
[美劇] 訴訟雙雄/Suits 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 訴訟雙雄/Suits 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版

Mike Ross是一個年輕聰明的大學輟學生,他遠離了過去販毒的生活,來到紐約最著名的律師Harvey Specter所在的律師事務所面試。Harvey已經看厭了千篇一律的法學院畢業生,他在見識到Mike的天賦和過目不忘的能力後絕對賭一把,讓他做副手。「訴訟雙雄」攜手展開了他們的正義之旅。


  Mike Ross是一個年輕聰明的大學輟學生,他遠離了過去販毒的生活,來到紐約最著名的律師Harvey Specter所在的律師事務所面試。Harvey已經看厭了千篇一律的法學院畢業生,他在見識到Mike的天賦和過目不忘的能力後絕對賭一把,讓他做副手。「訴訟雙雄」攜手展開了他們的正義之旅。


  《訴訟雙雄》由環球有限制片公司製作,該劇的執行製片人是Doug Liman (曾任電影《諜影重重》、《史密斯夫婦》及電視劇《橘子郡男孩》的製片人)和 David Bartis(曾任《鄰家女特工》、《偷天盜影》及《橘子郡男孩》的製片人)。

Patrick J. Adams飾Mike


Gabriel Macht飾Harvey




Rick Hoffman飾Louis


Meghan Markle飾Rachel

  Rachel不是普通的律師助理,她也許在測試中表現不突出,但她對Pearson Harden律師事務所的里里外外知根知底。


Gerald Tates here.


He wants to know whats happening to his deal.

=> 他想知道他的交易發生了什麼。

Go get Harvey.

=> 去哈維吧。

I check.

=> 我檢查。


=> 提高。


=> 5000。

Im all in.

=> 我都在。

You can pay me later.

=> 你以後可以付錢給我

Ive got to go.

=> 我得走了。


=> 先生們。

Im paying you millions.

=> 我付了你幾百萬

And youre telling me Im going to get screwed? Jessica, have I come at a bad time? Gerald, this is Harvey Specter.

=> 而你告訴我我會搞砸的?傑西卡,我來不及了?傑拉德,這是哈維·斯派克。

Hes our best closer.

=> 他是我們最接近的

Well, if youre the best closer, where the hell have you been for the last three hours? Well, Gerald, I specialize in troubled situations, and when I left here at 7:00 p.

=> 那麼,如果你是最接近的,過去三個小時你到底在哪裡?那麼,傑拉爾德,我專註於困擾的情況,當我在7點離開這裡。



this deal wasnt in jeopardy.

=> 這筆交易沒有受到威脅。

So, Im just trying to figure out what happened in the interim.

=> 所以,我只是想弄清楚在這個過渡期間發生了什麼。

We keep offering more money.

=> 我們繼續提供更多的錢。

They keep rejecting it.

=> 他們不斷拒絕。

Its last-minute bad faith bullshit.

=> 這是最後一刻的惡意廢話。

It says here that Cooper wont be staying on as honorary Vice President.

=> 它在這裡說庫珀將不會繼續擔任名譽副總裁。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

I dont want him around.

=> 我不想讓他在身邊。

He wouldnt be around.

=> 他不會在身邊。

Its an honorary position.

=> 這是榮譽地位。

I dont give a shit.

=> 我不給狗屎。

Well, I think you do, because thats whats changed since I left, which means its you whos been dealing in bad faith.

=> 好吧,我想你是這樣做的,因為離開後就是這樣,這意味著你是一個不誠實的人。

Well, now that youve got a grasp on whats happened in the goddamn interim, what are you going to do about it? Because hes not getting that title.

=> 那麼,現在你已經掌握了這個該死的臨時過程中發生的事情,你打算怎麼辦呢?因為他沒有得到那個頭銜。

Well, let me make sure I understand this, okay? We negotiated a deal that gave you everything you wanted.

=> 那麼,讓我確定我明白這一點,好嗎?我們通過談判達成了一項協議,給了你想要的一切。


=> 先生。

Cooper signed it.

=> 庫珀簽署了。

And now, you wont close until we take away the last shred of his dignity? Bingo.

