 兩個孩子,兩個孫子。

Hey, Lanie, how about those disks?! Is he always so charming? Oh, hes just a lazy mall cop.

=> 嘿拉尼,這些磁碟怎麼樣?他總是很迷人嗎?哦,他只是一個懶惰的商場警察。

He spends half the day surfing porn, and with night shift, he cant get his skinny ass out of his chair.

=> 他花了半天的時間去衝浪色情片,夜班裡,他不能把他瘦的屁股從椅子里拿出來。

Im always waking him up in the morning.

=> 我總是早上醒來。

Oh! Men.

=> 哦!男子。

I talked to Peter.

=> 我和彼得談過了。

He said you dropped by.

=> 他說你放棄了。

I did.

=> 我做了。

Im glad.

=> 我很高興。

Hes hurting in there.

=> 他在那裡受傷了

Hes very brave.

=> 他很勇敢

But hes hurting.

=> 但是他受傷了

He needs you to forgive him, Alicia.

=> 艾麗西亞,他需要你原諒他。

Jackie, I spent 15 years doing his laundry, cleaning his house, never asking a single question because I didnt think I had to.

=> 傑基,我花了15年的時間洗衣服,打掃房子,從來不問一個問題,因為我不認為我必須這樣做。

And he took everything I thought we had and he just put it out there for everyone.

=> 他拿走了我以為我們所有的東西,然後把它放在那裡給大家。

He didnt want that.

=> 他不想要那個。

The press Oh, Jackie, stop it, please! Peter wasnt thinking of us.

=> 記者哦,成龍,請停下來!彼得沒有想到我們。

It takes time, Alicia.

=> 艾麗西亞需要時間。

Give it time.

=> 給它時間。

Any time I have right now is for them.

=> 我現在任何時候都是為了他們。

I want her dead.

=> 我想讓她死。

Me, too, just not quite yet.

=> 我也是,還不夠。

So why cant Zach and I just watch ourselves? Honey, shes only here a couple of hours a day.

=> 那麼為什麼扎克和我只能看著自己?親愛的,她每天只有幾個小時。

A couple very damaging hours.

=> 一對夫婦非常有害的小時。

Youll heal.

=> 你會癒合。

And change her ring tone.

=> 並改變她的鈴聲。

Please state your name.

=> 請說出你的名字。

Cindy Lewis.

=> 辛迪·劉易斯。

And you were married to the victim for how long, Mrs.

=> 你和受害者結婚多久了,夫人。

Lewis? Two years until Thank you.

=> 劉易斯?兩年,直到謝謝。

And how would you describe your husbands relationship with his first wife? Well, most of the time it was fine, friendly even, but after the last custody hearing, Michael was pretty worried about Jenniger Objection, Your Honor.

=> 你怎麼描述你丈夫和他的第一任妻子的關係呢?那麼大部分時間都很好,甚至是友好的,但是在最後一次監管聽證會之後,邁克爾非常擔心Jenniger異議,您的榮譽。

On what grounds? Hearsay.

=> 基於什麼理由?傳聞。

Nice try, Mrs.

=> 太好了,夫人。


=> Florrick的。

Ill allow it.

=> 我會允許的

Go ahead, Mrs.

=> 來吧,夫人。


=> 劉易斯。

Um, he was worried Jennifer was intent on getting sole custody.

=> 呃,他很擔心珍妮佛打算得到唯一的監護權。

Thank you, Mrs.

=> 謝謝你,夫人


=> 劉易斯。

Your witness.

=> 你的證人

Now, Mrs.

=> 現在,夫人。

Lewis, you stated that Michael was worried about Jennifer, yet in the week following Objection, Your Honor.

=> 劉易斯,你表示,邁克爾擔心詹妮弗,但在反對,榮譽的一周。


=> 持續。

In your testimony, Mrs.

=> 在你的證詞中,

Lewis, you claimed that Jennifer wanted sole custody, but isnt it true? Objection.

=> 劉易斯,你聲稱珍妮弗想獨自監護,但這不是真的嗎?異議。


=> 持續。

Keep trying, Mrs.

