
[美劇] 貓鼠遊戲/White Collar 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 貓鼠遊戲/White Collar 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版

類型上依然是美國人最喜愛的「罪案調查」,形式上又有新的「花樣」。故事講述兩個男人聯手偵破FBI頂級要案,抓獲最狡詐的罪犯的故事。這兩個人一個是詐騙高手,另一個是專門捉拿詐騙高手的FBI 警探。他們本來沒有合作的可能,但事實證明他們合作得很好--除了經常因意見相左而爭吵之外。

Neal Caffrey(Matt Bomer扮演,"Chuck","Tru Calling")是一位英俊帥氣但是臭名昭著[展開全文]

類型上依然是美國人最喜愛的「罪案調查」,形式上又有新的「花樣」。故事講述兩個男人聯手偵破FBI頂級要案,抓獲最狡詐的罪犯的故事。這兩個人一個是詐騙高手,另一個是專門捉拿詐騙高手的FBI 警探。他們本來沒有合作的可能,但事實證明他們合作得很好--除了經常因意見相左而爭吵之外。

Neal Caffrey(Matt Bomer扮演,"Chuck","Tru Calling")是一位英俊帥氣但是臭名昭著的詐騙犯,最近剛剛從安全等級最高的聯邦監獄中成功逃脫。Peter Burke(Tim DeKay扮演,"Tel l Me You Love Me")是一位出色的FBI警探,Neal的死敵。Peter將Neal抓住,然後又故意讓他脫逃,自然有他的打算。Elizabeth Burke(Tiffani Thiessen扮演,"What About Brian","Fastlane")是Peter的妻子,個性剛強但是善解人意。Mozzie(Willie Garson扮演,"Sex and t he City")是Neal的朋友和「眼線」--不管街上發生什麼事,Mozzie都會第一時間通知Neal,從而協助Neal與Peter抓住壞蛋。

這部劇集之所以叫做《White Collar》,是因為劇中所涉及的案件都是「高科技型犯罪」或者「智慧型犯罪」,絕非攔路搶劫或者小偷小摸這類「只需動手不需動腦」的案件可以比擬的。像最近一集《靈書妙探》(Castle)描述的多線索詐騙案,就屬於「White Collar」類型。



7 - Watch out.

=>7 - 小心。

- Get in line.

=> - 排隊。

Single file.

=> 單個文件。

Single file.

=> 單個文件。

Dont you ever be sad Lean on me Hi.

=> 難道你永遠不會傷心靠著我嗨。

Howre you doing, man? Im good.

=> 你怎麼樣,男人?我很好。

How are you doing? Im fine.

=> 你好嗎?我很好。

Its only 5 bucks, man.

=> 只有5塊錢,男人。

Ill give you 3.

=> 我會給你3。

About to drown Hold on Im comin Hold on Im comin Sir.

=> 關於淹死堅持我是科曼堅持我是科曼先生。

Im on my way Your lover Take good care of her.

=> 我在路上你的愛人照顧好她。

Well be back in a month.

=> 我們會在一個月後回來。

Thank you, sir.

=> 謝謝你,先生。

Because Im here Just hold on Im comin Hold on Im comin Hold on Drop three.

=> 因為我在這裡只要堅持我是科曼堅持我是科曼堅持下降三。

Drop two.

=> 放下兩個

Drop four.

=> 放下四個

All pins down.

=> 所有的針腳下來。

Preparing to open.

=> 準備打開。

Three, two, four.

=> 三,二,四。

Wait! You okay? What happened? I said wait.

=> 等待!你好嗎?發生了什麼?我說等。

You didnt wait.

=> 你沒有等。

Ugh! Ten thousand man-hours to get this close to the Dutchman, and you blow up my evidence.

=> 啊!一萬個工時才能把這個靠近這個荷蘭人,然後你炸掉我的證據。

Agent Burke, howd you know it was gonna do that? Three, two, four.

=> 特工伯克,你怎麼知道這樣做?三,二,四。

Look at your phones.

=> 看看你的手機。

What does it spell? Oh.

=> 它拼寫什麼?哦。


=> 「聯邦調查局。

" Yeah, "FBI.


" Apparently, he knew we were coming.


You think so, Copernicus? Somebody wanna tell me what this is, huh? Anybody? Nobody knows what it is.

=> 哥白尼,你認為呢?有人想告訴我這是什麼,是吧?任何人?沒有人知道它是什麼。


=> 大。

Look at you.

=> 看著你。

How many of you went to Harvard? Dont raise your hands.

=> 你們有多少人去過哈佛?不要舉手。


=> 別。


=> 啊。


=> 黛安娜。

Look at this.

=> 看這個。

Apparently, our boy has a sense of humor.

=> 顯然,我們的男孩有幽默感。

What? Neal Caffrey escaped.

=> 什麼? Neal Caffrey逃脫了。

Whats this? U.

=> 這是什麼? U.



Marshals are requesting your help.

=> 法警正在請求你的幫助。

My help? Director Thompson asked for you personally.

=> 我的幫助?湯普森主任親自問你。

Me? Why would he want me? Probably because youre the only one who ever caught him.

=> 我?他為什麼要我?可能是因為你是唯一一個抓到他的人。

Agent Burke.

=> 代理伯克。

Im Thompson, U.

=> 我是湯普森




=> 法警。

Appreciate the help.

=> 感謝幫助。

You were the case agent? Yes.

=> 你是代理人嗎?是。

So youll agree that this is an unusual situation? Why would Neal run with three months left on a four-year sentence? This is Warden Haskley.

=> 所以你會同意這是一個不尋常的情況?為什麼尼爾在四年的判決中還剩三個月呢?這是哈斯克利(Warden Haskley)。

Agent Burke, FBI.

=> 代理伯克,聯邦調查局。

So youre the guy who dropped the ball.

=> 所以你是那個丟球的人。

You know what Neal Caffreys capable of.

=> 你知道Neal Caffrey的能力。

I know I spent three years chasing him, and you let him walk out the front door.

=> 我知道我花了三年時間追著他,你讓他走出前門。

Gentlemen, might I remind you that Caffrey has a four-hour head start? Caffrey came out of the E Block staff bathroom dressed as a guard.

=> 先生們,我想提醒你,Caffrey有四個小時的開局?來自E Block工作人員的浴室裝扮成一名警衛。

Whered he get the uniform? Uniform supply company on the Internet.

=> 他從哪裡拿到制服?互聯網上統一的供應公司。

He used a credit card? He used my wifes American Express.

=> 他用信用卡?他用我妻子的美國運通卡。

Were tracing the number in case he uses it again.

=> 我們正在追蹤數字,以防他再次使用。

He wont.

=> 他不會的。

- Hey, pretty boy.

=> - 嘿,漂亮的男孩

- Settle down.

=> - 安家。

How did he get the key cards for the gate? Well, we think he re-striped a utility card using the record head on that.

=> 他是怎麼得到門的鑰匙卡?好吧,我們認為他用記錄頭重新鑲嵌了一張實用卡片。

Couldve given him a CD player.

=> 可以給他一個CD播放器。

He walked out the front door and hot-wired a maintenance truck in the parking lot.

=> 他走出了前門,在停車場內連接了一輛維修車。

We found it abandoned near the airport.

=> 我們發現它在機場附近被遺棄。

We beefed up security just in case he tries to get out that way.

=> 我們加強了安全措施,以防他試圖走出去。

Oh, were not gonna catch Caffrey using roadblocks and wanted posters.

=> 哦,我們不會用卡路里捕捉卡弗里,想要海報。

Shaved his beard just before he escaped.

=> 他逃跑之前剃了一下鬍子。

Neal doesnt have a beard.

=> 尼爾沒有鬍子。

The inmates are photographed each morning as they exit their cells.

=> 囚犯每天早晨在離開牢房時都會被拍照。

- I hardly recognize him.

=> 我幾乎不認識他

- Yeah, I think thats the point.

=> - 是的,我認為這是重點。

- This morning? - Yes.

=> - 今天早上? - 是的。

Run the series back.

=> 運行系列回來。


=> 停止。

Thats it.

=> 而已。

When he stopped shaving.

=> 當他停止剃鬚。

I wanna know everything that happened that day.

=> 我想知道那一天發生的一切。

He had a visitor.

=> 他有一個訪客。

Kate Moreau? You know her? Yeah, I do.

=> 凱特·莫羅?你認識她?是的。

No audio? No.

=> 沒有音頻?沒有。

She comes back every week like clockwork.

=> 她每個星期都像發條一樣回來。

Shes not thrilled about this visit.

=> 她對這次訪問不感到興奮。

How soon can we get a lip-reader here? Ill save you the trouble.

=> 我們多快能在這裡得到一個口頭的讀者?我會救你的麻煩

"Adios, Neal.

=> 「Adios,尼爾。

Its been real.

=> 這是真的。

" She come back next week? She never came back.