=> 現在,除非我們拿走了他尊嚴的最後一刻,否則你們不會關門呢?答對了。

Well, thats not going to happen.

=> 那麼,這不會發生。

And why the hell not? Because I like Mr.

=> 為什麼這不是?因為我喜歡Mr.

Cooper and my firm doesnt operate in bad faith.

=> 庫珀和我的公司並不惡意運作。

Oh, I see how it is.

=> 哦,我明白了。

Instead of working Cooper, youre working me.

=> 而不是工作庫珀,你正在工作。

Or Ill pay someone else your money to do it for me.

=> 或者我會付給別人你的錢為我做。

First of all, Gerald, if you think anyone is going to touch this deal after your bad faith, youre mistaken.

=> 首先,傑拉德,如果你認為任何人在你的不信任後會觸及這個交易,那麼你錯了。

Second, the way our agreement works is the minute Cooper signed the deal which gave you everything you wanted, our fee was due and payable.

=> 其次,我們的協議的工作方式是Cooper簽署的交易給你你想要的一切,我們的收費是應付和應付的。

Which is why, at 7:30, I received confirmation of a wire transfer from escrow indicating payment in full.

=> 這就是為什麼在7:30,我收到確認從代管電匯全額付款。

So, Id say the balls in your court, but the truth is, your balls are in my fist.

=> 所以,我會說球在你的球場上,但事實是,你的球在我的拳頭。

Now, I apologize if that image is too pansy for you, but Im comfortable enough with my manhood to put it out there.

=> 現在,我很抱歉,如果這個形象對你來說太過分了,但是我足夠用我的成年人把它放在那裡。

Now, get your ass in there and close the goddamn deal.

=> 現在,把你的屁股在那裡,關閉這個該死的交易。

You let him talk to me like this? Harvey speaks for the firm.

=> 你讓他這樣跟我說話?哈維代表公司。

We got paid before Gerald signed the deal? What are you talking about? This is a memo about some fire drill on Tuesday.

=> 傑拉爾德簽署協議之前我們已經收到了報酬?你在說什麼?這是周二一些消防演習的備忘錄。


=> 啊。

Youre the blue team captain.

=> 你是藍隊長

You get to wear a fire hat.

=> 你得戴上防火帽。

Times up.

=> 時間到。

Pencils down.

=> 鉛筆下來。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Do I know you from somewhere? I dont think so.

=> 我是不是在哪兒見過你?我不這麼認為。

I have a pretty good memory for faces.

=> 我有一個很好的記憶面對。


=> 嗯。

So do I.

=> 我也是。


=> 哎呀。


=> 抱歉。

Ive got it.

=> 我懂了。


=> 嘿。

Hey! Stop! You in the cap.

=> 嘿!停止!你在帽子里


=> 嘿。

Get back here.

=> 回到這裡。

Come on, man.

=> 來吧,夥計。

What did you get me? What I said I was going to get you.

=> 你是什麼讓我的?我說的是我想要得到你。

A 158.

=> A 158。

I told you I wanted a 175.

=> 我告訴過你我想要一個175

And I told you only one out of 100 people can score that.

=> 而且我告訴過你,只有百分之一的人能夠得分。

Youre a B- student.

=> 你是一個B-學生。

You got a 1,000 on your SATs.

=> 你在SAT考試中有1000分

If I get you a 175, theyll know you cheated.

=> 如果我得到你175,他們會知道你被騙了。

So, only a genius loser can get a 175? Actually, no.

=> 那麼,只有一個天才失敗者可以得到一個175?其實沒有

I would get a 180.

=> 我會得到一個180。

Now, can I have my money, please? Whoa.

=> 現在,我可以有我的錢嗎?哇。

This is only half.

=> 這只是一半。

Then why dont you go call the police? Ive got to get my shit together.

=> 那你為什麼不去警察局呢?我必須把我的狗屎放在一起。

This is the best cheeseburger Ive had in my life.

=> 這是我一生中最好的芝士漢堡。

Its from Monday, Trevor.

=> 從星期一開始,Trevor

Look, man, Im serious.

=> 瞧,夥計,我很認真。

I almost got caught today.

