
[美劇] 殭屍國度/Z Nation 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 殭屍國度/Z Nation 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版




This is a worldwide alert.


Standby for important information.

=> 備用重要信息。


=> 隔離。

The president is dead.

=> 總統已經死了

This is an extinction scale event.

=> 這是一個滅絕規模事件。

Do not panic.

=> 不要驚慌。

Three years after the first infection, national governments have fallen.

=> 第一次感染三年後,各國政府紛紛倒台。

There is no cure.

=> 沒有治療。

_ _ Go! Go! Cease fire! Save your ammo, Valdez.

=> _ _ 走!走!停火!保存你的彈藥Valdez。

Save your ammo.

=> 保存你的彈藥。

- _ - Delta-Xray-Delta.

=> - _ - Delta-Xray-Delta。

This is Camp Northern Light.

=> 這是北極光營。

Come in.

=> 進來。


=> Δ-X射線三角洲。

This is Camp Northern Light.

=> 這是北極光營。

Come in.

=> 進來。

Why havent they evacuated? The extraction team is still in route.

=> 他們為什麼不疏散?開採隊伍仍在路上。

Their initial landing site was overrun.

=> 他們最初的登陸地點被超載。

And I cant get anyone from Delta-Xray on the radio.

=> 我無法從收音機的Delta-Xray上找到任何人。

Well, keep trying.

=> 那麼,繼續嘗試。

Here are the new destination coordinates.

=> 這裡是新的目的地坐標。

Two more minutes and theyre on their own.

=> 再過兩分鐘,他們就自己動手了。

We evac as soon as the planes loaded.

=> 飛機載入後我們立即撤離。

Keep everything hot.

=> 保持一切熱。

Who knows We might be back someday.

=> 誰知道我們有一天可能會回來。

Two minutes.

=> 2分鐘。

Move it people! Come on, Hernandez! Out of there! Lets go! Come in.

=> 移動它的人!來吧,埃爾南德斯!出去!我們走吧!進來。


=> Δ-X射線三角洲。

Come in.

=> 進來。

This is Delta-Xray-Delta! Who the hell are you? This is Simon Cruller, sir.

=> 這是Delta-Xray-Delta!你到底是誰?先生,這是西蒙·克魯勒。

Im a Sys Op working for the NSA.

=> 我是一個系統操作為NSA工作。

Camp Northern Light.

=> 北極光營。

I have new orders for you from Cent Com.

=> 我從Cent Com有你的新訂單。

Little busy right now.

=> 現在一點忙

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

Were about to bug out ourselves so Ill get right to it.

=> 我們即將發現自己,所以我會適應它。

I have GPS coordinates for your new destination.

=> 我有你的新目的地的GPS坐標。

Its the CDC Mass Infection Lab on Mount Wilson.

=> 這是威爾遜山的CDC大規模感染實驗室。

Youre to escort Doctor Merch and any other survivors to this location.

=> 你將護送醫生Merch和任何其他倖存者到這個位置。

Its Priority Level One! Hey! Hey! Are you sure?! These coordinates are in California! Thats a roger, sir.

=> 這是一級優先!嘿!嘿!你確定?!這些坐標是在加州!先生,這是一個羅傑。

Wheres my chopper? Im showing that its still inbound sir.

=> 我的菜刀在哪裡?我顯示它仍然是入境先生。

But dont you worry, Delta-Xray.

=> 但是,你不用擔心,Delta-Xray。

Im not going anywhere.

=> 我不會去任何地方。

You get us the hell out of here! You hear me?! This gate wont hold them.

=> 你讓我們離開這裡!你聽到我了嗎?這扇門不會夾住它們。

You keep them off as long as you can.

=> 你儘可能長時間地關閉它們。

Then you fall back to the lab.

=> 然後你回到實驗室。

Okay? Ill evacuate the others.

=> 好的?我會疏散其他人。

You can do this.

=> 你可以這樣做。

We dont have time for this.

=> 我們沒有時間。

We cant stop yet! This is our last chance to test the new strains.

=> 我們還不能停下來!這是我們測試新菌株的最後機會。

No! They dont look like volunteers to me.

=> 沒有!他們看起來不像志願者。

Millions of people are dying for no reason.

=> 數百萬人無緣無故地死去。

These men are gonna die to help us find a vaccine.

=> 這些人會死去幫助我們找到疫苗。

If it works, one of them may outlive us all.

=> 如果有效的話,其中一個可能會使我們都活得更久。

Yeah, well why dont you take it then, huh? Dont worry.

=> 好吧,那你為什麼不把它拿走?別擔心

If it doesnt work out, Ill make sure you dont come back.

=> 如果不行,我會確保你不回來。


=> 太棒了。

In accordance with the Emergency Executive Order section seven, you are hereby notified that you have been selected for exposure to an experimental substance.

=> 根據緊急行政命令第七節,特此通知您已被選中接觸實驗物質。

We got rights.

=> 我們有權利。

Were still human you know.

=> 我們仍然是人類,你知道。

Should the test fail, all efforts will be made to contact your next of kin.

=> 如果測試失敗,所有的努力將被作出聯繫你的最近的親屬。

Signed, President Lindsay Barton.

=> 總統林賽·巴頓(Lindsay Barton)簽名。

I thought that bitch was dead! Not when she signed this order.

=> 我以為婊子死了!不是當她簽署這個命令。

No! No! No! Now! Do it now! No! No! Five minutes! And were out of here! The evac better get here soon.