=> 好的。

Lets find Kate.

=> 我們來找凱特。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

We got it.

=> 我們得到了它。

I see Kate moved out.

=> 我看見凱特搬出去了。

She leave you a message in that? The bottle is the message.

=> 她給你留言?瓶子是消息。

Its been a while.

=> 有一陣子了。


=> 是啊。

Few years, give or take.

=> 幾年,給或拿。

You carrying? You know I dont like guns.

=> 你背著?你知道我不喜歡槍支。

They asked me what makes a guy like you pull a boneheaded escape with four months to go.

=> 他們問我,是什麼讓一個像你一樣的人在四個月的時間裡走出一條骨頭逃生。

Guess you figured it out.

=> 猜猜你明白了。

Kate says adios to you at prison then gets busy with her disappearing act.

=> 凱特在監獄裡對你表示敬意,然後忙於她的消失行為。

Her trail ends here.

=> 她的小徑在這裡結束。

But you already know that.

=> 但是你已經知道了。

I missed her by two days.

=> 我錯過了她兩天。

Still, only took you a month and a half to escape a super-max.

=> 不過,只花了一個半月才能逃脫超級馬克斯。

Damn impressive.

=> 該死的印象深刻。


=> 嘿。

All clear.

=> 全清。

Subject identified and unarmed.

=> 科目確定和徒手。

Roger that.

=> 收到。

We surrounded? How many? Including my agents and the marshals all of them, I think.

=> 我們包圍了?多少?包括我的代理人和所有的人員,我想。

Whats the message? "Goodbye.

=> 什麼信息? 「再見。

" Women.


Were gonna give you another four years for this, you know.

=> 我們會再給你四年,你知道的。

I dont care.

=> 我不在乎。

Thats the same suit you were wearing the last time you arrested me.

=> 這是你最後一次逮捕我的同一件衣服。


=> 毫米。

Classics never go out of style.

=> 經典永遠不會過時。

You know what this is? No idea.

=> 你知道這是什麼?不知道。

I got it from a case I was supposed to be working on before they yanked me off to find you.

=> 我從一個我應該做的事情中得到它,然後他們把我拉下來找你。

You think youll catch him? Dont know.

=> 你以為你會抓住他?不知道。

Hes good.

=> 他很好。

Maybe as good as you.

=> 也許和你一樣好。

Whats it worth if I tell you what this is? Is it worth a meeting? What are you talking about? If I tell you what this is now will you agree to meet me back in prison in one week? Just a meeting.

=> 如果我告訴你這是什麼,這有什麼值得嗎?是否值得開會?你在說什麼?如果我告訴你現在這是什麼情況,你會同意在一周內回到監獄嗎?只是開會。

Hallway clear.

=> 走廊清晰。

You two, move it.

=> 你們兩個,移動它。


=> 好的。

Its a security fiber for the new Canadian 100-dollar bill.

=> 這是新加拿大100美元鈔票的安全纖維。

Ready? Put your hands where I can see them.

=> 準備?把你的手放在我能看到的地方。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

One week.

=> 一周。

Got him.

=> 得到了他。


=> 嘿。

Whats got the belt-and-suspender boys all riled up? You.

=> 有什麼帶子和弔帶的男孩都激怒了?您。

Me? Whatd I do? Caffrey was right.

=> 我?我做了什麼? Caffrey是對的。

That stuff from the bank vault security fibers for the new Canadian 100.

=> 那些來自新加拿大100的銀行保險庫安全纖維的東西。


=> 呼。

Well, Ill be damned.

=> 那麼,我會被詛咒。

The formulations still classified.

=> 配方仍然分類。

Should be fun.


You may have started an international incident.

=> 你可能已經開始了國際事件。

How did you know? Come on, Peter.

=> 你怎麼知道?來吧,彼得。

Its what I do.

=> 這是我做的。

How upset were the Canadians? Oh, very.

=> 加拿大人怎麼不高興?哦,非常。

Well, as upset as Canadians can get.

=> 那麼,加拿大人可能會感到沮喪。

All right, so I agreed to a meeting.

=> 好,所以我同意開會。

Were meeting.

=> 正在開會。

I know why you call him the Dutchman.

=> 我知道你為什麼稱他為荷蘭人。

Like the ghost ship.

=> 像幽靈船。

He disappears whenever you get close.

=> 每當你靠近時,他就會消失。

How do you know anything about him? You know my life.

=> 你怎麼知道他的事情?你知道我的人生

You dont think I know yours? Did you get the birthday cards? Nice touch.

=> 你不認為我知道你的?你拿到生日卡了嗎?很好的接觸。

Youve been after the Dutchman almost as long as you were after me.

=> 幾乎和你一樣,你一直追隨著荷蘭人。

Ill help you catch him.

=> 我會幫你抓到他的

Really? Really? How does that work? You wanna be prison pen pals? You can get me out of here.

=> 真?真?這是如何運作的?你想成為監獄的筆友?你可以讓我離開這裡

Theres case law.

=> 有判例法。


=> 先例。

I can be released into your custody.

=> 我可以被釋放到你的保管。


=> 尼斯。

This is very nice.

=> 這很好。

But youre right, I do know you.

=> 但是你是對的,我確實認識你。

And I know the second youre out, youll take off after Kate.

=> 我知道第二個你出去,你會在凱特之後起飛。

Peter, I am not gonna run.

=> 彼得,我不會跑。

GPS tracking anklet.

=> GPS跟蹤腳鐲。

The new ones are tamperproof.

=> 新的是防篡改的。

Never been skipped on.

=> 從未被跳過。

Theres always a first time.

=> 總是有第一次。

Think about it.

=> 想想看。

Sorry, Neal.

=> 對不起,尼爾。

Nice try.

=> 不錯的嘗試。

Lights out, Bobby.

=> 熄燈,鮑比。

Shut them down.

=> 關閉他們。


=> 尼爾。

Gotta turn that off.

=> 得把這個關掉。

Get one more minute, Bobby? Okay, one minute.

=> 再來一分鐘,鮑比?好吧,一分鐘。

Is it midnight yet? Yeah, its midnight.

=> 這是午夜嗎?是的,現在是午夜。

All corrections personnel to your security operations.

=> 所有更正人員到您的安全操作。

Shut up, man! You coming to bed tonight? Yeah.

=> 閉嘴,夥計!你今天晚上睡覺?是啊。


=> 啊。


=> 嗯。

Whats wrong? Nothing.

=> 怎麼了?沒有。

Dont tell me its Neal Caffrey.

=> 別告訴我是Neal Caffrey。

Ive been competing with him for three years.

=> 我已經和他競爭了三年。

Hed be out today.

=> 他今天會出去的。

You considering his offer? Well, of course you are, or youd be in bed with me.

=> 你考慮他的報價?那麼當然你是,否則你會和我一起睡覺。

Can he help you find him? Neals smart.

=> 他能幫你找到他嗎?尼爾很聰明。

You know how much I like smart.

=> 你知道我有多聰明

Is he as smart as those Ivy League coeds they throw at you? Hes almost as brilliant as the woman I married.

=> 他像常春藤盟友那樣聰明嗎?他和我結婚的女人差不多。

Good answer.

=> 好答案。

So, whats the problem? This is not the way its supposed to go.

=> 所以有什麼問題?這不是它應該去的方式。

You get caught, you do your time.

=> 你被抓住了,你會花時間。

Theres more to this.

=> 還有更多。

More to this than some lost love.

=> 更多的是這個比一些失去的愛情。

Some side angle hes playing.

=> 他正在打一些邊角。

So youre suggesting he escapes a maximum-security prison knowing that youd catch him just so he could trick you into letting him out again? Its a working theory.

=> 所以你建議他逃脫一個最高安全的監獄,知道你會抓住他,所以他可以誘使你讓他再次出來?這是一個工作理論。


=> 是啊。

Keep working.

=> 繼續工作。

Is it so hard for you to believe a man would do that for the woman he loves? Neal just bought himself four more years in prison.

=> 你相信一個男人會為自己喜歡的女人這樣做嗎? Neal剛剛自己買了四年監禁。

For what? For what? If you were Neal, you wouldnt have run for me? Let me see it.

=> 為了什麼?為了什麼?如果你是尼爾,你不會為我跑?讓我看看。

You understand how this works? Im released into the custody of the FBI under your supervision.

=> 你明白這是如何工作的?在你的監督下我被釋放到聯邦調查局的監管之下。

Let this thing chafe my leg.

=> 讓這件事情使我的腿好痛。

Anything Im missing? Yeah.

=> 任何我失蹤?是啊。

If you run and I catch you which you know I will because Im 2 and 0 youre not back here for four years, youre back here for good.

=> 如果你跑步,我抓住你,你知道我會因為我2和0,你不回到這裡四年,你回來這裡好。

Youre gonna be tempted to look for Kate.