=> 繼續努力,夫人。


=> Florrick的。

Youll hit on it.

=> 你會打它。


=> 太太。

Lewis, whose idea was it to have dinner, Jennifers or Michaels? Michaels.

=> 劉易斯,他的想法是吃晚飯,詹妮弗還是邁克爾?邁克爾的。

So wouldnt that suggest that his attitude had changed towards? Objection.

=> 那麼這不就是說他的態度已經改變了嗎?異議。


=> 持續。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Now, Detective Briggs, the defense has referred to three unsolved carjackings in the neighborhood at that time.

=> 現在,布里格斯偵探,當時的辯護人提到了附近三個未解決的劫車事件。

Are you aware of this? I am.

=> 你知道嗎?我是。

So why didnt you consider this incident to be another in that series of carjackings? First of all, they were all luxury cars: one Lexus and two BMWs.

=> 那麼你為什麼不把這個事件看作是這一連串劫車事件的又一個呢?首先,他們都是豪華車:一輛雷克薩斯和兩輛寶馬。

The victim in this crime was driving a 2001 Honda, and there was no clip on the fuel line.

=> 這次犯罪的受害者是駕駛2001年本田,燃料線上沒有夾子。

This is what the carjackers did to force the luxury cars over.

=> 這是劫機者強迫豪華轎車所做的事情。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

Yes, maam, there was a nail driven into the front driver tire.


I see.

=> 我懂了。

Now, why is this something a carjacker would never do, Detective? It would defeat the purpose.

=> 現在,為什麼這個劫掠者永遠不會做的事,偵探?這會打破目的。

I mean, how do you steal a car with a flat? Your witness.

=> 我的意思是,你怎麼偷車?你的證人

Its not going well, is it? Its early.

=> 這不好,是嗎?現在還早。


=> 太太。

Florrick? Detective Briggs, what is "the pit"? Excuse me? In police circles, what is "the pit"? Objection, Your Honor.

=> Florrick的?布里格斯偵探,什麼是「坑」?打擾一下?在警察圈子裡,什麼是「坑」?異議,你的榮譽

On what grounds? On the grounds that relevance.

=> 基於什麼理由?基於相關性。

Well, let us see how relevant this becomes, shall we? Detective? The pit the pit is police slang for evidence thought irrelevant at a crime scene.

=> 那麼,讓我們看看這個變化有多相關,我們呢?偵探?坑坑是警方俚語證據認為在犯罪現場無關緊要。

So when an officers referring to dropping something in "the pit," or "pitting it," he refers to what? Excluding it from the crime scene narrative.

=> 所以當一位軍官提到在「坑」或「點」時,他指的是什麼?排除在犯罪現場的敘述之外。

But that only applies to irrelevant details.

=> 但這隻適用於不相關的細節。

We wouldnt exclude pertinent evidence.

=> 我們不排除有關的證據。

Was anything pitted from the Lewis crime? Your Honor, objection! Evidence is logged in all the time that proves irrelevant to the discovery.

=> 劉易斯犯罪有什麼問題嗎?你的榮譽,異議!證據始終記錄在與發現無關的事實上。

Its not an intent to deceive.

=> 這不是一個欺騙的意圖。

Its an attempt to decipher facts.

=> 這是一個破譯事實的嘗試。

We dont even know if it is And to blame the prosecution for not coming up with every single possible detail?! Shes trying to build a case on a staple Okay, okay, Mrs.

=> 我們甚至不知道是否是因為沒有提出任何可能的細節而責怪控方?她試圖在主食上打一個案子好的,好的,夫人。

Florrick! None of this was in the first trial.

=> Florrick的!這一切都沒有在第一次審判。

Is it your intention to pursue a new defense? Yes, Your Honor.

=> 你打算追求新的防禦?是的,你的榮譽

Counsels trying to mislead the jury.

=> 律師試圖誤導陪審團。

Shes implying there was police corruption.

=> 她暗示有警察腐敗。

Oh, shut up, Matan! Is she right? Thats the question.

