

one year programme. Students will have to study a

total of 12 courses (72 credits) including 6 compulsory courses (6 credits

each), a project (12 credits) and 4 elective courses (6 credits each) in

one academic year of 3 semesters.

Compulsory Courses:

1. English

Language Teaching Methodology (6 credits)

2. Grammar

and Pedagogy (6 credits)

3. Second

Language Acquisition (6 credits)

4. Sociolinguistics

and English Language Education (6 credits)

5. Phonetics

and Phonology for English Language Teaching (6 credits)

6. Methods

of Research and Enquiry in TESOL (6 credits)

7. Project

by Independent Study (12 credits - to be completed in summer semester)

Elective Courses (6 credits each):

(Please note that we do not guarantee that all elective courses will be

offered every year)

1. Literature

in Language Teaching and Learning

2. Analysis

of Spoken and Written Discourse

3. Reading

in English as a Second Language

4. Teaching

Writing in a Second Language

5. Technology

and English Teaching and Learning

6. Testing

and Assessment in TESOL

7. Autonomy

and Language Learning

8. Corpora

for Language Learning and Teaching

9. Intercultural


10. Vocabulary

Teaching and Learning


Specialist strand

Generalist Educational Studies strand

A Specialist

strand provides advanced specialist training for teachers and education

professionals in priority areas of education in Hong Kong.

A Generalist Educational Studies strand provides a broad range of educational studies

for teacher and education professionals seeking to update and extend their

general educational knowledge and skills and/or put together a particular

programme that meets their individual needs.

A Specialist MEd

comprises a set of four specialist courses in one of the areas listed

under Fields of Study, a research methods course, and the option of

either one elective course and a dissertation or three elective courses and a


A Generalist MEd

consists of a core course in Educational Studies, a research methods course

and the option of either four elective courses and a dissertation or six

elective courses and a project.


strands consist of 60 credits. A

course (other than the research methods course, Dissertation and

Project) involves 24 hours of class contact, plus self-directed study,

active involvement in e-forums and other interactive networks or study

groups, intensive reading, assignments and out-of-class exercises.



courses provide you with an opportunity to study in the areas that give you a

deeper understanding of topics related to your specialization and also other

areas in which you might be interested, without direct relevance or usefulness,

in order to broaden your general appreciation of education. Course Coordinators

may give students some guidance and advice for the elective courses that are

related to your area of specialization.

A wide variety of more than 25

general elective courses will be available for students registered in the

MEd programme. The elective courses on offer will vary in each academic

year. The list of general electives in this academic year can be viewed here mainly for reference.


Outline of Courses

· Anatomy and physiology: general overview of human anatomy and physiology

· Biological bases of speech and hearing: anatomy, physiology and neurology of speech and


· Hearing Science: acoustics and psychoacoustics

· Audiology I:

basic audiometry, report writing, interpretation of audiological information

· Audiology II:

paediatric audiology

· Audiology III: advanced audiological theory, diagnostic

audiology including auditory evoked response and otoacoustic emission


· Amplification I: personal hearing aids and classroom amplification

systems - prescription and fitting

· Amplification II: advanced studies in the area of hearing aid

fitting and cochlea implant procedures

· Intervention I: basic counselling approaches, the impact of

hearing impairment

· Intervention II: auditory training for adults and children

· Intervention III: further work in the area of aural rehabilitation

· Contemporary issues in audiology: including industrial audiology and educational


· Research methods: research design, statistical methods and critical

evaluation of research literature

· Clinical practice in audiology I: intensive supervised clinical work in a variety

of audiological placements

· Clinical practice in

audiology II: intensive supervised

clinical work in a variety of audiological placements

· Clinical case study: a detailed report on a hearing impaired

individual and their assessment and rehabilitation needs

· Research project: a research project on a topic related to

audiology or hearing science


Requirement for

completion of the MSc(ITE)

· Three

core courses and

· Either

· An

Independent Project (equivalent to 1 course), 3 courses from a specialist

strand and 3 elective courses


· A

Dissertation (equivalent to 3 courses), 3 courses from a specialist strand and

1 elective courses

Core courses

· Teaching

and learning with information technology

· Information

technology and educational leadership

· Methods

of research and enquiry

Specialist strands and their courses


· Digital

culture and educational practice

· Innovative

practices in education through IT adoption

· Organisational


· Technology

in education in China within a global context

· Engaging

adult learners

· Project


· Information

system analysis and development

· Information

technology and intellectual property law in education


· e-learning

strategies and management

· Learning

design and technology

· Mobile

and ubiquitous technology in education

· Digital

game-based learning

· Engaging

adult learners

· Data

science and learning analytics

· Information

system analysis and development

· Information

technology and intellectual property law in education

Learning Technology Design

· Multimedia

in education

· Learning

design and technology

· Digital

resources for learning

· Mobile

and ubiquitous technology in education

· Digital

video & storytelling in education

· Digital


· Engaging

adult learners

· Data

science and learning analytics

· Information

system analysis and development

· Information

technology and intellectual property law in education

Elective courses

Candidates opting for the

project mode are required to complete three elective courses which have not

been taken previously as the specialist courses whereas candidates opting for

the dissertation mode are required to complete one elective course 「Research

seminars and workshops」. Not all elective courses will necessarily be

offered every year.