=> 沒有!沒有!沒有!現在!現在做!沒有!沒有! 5分鐘!我們離開這裡! evac很快就會到達這裡。

I give you mercy.

=> 我憐憫你

Time to go.

=> 該走了。

Hes right.

=> 他是對的。

Outta time.

=> 離開時間。

No more testing today.

=> 今天沒有更多的測試。

No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Its Valdez.

=> 沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!沒有!這是Valdez。


=> 嘿。

Air Cav Whiskey Bravo Six, this is Northern Light.

=> Air Cav威士忌Bravo Six,這是北極光。

I have eyes on your approach.

=> 我有你的方法眼睛。

Youre right on top of them man.

=> 你是他們之上的人。

Awesome flying.

=> 令人敬畏的飛行。

Delta Xray is bringing out survivors now.

=> 三角洲Xray現在帶出倖存者。

Good luck, Whisky Bravo.

=> 祝你好運,威士忌布拉沃。

Were out the door ourselves.

=> 我們自己出門

Catch you in the next life, sir.

=> 先生,在下一個生活中抓住你。

Northern Light signing off.

=> 北極光簽約。

Youre coming with me.

=> 你跟我來

Wait! Where are you going? Dont leave me to the zombies man.

=> 等待!你要去哪裡?不要把我留給殭屍人。

Dont leave me! Dont let me turn, you bastard! Pike me! Pike me or I will hunt you down and eat your brains! He was our last hope at finding a vaccine.

=> 不要離開我!別讓我轉,你這個混蛋!派克我!派克我或我會追捕你,吃掉你的大腦!他是我們找到疫苗的最後希望。

Now you are.

=> 現在你是。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Hey doc! If Im not back in two minutes, you tell them to leave without me.

=> 嘿醫生!如果兩分鐘後我還沒回來,你告訴他們不要離開我。

No! Yes! Go ahead! Go! Go! _ [voices singing] beautiful, beautiful river Gather with the saints at the river that flows by the thrown of God.

=> 沒有!是!前進!走!走! _ [聲音歌唱]美麗,美麗的河與上帝所拋出的河流中的聖徒聚集在一起。

To Nana Griswold.

=> 給娜娜·格里斯沃爾德。

A true survivor.

=> 一個真正的倖存者。

Not many grandmothers left these days.

=> 這幾天離開的祖母不多。

Especially as old as Nana was.

=> 特別像娜娜那樣古老。

How old was she anyway? Sixty-three.

=> 她多大了?六十三。


=> 哇。

Thats old.

=> 這是舊的。


=> 六十四。

And Im not dead yet.

=> 而且我還沒死。

But I think its time.

=> 但我認為是時候了。

You can all go now.

=> 你們現在都可以走了

Do you have her special? Ill take it from here.

=> 你有特別的嗎?我會從這裡拿走。

Ready, Nana? Hell yes Im ready.

=> 準備好了娜娜?地獄是的,我準備好了。

Ive had enough of this stinkin world.

=> 我已經受夠了這個臭的世界。

Sofia Christina Griswold.

=> 索非亞克里斯蒂娜·格里斯沃爾德。

With this eight sacrament I commit your soul to eternal peace.

=> 借著這八聖禮,我將你的靈魂獻給永恆的平安。

I give you mercy.

=> 我憐憫你

The beautiful beautiful river.

=> 美麗的美麗的河。

Gather with the saints at the river that flows by the thrown of God.

=> 與上帝所拋出的河流中的聖徒聚集在一起。

This is Garnett to Warren.

=> 這是加內特對沃倫。

Garnett to Warren, over Go for Warren.

=> 加內特去沃倫,去沃倫去。

Whats up Charlie? Im at the waters edge, could use a little backup.

=> 查理怎麼了?我在水邊,可以使用一點點的備份。

Two minutes.

=> 2分鐘。

What is it? I guess a distress signal? How do you want to handle it? Been watching them for a while.

=> 它是什麼?我猜想遇險信號?你想怎麼處理?一直在看他們。

As far as I can tell its just two males.

=> 據我所知,只有兩個男人。

Lets see what they want.

=> 讓我們看看他們想要的。

Can always turn them back around.

=> 總是可以把它們轉回去。

How did Nanas Eighth go? Very good.

=> 娜娜的八號怎麼走?很好。

Good people.

=> 好人。

Thanks for doing it.

=> 謝謝你這樣做。

I just cant anymore.

=> 我只是不能再做了。

Too many Its okay.

=> 太多了沒關係。

She was ready to go.

=> 她準備好了。


=> 嗯。

Arent we all.

=> 我們不都是。

Here they come.

=> 他們來了。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Ill handle the meet and greet.

=> 我會處理會議和問候。

You cover me from here.

=> 你從這裡覆蓋我

Any problems, you hit the ground.

=> 任何問題,你打在地上。

Ill take care of the rest.

=> 我會照顧其餘的。

Thats far enough, gentlemen.

=> 先生們,這已經夠了。

Lieutenant Mark Hammond.


Delta Force.

=> 三角洲部隊。

Or least I was when there was still a Delta Force.

=> 或者至少當時還有一個三角洲部隊。

Im on a mission from whats left of the government, and I need your help.

=> 我正在執行政府剩下的任務,我需要你的幫助。

What mission? For what government? Look, to be honest I dont know if anybody that gave me the order is still alive.