=> 你會被誘惑去尋找凱特。


=> 別。

I told you, the bottle meant goodbye.

=> 我告訴過你,那瓶意味著再見。

Then leave it at that.

=> 那就離開吧

This is a temporary situation.

=> 這是一個暫時的情況。

Help me catch the Dutchman, we can make it permanent.

=> 幫助我抓住荷蘭人,我們可以把它變成永久的。

- Where are we headed? - Your new home.

=> - 我們在哪裡? - 你的新家

This is Neal Caffrey.

=> 這是Neal Caffrey。

My office called earlier.

=> 我的辦公室早先打電話

There you go, Snake Eyes.

=> 你走了,蛇眼。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Can I talk to you for a second? Hang on.

=> 我能和你談談嗎?不掛斷。

Farther down.

=> 更遠。

Do I have to stay here? Cowboy up.

=> 我必須留在這裡嗎?牛仔了。

All right, it costs $700 a month to house you on the inside so thats what it costs here.

=> 好吧,每個月要花700美元把你安置在裡面,所以這就是它的成本。

For the money, this is as good as it gets.

=> 為了錢,這是一樣好。

You find something better, take it.

=> 你找到更好的東西,拿它。

What about clothes? Im wearing my entire wardrobe.

=> 那衣服呢?我穿著我的整個衣櫃。

You like thrift stores.

=> 你喜歡舊貨店。

Theres one at the end of the block.

=> 有一個在塊的結尾。

No, dont start.

=> 不,不要開始。

No protests.

=> 沒有抗議。

This is what you wanted, isnt it? Lookit, its not-- Oh, look at her.

=> 這是你想要的,不是嗎?看,不是 - 噢,看看她。

You dont get that in prison, do you? No.

=> 你不是在獄中得到的嗎?沒有。

Not at all.

=> 一點也不。

Listen, your tracking anklet is set up so you can go anywhere within two miles of this place.

=> 聽著,你的跟蹤腳鐲已經建好了,所以你可以去這裡兩英里的任何地方。

Heres your homework.

=> 這是你的功課。

Remember, two miles.

=> 請記住,兩英里。

Ill see you at 7 a.

=> 我會在7點見你。




=> 你好。

Ive come to donate these.

=> 我來捐贈這些

Mens suits? Mm-hm.

=> 男士套裝?嗯。

Those are fantastic.

=> 那些太棒了。


=> 哦。

They belonged to my late husband, Byron.

=> 他們屬於我已故的丈夫拜倫。

He really did have great taste in clothes.

=> 他的衣服真的很有品位。

May I? Thank you.

=> 我可以?謝謝。

This is a Devore.

=> 這是一個Devore。


=> 是。

He won it from Sy himself.

=> 他自己從Sy贏得了。

Won it? He beat him at a backdoor draw.

=> 贏了嗎?他在後門抽籤中毆打他。

What? Your husband played poker with Sy Devore? He certainly did.

=> 什麼?你的丈夫與Sy Devore玩撲克?他當然做到了。

And so did I.

=> 我也是。


=> 沒有。


=> 是。

The guys would even let me sit in once in a while on a hand.

=> 這些傢伙甚至會讓我一會兒坐在一邊。

And I was good.

=> 我很好。

Im glad to see you appreciate these.

=> 我很高興看到你欣賞這些。

I was hoping someone would.

=> 我希望有人會。

Ive got a whole closet full of them.

=> 我有一個完整的衣櫃。

A whole closet? Mm-hm.

=> 整個衣櫃?嗯。

Well, actually, its a guest room but I havent used it for anything except storage for years.

=> 實際上,這是一個客房,但除了存儲多年之外,我還沒有用過它。

Oh, Byron used to wear that one whenever we went dancing.

=> 哦,拜倫在我們跳舞的時候曾經穿過那個。

The neighborhood was-- Lets say it was much nicer then.

=> 那個街區呢 - 比方說好得多。

You live nearby? Not far.

=> 你住在附近?不遠。


=> 嘿。

Im here for Caffrey.

=> 我在這裡是為了Caffrey。

Room 11.

=> 11號房間

Oh, yeah, yeah.

=> 哦,是的,是的。

Old Snake Eyes.

=> 老蛇眼睛。

A nice guy.

=> 一個好人

Left you a note.

=> 留下一個筆記。

Youve gotta be kidding me.

=> 你一定在開玩笑吧

Good day.

=> 美好的一天。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

I think I have the wrong address.

=> 我想我有錯的地址。

You must be Peter.

=> 你一定是彼得。

Im looking for Neal Caffrey.

=> 我在找Neal Caffrey。

Hes upstairs.

=> 他在樓上。

Whoa, the good life Full of fun Seems to be the ideal Yes, the good life Lets you hide Youre early.

=> 哇,美好的生活充滿樂趣似乎是理想的是,美好的生活讓你藏起來你還早。

Were shaking a lead at the airport.

=> 我們在機場搖搖欲墜。

We got a hit on Snow White.

=> 我們受到了白雪公主的襲擊。

Snow White.

=> 白雪公主。

A phrase you decoded from a suspected Dutchman communiqu?? to Barcelona.

=> 你從一個懷疑的荷蘭人公報向巴塞羅那解釋了一句話。

You moved.

=> 你動了

I dont remember the other place having a view.


I went to the thrift store like you suggested.

=> 我像你所說的去了舊貨店。

And June-- Lady with the dog.

=> 而六月 - 那位女士和狗在一起。

We met.

=> 我們見過面。

--was donating her late husbands clothes.

=> - 正在捐獻她已故的丈夫的衣服。

We hit it off.

=> 我們擊中了它。

She had an extra guest room.

=> 她有一個額外的客房。

You said if I found a nicer place for the same price, I should take it.

=> 你說如果我以同樣的價格找到一個更好的地方,我應該接受。

I did say that.

=> 我確實這麼說。

All this for 700? Yep.

=> 所有這一切為700?是的。

But help out around the place.

=> 但是在這個地方幫忙

Oh, sure.

=> 哦沒問題。

Feed the dog.

=> 喂狗。

Yeah, wash the Jag.

=> 是的,洗傑克。

Watch her granddaughter from time to time.

=> 不時看她的孫女。

Shes got you babysitting? Hows it going? Morning, Neal.

=> 她有你照顧?怎麼樣了?早上,尼爾。

Granddaughter? Shes an art student.

=> 孫女?她是一名藝術學生。


=> 難以置信的。

Go get dressed.

=> 去穿衣服。

You mind? Hey, Grandma.

=> 你介意?嘿奶奶

Good morning, Cindy.

=> 早安,辛迪。

Its perfect.

=> 這是完美的。

Even the freaking coffee is perfect.

=> 即使是瘋狂的咖啡也是完美的。

Thats not jewelry on his ankle, you know.

=> 你知道,那不是腳踝上的珠寶。

Hes a felon.

=> 他是一個重罪犯。

So was Byron.

=> 拜倫也是。

And in case you wonder why Well, just wake up And kiss that good life goodbye You look like a cartoon.

=> 而如果你想知道為什麼那麼,只要醒來,親吻那個美好的人生再見你看起來像一個漫畫。

This is classic Rat Pack.

=> 這是經典的鼠袋。

This is a Devore.

=> 這是一個Devore。

Oh, sorry, Dino.

=> 哦,對不起,迪諾。

Will you stop with the hat? Ooh.

=> 你會用帽子停下來嗎?哦。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Youre upset.

=> 你很傷心

Sour grapes.

=> 酸葡萄。

What was that? Look, you tell me which rule I broke, and I will thumb it back to prison myself.

=> 那是什麼?你看,你告訴我,我打破了哪個規則,我自己會把它釘回監獄。

For starters.

=> 對於初學者。

I work hard.

=> 我努力工作。

I do my job well.

=> 我做得很好。

And I dont have a 10-million-dollar view of Manhattan that I share with a 22-year-old art student while we sip espresso.

=> 而我沒有一個價值1000萬美元的曼哈頓景觀,我們在喝濃縮咖啡的時候和一個22歲的藝術學生分享。

Why not? Why not? Because Im not supposed to.

=> 為什麼不?為什麼不?因為我不應該。

The amount of work I do equals certain things in the real world.

=> 我所做的工作量等於現實世界中的某些事情。

Not cappuccino in the clouds.

=> 雲中沒有卡布奇諾咖啡。

I will find out where June buys her coffee-- Its not about the coffee.

=> 我會找出六月份買咖啡的地方 - 這不是咖啡。

I think it is.

=> 我覺得是這樣的。

No, its not.

=> 不,這不對。

This is what gets you into trouble.

=> 這是什麼讓你陷入困境。

This is the start of those something-for-nothing schemes that lead to the frauds that got you locked up.

=> 這是導致詐騙的那些無所事事的計劃的開始。

I think its some sort of Italian roast.

=> 我想這是某種義大利烤肉。

Get in the car.