=> 我今天差點被抓到

Ive got to stop getting stoned.

=> 我必須停止被扔石頭。

Ive got to get my act together.

=> 我必須一起行動。

Dude, look at me.

=> 夥計,看著我。

You can burn bud and still be a success.

=> 你可以燃燒芽,仍然是成功的。

You sell pot for a living.

=> 你賣鍋為生。

It still saps the motivation.

=> 這仍然是動機。

All Im saying is, you want in, you are in.

=> 我要說的是,你想要進來,你正在進入。

You know, that is word for word your offer before I got caught cheating on your math test in the third grade.

=> 你知道,在我被三等年級的數學考試作弊之前,你的報價是一字不差的。

Goddamn memory.

=> 該死的記憶。


=> 停止。

Look, no ones going to suspect youre a dealer.

=> 看,沒有人會懷疑你是一個經銷商。

I mean, look at me.

=> 我的意思是,看著我。

This is a $2,000 suit, Mike.

=> 邁克,這是一套2000美元的套裝。

Ive got, like, I take on real software projects.

=> 我有,就像,我承擔真正的軟體項目。

I have clients who bring me briefcases filled with cash, and I hand them identical briefcases with vacuum-sealed bud.

=> 我有客戶給我帶公文包,裡面裝滿了現金,我把相同的公文包裝上真空密封的花蕾。

What do you need me for? Well, I have a client coming in from out of town and I cant meet him, and I need someone I can trust to make the drop.

=> 你需要我什麼?那麼,我有一個客戶從外面進來,我不能見他,我需要一個我可以信任的人來放棄。

Its totally safe.

=> 這是完全安全的。

Trevor, a person is more likely to die while dealing drugs than they would be on death row.

=> 特雷弗,一個人在處理毒品時死亡的可能性要比在死牢里死亡的可能性要大。

In Texas.

=> 在德克薩斯州。

Wait, what are you talking about? Its from Freakonomics.

=> 等等,你在說什麼?它來自Freakonomics。

Do you read anything that I give you? It doesnt matter, because you have to find somebody else.

=> 你看了我給你的東西嗎?沒關係,因為你必須找別人。

Im not interested.

=> 我沒興趣。

Not interested in what? What are you doing here? You said you were going to stay at your place tonight.

=> 對什麼不感興趣?你在這裡做什麼?你說今天晚上你要待在你的位置。

"Hi, sweetie.

=> 「嗨,親愛的。

"What a pleasant surprise.

=> 「真是一個驚喜。

Im so glad you stopped by.

=> 我很高興你停下來。

" No, were in the middle of something.


What are you in the middle of? Trevors trying to set me up.

=> 你在幹什麼?特雷弗試圖讓我起床。

Thats terrific.

=> 真了不起。

Uh, whos the lucky girl? Im trying to get him to work for me.

=> 呃,誰是幸運的女孩?我試圖讓他為我工作。

Thats a great idea.

=> 好主意啊。

It will take some stress off Trevor, and youll pick up writing code like you do everything else.

=> Trevor會給你帶來一些壓力,你會像其他任何事情一樣,選擇編寫代碼。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Ive got to go.

=> 我得走了。




=> 再見。

How did you know Gerald wouldnt look at that memo? Because a charging bull always looks at the red cape, not at the man with the sword.

=> 你怎麼知道傑拉德不會看這個備忘錄?因為收費的公牛總是看著紅色的斗篷,而不是看著那個用劍的人。

By the way, Ive set up a meeting for you and John Dockery next week.

=> 順便說一下,我已經為你和下周的約翰·多克里(John Dockery)建立了一個會議。

Dockery? Hes Skaddens biggest client.

=> 多克里?他是Skadden最大的客戶。

Not anymore.

=> 不再。

Hes looking around.

=> 他環顧四周。

Plays tennis.

=> 打網球。

I want you to close him.

=> 我希望你關閉他。

Consider it done.

=> 考慮完成。

Then you are officially dismissed for the evening.

=> 那麼你晚上正式被解僱了。


=> 乾杯。

Well, you two seem to be celebrating something.

=> 那麼,你們兩個似乎在慶祝什麼。


=> 嗯,嗯。

We are.