=> 什麼任務?對於什麼政府?看,老實說,我不知道有誰給了我命令還活著。

I do know its imperative that I get this person to a medical lab in California.

=> 我知道把這個人送到加州的一個醫學實驗室是非常重要的。


=> 活。

Well I guess I wont shoot him.

=> 那麼我想我不會開槍的。


=> 然而。

Who is he? Some kind of doctor? Not exactly.

=> 他是誰?某種醫生?不完全是。

His name is Murphy.

=> 他的名字是墨菲。

And he may just be the last best chance to save humanity.

=> 而他可能是拯救人類的最後一次機會。

Hello, baby.

=> 你好寶貝。

Its me.

=> 是我。

You got time to talk? Come on, sweetie.

=> 你有時間說話?拜託,親愛的

I always have time for you.

=> 我總是有時間給你。

You know that.

=> 你懂的。

I just wanted to know if youre gonna make it home for Christmas like you promised? Daisy, I just dont know.

=> 我只是想知道你是否會像你答應的那樣把它放在聖誕節回家?黛西,我只是不知道。

Things are pretty busy up here.

=> 事情在這裡很忙。

You and all your top secrets.

=> 你和你所有的秘密

Cant they give you some time off? Everybodys gonna be so disappointed.

=> 他們不能給你一些時間嗎?每個人都會很失望

I know.

=> 我知道。

But Ill get home soon, I promise.

=> 但我很快就會回家,我保證。

Hows Cowboy? Hes fine.

=> 牛仔怎麼樣?他還好。

He chewed up another one of your shoes.

=> 他嚼了另一隻鞋子。

Sometimes I think he misses you more than I do.

=> 有時候我覺得他比你更想念你。

If thats possible.

=> 如果可能的話。

Hey, did you see that stuff on the news about Washington? Thats crazy, huh? Northern Light.

=> 嘿,你看到關於華盛頓的消息嗎?那太瘋狂了吧?北極光。

This is CDC Mount Wilson.

=> 這是CDC威爾遜山。

Northern Light.

=> 北極光。

This is CDC Mount Wilson.

=> 這是CDC威爾遜山。


=> 過度。

Mount Wilson, this is Northern Light.

=> 威爾遜山,這是北極光。


=> 過度。

The lab has been overrun.

=> 實驗室已經超限。

Operation Bite Mark abandoning location.

=> 操作Bite Mark放棄位置。

What is the status of Delta-Xray-Delta? Over.

=> Delta-Xray-Delta的狀態如何?過度。

Delta-Xray location currently unknown.

=> Delta-Xray位置目前未知。

We lost contact three weeks ago.

=> 我們三周前失去了聯繫。


=> 過度。

I need the status of Delta-Xray-Delta.

=> 我需要Delta-Xray-Delta的地位。

We need to new coordinates Mount Wilson.

=> 我們需要新的坐標威爾遜山。

We did not copy.

=> 我們沒有複製。


=> 重複。

We did not copy.

=> 我們沒有複製。


=> 過度。

Mount Wilson.

=> 威爾遜山。

All we need are some basic supplies and transportation south as far as the Tappan Zee bridge.

=> 所有我們需要的是一些基本的供應和運輸南部至塔潘澤大橋。

Were meeting a new team there, and they can take us the rest of the way to California.

=> 我們正在那裡遇到一個新的隊伍,他們可以把我們帶到加利福尼亞的其他地方。

California sure is a hell of a long way.

=> 加利福尼亞肯定是一個很長的路。

The Tappan Zee bridge is a long way.

=> Tappan Zee橋是一條很長的路。

I wouldnt ask, but its imperative and I am out of options.

=> 我不會問,但這是必要的,我沒有選擇。

Howd you find out about this place? An ex-cop and some others taking shelter in a prison twenty clicks up the road said there was some National Guard that set up a camp, might be able to help us out.

=> 你怎麼知道這個地方?一名前警察和其他一些在監獄裡庇護的二十人在路上說,有一些國民警衛隊成立了一個營地,可能能夠幫助我們。

"Ex" National Guard.

=> 「前」國民警衛隊。

Yeah, I was with Georgia National Guard.

=> 是的,我和喬治亞國民警衛隊在一起。

Warren here was activated out of Missouri.

=> 沃倫在這裡被激活出密蘇里州。

But as far as I know, were the only ones left of our unit.

=> 但據我所知,我們是我們單位剩下的唯一一個。


=> 看。

I know theres no more chain of command, no more Guard, no more government.

=> 我知道沒有更多的指揮,沒有更多的守衛,沒有更多的政府。

Just a few of us out there following orders cuz thats what we do.

=> 只是我們幾個人在那裡下訂單因為我們做。

I lost eight of the best men I ever served with getting this far.

=> 我失去了八名最好的男人,

My orders are to take this man to a lab in California, and that what I intend to do.

=> 我的命令是把這個人帶到加利福尼亞州的一個實驗室,那就是我打算做的事情。

Now are you people going to help me or not? Why is he so goddamn important? He has information vital to the development of a vaccine for the zombie virus.

=> 現在你們會幫助我嗎?他為什麼這麼重要?他擁有對於開發殭屍病毒疫苗至關重要的信息。

And thats all I can tell you.

=> 這就是我所能告訴你的。

How much more do you need to know? Warren and I can take the pickup truck, bring you to the Tappan Zee.

=> 你還需要知道多少?沃倫和我可以把皮卡車,把你帶到塔潘塞。

But youd be on your own after that.