=> 上車。


=> 好的。

Whos that? Thats Diana.

=> 那是誰?那是黛安娜

Dianas my probie.

=> 黛安娜是我的好朋友

Probie? Probationary agent.

=> Probie?試用代理

She does everything I dont.

=> 她做我不做的一切。

Shes very good at her job.

=> 她的工作很出色。

And she can do way better than you.

=> 她可以比你做得更好。


=> 嘿。

You must be Neal Caffrey.

=> 你一定是Neal Caffrey。

Nice hat.

=> 不錯的帽子。

What have we got? His names Tony Field.

=> 我們有什麼?他的名字是托尼菲爾德。

Customs flagged him coming from Spain in response to our Snow White BOLO.

=> 為了回應我們的雪白BOLO,海關標記他來自西班牙。

- Customs playing nice? - The usual chest pounding.

=> - 海關打得好嗎? - 通常的胸部撞擊。

Hes in their custody, not ours.

=> 他被拘留,而不是我們的。

Less paperwork for me.

=> 為我減少文書工作。

Whats he carrying? Youre gonna love this.

=> 他拿什麼你會喜歡這個。

Snow White and Her Seven Little Men.

=> 白雪公主和她的七個小男人。

This is what triggered our alert? What do we know about this guy? Says hes a rare-book dealer.

=> 這是什麼觸發了我們的警報?我們對這個人有什麼了解?他說他是一個罕見的書經銷商。

Anything wrong with his paperwork? Nope.

=> 他的文書工作有什麼問題嗎?不。

He brought in the same books and the same quantity on three previous trips.

=> 他前三次帶來了相同的書籍和數量。

All right, Dino.

=> 好的,恐龍

Are we wasting our time? Theyre not limited runs or special editions.

=> 我們在浪費時間嗎?他們不是有限的運行或特殊版本。

Cant be worth much.

=> 不值得多。

Why go to all the trouble of flying them in? Good question.

=> 為什麼要把所有的麻煩都放進去?好問題。

He is nervous for having all the right paperwork.

=> 他為所有正確的文書工作感到緊張。

I wanna talk to him.

=> 我想和他談談。

Ill set it up.

=> 我會設置它。

Im grabbing some coffee.

=> 我正在拿一些咖啡。

You want some? Yeah.

=> 你想要一些嗎?是啊。

Anything but decaf.

=> 除了無咖啡因之外。

Diana, Ill take mine straight.

=> 黛安娜,我會直接拿我的。

Neal, the coffee shops outside.

=> Neal,咖啡店的外面。

You are way out of your league.

=> 你走出了你的聯盟。

Oh, harmless flirting.

=> 呵呵,無傷大雅的調情。

Its like a dance.

=> 這就像一場舞蹈。

No, there is no dance.

=> 不,沒有舞蹈。

Youre not even on her dance card.

=> 你甚至不在她的舞蹈卡上。

No dancing for you.

=> 不為你跳舞


=> 嗯。

She digs the hat.

=> 她挖帽子。


=> 嗯。

Shed rather be wearing the hat.

=> 她寧願戴帽子。

Peter Burke, FBI.

=> 聯邦調查局的Peter Burke。

FBI? Theyre really kicking it up a notch.

=> 聯邦調查局?他們真的踢了一個檔次。

So youre a book dealer? Yes.

=> 所以你是一個書商?是。

Well, as I have told everyone here, repeatedly my business is the import and sale of rare books.

=> 那麼,正如我在這裡告訴大家一樣,我的業務一直是進口和銷售珍本書。

How rare can they be? Youve got 600 of them.

=> 他們有多難得?你有600個。

Would you like me to go with the crime lab? Help you dust for fingerprints? Because Im telling you how to do your job.

=> 你想讓我去犯罪實驗室嗎?幫助你清除指紋?因為我在告訴你如何做你的工作。

So Snow White in Spanish? Snow White was not created by Disney, detective.

=> 那麼西班牙的白雪公主呢?白雪公主不是迪斯尼,偵探創造的。

There are a few stories that predate Steamboat Willie.

=> 有幾個故事早於威廉火輪。

Im a federal agent.

=> 我是聯邦特工。

And you mean folklore of the virginally pure queen like Alexander Pushkins Tale of the White Princess and the Seven Knights? Is that what you mean? What are the books for? Id appreciate it if you didnt talk to my client.

=> 你的意思是純粹的女王像亞歷山大普希金的白公主和七騎士的傳說民俗?你是這個意思嗎?有什麼書?如果你不和我的客戶說話,我會很感激的。

Constitution and all.

=> 憲法和所有。

Were you chasing the ambulance or they give you a ride? Huh? You mustve thumbed it.

=> 你是在追趕救護車還是他們搭車?咦?你一定是大拇指的

No dance, huh? Not for you.

=> 沒有跳舞,是吧?不適合你。

Thought the FBI had a policy.

=> 認為聯邦調查局有一個政策。

Thats the military.

=> 那是軍方

We dont ask.

=> 我們不問。

We dont care.

=> 我們不在乎。

Wheres the customs inspector? The books arent worth much.

=> 海關檢查員在哪裡?這些書不值得。

You can pick them up for a few dollars on eBay.

=> 你可以在eBay上拿起幾美元。

Hey, why didnt you tell me the guy lawyered up? The second he makes that call, I cant talk to him.

=> 嘿,你為什麼不告訴我這個傢伙呢?他打了第二個電話,我不能跟他說話。

He didnt call anybody.

=> 他沒有給任何人打電話。

Then how did his lawyer know that--? I need paramedics in here now.

=> 那他的律師是怎麼知道的?現在我在這裡需要醫務人員。

Nobody frisked the lawyer.

=> 沒人找律師。


=> 神。

Got a dead book dealer, a killer lawyer, and a bunch of worthless books.

=> 有一個死書經銷商,一個殺手律師,和一堆毫無價值的書籍。

All right, come on.

=> 好,來吧。

As a reformed professional counterfeiter, what is the Dutchmans interest in these? Published 1944 in Madrid.

=> 作為一個經過改革的專業造假者,荷蘭人對這些人的興趣是什麼? 1944年在馬德里出版。

This is what hes after.

=> 這就是他所追求的。

The top sheet? More than that.

=> 頂部表單?比那更多的。

This is a piece of 1944 Spanish press parchment.

=> 這是一張1944年的西班牙新聞羊皮紙。

Thats what he wanted.

=> 這就是他想要的。


=> 好。

This is good.

=> 這很好。

Hes gonna counterfeit something originally printed on paper like that.

=> 他會偽造一些原來印在紙上的東西。

NEAL Thats what I would do.

=> NEAL這就是我會做的。

Tony made three prior shipments with these.

=> 托尼先前做了三件貨物。

Two blank pages per book is 600 sheets.

=> 每本書兩張空白頁是600張。

Ill bet our dead book dealer knew.


Diana, wheres that wallet? Its right here.

=> 黛安娜,那錢包在哪兒?就在這裡

This is where he went before he left for Spain.

=> 這是他去西班牙之前去的地方。

Yeah, I do remember him.

=> 是的,我記得他。

He came by several months ago, and then again last week.

=> 他幾個月前來了,然後又是上個星期。

This is what he came to see.

=> 這是他來看到的。

The Spanish Victory Bond.

=> 西班牙勝利債券。

He took several photographs of it.

=> 他拍了幾張照片。

Said he was gonna write a book.

=> 說他要寫一本書。

Its a shame hes dead.

=> 真遺憾他已經死了

This bond does have a fascinating history.

=> 這個債券確實有著迷人的歷史。

Its a Goya.

=> 這是一個戈雅。


=> 是。

Beautiful, isnt it? Oh, look at that.

=> 美麗,不是嗎?哦,看那個。

A perfect fit.

=> 完美契合。

Youre starting to earn your 700 a month.

=> 你一個月開始賺700美元。

You said it had a fascinating history.

=> 你說它有一段迷人的歷史。


=> 相當。

It was issued during the war.

=> 這是戰爭期間發行的。


=> 是。


=> 是啊。

The U.

=> 美國



issued it to support the Spanish Underground in their battle against the Axis.

=> 發布它支持西班牙地下的反對軸心的戰鬥。

Very few have ever been redeemed.

=> 很少有人被贖回。

Theres speculation that entire boxes were captured.

=> 有猜測,整個箱子被抓獲。

Many are still hidden away in the caves of Altamira.

=> 許多人仍藏在阿爾塔米拉的洞穴中。

Whole boxes of these? Yeah.

=> 整箱的這些?是啊。

Boy, that would be something, wouldnt it? This is the only surviving copy.

=> 男孩,那會是事,不是嗎?這是唯一倖存的副本。

Except its a forgery.

=> 除了是偽造的


=> 沒有。

Thats not possible.

=> 這是不可能的。

What? Its the ink.

=> 什麼?這是墨水。

This is iron-gall dye mixed to match period colors.