Requirement for completion of the MSc(LIM)

· Three

core courses and

· Either

· An

Independent Project (equivalent to 1 course), 3 courses from a specialist

strand and 3 elective courses


· A

Dissertation (equivalent to 3 courses), 3 courses from a specialist strand and

1 elective course

Core Courses

· Leading

and managing in the workplace

· Library

and information science foundation

· Methods

of research and enquiry

Specialist strands and their courses


· Information

resources and services

· Literature

for young people in a digital age

· Digital


· Teacher


· Preservation

of information in a digital age

· Collection


· Organising


· Information

retrieval theory and practice

· Information


· Digital


· Internship in library and informationmanagement

· Project


Information management

· Information

resources and services

· Records


· Preservation

of information in a digital age

· Organising


· Information

retrieval theory and practice

· Information


· Digital


· Internship in library and informationmanagement

· Management

information systems

· Project


Knowledge management

· Knowledge


· e-learning

strategies and management

· Organisational


· Internship in library and informationmanagement

· Management

information systems

· Project


Archives and records management

· Records


· Preservation

of information in a digital age

· Internship in library and informationmanagement

· Archival

principles and practices

· Project


· Data


· Information

technology and intellectual property law in education

Data science

· Data

science and learning analytics

· Data


· Information

system analysis and development

Elective courses

Candidates opting for the project mode are required to

complete three elective courses which have not been taken previously as the

specialist courses whereas candidates opting for the dissertation mode are

required to complete one elective course 「Research seminars and

workshops」. Not all elective courses will necessarily be offered

every year.

Postgraduate Diploma in Education

encouraging students to draw upon evidence and educational

theory to reflect upon their own practice and make informed analyses of how

educational theory is applied across a variety of educational contexts. The

programme entails an integrated approach, which emphasizes theory-practice

integration of all credit-bearing components. Supporting this structure will be

a blended approach to technology-enhanced learning using enabling technologies

not only to support face-to-face and self-directed student learning but also to

model effective information and communications technology (ICT) classroom


The full-time programme (one year) is primarily intended for

graduates without formal teaching experience. The part-time programme (two

years) is primarily designed for serving teachers.

The following are the major components of the programme:

· Pedagogical

Content Knowledge (18 credits)

· Methods

(12 credits)

· Collaborative

Lesson Inquiry (6 credits)

· Integrated

Inquiry (18 credits)

· Educational

Inquiry (18 credits)

· School


· Experiential

Learning (18 credits)

· Experiential

Learning (Placement) (6 credits)

· Professional

Practicum (12 credits) (In-service

teachers will be observed in the normal course of their teaching)

· Elective

(6 credits)

· Capstone

(non-credit bearing)

Distinctive Features

Pedagogical Content Knowledge includes

examining methods of teaching and collaborative lesson inquiry sessions.

Students will go to schools with set goals aimed at interweaving the theory

they learn at HKU with the day-to-day practicum (for full-time students) and

daily classroom teaching (for part-time students). Their practice-based

learning will relate to lesson design, implementation and reflection. Tasks

will be planned collaboratively, with groups of students trying out methods in

the classroom.

Integrated Inquiry is one of

the main characteristics of the inquiry-based programme, which aims to

integrate the theoretical and practical sides of teacher preparation from the

start, thereby providing a more balanced approach. Full-time students will

begin "School Experience" from the

beginning of their course, enabling them to learn about all aspects of school

life, not only teaching practice.

Experiential Learning comprises

two components: experiential learning (EL) placement and professional


The experiential learning placement will enable more holistic

understanding of the relationships between the social and policy aspects

of formal schooling and other educational contexts in or outside Hong Kong.

Full-time students majoring in Chinese and English Language Education are

required to participate in a compulsory six-week immersion programme in

Mainland China and Australia respectively (in October / November 2018), for a

mixture of school experience, language study and cultural activities. Subject

to confirmation by the HKSAR Government, a large part of the total immersion

cost will be subsidized by the Government. Students are required to contribute

the remaining costs. Financial assistance may be available from the Tertiary

Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) for eligible


Full-time students in

non-language majors will undertake an experiential learning placement within

the context of their major studies or it could be in a completely unrelated

context. Placements will be arranged with support from the Faculty of Education

EL team. The Faculty EL team along with the Methods supervisor will give

academic advice on all placements. For part-time students, EL may take the form

of new professional learning experiences in or outside Hong Kong, as approved

by the Faculty EL team and the Methods supervisor. EL projects and

opportunities will be provided by the Faculty EL team and advertised on the

Faculty website. Students will also be able to nominate their own EL projects

with the EL team giving final approval. Please visit EL website for more details.