=> 但是之後你會自己做。

Thats all Im asking.

=> 這就是我所要求的。

Well if we keep it moving, we can get there and back before nightfall.

=> 那麼,如果我們保持移動,我們可以在夜幕降臨前趕到現場。

Im not sure we risk the truck.

=> 我不確定我們冒險的卡車。

Or you two.

=> 或者你們兩個

Maybe I havent been clear.

=> 也許我不清楚。

This is more important than your trucks.

=> 這比你的卡車更重要。

Or anyones life.

=> 或者任何人的生活。

Including my own.

=> 包括我自己的。

I dont want to have to insist.

=> 我不想堅持。

I was supposed to meet my rendezvous two days ago.

=> 我本來應該在兩天前見面。

This needs to happen.

=> 這需要發生。


=> 現在。


=> 聽。

If theyre trying to steal the truck, do what you got to do.

=> 如果他們試圖偷走卡車,那麼你該做什麼。


=> 總是。

Stay in radio contact.

=> 留在無線電聯繫。

We dont hear from you by tomorrow morning, well come lookin.

=> 明天早上我們沒有收到你的消息,我們來看看。

Youll have them back by sundown.

=> 你會在日落之前把它們帶回來。

Well if availability of ammo is all you care about then the .

=> 那麼如果彈藥的可用性是你所關心的那麼那麼。

22 is the way to go.


But you really want to make an impression, check out this smoke wagon.

=> 但是你真的想留下一個印象,看看這輛煙機。

You really make a Zs day with this.

=> 你真的做了這個Z的一天。

Now the .

=> 現在 。

22, thatll kill a Z, but its gonna be about two or three shots before the things down and dead.


This baby? You stop a car with this.

=> 這個寶貝?你用這個停下車

I was thinking something more silent.

=> 我在想更沉默的東西。

Like a club.

=> 像一個俱樂部。

And sharp.

=> 尖銳。


=> 是啊。


=> 是啊。


=> 是啊。

Yeah, I like how you think.

=> 是的,我喜歡你的想法。

Silent but effective.

=> 沉默但有效。

Huh? Okay.

=> 咦?好的。

Check this out.

=> 看一下這個。


=> 嗯。

Made it myself.

=> 自己做。

I call it "The Z Whacker.

=> 我把它叫做「Z Whacker」。

" You start with an aluminum bat then customize it for the task at hand.



=> 哇。

Its light.

=> 很輕。

Yeah, the spikes are hand cast from beer cans.

=> 是的,尖峰是從啤酒罐手工投下的。

So theyre long enough that they kill the brain but you can still pull it out.

=> 所以他們足夠長,他們殺了大腦,但你仍然可以把它拉出來。

Cuz nothing is worse than getting your pike stuck into a Zs skull.

=> 因為沒有什麼比讓你的矛刺入Z的頭骨更糟。

Cuz then you got to drag them down to the ground.

=> 因此,你必須把他們拖到地面。

You got to put your foot on their chest.

=> 你必須把腳放在胸前。

Then you got to yank the thing out.

=> 然後,你必須把東西拉出來。

And by then youre dead.

=> 到那時你已經死了

You know what I mean? Sure do hate that.

=> 你知道我的意思?當然會討厭這個。

How bout a straight across trade? A dozen of these aspirin for a dozen of these reloaded .

=> 如何「橫跨貿易」?一打這些阿司匹林十二這些重新載入。



You cant kill a zombie with aspirin.

=> 你不能殺死阿司匹林的殭屍。

Well you cant kill a fever with a bullet and they aint making any more aspirin.

=> 那麼你不能用子彈殺死發燒,他們不再做阿司匹林。

Make it a dozen oxycontin and you got a deal.

=> 做一打oxycontin,你有一個交易。

Id have to take a dozen oxycontin before Id make that deal.

=> 在做這筆交易之前,我必須先做十幾次。

That same pink ice you made before? No, that stuff gave me an axe to the skull headache.


No, thats what the aspirins for.

=> 不,這就是阿司匹林所為。

How many ampules of morphine you got left in there? Behind you.

=> 你在這裡留下了幾滴嗎啡嗎?在你身後。


=> 尼斯。

You all right? That was a little close.

=> 你沒事吧?那有點接近。

Yeah, that that was a fast one.

=> 是的,這是一個快速的。


=> 野蠻。

Told ya.

=> 告訴過你。

Hey, isnt that Red Hanson? Zs got Red? Damn, he was one of our best customers Tough as bullets.

=> 嘿,那不是紅漢森嗎? Z的紅色?該死的,他是我們最好的顧客之一。

I wonder if his brothers know.

=> 我想知道他的兄弟是否知道。

Yeah, I think so cuz here they come.

=> 是的,我覺得他們來了。

Closing time.

=> 關閉時間。

The way that big one moved he must have turned just a few hours ago.

=> 大人物的感動方式,他幾個小時前就已經轉過身了。

Four brothers, recently turned, found on Millers Road by Sutters Farm.

=> 最近轉身的四兄弟在薩特農場的米勒路上找到了。

Given mercy, May 13, 3 A.

=> 憐憫,5月13日,3 A.



Time to go.

=> 該走了。

I got something over here.

=> 我在這裡得到了一些東西。

Look, I got another one over here.

=> 看,我又來了一個。

This one looks dead and down too.

=> 這個看起來也是死氣沉沉。


=> 唐納。


=> 看。

Must be hundreds of them.