=> 哦,閉嘴,馬坦!她是對的嗎?這就是問題所在。

Did you bury something? We all know whats going on here.

=> 你埋了什麼東西?我們都知道這裡發生了什麼事。

Peter Florrick was a corrupt and convicted states attorney.

=> 彼得·弗羅里克(Peter Florrick)是一位腐敗且被定罪的州律師。

If evidence was buried, he buried it.

=> 如果證據被埋沒,他就把它埋了。

And now shes benefiting from his knowledge.

=> 而現在她正從他的知識中受益。

Which still leaves you with some pages missing here! Ill give you till Monday to produce them along with any evidence they reference.

=> 這仍然留下你在這裡失蹤的一些網頁!我會把你送到星期一,把它們和他們提到的任何證據一起出示。

Then Ill rule on admissibility.

=> 那麼我會裁定可否受理。

And you, Mrs.

=> 而你呢,夫人。

Florrick, Im not sure if youre being fed this stuff or youre doing it on your own, but if its the former, youre walking a very narrow ethical line here.

=> 弗洛里克,我不知道你是否被餵食這種東西,或者你自己做,但如果是前者,那麼你在這裡走的道德路線非常狹窄。

You understand that? Yes, Your Honor.

=> 你明白嗎?是的,你的榮譽

The directive was simple.

=> 指令很簡單。

Follow the strategy of the first trial.

=> 遵循一審的策略。

Instead, youre pushing for evidence that might not even help your case.

=> 相反,你在推動可能甚至不能幫助你的情況的證據。

I interviewed the first jury, and they voted 11 to one to convict.

=> 我採訪了第一個陪審團,他們投了11票給一個定罪。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Thats not true.

=> 這不是真的。

It was evenly split.

=> 它平分秋色。


=> 沒有。

Half the jurors switched their votes when they couldnt get a troubled juror to deliberate.

=> 有一半的陪審員在無法得到有問題的陪審員的意見時轉投他們的選票。

So, I used my judgment to change strategies.

=> 所以,我用我的判斷來改變策略。

And was it your judgment not to update us? Shes a junior associate who doesnt think shes a junior associate.

=> 你的判斷是不是更新我們?她是初級助理,不認為她是初級助理。

Her husband was a states attorney.

=> 她的丈夫是一名州律師。

She lived in Highland Park.

=> 她住在高地公園。

Its not just teaching an old dog new tricks.

=> 這不只是教一個老狗新花樣。

Its teaching an entitled dog new tricks.

=> 這是一個有教養的狗新花樣。

Come on, Diane.

=> 來吧,黛安。

The problem is shes catching evidence that you overlooked.

=> 問題是她正在捕捉你忽視的證據。

Ive seen you mentor these women until they start competing with you.

=> 我已經看到你指導這些女人,直到他們開始與你競爭。

And then you What? Excuse me? I say we reprimand Alicia and put Cary in as first chair.

=> 然後你呢?打擾一下?我說我們譴責艾麗西亞,把卡里當成第一把椅子。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Thats her, isnt it? Sonia, can you? Alicia Florricks office.

=> 那是她,不是嗎?索尼婭,可以嗎?艾麗西亞·弗洛里克的辦公室。

One moment, please.

=> 稍等一會兒。

Jennifer, pick up.

=> 詹妮弗,拿起。

Hello? Hi, baby.

=> 你好?嗨寶貝。


=> 你好。

I miss you so much.

=> 我非常想念你。


=> 艾麗西亞。

Its dog hair.

=> 這是狗的頭髮。

The pitted evidence.

=> 有爭議的證據。

I talked to a friend at the crime lab.

=> 我在犯罪實驗室與一位朋友交談。

Gave me a preview of the evidence.

=> 給我一個證據的預覽。

A preview? Its dog hair found on the victims clothes.

=> 預覽?這是在受害者的衣服上發現的狗頭髮。

Cops pitted it because they found dog hair at Michaels residence and thought it was the same.

=> 警察對著它,因為他們在邁克爾的住處發現了狗毛,並認為這是一樣的。

But its not? Its from an Italian greyhound.