=> 這是一種混合了時代色彩的鐵膽染料。

It hasnt dried yet.

=> 它還沒有干。

You can still smell the gum arabic.

=> 你仍然可以聞到阿拉伯樹膠。


=> 沒有。

This has been here since 1952.

=> 這是自1952年以來在這裡。

Its been here less than a week.

=> 在這裡還不到一個星期。


=> 好的。

Tony makes two trips.

=> Tony做兩次旅行。

The first time, he takes a picture of the bond.

=> 第一次,他拍了一張債券的照片。

The second trip in, he steals the original and replaces it with this copy.

=> 第二趟,他偷了原件,並用這個副本取代它。

Can we confirm that? The timed ink identification test puts the age of the bond at six days, which coincides with Tonys visit.

=> 我們可以證實嗎?定時油墨鑒定測試把債券的年齡放在六天,這與Tony的訪問相吻合。

Were pulling surveillance video to back it up.

=> 我們正在把監控視頻備份起來。

So the question is, why go to the trouble of making a nice forgery on the right kind of paper just to stick it back in the archives? Is the bond still negotiable? Its a zero option.

=> 所以問題是,為什麼要在正確的文件上偽造一個很好的偽造文件,以便將其粘貼到檔案中呢?債券還是可以談判的嗎?這是一個零選項。

It never expires.

=> 它永不過期。

Whats it worth? Thousand-dollar face value, drawing 9 percent interest-- Compounded for 64 years.

=> 什麼是值得的?千元面值,提取9%的利息 - 複合了64年。

Two hundred and forty-eight thousand dollars.

=> 二十四萬八千美元

What he said.

=> 他說什麼

Quarter of a million, not chump change.

=> 四分之一,而不是笨變。

And hes got 600 sheets of the stuff.

=> 他有600張紙。

Hundred and fifty million, give or take.

=> 一億五千萬,給或拿。

Hed be a rich man if he could pass them off.

=> 如果他能把他們傳下去,他會成為一個有錢人。

But it still doesnt tell us why he would take out the real bond and put in a forgery.

=> 但是,它仍然沒有告訴我們為什麼要拿出真正的債券和偽造。

I think it does.

=> 我認為是的。

What if he claimed he found boxes of the original bonds? Dragged them out of those caves in Spain.

=> 如果他聲稱自己找到了原始債券的盒子呢?把它們從西班牙的這些洞穴中拉出來。

How would they be authenticated? Theyd be taken to the archives and compared to the original.

=> 他們將如何被認證?他們會被帶到檔案,並與原來的相比。

Which hes already switched out.

=> 他已經退出了。

So of course theyre gonna match.

=> 所以他們當然會匹配。

Oh, this is good.

=> 哦,這很好。

This is really good.

=> 這真的很好。

All right, lets think about this.

=> 好的,讓我們來思考一下。

Its Elizabeth.

=> 這是伊麗莎白。


=> 嘿。

Would you believe me if I said I was pulling up right in front of the house now? You lost track of time.

=> 如果我說我現在正在房子前面,你會相信我嗎?你失去了時間的軌跡。

It happens.

=> 發生了。

I hope you didnt make dinner.

=> 我希望你沒有吃晚飯。

Did you forget who you married? I am smarter than that.

=> 你忘了你結婚了嗎?我比這更聰明。

So hows Neal doing? Satchmo.

=> Neal怎麼樣?的Satchmo。

He met Diana.

=> 他遇見了黛安娜。

Oh, a woman who can resist his charms.

=> 哦,一個能抵擋他魅力的女人。

Bet thats taking some getting used to.

=> 打賭,這正在採取一些習慣。

Is he helping? Were onto something here, El.

=> 他幫忙嗎?我們在這裡,El。

So I wont wait up.

=> 所以我不會等。

Im leaving.

=> 我走了。

Ten minutes, I promise.

=> 十分鐘,我保證。

Twenty at the most.

=> 最多20個。

I know.

=> 我知道。


=> 再見。

Chew your food.

=> 咀嚼食物。

You sound like your father.

=> 你聽起來像你的父親。

Big plans for the weekend? Oh, you know, I gotta fix the sink.

=> 周末的大計劃?哦,你知道,我得修理水槽。

Catch a game.

=> 抓一個遊戲。

With Elizabeth? Yeah.

=> 伊麗莎白?是啊。

Yeah, shes into it.

=> 是的,她進去了。

How cool is that? She likes to watch the Giants.

=> 多麼酷啊?她喜歡看巨人。


=> 嗯。

Even on your anniversary? I see this stuff coming from six months out, then I take it right in the teeth every time.

=> 即使在你的周年紀念?我從六個月後就看到這個東西了,然後我每次都咬牙切齒。


=> 放鬆。

You still have a few days.

=> 你還有幾天


=> 沒有。

This is what happened last year.

=> 這是去年發生的事情。

I said Id make up for it with something special.

=> 我說我會用一些特別的東西來彌補它。

Not just a corner booth at Donatellas and a romp in the sheets.

=> 不只是Donatellas的一個角落展台,還有一張張床單。

Skip the dinner.

=> 跳過晚餐。

Well, weve been married a decade.

=> 那麼我們已經結婚十年了。

That doesnt cut it anymore.

=> 這不會削減了。

Okay, Romeo.

=> 好吧,羅密歐。

Lets problem-solve.

=> 讓我們來解決問題。

Whats she into? Sexually? Ew.

=> 她進了什麼性? EW。


=> 沒有。

No, existentially.

=> 不,存在

What makes her feel alive? Im drawing a blank.

=> 是什麼讓她覺得活著?我正在畫空白。

How could you not know? When you were chasing me, you knew my shoe size, what time I-- Thats the job.

=> 你怎麼會不知道?當你追我時,你知道我的鞋子大小,我什麼時候 - 這是工作。

Very different.

=> 非常不一樣。

Oh, so a relationship isnt work? Oh, no, no.

=> 噢,這樣的關係是行不通的?哦,不,不。

You dont get to lecture me on relationships.

=> 你不會講我的關係。

My wife didnt change her identity and flee the country to get away from me.

=> 我的妻子沒有改變她的身份,逃離國家離開我。

Yes, yes, yes.

=> 對對對。

That was harsh.

=> 那太苛刻了

I didnt mean that.

=> 我不是那個意思

Yeah, you did.

=> 是的,你做到了。

Did she really flee the country? I dont know.

=> 她真的逃離了國家嗎?我不知道。

France? Did she go to France? I dont know.

=> 法國?她去了法國嗎?我不知道。

What am I gonna do? No.

=> 我該怎麼辦?沒有。

No more relationship advice from this side of the car.

=> 沒有更多的關係建議從這邊的車。

Call Dr.

=> 致電博士

Phil, okay? I saw the best mind of my generation get run down by the drunken taxicab of absolute reality.

=> 菲爾,好嗎?我看到我這一代人最好的頭腦被絕對真實的醉酒的計程車撞倒了。

What the hell, Mozzie? Sitting in the dark misquoting Ginsberg? The lights how they find you, man.

=> Mozzie到底怎麼了?坐在黑暗中誤導金斯伯格?燈光是他們如何找到你的,男人。

Hey, you know, you cant just help yourself here.

=> 嘿,你知道,你不能在這裡幫忙。

Howd you get in? I used this.

=> 你怎麼進來的?我用這個

I knocked.

=> 我敲了。

I introduced myself to June.

=> 我介紹自己到六月。

Shes great.

=> 她很棒。

Did you get a load of that granddaughter? Thanks for coming.

=> 你有太多的孫女嗎?感謝你的到來。

What was I gonna do? Not come? Can I see? Can you pick it? No way.

=> 我該怎麼辦?不來?我可以看嗎?你可以選擇嗎?沒門。

No way.

=> 沒門。

You flew too close to the sun, my friend.

=> 我的朋友,你飛得太近了。

They burned your wings.

=> 他們燒了你的翅膀。

Wheres Kate, Moz? Whered she go? Shes a ghost, man.

=> 凱特,Moz在哪裡?她去哪了?她是一個鬼,男人。

Well, keep looking.


Check France.

=> 檢查法國。

France? I know, okay? Its probably nothing.

=> 法國?我知道,好嗎?這可能什麼都不是。

Just look everywhere.

=> 只要看看無處不在

Something else.

=> 別的東西。

I need you to help me figure out who created this.

=> 我需要你幫我弄清楚是誰創造的。

Its superb.

=> 這是一流的。

Isnt it? You know the worst thing about art forgery? You cant take credit for your work.

=> 不是嗎?你知道藝術偽造最糟糕的事情嗎?你不能為你的工作信譽。

El? Honey? What do you like? Whats special? Oh, you havent changed.

=> 埃爾?蜜糖?你喜歡什麼?什麼特別?哦,你沒有改變。

Ive changed.

=> 我已經改變了。

Yeah, this is Burke.