=> 必須是數百個。

Ferry accident? Camp Blue Sky, this is mobile one.

=> 渡輪事故?營藍天,這是移動的。

Blue Sky, this is mobile one.

=> 藍天,這是移動的。


=> 過度。

Hey guys, I need you to get back to us.

=> 嘿傢伙,我需要你回到我們身邊。

Its time for our 8 p.

=> 現在是我們8頁的時間了。



signal check.

=> 信號檢查。

What are you wasting time for? You said yourself theyd be fine.

=> 你在浪費什麼時間?你說自己會沒事的

Look, there must be something wrong.

=> 看,一定有什麼不對

If we dont hear from them soon, were gonna have to go back.

=> 如果我們很快沒有收到他們的消息,我們就要回去了。

I dont think I can let you do that.

=> 我不認為我可以讓你這樣做。

If something is wrong with my people I dont give a damn about your mission.

=> 如果我的人有什麼問題,我不會對你的任務感到厭煩。

Or you.

=> 或者你。

Were going back.

=> 我們回去了。


=> 看。

I appreciate your loyalty to those folks.

=> 我感謝你對這些人的忠誠。

I do.

=> 我做。

But you dont know what I know about this man.

=> 但是你不知道我對這個人的了解。

Why should we believe a word you say? Get out of the car.

=> 我們為什麼要相信你說的一句話?從車裡出去。

Show them.

=> 給他們看。

Show them why youre so damn important.

=> 告訴他們為什麼你是如此重要。

Get your hands off me.

=> 把你的手從我身上拿開。

Show them why so many good men died getting you this far.

=> 告訴他們為什麼這麼多好男人死了,讓你這麼遠。

Show them! What happened? Those are Zombie bites.

=> 給他們看!發生了什麼?那些是殭屍叮咬。

Eight of them.

=> 其中八個。

Why is he still alive? And not a zombie? Hey.

=> 他為什麼還活著?而不是殭屍?嘿。

He was given the only dose of an experimental vaccine right before he was bitten.

=> 在他被咬之前,他被給予了唯一一劑實驗性疫苗。

Those undead bastards got two of my ribs right there.

=> 那些不死生物的混蛋在我的兩根肋骨上。

Shut up.

=> 閉嘴。

At least youre still alive.

=> 至少你還活著。

More than I can say for my men.

=> 我不能說我的男人。

Youre looking at the only human known to have survived being bitten by a Zombie.

=> 你看著唯一一個被殭屍咬傷的倖存者。

His blood carries the antibodies for the ZN1 virus.

=> 他的血液攜帶ZN1病毒的抗體。

If we can get him to the lab in California they can use his blood and make more of the vaccine.

=> 如果我們能把他送到加利福尼亞州的實驗室,他們可以用他的血液來製造更多的疫苗。


=> 勞動節。


=> 勞動節。

Calling Camp Blue Sky.

=> 呼叫營藍天。

This is Doc.

=> 這是Doc。

With Thompson and Carver.

=> 與湯普森和卡弗。

What is your situation? Over.

=> 你的情況如何?過度。

Hey, Doc.

=> 嘿,醫生

Whats going on? Whats going on? Garnett? Thank God youre alive.

=> 這是怎麼回事?這是怎麼回事?加內特?感謝上帝,你還活著。

We thought everyone was dead.

=> 我們以為每個人都死了。

Im not at Camp Blue Sky.

=> 我不是在藍天營。

Whats happening? Batteries dying.

=> 發生了什麼?電池正在死亡。


=> 等待。


=> 說。


=> 再次。

Blue Sky has been overrun.

=> 藍天已經超限。

The whole place is on fire.

=> 整個地方著火了。

Survivors? Well there was a ton of gunfire a while ago, but nothing since.

=> 倖存者?那麼前一陣子有一陣槍聲,但從此以後就沒有了。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Oh theres the escape bus.

=> 哦,有逃生巴士。

Oh, they got the kids out.

=> 哦,他們把孩子們帶出去了。


=> 好的。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Get in! Go! Go! Go! Go! How many more? Nobody.

=> 進入!走!走!走!走!還有多少?沒有人。

Nobody?! Nobody! Im sure! Donna? Marion? No there was no one.

=> 沒有人?!沒有人!我確定!唐娜?馬里昂?不,沒有人。

Not even time to show any of them mercy.

=> 甚至沒有時間表現出任何憐憫。

Theres nobody back there but Zs.

=> 有沒有人在那裡,但Z的。

Sorry guys.

=> 對不起大家。

We tried.

=> 我們嘗試了。

Nothing left for them now but Gods mercy.

=> 現在沒有什麼可以給他們的,只有上帝的憐憫。

Its time to go then.

=> 現在是時候了。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

I dont know what we brought them along for.

=> 我不知道我們帶來了什麼。

Uh because theyre human beings and they deserve to live.

=> 呃,因為他們是人類,他們應該活下去。

Hey how much further to this rendezvous? Just a few more clicks.

=> 嘿,這個會合還有多少?只需點擊幾下。

Got some vehicles and a team of killers waiting.

=> 有一些車輛和一隊殺手等著。

Wish I had ten times that.

=> 希望我有十倍。

Should be up ahead on the left.

=> 應該在左邊向前。

An old high school with a civil defense shelter in the basement.

=> 一所在地下室設有防空洞的古老高中。

Supposedly theres still some rations left there.

=> 據說這裡還有一些食物。

When was the last time you made contact with them? About a month ago.