=> 但是不是?它來自義大利的靈緹犬。

Neither Michael nor Jennifer had greyhounds.

=> 邁克爾和珍妮弗都沒有獵狗。

Theres also a chemical on the hair.

=> 頭髮上還有一種化學物質。

Alco Ectolin a lotion for muscle and joint paint.

=> Alco Ectolin肌肉和關節油漆乳液。

Thats the chemical number? No, his cell number.

=> 這是化學數字?不,他的手機號碼。

I agreed to drinks.

=> 我同意喝酒。

So were looking for an arthritic greyhound owner.

=> 所以我們正在尋找關節炎的灰狗老闆。

We? I hear youre being bumped to second chair.

=> 我們?我聽說你被撞到了第二把椅子。

When? End of tomorrow.

=> 什麼時候?明天結束。

Carys being transitioned in.

=> 卡里正在過渡。

And hell go back to the first trial strategy.

=> 他會回到第一個審判策略。


=> 哇。

Its not a good year for him.

=> 對他來說這不是一個好的一年。

The all-star point guard is currently suing his ex-girlfriend for damages, hoping the judge can finally determine whether this case was fact or fantasy.

=> 目前全明星控衛正在起訴前女友的損失,希望法官能最終確定這個案件是事實還是幻想。

You know her simply as "Amber," the young woman who brought down bad boy Chicago states attorney Peter Florrick.

=> 你知道她簡直就是「琥珀」,這個年輕女子把壞男孩芝加哥州的律師彼得·弗羅里克(Peter Florrick)帶走。

Though she says she wants to leave the scandal far behind, celebrity call girl Amber Madison has decided to write a memoir about her time with Florrick.

=> 雖然她說她想遠離醜聞,但名人電話女孩琥珀麥迪遜已經決定寫一個關於她的時間與Florrick的回憶錄。

In this exclusive interview with Inside Edition Do you really have to work? Yeah, ten more minutes.

=> 在這個內部版本的獨家採訪你真的要上班嗎?對,十分鐘。

Zach, I need your computer.

=> 扎克,我需要你的電腦。

Mom, I just raised my wanted level.

=> 媽媽,我只是提高了我的想要的水平。

Yeah, Im happy for you, honey.

=> 對,我為你高興,親愛的。

When Peters father was on the Illinois court, he never brought a single case home, not once.

=> 當彼得的父親在伊利諾伊州的法庭上時,他從來沒有把一個案件帶回家,而不是一次。

He was a judge, Jackie.

=> 他是一個法官,傑基。

Im a junior associate.

=> 我是一名初級助理。

Zach?! I need you to play these two computer disks side by side.

=> 扎克?我需要你一起玩這兩個電腦磁碟。

Can you set up my computer next to yours? Hey, hows your sister? She still fighting with Grandma? What is it? Its video of the night of the murder.

=> 你可以在我的電腦旁邊設置電腦嗎?嘿,你妹妹怎麼樣?她還在和奶奶打架?它是什麼?這是謀殺當晚的錄像。

Like Faces of Death? Mm.

=> 就像死亡的面孔?毫米。

Mom, Ive seen worse.

=> 媽媽,我已經看到更糟了。

Youre adorable.

=> 你很迷人。

Im not.

=> 我不是。

Yes, you are.

=> 是的,你是。

This is at 11:03 the night of the murder, Mr.


North, and thats you making your hourly circuit of the lot, correct? Yes, thats correct.

=> 北,這就是你讓你每小時一圈,對不對?對,那是正確的。

And you saw no pickup truck, no carjacker racing past, nothing the defendant claims she saw.

=> 而且你沒有看到卡車,沒有劫車者過去,被告沒有看到她所看到的東西。

Thats correct.

=> 這是正確的。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Nothing further, Your Honor.

=> 沒有什麼更多,您的榮譽。


=> 太太。


=> Florrick的。

Can we have the monitors in, please? Thank you.

=> 我們可以把顯示器放進去嗎?謝謝。

States attorneys here.