=> 是的,這是伯克。

Its Jones.

=> 這是瓊斯。

Caffreys ankle is activated.

=> Caffrey的腳踝被激活。

Is he with you? No.

=> 他和你在一起嗎?沒有。

Im coming.

=> 我來了。

No, Ive got Diana on it.

=> 不,我已經戴上了黛安娜

Were pulling the locations.

=> 我們正在拉動地點。

El, Ive gotta go.

=> 埃爾,我得走了。

Neals outside his radius-- Agent Burke, you still there? Caffrey is with me.

=> 尼爾在他的半徑之外 - 伯克特工,你還在嗎? Caffrey和我在一起。

You sure? Because we-- Yeah.

=> 你確定?因為我們 - 是的


=> 是啊。

Good morning, honey.

=> 早上好,親愛的


=> 彼得。

Youre on my couch? I came to talk to you.

=> 你在我的沙發上?我來和你談談

And, frankly, Peter, I have to say Im surprised you have such an amazing wife.

=> 坦率地說,彼得,我不得不說,我很驚訝你有這麼一位了不起的妻子。

Yeah, I like her.

=> 是的,我喜歡她。

Get off my couch.

=> 從我的沙發下車

Were just chatting.

=> 我們只是聊天。

Chatting? How did you get here? Cab.

=> 聊天?你是怎麼來到這裡?計程車。

You activated your tracker.

=> 你激活了你的跟蹤器。

Youre in my house, on my couch, with my wife.

=> 你在我的房子里,在我的沙發上,和我的妻子在一起。

Oh, hey, Satchmo.

=> 哦,嘿,Satchmo。


=> 你好。

Now youre petting my dog.

=> 現在你在撫摸我的狗。

Did you really put Elizabeth under surveillance before you asked her out? Peter.

=> 在你問她之前,你真的把伊麗莎白置於監視之下嗎?彼得。

I underestimated you.

=> 我低估了你

You told him.

=> 你告訴他。

He said he wanted to make sure that I wasnt seeing anybody else.

=> 他說他想確保我沒有看到其他人。

Its cute.

=> 它真可愛。

I think its adorable.

=> 我覺得很可愛

Im putting you back in prison.

=> 我把你送回監獄

I know who the Dutchman is.

=> 我知道荷蘭人是誰。

Enlighten me.

=> 開導我。

Curtis Hagen.

=> 柯蒂斯·哈根。

Hes an art restorer, one of the best in the world.

=> 他是一個藝術修復者,是世界上最好的之一。

But his own work never took off.

=> 但他自己的工作從來沒有起飛。

Hes particularly good at Goya restorations.

=> 他在戈雅修復方面特別出色。

Thats what this is.

=> 這就是這個。

The bond is him showing off.

=> 債券是他炫耀。

Interesting theory.

=> 有趣的理論。

How do you prove it? He signed it.

=> 你如何證明它?他簽署了。

I think we mightve noticed a signature tucked in the corner.

=> 我想我們可能已經注意到在角落藏了一個簽名。

Show him.

=> 讓他看。

Look at the pants on the Spanish peasant.

=> 看看西班牙農民的褲子。

What do you see? Its the initials C and H.

=> 你看到了什麼?這是C和H的首字母縮寫。

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

Thats a stretch.

=> 這是一個延伸。

This bond is a masterpiece.

=> 這個債券是一個傑作。

If Id done something this good, I wouldve signed it.

=> 如果我做得很好,我會簽署的。

The forgeries you caught me on, I signed them.

=> 你抓住我的偽造,我簽署了他們。

Where? Look at the bank seal under a polarized light sometime.

=> 哪裡?有時在偏光下看銀行印章。

Hagen is doing a church restoration on Fine.

=> 哈根正在Fine的教堂修復。

Meet me in the car.

=> 在車裡和我見面

Im gonna say goodbye to my wife now.

=> 我現在要跟我老婆說再見了

Oh, yeah.

=> 哦耶。


=> 咳咳。

It was nice to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。

Nice to meet you after all these years.

=> 這麼多年以後,很高興認識你。

- This is it? - Yep.

=> - 就是這個? - 是的

You cant come in.

=> 你不能進來

Were closed for restoration.

=> 我們正在關閉恢復。

Oh, sorry, Father.

=> 哦,對不起,父親。

Could we just--? Could we just have a moment? Thank you.

=> 我們可以嗎?我們能等一下嗎?謝謝。

Father, come here a second.

=> 父親,來這裡一秒鐘。

Please, Father.

=> 拜託,父親。

My best friend is having a crisis of the soul.

=> 我最好的朋友是有一個靈魂的危機。

Hes a married man, and he has the most devastatingly beautiful assistant at work, a very provocative woman.

=> 他是一個已婚男人,他有一個非常挑剔的女人,在工作中最具破壞性的助手。

Hes been tempted.

=> 他被誘惑了。

More than tempted.

=> 不止誘惑。

I have details.

=> 我有細節。

Thats very common with men his age.

=> 這與他這個年紀的男人很常見。

Unfortunately, very common.

=> 不幸的是,很常見。

And I wanna confront him about this before he tears apart his life.

=> 在他撕開他的生命之前,我想和他對抗。

Look, he has a lot of faults.

=> 看,他有很多缺點。

I mean, dont get me started.

=> 我的意思是,不要讓我開始。

He is a mess.

=> 他是一團糟。

But hes very spiritual.

=> 但是他很精神。

I know this is the place where my words will have the most effect.

=> 我知道這是我的話最有效果的地方。

This is the City of Churches.

=> 這是教會之城。

Were closed.

=> 我們關了

Surely theres another-- This is where he was married.

=> 當然還有另一個 - 這是他結婚的地方。

Five minutes.

=> 5分鐘。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Thank you, Father.

=> 謝謝你,父親。

Sorry about that.

=> 對於那個很抱歉。

We got five.

=> 我們有五個

Did you just lie to a priest? - Do you think Dianas attractive? - Sure.

=> 你只是對一個牧師撒謊? - 你認為黛安娜有吸引力嗎? - 當然。

Then were good.

=> 那我們很好。


=> 非凡。

Real nice.

=> 真好。

So if this Hagen guy is as good as you say how come Ive never heard of him? You only know the guys who get caught.

=> 所以如果這個哈根人跟你說的一樣好,我從來沒有聽說過他呢?你只知道被抓的傢伙。

You know the second-best criminals.

=> 你知道第二好的罪犯。

What does that say about you? It says theres an exception to every rule.

=> 這對你說了什麼?它說每個規則都有一個例外。


=> 看。

C and H.

=> C和H.

Where? Right here.

=> 哪裡?就在這兒。

Right there.

=> 在那裡。


=> C。




=> 也許。

What do you mean, maybe? Thats a C and an H.

=> 你是什麼意思,也許?這是一個C和一個H.

Can I help you, gentlemen? Your face is familiar.

=> 先生們,我可以幫你嗎?你的臉很熟悉。

Maybe Ive seen it on the news, or perhaps on a most-wanted web page.

=> 也許我已經看到了這個消息,或者是在最受歡迎的網頁上。

Neal Caffrey.

=> Neal Caffrey。

Forgive me if I dont shake hands with an art thief.

=> 原諒我,如果我不與藝術小偷握手。

I was never arrested for art theft.

=> 我從來沒有因偷盜藝術而被捕。

Not arrested.

=> 沒有被捕

But, as I recall, you were known as quite the Renaissance criminal.

=> 但是,我記得,你被稱為相當文藝復興時期的罪犯。

So you can understand my concern at having you in my space.

=> 所以你可以理解我的擔心,讓你在我的空間。

And you are? Just a friend.

=> 你呢?只是朋友。

Well, friend, this church is closed.

=> 那麼朋友,這個教堂是封閉的。

Did you see it? Okay.

=> 你看見了嗎?好的。

Youve got me curious.

=> 你讓我好奇。

Well check him out.

=> 我們會檢查他。

Listen to the Spirit, son, not the flesh.

=> 聽聖靈,兒子,不是肉體。

Ill do that.

=> 我會去做。

Whats that about? Shut the door.

=> 那是什麼關上門。

Need your help with this.

=> 需要你的幫助。

Is this information on Hagen? No.

=> 這是關於哈根的信息嗎?沒有。

Dianas on her way with that.

=> 黛安娜正在那裡。

This is your wifes Visa bill.

=> 這是你妻子的簽證賬單。


=> 是啊。

I got it all.

=> 我知道了。

Her eBay bids, video rentals, library books.

=> 她的eBay出價,視頻出租,圖書館書籍。

Thank you, Patriot Act.

=> 謝謝愛國者法案。

So youre stalking your own wife.

=> 所以你在跟蹤你自己的妻子

Wanna compare notes? Touch??.

=> 想要比較筆記? Touch??。

You figure out what she likes? Yeah.

=> 你知道她喜歡什麼嗎?是啊。

Its all in the summary.