=> 你最後一次和他們聯繫是什麼時候?大概一個月前。

A month ago? Thats like year Apocalypse time.

=> 一個月前?這就像年度啟示錄時間。

Get back in the truck.

=> 回到卡車裡

Is it them? Hammond?! Is it them?! Yeah.

=> 是他們嗎?哈蒙德?是他們嗎?是啊。

I got to pee.

=> 我得撒尿。

Dont go far.

=> 不要走遠。

Dont worry.

=> 別擔心

This guy.

=> 這傢伙。

My reinforcements are dead.

=> 我的援軍已經死了

We need to make a quick search for survivors and any supplies.

=> 我們需要快速搜索倖存者和任何物資。

You! Zip it up and stay close to me.

=> 您!把它拉起來,靠近我。

Hey, whered all the Zs go? Movin on, like locust.

=> 嘿,所有的Z都去哪了?和蝗蟲一樣

Yeah, but theyll be back.

=> 是的,但他們會回來的。

Garnett and Warren, you clear the building.

=> 加內特和沃倫,你清理大樓。

And you three check the vehicles.

=> 你們三個檢查車輛。

Looks like they never had a chance.

=> 看起來他們從來沒有機會。


=> 嘿。

You hear that? Hear what? There.

=> 你聽到了嗎?聽到什麼?那裡。

Sounds like a baby.

=> 聽起來像一個嬰兒。

Oh shoot.

=> 哦拍。

There it is.

=> 在那裡。

Hey, its okay sweetie.

=> 嘿,親愛的。

Were gonna get you out of there.

=> 我們會讓你離開那裡。

Hows that driver? Dead.

=> 那司機怎麼樣?死。

Turned? Looks like she took a blow to the skull.

=> 轉身?看起來她對頭骨有一個打擊。

Brain dead on impact.

=> 大腦死亡的影響。

There you go.

=> 你走了

Hey, Mack.

=> 嘿麥克

Yeah, I know.

=> 是的,我知道。


=> 哇。

Its a real live baby.

=> 這是一個真正的活嬰兒。

I havent seen one of these in years.

=> 多年以來我一直沒有見過其中之一。

And he wont stop crying.

=> 他不會停止哭泣。


=> 這裡。

What do I do? Maybe dont Okay.

=> 我該怎麼辦?也許不好吧。

Hold him like hes a live grenade.

=> 抓住他就像是一個活的手榴彈。

Just give him to me.

=> 只要把他給我。

Me and babies, not so much.

=> 我和寶寶,不是那麼多。

What was she doing out here with a baby anyway? I dunno.

=> 無論如何,她在這裡和一個嬰兒在一起?我不知道。

Looks like they were headed to this shelter.

=> 看起來他們正在前往這個避難所。

They got overrun.

=> 他們超出了

What the hell are we gonna do with a baby? Beats me.

=> 我們該怎麼處理孩子?打敗我。

I stopped planning two minutes ahead years ago.

=> 幾年前,我停止了兩分鐘的計劃。

Heads up.

=> 抬頭。

What are they after? Only one thing.

=> 他們之後是什麼?只有一件事。

Come on.

=> 來吧。


=> 嘿。


=> 嘿。

You all right? Careful.

=> 你沒事吧?小心。

She might be dead.

=> 她可能已經死了


=> 哇。


=> 哇。

Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey Well she aint dead.

=> 嘿,嘿,嘿嘿,嘿,她沒死。


=> 嘿。


=> 嘿。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。


=> 嘿。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Were good people.

=> 我們是好人

We just saved you.

=> 我們剛剛救了你

Okay, dont hurt him.

=> 好的,不要傷害他。


=> 抱歉。

I didnt know where I was.

=> 我不知道我在哪裡。

Asleep? How long you in this cage for? Two days.


Somebody better shut that kid up before he attracts Zs like flies.

=> 在吸引像蒼蠅一樣的Z之前,有人最好把那個孩子關起來。


=> 嘿。

Its a baby.

=> 這是一個嬰兒。

He makes noise, okay? Shut up.

=> 他發出噪音,好嗎?閉嘴。

And you, do what you can.

=> 而你,盡你所能。

Hes right about the Zs.

=> 他是對的Z的。


=> 這裡。


=> 嘿。

Why would somebody lock you in a cage and leave you to die? What did you do? I didnt do anything.

=> 為什麼有人把你鎖在籠子里,讓你死?你做了什麼?我沒有做任何事情。

I locked myself in the cage for protection.

=> 我把自己鎖在籠子里保護。

You have the keys? I lost them.

=> 你有鑰匙?我失去了他們。

Why are you dressed like that? I dont have to justify myself.

=> 你為什麼穿這樣的衣服?我不必為自己辯解。

Maybe you do! We were supposed to meet the men in those vehicles.

=> 也許你做!我們應該在這些車輛上遇見男人。

What happened here? Those men showed up about a week ago.

=> 這裡發生了什麼?那些男人一周前就出現了。

They cleared out the school and set up some kind of camp.

=> 他們清理了這所學校,並建立了某種營地。

But word got out that there was food.

=> 但話說出來,有食物。

Lots of it from the bomb shelter.

=> 很多來自防空洞。

Yeah, it didnt take long.

=> 是的,沒過多久。

There was too many people.

=> 人太多了

The soldiers shot some of the locals, and that brought the Zs.

=> 士兵射擊了一些當地人,並帶來了Z的。

You can guess the rest.