=> 州律師在這裡。

Now, Mr.

=> 現在,先生

North Theyre worried shes getting the stuff from her husband.

=> 北他們擔心她從丈夫那裡得到東西。

Here are three images.

=> 這裡有三個圖像。

The middle is the image of the surveillance from the 15th, the night of the murder, and the one over there on the left is the image from the 14th, the night before the murder, and the one on the right is from the 16th, the night after the murder.

=> 中間是從十五號到謀殺之夜的監視圖像,左邊那個是從十四號到謀殺前一夜的圖像,右邊是十六號的圖像,謀殺之後的一晚。

Can you see the dates on those? Uh, yes, I can.

=> 你能看到那些日期嗎?呃,是的,我可以。

So, as you said before, there you are the night of the murder, at 11:03, making your circuit of the lot.

=> 所以,正如你之前所說的那樣,在11點03分,你有這個謀殺的夜晚,讓你的巡邏成為可能。

And there you are the night before the murder and the night after, doing the same thing.

=> 在那之前的那個夜晚,你就是在做同樣的事情。

It must get old.

=> 它必須變老。

Um, no, maam.

=> 嗯,不,女士。

My job doesnt pay as much as yours, but I still love it.

=> 我的工作不像你的那麼多,但我仍然喜歡它。


=> 好的。


=> 好。

Now, Mr.

=> 現在,先生

North, lets fast-forward, shall we? And there.

=> 北方,讓我們快速前進吧?在那裡。

What do you see? Nothing.

=> 你看到了什麼?沒有。

No? Its right there maybe you need to move in a little closer.

=> 沒有?就在那裡,也許你需要靠近一些。

Oh, its a shopping bag, it looks like a shopping bag.

=> 哦,這是一個購物袋,它看起來像一個購物袋。

Actually, it is.

=> 實際上是這樣。

Its a plastic shopping bag.

=> 這是一個塑料購物袋。

It was a very windy night that night, and it blew across the lot at 11:48.

=> 那天晚上是一個非常颳風的夜晚,11:48時它在整個地段爆炸。

Your Honor, objection.

=> 你的榮譽,反對

What does this have to do with anything? Beats me.

=> 這與什麼有什麼關係?打敗我。

But Im interested, arent you, Mr.

=> 但是我感興趣,不是嗎?

Brody? Overruled.

=> 布羅迪?否決。

Okay, so lets fast-forward the other two monitors- the night before the murder and the night after the murder to the same time code.

=> 好吧,讓我們快速轉發另外兩台顯示器 - 殺人之前的那個晚上,謀殺之後的那個晚上,直到同一個時間代碼。

Heres the 14th and the 16th.

=> 這是十四號和十六號。

What do you see? Um I dont know.

=> 你看到了什麼?呃我不知道

I think you do know, sir.

=> 先生,我想你知道。

Either you have a plastic bag that blows across your lot every night at 11:48, or these are duplicates of the same tape.

=> 要麼你每天晚上11點48分都有一個塑料袋,或者是同一盤磁帶的複製品。

No, it its not wh what it looks like.

=> 不,這不是它的樣子。

I understand, sir.

=> 我明白,先生。

You didnt willfully mislead the police.

=> 你沒有故意誤導警察。

Yeah, thats correct.

=> 是的,這是正確的。

No, its just that it gets cold out there, and sometimes you dont make the circuit of the lot.

=> 不,只是它在那裡變冷了,有時候你並沒有製造這個地段。


=> 是。

So on the nights that you dont go out, you dont record the actual surveillance image, you set your computer up to duplicate the night before, just in case your manager checks in, is that correct? Yes.

=> 所以在你不出門的那個晚上,你不記錄實際的監控圖像,你把計算機設置成複製前一天晚上,以防萬一你的經理檢查,是正確的?是。

Just so Im clear, there is no recording the night of the murder, and you were never there to see or not see the pickup truck or the carjacker.

=> 就這樣,我清楚,在謀殺當晚沒有錄音,你從來沒有看到或看不到皮卡車或劫車者。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

Uh, yes.