Professional Practicum is a

professional requirement that enables students to develop professional teaching

competencies within a school environment. Students are required to integrate

theory and practice in four domains – Learning and Teaching, Student

Development, School Development, and the Professional Community. For full-time students, School

Experience/Professional Practicum schools will be assigned by the

Methods Tutors with reference to the list of offering schools negotiated

by the Faculty』s School-University Partnerships Office. It will NOT be possible

to entertain students』 requests regarding e.g. school location or banding.

Electives relate directly

to major issues that currently confront schools in Hong Kong or to methods of

teaching a second subject. The list of electives to be offered varies

slightly from year to year.

Students are required to

present a synthesis of their professional learning and progress towards

achieving the PGDE 「Concept of a teacher」 in a Capstone event. The

capstone is a hurdle requirement for graduation.


Learning Areas / Major:

Applications are invited

for the following Majors for 2018 intake:

· Chinese

Language Education1,2

o Chinese (Primary)4

(full-time and part-time)

o Chinese (Secondary)4

(full-time and part-time)

· English

Language Education2,3,5

o Full-time English4(Primary and


o Part-time English4

(Primary and Secondary)

· Mathematics


o Mathematics (Secondary)4

(full-time and part-time)

· Liberal Studies (full-time only)



· Science

Education (Majors in Biology, Chemistry and Physics) (full-time only)

· Early Childhood Education6 (full-time and part-time)

· Special Education (part-time only)

1 English is used as the medium

of instruction in all courses except Chinese Methods courses, which are taught

in Chinese.

2 Serving language teachers may

apply for grants under the Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme for LanguageTeachers. PGDE students majoring in relevant language subjects are

recognized by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research

(SCOLAR) as having fulfilled "Language Major Teacher Training".

3 English as a Second Language

4 Emphasis given to primary or

secondary education in the chosen stream should not confine you to teaching

only within that context.

5 Full-time English major

students are invited to apply for 「Scholarship for Prospective English

Teachers」 which is set up by the Education Bureau (EDB) to attract persons

proficient in English to pursue relevant teacher training programmes which will

qualify them to become English teachers on graduation. For details, please

refer to the
website of EDB.

6 Graduates of the PGDE (Major

in Early Childhood Education) programme are eligible for registration as

kindergarten (KG) teachers, and as child care workers and child care

supervisors, with the Education Bureau (EDB) and the Social Welfare Department

respectively. Moreover, the EDB considers that a Bachelor Degree plus a

Certificate (ECE) or equivalent (including PGDE[ECE]) as having met the

required BEd(ECE) for KG principals. Serving KG teachers and principals may

apply for course fee reimbursement from the EDB.

Postgraduate Diploma in Education

(Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) (self-funded)


following are the major components of the programme:

· Pedagogical Content Knowledge (18 credits)

- Methods

course: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (12 credits)

- Collaborative Lesson Inquiry (6 credits)

· Integrated Inquiry (18 credits)

- Educational Inquiry (18 credits)

- School


· Experiential Learning (18 credits)

- Experiential Learning (Placement) (6 credits)

- Professional Practicum (12 credits)

· Elective (6 credits)

· Capstone (non-credit-bearing)

Distinctive Features


Content Knowledge

includes examining methods of teaching and collaborative lesson inquiry

sessions. Students will go to schools with set goals aimed at interweaving the

theory they learn at HKU with the day-to-day practicum. Their practice-based

learning will relate to lesson design, implementation and reflection. Tasks

will be planned collaboratively, with groups of students trying out methods in

the classroom.


Inquiry is one of the main characteristics

of the inquiry-based programme, which aims to integrate the theoretical and

practical sides of teacher preparation from the start, thereby providing a

balanced approach. Full-time students will begin "School Experience" from the beginning of their course, enabling them

to learn about all aspects of school life, not only the practice of teaching.


Learning comprises two components:

experiential learning (EL) placement and professional practicum.


experiential learning placement will enable more holistic understanding of the

relationships between the social and policy aspects of formal schooling and

other educational contexts in or outside Hong Kong. It will also provide

hands-on experience of learners at different developmental stages. For

full-time candidates, the experiential placement normally lasts for six weeks.

Students will be given academic advice on the experiential placements. EL

projects and opportunities will be provided by the Faculty and students

will also be able to nominate their own EL projects.

The Professional Practicum is a professional requirement that enables students to

develop professional teaching competencies within a school environment.

Students are required to integrate theory and practice in four domains –

Learning and Teaching, Student Development, School Development, and the

Professional Community.

Two Elective courses (Inquiry in PYP Chinese language teaching and Teaching

Chinese in middle school) will be offered relating directly to the

implementation of inquiry-based teaching in Chinese language and literacy

teaching as well as the acquisition of skills in designing school-based

curriculum. The students are required to take one elective course and may take

a maximum of one additional elective course of their own volition.

Students are required to present a

synthesis of their professional learning and progress towards achieving

the PGDE 「Concept of a teacher」 in a Capstone

event. The capstone is a hurdle requirement for graduation.



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