=> 你可以猜測其餘的。

What are we wasting time talking to her for? Give her the baby, and lets go.

=> 我們浪費了什麼時間和她說話?給她寶寶,我們走吧。

You cant give this girl a baby and leave.

=> 你不能給這個女孩一個嬰兒,離開。

Well they cant come with us.

=> 那麼他們不能跟我們一起去。


=> 聽。

No way am I leaving the baby and her behind.

=> 我不可能把孩子和她放在後面。

Its not gonna happen.

=> 這不會發生。

Its just a baby.

=> 這只是一個嬰兒。

Its not like hes gonna grow up and be a fine young man someday.

=> 不是他會長大成人,總有一天會成為一個優秀的年輕人。

You know what, shut up! Well take them to the next safe outpost.

=> 你知道嗎,閉嘴!我們會帶他們去下一個安全的前哨。

God, I hate moral dilemmas.

=> 上帝,我討厭道德困境。

Yeah whats next chief? You wanna start a college fund for him? Puppies and kittens.

=> 是的下一任首席?你想為他開辦一個大學基金嗎?小狗和小貓。


=> 植物大戰殭屍。

All right, everybody.

=> 好吧,大家。

Time to go.

=> 該走了。

You four, I want you to grab all the food and weapons you can find.

=> 你們四個,我要你們抓住所有你能找到的食物和武器。

Load them in that truck.

=> 把它們裝在那輛卡車裡。

The keys are still inside.

=> 鑰匙仍然在裡面。

Hey! We havent talked about this.

=> 嘿!我們沒有談到這個。

We can talk about it later.

=> 我們可以稍後再談。

Right now you do what I tell you.

=> 現在你做我告訴你的。

Garnett! You stay with the baby and Murphy until we get back.

=> 加內特!你留在嬰兒和墨菲,直到我們回來。


=> 沃倫。

You and I are gonna see if we can start up that deuce and a half.

=> 你和我會看看我們是否可以開始這個平分秋色。

Everybody meets back here in five.

=> 大家五點鐘回來。

Go! Go.

=> 走!走。

All right.

=> 好吧。

How you want to handle this? We usually like taking it to em.

=> 你想如何處理這個?我們通常喜歡把它拿來。


=> 先生。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Lets do this.

=> 我們開工吧。


=> 無聲。

Hey, mister! Baby.

=> 嘿,先生!寶寶。

The kid finally shut up.

=> 小孩終於閉嘴了。

Get away from there.

=> 離開那裡。

Get away from there.

=> 離開那裡。

What the hell did you do that for? Hey.

=> 你到底做了什麼?嘿。


=> 嘿。


=> 墨菲。

Get over here.

=> 過來這裡


=> 走。

okay? Yeah, Im great.

=> 好的?是的,我很好。

Baby? Hes weak, but hes hanging in there.

=> 寶寶?他很虛弱,但他掛在那裡。


=> 這裡。


=> 謝謝。

Oh God.

=> 天啊。

Kill it.

=> 殺了它。

I cant.

=> 我不能。

I cant do it.

=> 我做不到

Yes, you can.

=> 是的你可以。


=> 沒有。

You do it.

=> 你做吧。

No, I dont want to do it.

=> 不,我不想這樣做。

You got to kill it.

=> 你必須殺死它。

Whats the holdup? Wheres the baby? Turned.

=> 什麼是搶劫?寶寶在哪裡?轉身。


=> 驚喜。


=> 驚喜。

Let him go.

=> 放了他。

Or I will send you to walk among the dead.

=> 或者我會派你到死者中間走走。

Lets get in the trucks.

=> 讓我們進入卡車。

Were moving out.

=> 我們正在搬出去

What about the the baby thing? We cant leave it like that.

=> 那個寶貝呢?我們不能這樣離開。

Yeah, shes right.

=> 是的,她是對的。

Even if it is turned.

=> 即使它被轉動。

It sounds so sad.

=> 這聽起來很傷心。

Its not sad.

=> 這並不難過。

Its a zombie.

=> 這是一個殭屍。

Amen brother.

=> 阿門兄弟。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

We cant leave it like that.

=> 我們不能這樣離開。

Ill do it.

=> 我會做的。

Ill do it.

=> 我會做的。

I need you to pull it together.

=> 我需要你把它拉在一起。

Two minutes.

=> 2分鐘。

Be ready to go.

=> 準備好去。

Here baby.

=> 寶貝。

Here baby-baby.

=> 這裡寶貝寶貝。

Come to papa.

=> 來爸爸

If we wanted to ditch these two take the truck and run now would be the time.

=> 如果我們想把這兩輛車拿走,那麼現在就是時候了。

Just sayin.

=> 只是在說。

Oh I see your little bitch-ass.

=> 哦,我看到你的小婊子屁股。

Oh no.

=> 不好了。

You know, none of this would have happened, if youd just left that damn baby.

=> 你知道,如果你剛剛離開那個該死的寶貝,沒有一件會發生。

I didnt tell Hammond to go get eaten by a baby.

=> 我沒有告訴哈蒙德被嬰兒吃掉。

Never mind that now.

=> 現在沒關係。

We need a plan.

=> 我們需要一個計劃。

My plan is Im taking this truck and I am forgetting about vaccines and labs and all of you.

=> 我的計劃是我正在服用這種卡車,我忘記了疫苗和實驗室以及你們所有人。

I wanted off this train from day one, and nows my chance.