=> 呃,是的。

No further questions.

=> 沒有更多的問題。

So, youre wondering whether demolishing the key prosecution witness didnt just save your ass as first chair nice work, by the way Thanks.

=> 所以,你想知道是否拆除關鍵控方證人不僅僅是保存你的屁股作為第一椅子好工作,謝謝。

but was enough for reasonable doubt.

=> 但足夠合理的懷疑。

You know what hurts you? Nail in the tire.

=> 你知道什麼傷害你嗎?釘在輪胎上。


=> 是的。

And the old Honda.

=> 和舊的本田。

It just doesnt feel like a carjacking.

=> 它只是不覺得像劫車。

It feels like a murder made to look like a carjacking.

=> 這感覺就像是一場謀殺,看起來像劫車。

What if I dont fight it? What, agree that it was just a murder? Then the jury needs a suspect.

=> 如果我不打它呢?什麼,同意這只是一個謀殺?那麼陪審團需要一個嫌犯。

Its late.

=> 晚了。

Its like old times.

=> 這就像過去一樣。

Evidentiary procedure.

=> 證據程序。

The mock trial.

=> 模擬審判。

You remember that? How could I forget? Did we lose that one? Yeah! Hi.

=> 你記得嗎?我怎麼能忘記?我們輸了那個嗎?是啊!你好。


=> 你好。

Um, Mrs.

=> 恩,夫人。

Florrick, I just want to say congratulations.

=> 弗洛里克,我只想說恭喜。

I heard you did well in court.

=> 我聽說你在法庭上做得很好。

Thanks, Sonia.

=> 謝謝,索尼婭。


=> 索尼婭。

Heading out? Yeah.

=> 走出去?是啊。

I got a breakfast meeting with clients.

=> 我和客戶一起吃早餐會

What? Something just doesnt seem right.

=> 什麼?有些東西看起來不正確。

Michael has dinner with his first wife.

=> 邁克爾和他的第一任妻子共進晚餐。


=> 對。

He tells Jennifer he misses her, he missed their old life together.

=> 他告訴珍妮,他想念她,他一起錯過了他們的舊生活。


=> 對。

What does Cindy think about it? The second wife? Cindy thinks some unhappy thoughts.

=> 辛迪是怎麼想的?第二個妻子?辛迪認為有些不愉快的想法。

Jury liked her.

=> 陪審團喜歡她。

Get them not to.

=> 讓他們不要。

What did you get on Cindys brother? These are his employment records.

=> 辛迪的哥哥你怎麼了?這是他的就業記錄。


=> 好。

What about the lab report? Here.

=> 那麼實驗報告呢?這裡。

But theyre gonna object the whole way.

=> 但他們會反對的。

Youll need to just string together some implications Mrs.

=> 你需要串起一些暗示夫人。


=> Florrick的。

You have a moment? Okay.

=> 你有一個時間?好的。

I dont think weve ever met before.

=> 我不認為我們曾經見過面。

Im Glenn Childs.

=> 我是Glenn Childs。

Weve met.

=> 我們見過面了

You know hes using you, dont you? Peter blames me for his downfall.

=> 你知道他在用你,不是嗎?彼得責怪我的失敗。

Hes using you to get to me.

=> 他正在用你來找我

How do you figure? Mrs.

=> 你怎麼看?太太。

Florrick, please.

=> Florrick,請。

He told you about the pitted trace evidence.

=> 他告訴你有關痕迹的證據。

Dont make yourself collateral damage here, for your own sake.

=> 為了自己的利益,不要在這裡造成附帶的傷害。


=> 先生。

Childs, the day you leaked that sex tape to the press and forced me to shield my children from every cable news station that played it in a 24-hour rotation, that was the day I became collateral damage.

=> 孩子們,那天你把那個性愛錄像帶泄露給了媒體,並且迫使我把我的孩子從24小時輪播的每一個有線電視新聞台屏蔽了,那是我成為附帶損害的那一天。

If youre worried about my husband, Mr.

=> 如果你擔心我的丈夫,先生

Childs, youve obviously never made a woman angry before.