=> 我們是。

In fact, you are looking at the best closer this city has ever seen.

=> 事實上,你正在看到這個城市所見過的最接近的地方。

Closer, huh? Baseball? Attorney.

=> 更接近,呵?棒球?律師。

I close situations.

=> 我關閉情況。


=> 嗯。

So, you only care about money.

=> 所以,你只關心錢。

The truth is, I do it for the children.

=> 事實是,我為孩子們做。

Im Lisa.

=> 我是麗莎


=> 哈維。

Lisa, I dont normally do this, but since we are celebrating, what time do you get off tonight? Glad you asked.

=> 麗莎,我通常不這樣做,但是既然我們在慶祝,你今晚什麼時候下車呢?很高興你問。

I get off at ten past.

=> 我十點過去了。

Im never going out with you.

=> 我永遠不會和你一起出去

I guess, uh, youre not the best closer this citys ever seen.

=> 我想呃,你不是這個城市所見過的最好的。


=> 早上。

Lisa, this was lovely, but Im afraid you have to go.

=> 麗莎,這很可愛,但恐怕你得走了。

Aw! I hate to miss a workout, and I really need to be in the office by 7:30.

=> 噢!我不想錯過鍛煉,我真的需要在七點半之前到辦公室。

I could make you breakfast.

=> 我可以讓你吃早餐

You could eat it off my stomach.

=> 你可以把它從肚子里吃掉。

I guess if I skip the gym, I can still get in by 9:00.

=> 我想如果我跳過健身房,我仍然可以在9點之前入場。

I hear someones not taking their pills.

=> 我聽到有人不服藥。

Because theyre trying to poison me.

=> 因為他們想要毒害我

Grammy, thats crazy.

=> 格萊美,這太瘋狂了。


=> 博士

Shrager gave me her word she wouldnt poison you until January.

=> Shrager直言不諱地告訴我,她不會毒死你的。

If she does it before then, she cant count it towards next years quota.

=> 如果她在那之前這樣做,她就不能指望明年的配額。


=> 哦。

What did I teach you? Michael, Im not going to be around forever, and I want you to stop with that stuff.

=> 我教了你什麼?邁克爾,我不會永遠在身邊,我希望你停下來。

What stuff? I may be old, but Im not an idiot.

=> 什麼東西?我可能會老了,但我不是一個白痴。

I know life has been hard for you, but youre not a kid anymore.

=> 我知道生活對你來說很難,但你不再是一個孩子了。

And I want you to promise youre going to start living up to your potential.

=> 我希望你承諾你將開始充分發揮你的潛力。

I promise.

=> 我承諾。

Im not saying that I havent been charmed by Harvey, but its just so patronizing when you say that he can handle those things and, "Louis, you can only handle this.

=> 我並不是說我沒有被哈維迷住,但是當你說他可以處理這些事情的時候,它是如此的光顧,「路易斯,你只能處理這個。

" Jessica, I could have handled Gerald Tate.


And I told you I disagree.

=> 我告訴過你,我不同意。

Why? Because Because when you put two bullies in the same room together, things generally dont go so well.

=> 為什麼?因為當你把兩個惡霸放在同一個房間里的時候,事情總的來說不太好。

Its 9:30.

=> 現在是九點半。

Nice of you to show up two hours after we open for business.

=> 我們很高興在我們開業兩個小時後出現。

And I see that youre also trying to look like a pimp.

=> 而且我看到你也試圖看起來像一個皮條客。

My bad, Louis.

=> 我的壞,路易。

I was out late last night.

=> 我昨晚晚了。

When I woke up, this is the suit your wife picked out for me.

=> 當我醒來時,這是你妻子為我挑選的衣服。

And that would be funny if I had actually been married.

=> 如果我真的結婚了,那會很有趣。

Moving along.

=> 移動。

Youre not married? Recruiting.

=> 你沒結婚?招聘。

Harvey, your interviews are set up for tomorrow.

=> 哈維,你們的採訪是為明天而建立的。

What? Why dont we just hire the Harvard summer associate douche? I think if you listen to the phrasing of that question, youll come up with an answer.