=> 這一切都在總結。


=> 制陶。

Nancy Drew mysteries.

=> 南希畫了奧秘。

Scented candles.

=> 香味的蠟燭。


=> 夾竹桃。

Old jazz.

=> 老爵士樂。

Anything Italian except anchovies.

=> 義大利語,除了鳳尾魚以外。

Yeah, I dont think youre gonna find your answer tucked into a list of her eBay bids.

=> 是的,我不認為你會找到你的答案捲入她的eBay出價名單。

Help me out here, all right? Youre the romantic.

=> 幫幫我,好嗎?你是浪漫的。

I mean, whats the deal with the bottle? Its an 82 Bordeaux.

=> 我的意思是,瓶子的處理是什麼?這是一個82波爾多。


=> 是啊。

Costs 800 bucks a pop.

=> 費用800塊錢。

It does when its full.

=> 它在滿的時候。

I got it empty.

=> 我把它弄空了。

Empty? When Kate and I met, we had nothing.

=> 空的?當凱特和我見面時,我們什麼都沒有。

And wed sit in that crappy apartment and drink it over cold pizza and pretend we were living in the C?′te dAzur.

=>我們坐在那骯髒的公寓里,在冷披薩上喝,假裝我們住在Cte dAzur。

Howd that work out for you? It didnt.

=> 那怎麼解決你的?它沒有。

Because that bottle was a promise of a better life.

=> 因為那瓶是美好生活的承諾。

What Kate got was a guy locked away for half a decade.

=> 凱特得到的是一個被鎖定了半年的人。

Make Elizabeth any promises, Peter? Or you think what she really wants is oleander candles? Hey, Diana.

=> 讓伊麗莎白任何承諾,彼得?或者你認為她真正想要的是夾竹桃蠟燭?嘿,黛安娜

What do you got? Hagen is leaving the country.

=> 你得到了什麼?哈根正在離開這個國家。

He booked a flight through a charter company in Barcelona for the 19th.

=> 他通過一家位於巴塞羅那的特許公司預定了19號航班。

One week.

=> 一周。

Damn it, Neal.

=> 該死的,Neal。

Seeing you mustve tipped him off.

=> 看到你一定把他掀翻了。

Hes going to Spain.

=> 他要去西班牙。

Thats something.

=> 那是什麼

Is there any connection to our books, the bonds, the murder? Hagens impressive.

=> 與我們的書籍,債券,謀殺有任何關係嗎?哈根的印象深刻。

A lot of international holdings.

=> 很多國際控股。

He keeps himself out of the muck.

=> 他讓自己遠離了泥土。

Get every available agent on this.

=> 獲取每一個可用的代理。

You know the good ones.

=> 你知道那些好的。

I wanna know every single thing about this guy and I dont want any excuses.

=> 我想知道這個人的每一件事,我不想任何借口。

Anything gets in your way-- Forge your signature.

=> 任何事情都在你的路上 - 偽造你的簽名。

Always do.

=> 總是做。

Thats what I wanna hear.

=> 這是我想聽到的。

If youre right about Hagen we have one week to connect him to the bond.

=> 如果你對哈根說得對,我們有一個星期的時間來與他聯繫。

If we lose him on the 19th.

=> 如果我們在19日失去了他

Neal, if we lose him, youre back in.

=> 尼爾,如果我們失去了他,你回來了。

I cant save you.

=> 我救不了你

Youre late.

=> 你遲到了。

Hey, give me a break.

=> 嘿,給我休息一下。

Im a working man now.

=> 我現在是一個工作的人。

So? We were right about Hagen.

=> 所以?我們對哈根是對的。

Of course.

=> 當然。

And I was stupid and impulsive, and he saw me.

=> 而我是愚蠢和衝動,他看到我。

I have one week to link him to the bonds.

=> 我有一周的時間把他和債券聯繫起來。

One week, or what? I go back.

=> 一個星期,還是什麼?我回去。

No, no, no.

=> 不不不。


=> 是啊。

Did you find anything about Kate? Aha.

=> 你有沒有找到關於凱特的事情?啊哈。

Apparently, if a tree falls in the forest, it does make a sound.

=> 顯然,如果一棵樹落在森林裡,它確實發出聲音。

I may lose her again, Moz.

=> 我可能會再次失去她,Moz。

Lose her? I just found her.

=> 失去她?我剛找到她

So did he.

=> 他也是。

So did he.

=> 他也是。

Remember when you told me not to look for Kate? Yeah.

=> 還記得你告訴我不要去找凱特嗎?是啊。

Youre putting me in a tough spot.

=> 你讓我陷入困境。

These were taken at a San Diego ATM.

=> 這些都是在聖地亞哥的自動取款機。

Shes going under the name Kate Purdue.

=> 她正在名叫凱特普渡(Kate Purdue)。

You know what "Purdue" means in French? Yeah.

=> 你知道法國的「普渡」是什麼意思嗎?是啊。

It means lost.

=> 這意味著丟失。


=> 是啊。

Makes you wonder, right? Is she lost to me, or without me? Stop it.

=> 讓你想知道吧?她失去了我,還是沒有我?停下來。

I just need a couple days.

=> 我只需要幾天。

After this Dutchman thing is over.

=> 這個荷蘭人事情結束之後。

A couple days to go to San Diego.

=> 一兩天去聖地亞哥。

You can come with me.

=> 你可以跟我來。

Stop it.

=> 停下來。

How many times are you gonna screw up your life for this girl? I hate to break it to you, buddy, but she dumped you, with prejudice.

=> 你有多少次要為這個女孩搞砸你的生活?我討厭把它分給你,哥們兒,但是她偏見地甩了你。


=> 沒有。

Exactly what is your plan if you find her? I know theres more to our story.

=> 如果你找到她,你的計劃是什麼?我知道我們的故事還有更多。

She disappears in the dust? No.

=> 她消失在塵埃中了?沒有。

Thats not an ending.

=> 那不是結局。

Come on, man.

=> 來吧,夥計。

Weve all been there.

=> 我們都在那裡。

It gets easier.

=> 它變得更容易。

Not if shes the one.

=> 不是,如果她是一個。

I brought this to you.

=> 我把這個給你

Doesnt that count for something? No.

=> 這不算什麼嗎?沒有。

We made a deal.

=> 我們做了一筆交易。

I gave you something good here, and youre about to blow it.

=> 我在這裡給了你一件好東西,而你即將吹掉它。

Youre right.

=> 你是對的。

Youre right, Peter.

=> 你說得對,彼得。

Im a smart guy.

=> 我是一個聰明的人。

I should know when Ive been dumped.

=> 我應該知道我什麼時候被拋棄。

You figure out your anniversary plans yet? Im getting close.

=> 你計算出你的周年計划了嗎?我正在接近。

Very close.

=> 很接近。

So you got nothing.

=> 所以你什麼都沒有


=> 沒有。

But Ill find it.

=> 但我會找到它。

Hey, Im gonna go grab a smoke really quick.

=> 嘿,我要去抽一口煙。

Didnt know you smoked.

=> 不知道你抽煙了。

Its a nasty prison habit.

=> 這是一個討厭的監獄習慣。

Ive been trying to quit.

=> 我一直在努力戒煙。

Jones, keep an eye on him.

=> 瓊斯,請關注他。


=> 是啊。

Bum one from you? These things will kill you.

=> 一個人從你?這些東西會殺了你

Thats what I keep hearing, but Im not dead yet.

=> 這是我一直聽到的,但我還沒死。

But these filters, theyre good.

=> 但是這些過濾器,他們很好。

Not for me, you understand.

=> 不是為了我,你明白。

I tear them off.

=> 我把它們撕掉

Hey, you need a light? You should try the patch.

=> 嘿,你需要一個燈?你應該嘗試這個補丁。

Two years and counting.

=> 兩年,數數。

I hate the tan lines.

=> 我討厭棕褐色的線條。

You dont smoke.

=> 你不吸煙。

What was I supposed to do, fire off a flare? So you tear off the filter? Yeah.

=> 我該怎麼做,發射耀斑?所以你撕下過濾器?是啊。

But Im hardcore.

=> 但我是硬核。

I found my bottle.

=> 我找到了我的瓶子

I found Hagen.

=> 我找到了哈根。

You first.

=> 你先。

This is a warehouse down by the docks.

=> 這是碼頭下的一個倉庫。

Hagen runs it through a shell corporation out of Guatemala.

=> 哈根通過瓜地馬拉的殼牌公司運行它。

We didnt know about this.

=> 我們不知道這個。

How did you? I dont think you rely on rumor as much as I do.

=> 你怎麼樣?我不認為你像我一樣依靠傳聞。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Do you hear that? You hear that? Hear what? That kind of rhythmic-- Shh.

=> 你聽到了嗎?你聽到了嗎?聽到什麼?那種有節奏的 - 噓。

Thats a press.