=> 孩子,你顯然從來沒有讓一個女人生氣過。

Well, good luck in court.

=> 那麼,在法庭上祝你好運。


=> 太太。

Lewis, did you and the deceased sign a prenuptial agreement? Uh, yes, for tax purposes.

=> 劉易斯,你和死者簽訂了婚前協議嗎?嗯,是的,為了稅收目的。

So if the deceased were to divorce you, lets say, in order to reunite with his first wife Objection.

=> 所以如果死者要和你離婚,比方說,為了與他的第一個妻子異議團聚。


=> 持續。

If the deceased were to divorce you, you would be cut off from his premarital savings, is that correct? Objection.

=> 如果死者與你離婚,你將會從他的婚前儲蓄中斷掉,那是對的嗎?異議。


=> 關聯。


=> 持續。

Move it along, Mrs.

=> 移動它,夫人。


=> Florrick的。


=> 太太。

Of the murder? No, of course not.


What about your brother? Objection! Your Honor, come on, this whole line of questioning is a smokescreen.

=> 你兄弟怎麼樣?異議!你的榮譽,來吧,這整個質疑是一個煙幕。


=> 先生。

Brody, why dont we wait for a whiff of smoke before we call it a screen, please.

=> 布羅迪,我們為什麼不在我們稱之為屏幕之前等待一陣煙霧。

Ill allow.

=> 我會允許的。

The police never questioned your brother, isnt that correct, Mrs.

=> 警察從來沒有問過你的兄弟,這是不是正確的,夫人。

Lewis? Well, they had no reason to.

=> 劉易斯?那麼,他們沒有理由。

Because he lived in Miami? Because Danny had nothing to do with this.

=> 因為他住在邁阿密?因為丹尼與此無關。


=> 太太。

Lewis, the judge has admitted into evidence the buried Strike that.

=> 劉易斯,法官已經承認埋葬罷工的證據。

the previously unreleased trace evidence.

=> 以前未發布的痕迹證據。

He has also admitted into evidence the crime labs finding that these greyhound hairs were covered in a chemical compound called Alco Ectolin.

=> 他還承認犯罪實驗室發現這些灰狗毛被一種名為Alco Ectolin的化合物所覆蓋。

Have you heard of this? Sorry, the chemical? No.

=> 你有沒有聽說過這個?對不起,化學物質?沒有。

No, neither had I.

=> 不,我也沒有

It is a lotion.

=> 這是一個化妝水。

It is a lotion that is used at dog racing tracks to ease Objection.

=> 這是一個在狗賽道用來緩解異議的化妝水。

Not in evidence.

=> 沒有證據。


=> 持續。

And you might want to stay standing, Mr.

=> 先生,您可能想保持站立,


=> 布羅迪。

I have a feeling were nearing your smokescreen.

=> 我有一種感覺,我們接近你的煙幕。


=> 太太。

Lewis, isnt it a fact that a year ago at the time of the murder, your brother worked at a dog track? Objection! Sustained.

=> 劉易斯,這是不是事實,一年前在謀殺時,你的兄弟在一條狗的軌道上工作?異議!持續。

No further questions.

=> 沒有更多的問題。

Youre not just making this up? Come on, its a Stern, Lockhart tradition: your first jury trial shot of tequila.

=> 你不只是做這個?來吧,這是一個嚴厲的洛克哈特傳統:您的第一次陪審團審判龍舌蘭酒的拍攝。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。


=> 好的。

Yeah, I just made that up.

=> 是的,我剛剛做出來了。

Sounded good, though, didnt it? How long do you think theyll stay out? Oh, I stopped guessing about juries a while ago.

=> 聽起來不錯,不是嗎?你覺得他們會呆多久?哦,我剛才不再猜測陪審團。

How long were they out with your husband? Six hours.

=> 他們和你丈夫在一起多久了?六個小時。

Yeah? You know what I dont get? Why you stood by him.

=> 是嗎?你知道我沒有得到什麼?你為什麼站在他旁邊

I wouldve stuck a knife in his heart.