=> 我從第一天就想要開這個火車,現在是我的機會。

Wait wait wait.

=> 等待等待。

You cant just go.

=> 你不能走。

What about California? What about the vaccine? What if its real? What if theres a chance? And what if its you? Addy.

=> 加利福尼亞呢?那疫苗呢?如果它是真的呢?如果有機會呢?而如果是你呢?阿迪。

How do we know this isnt all just bullshit? How does anybody know anything anymore? Delta-Xray-Delta.

=> 我們怎麼知道這不僅僅是廢話?人們怎麼知道什麼了? Δ-X射線三角洲。

What the hell is that? Delta-Xray-Delta.

=> 這他媽到底是什麼? Δ-X射線三角洲。

Come in.

=> 進來。


=> Δ-X射線三角洲。

This is Northern Light.

=> 這是北極光。

Operation Bike Mark.

=> 操作自行車標誌。

Do you copy? Delta-Xray-Delta.

=> 你複製嗎? Δ-X射線三角洲。

Its Hammonds radio.

=> 這是哈蒙德的收音機。


=> Δ-X射線三角洲。

This is Northern Light.

=> 這是北極光。

Hello? I copy you Delta-Xray! This is this is Northern Light.

=> 你好?我複製你Delta-Xray!這是北極光。

Who am I speaking to? Addison Carver.

=> 我跟誰說話?艾迪生卡弗。


=> 好的。

I need to speak to Lieutenant Hammond.

=> 我需要和哈蒙德中尉談談。

Hammonds dead.

=> 哈蒙德死了

Im Im Im sorry.

=> 我是我,我很抱歉。

I I didnt copy that, Delta-Xray.

=> 我沒有複製那個,Delta-Xray。

Did you say that Hammond is dead? Yes.

=> 你說哈蒙德死了嗎?是。

Is the package safe? Package? What what package? Who is this? Listen.

=> 包裹是否安全?包?什麼包?這是誰?聽。

I need to speak to whoevers in charge.

=> 我需要跟誰負責。

Who is it? They wont say.

=> 是誰呀?他們不會說。

They want to know whos in charge.

=> 他們想知道誰負責。

You are.

=> 你是。

This is Sergeant Garnett of the National Guard.

=> 這是國民警衛隊的加內特警長。

Who is this? Sergeant Garnett.

=> 這是誰?警長加內特。

Lieutenant Hammond was transporting a civilian named Murphy to California.

=> 哈蒙德中尉將一名名叫墨菲的平民送往加州。

Is he alive? Yes.

=> 他還活著嗎?是。

Hes still alive.

=> 他還活著


=> 好。


=> 好。

Are are you aware of Operation Bite Mark? Do you mean the lab in California? Yes! Yes! Listen to me! It is imperative that you get Murphy to California.

=> 你是否知道Operation Bite Mark?你是說在加州的實驗室嗎?是!是!聽我說!墨菲到加利福尼亞是非常重要的。

I repeat.

=> 我重複。

It is imperative that you get Murphy alive to California.

=> 你必須讓墨菲活到加州。

Do you copy? But we dont know Who are you? Garnett? Garnett, do you copy? Garnett! Its dead.

=> 你複製嗎?但是我們不知道你是誰?加內特?加內特,你複製嗎?加內特!已經死了

Damn it! So? So It looks like were taking Mr.

=> 該死的!所以?所以看起來我們正在拿先生

Congeniality here to California.

=> 這裡對加利福尼亞的親切。

Says who? Says me.

=> 誰說的?說我。


=> 嘿。

Hey there.

=> 嘿。

Youre that sharp shooter that saved my ass, arent you? Oh man.

=> 你是那個救了我屁股的那個鋒利的射手,不是嗎?天啊。

I want to thank you.

=> 我想謝謝你。

I can see you.



=> 運行。


=> 隱藏。


=> 查殺。


=> 尚存。

Ive seen it all.

=> 我已經看到了這一切。

Season tickets to the Zompocalypse.

=> Zompocalypse的季票。

And I got to tell you people, weve been getting our asses kicked.

=> 我必須告訴你們,我們已經讓我們的屁股踢了。

Well todays the day that all that changes.

=> 那麼今天是所有這些變化的一天。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

Im not just watching anymore.

=> 我不只是在看。

Its time to kick some zombie ass.

=> 是時候踢一些殭屍屁股。

This is Citizen Z broadcasting live via broadband, low band, VHF, UHF, Skynet.

=> 這是公民Z通過寬頻,低頻,甚高頻,超高頻,天網直播。

If you can get a signal, then you can find me thanks to our friends at the NSA.

=> 如果你能得到一個信號,那麼感謝我們在NSA的朋友,你可以找到我。

Now all I need is somebody, anybody, everybody to get back to me cuz thats how it starts.

=> 現在我所需要的就是某人,任何人,每個人都可以回到我身邊,那就是它的開始。

If youre still alive, youre probably some kind of some kind of genetically predisposed badass.

=> 如果你還活著,你可能是一種某種遺傳傾向的壞蛋。

And all we got to do is get organized and the zombies dont stand a chance.

=> 而我們所要做的就是組織起來,殭屍不會有機會。

Now heres a little something for all of you out there with 3,000 miles of bad road between you and home.

=> 現在,在這裡,你們所有人之間都有一些小小的變化,你們之間有3000英里的不好的道路。

I hope you can hear it.

=> 我希望你能聽到它。


[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 訴訟雙雄/Suits 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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