=> 這是一個新聞。

Damn it, Peter, that is a printing press.

=> 該死的,彼得,那是印刷機。

Hes printing bonds now.

=> 他現在正在列印債券。

You can hear it.

=> 你可以聽到它。

How long till theyre done? A multicolored print job as complicated as the Goya, I mean, test proofs ink formulation, perfect registration.

=> 多久才能完成?像戈雅這樣複雜的彩色印刷工作,我的意思是說,測試證明油墨配方,完美註冊。

Hell be running it for days.

=> 他將會運行好幾天。


=> 黛安娜。

Yeah, boss? I need recording equipment down here immediately.

=> 是的,老闆?我需要立即在這裡記錄設備。

You got it.

=> 你說對了。

Im onboard.

=> 我在船上

Hagen is our guy.

=> 哈根是我們的人。

But we still dont have enough for a warrant.

=> 但是我們仍然沒有足夠的手令。

We know the bonds are there.

=> 我們知道債券在那裡。

Just open the door.

=> 只要打開門。


=> 嗯。

warrant law.

=> 手令法。

All Ive got is sound coming out of a warehouse, and no way to link him to the bond.

=> 我所得到的只是一個倉庫的聲音,沒有辦法將他與債券聯繫起來。

Ive gotta talk to your friend.

=> 我得和你的朋友談談。

Friend? Come on, Neal.

=> 朋友?來吧,尼爾。

The guy who gave you a cigarette.

=> 那個給你一支煙的傢伙

I have no-- What, do you think Jones is an idiot? I have to know how he connected Hagen to the warehouse.

=> 我沒有 - 你認為瓊斯是個白痴嗎?我必須知道他如何把哈根連接到倉庫。

Come on, Neal.

=> 來吧,尼爾。

And you gotta trust me.

=> 你必須相信我。


=> 好的。


=> 好的。

Ill bring you to him.

=> 我會帶你到他身邊。

First thing tomorrow.

=> 第一件事明天


=> 好。

Yeah? Damn.

=> 是嗎?該死的。

Whats going on? He ran.

=> 這是怎麼回事?他跑了。

What is this? Hey.

=> 這是什麼?嘿。

Hi there.

=> 你好。


=> 嘿。


=> 嘿。

What are you doing? You cant be here.

=> 你在做什麼?你不能在這裡


=> 哦。

Im taking a photography class over at the Annex, and pictures of rusty sheet metal are a sure-fire A.

=> 我正在附件上拍攝一個攝影課,生鏽的金屬片的圖片是確定的答案。

Take him in.

=> 帶他進去

Jimmy, go get Hagen.

=> 吉米,去哈根。

What exactly is going on here? Whyd you bring him inside? He was taking pictures.

=> 這到底是怎麼回事?你為什麼把他帶進去?他正在拍照。

Open the door.

=> 打開門。

Youre a dead man.

=> 你是個死人

That sounds like inch-thick Lexan.

=> 這聽起來像英寸厚的Lexan。

Keys are on the way.

=> 鑰匙在路上。


=> 尼斯。

Im no stranger to vanity.


So I understand the impulse.

=> 所以我明白了衝動。

Im gonna kill you.

=> 我會殺了你。

I hope whatever theyre giving you is worth it.

=> 我希望他們給你的東西是值得的。

It is.

=> 它是。

You are a particular kind of bastard.

=> 你是一個特殊的混蛋。

Gentlemen, we have a fugitive hiding in this building.

=> 先生們,我們這個建築里藏著一個逃犯。

Knock down those doors.

=> 打倒那些門。

Grab the bonds.

=> 抓住債券。

Come on, lets go! Everybody, come on! Quick.

=> 來吧,走吧!大家加油!快。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Move them.

=> 移動它們。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

- Lets go.

=> - 我們走吧。

Get in there.

=> 進到那裡去。

- Federal agents.

=> - 聯邦代理。

Do not move.

=> 不要動。

Get up.

=> 起床。

- Get them up in the air.

=> - 把它們放在空中

- There you go.

=> - 你走了

This is what the law calls an exigent circumstance.

=> 這是法律所說的緊急情況。

Any of you Harvard grads know what that is? Huh? No hands? Diana? Exigent circumstance allows us to pursue a suspect onto private property without obtaining a warrant.

=> 你們哈佛大學的畢業生都知道那是什麼?咦?沒有手?黛安娜?緊急情況下,我們可以在沒有獲得逮捕令的情況下追捕一名涉嫌私人財產的犯罪嫌疑人。

And to seize any and all evidence that has been discovered in plain view regardless of the connection to the original crime.

=> 不管與原罪有什麼關係,都能夠抓住一切以明顯的方式被發現的證據。


=> 嘿。

Remember me, friend? Oh, theres your lawyer.

=> 記得我,朋友?哦,那是你的律師

You know, youre really bad at this escape thing.

=> 你知道,你在這個逃跑的事情真的很糟糕。

What can I say? Cigar? Cuban? You should arrest me.

=> 我能說什麼?雪茄?古巴?你應該逮捕我

Well, Ill let the cigar go, but you are a fleeing suspect.

=> 那麼,我會讓雪茄去,但你是一個逃跑的嫌疑犯。

Is that the original Victory Bond? Why, yes.

=> 那是最初的勝利債券嗎?為什麼是。

Yes, it is.

=> 是的。


=> 哦。

You know, this makes me 3 and 0.

=> 你知道,這使我3和0。

Maybe Im not trying hard enough.

=> 也許我沒有努力。


=> 小心。


=> 好的。


=> 哦。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Honey-- Almost there.

=> 親愛的 - 幾乎在那裡。

Think Im getting seasick.

=> 想我暈船了。

Just a little farther.

=> 再遠一點。


=> 好的。

All right.

=> 好吧。

All right, this is good.

=> 好的,這很好。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Now, I want you to keep your eyes closed.

=> 現在,我想讓你閉上眼睛。

I promise.

=> 我承諾。

All right.

=> 好吧。


=> 好的。

Open them.

=> 打開它們。

Honey, you know how every year Im always promising you that were gonna go? To the Caribbean.

=> 親愛的,你知道我每年都會向你保證我們要去嗎?去加勒比。

This is sort of what you wanted.

=> 這是你想要的。

Well, I think if I keep my eyes closed, I can actually imagine us being there.

=> 好吧,我想如果我閉上眼睛,我實際上可以想像我們在那裡。


=> 哦。

And its getting warmer.

=> 而且變暖了。

It is.

=> 它是。

Come here.

=> 過來。


=> 好的。

Screw top.

=> 螺絲上面。

Cheesy? Its a little cheesy, but its.

=> 俗氣?這有點俗氣,但是。

But its sweet.

=> 但是很甜蜜

Maybe this will help.

=> 也許這會有所幫助。


=> 貝里斯。

What? I found the time.

=> 什麼?我找到了時間。

We have a week, and two plane tickets, and a seized villa in Sarteneja.

=> 我們有一周的時間,還有兩張飛機票,還有一個在Sarteneja的被佔領的別墅。

In where? Oh, this really incredible beachfront villa that the bureau seized from this narco trafficker.

=> 在哪兒?哦,這個真正令人難以置信的海濱別墅,這個局從這個販毒分子抓住。

Its amazing-- Okay, its-- Enough with-- Just tell me its nice.

=> 這真是太神奇了,好吧,這個 - 夠了 - 告訴我,這很好。

Its nice.

=> 這真好。

I love you.

=> 我愛你。

I love you.

=> 我愛你。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Do you think we can pull that heater in a little closer? Its cold.

=> 你認為我們可以把加熱器拉近一點嗎?好冷。


=> 是啊。

- Cant beat that view.

=> - 不能打敗這個觀點。

- Did Elizabeth like it? She loved it.

=> - 伊麗莎白喜歡嗎?她喜歡它。

Coffee? Yeah.

=> 咖啡?是啊。

Italian roast? Going on vacation.

=> 義大利烤?去度假。


=> 是啊。

Yeah, well be back in a week.

=> 是的,我們會在一周後回來。

Still wearing that suit.

=> 還穿著那件西裝。

Yeah, I love this suit.

=> 是的,我喜歡這套衣服。

Did they make a decision? Figured if we didnt youd end up making one of these on your own.

=> 他們做出了決定嗎?想想如果我們不是最終你自己做出這些的話。

Im official.

=> 我是官方的

Youre a consultant.

=> 你是一名顧問

And I own you for four years.

=> 我擁有你四年。

You okay with that? Yeah.

=> 你還好嗎?是啊。

Youll be here when I get back? Where else am I gonna go? Hold on Im comin Hold on Im comin Hold on Dont you worry Im comin Here I come Hold on

=> 我回來的時候你會在這裡?我要去哪裡?堅持我是科曼堅持我是科曼堅持你不擔心我是科曼在這裡,我來暫停


[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 訴訟雙雄/Suits 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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