=> 我會在他的心中插入一把刀。

I always thought I would, too.

=> 我一直以為我也會。

But when I heard about those other scandals, the other wives I thought how can you allow yourself to be used like that? And then it happened, and I was unprepared.

=> 但是當我聽說其他的醜聞,其他的妻子我想你怎麼能讓自己像這樣使用?然後它發生了,我沒有準備好。

Hello? Yes.

=> 你好?是。


=> 謝謝。

Jurys in? Well, Mrs.

=> 陪審團在?那麼,夫人。

Florrick, Chicago Homicide has decided to reopen its investigation into the murder of Michael Lewis.

=> 芝加哥兇殺案Florrick決定重新調查Michael Lewis的謀殺案。

Detective Briggs, doing an admirable amount of due diligence, has confirmed that Cindy Lewiss brother Danny had access to his employers pickup truck the week of the murder.

=> 布里格斯偵探做出了令人欽佩的盡職調查,證實辛迪·劉易斯的兄弟丹尼(Danny)在謀殺案發生後一周就可以接近僱主的皮卡。

And the dog hairs admitted into evidence match those found at his workplace.

=> 被證實的狗毛與他在工作場所發現的相符。

So our states attorney, in his radiant wisdom, has decided to withdraw the charges against your client and pursue a case against Mrs.

=> 因此,我們國家的律師以他睿智的智慧,決定撤回對你的當事人的指控,

Lewiss brother.

=> 劉易斯的兄弟。

Isnt that right, Mr.

=> 先生,這不正確嗎?

Brody? All I need is a yes or no.

=> 布羅迪?我需要的是一個是或否。


=> 是。


=> 好。

Then were done here.

=> 那我們就完成了

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Thank you so much.

=> 非常感謝。

Hi, Jackie.

=> 嗨,傑姬。

No, it just went a little late, thats all.

=> 不,只是有點晚了,就這些。

I made a pot roast, and I was wondering if you were coming home for dinner.

=> 我做了一鍋燒烤,我想知道你是否要回家吃飯。

What? What did I say? Nothing.

=> 什麼?我說了什麼?沒有。

Its just thats what I always used to say to Peter.

=> 這正是我總是對彼得說的。

Are you there? Yeah, yeah.

=> 你在嗎?是啊。

I just need to pick up a few things, and Ill be home soon.

=> 我只需要拿起幾件東西,我很快就會回家。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Jackie, I dont know if Ive said this, but thank you for stepping up.

=> 傑基,我不知道我是否說過,但是謝謝你加強。

Of course I would.

=> 我當然會的

Why wouldnt I? Ill see you soon.

=> 為什麼不呢?一會兒見。

All right, then.

=> 那好吧。


=> 再見。


=> 哦。


=> 嘿。


=> 抱歉。

I didnt know you were here.

=> 我不知道你在這裡。


=> 你好。

Just a little office token.

=> 只是一個小辦公室令牌。

You did great.

=> 你做得很好。


=> 謝謝。

I did, didnt I? Oh, one more thing.

=> 我做了,不是嗎?哦,還有一件事。

Yes, sir? Youve been made my second chair in the civil case.

=> 是的先生?你已經在民事案件中成為我的第二任主席。

Ill see you tomorrow at 9:30, staff meeting.

=> 明天9點半,工作人員見面。

Ill be there.

=> 我會在那裡。

Hey, its me.

=> 嗨,是我。

Im sorry, you must be in bed, but I just wanted to tell you, the appellate court agreed to hear my case.

=> 對不起,你一定在床上,但我只是想告訴你,上訴法院同意聽我的情況。

I still cant believe it.

=> 我仍然不敢相信。

The lawyers think we have a really good shot at overturning this, and theyre gonna make an official statement tomorrow.

=> 律師認為我們有一個很好的推翻這一點,他們將在明天發表正式聲明。

But, uh, I just wanted to tell you first.

=> 但是,呃,我只是想先告訴你。

Ill see you soon.

=> 一會兒見。

I love you.

=> 我愛你。


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