=> 什麼?為什麼我們不聘請哈佛夏季同學沖洗?我想如果你聽這個問題的話,你會想出一個答案。

We need people who think on their feet, not another clone with a rod up his ass.

=> 我們需要那些站起來思考的人,而不是另一個克隆人。

Harvey, the fact that we only hire from Harvard gives us a cachet thats a little more valuable than hiring a kid from Rutgers.

=> 哈維,我們只從哈佛大學招聘的這個事實給我們帶來的印象比從羅格斯僱用一個孩子更有價值。

You went to Harvard Law.

=> 你去了哈佛法律。

Im an exception.

=> 我是一個例外。

Find me another one.

=> 找到我另一個。

Can we please skip the recruiting? I work better alone, anyway.

=> 我們可以請跳過招聘?無論如何,我一個人工作得更好。

Well, I would, Harvey, except all senior partners get an associate.

=> 那麼,除了所有的高級合伙人,我都會得到一個副手。

Its just a rule.

=> 這只是一個規則。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

What? Jessica, I deserve that promotion.

=> 什麼?傑西卡,我值得晉陞。

My billables destroy his.

=> 我的收入摧毀了他的。

And Im here night and day doing whatevers needed instead of swanning in and out of here whenever I please.

=> 我每天都在這裡做任何需要的事情,而不是隨時隨地的進出這裡。

I must admit, he does make me sound very swan-like.

=> 我必須承認,他確實讓我聽起來像天鵝一樣。

Harvey, shut up.

=> 哈維,閉嘴。

Louis, this is how it is.

=> 路易斯,這是怎麼回事。

All right? Now, you two make nice.

=> 好吧?現在,你們兩個很好。

Louis, I apologize.

=> 路易斯,我道歉。

I was out of line.

=> 我不合格。

Now, if youll just let me text your pretend wife that I just made senior partner, I What? Your grandmothers getting worse.

=> 現在,如果你只是讓我發簡訊假裝你的妻子,我剛剛成為高級合伙人,我什麼?你的祖母越來越糟

I need to move her to full care, or Ill have to transfer her to a state facility.

=> 我需要把她搬到全面照顧,否則我必須把她轉移到一個州設施。

I wont put her in a state facility.

=> 我不會把她放在國家的設施里。

Then Im afraid youll have to come up with 25,000.

=> 那麼恐怕你得拿出25000。

Trevor, Im in.

=> Trevor,我在。

One-time deal.

=> 一次性交易。

I want 25.

=> 我想要25。

Take it or leave it.

=> 要麼接受,要麼離開它。

Ill take it.

=> 我要買它。

Theres a briefcase in my room.

=> 我的房間里有一個公文包。

Pick it up tomorrow.

=> 明天拿起。

Take it to room 2412, the Chilton Hotel on Park Avenue.

=> 把它帶到2412號公園大道的奇爾頓酒店。

But you cant go to a luxury hotel looking like a delivery guy.

=> 但是你不能去一家豪華酒店看起來像一個送貨員。

So, shave, comb your hair, buy a suit.

=> 所以,刮鬍子,梳理你的頭髮,買西裝。

Thats a hell of a lot to ask, man.

=> 男人,這是一個很難的問題。

Well, Im not asking you.

=> 那麼,我不是問你。

Im paying you $25,000.

=> 我付給你$ 25,000。


=> 好的。


=> 是啊。

Hes in.

=> 他在英國


=> 好。

Im going to go take a piss.

=> 我要去小便了

Key In 24 hours, well know if this new buyer is a cop.

=> 關鍵在24小時內,我們將知道這個新買家是否是警察。

Why didnt you tell Trevor he might be sending his guy into a set-up? Same reason why I dont tell Gina Im banging her sister.

=> 你為什麼不告訴特雷弗他可能會把他的傢伙送進去呢?同樣的原因,我不告訴吉娜我正在毆打她的妹妹。

It will only cause trouble.

=> 這隻會造成麻煩。

Whats up? I Im just going to take off.

=> 這是怎麼回事?我只是要起飛。

I dont think you should.

=> 我不認為你應該。

Why dont you stay with us until tomorrow? Now, give me your cell phone.

=> 你明天為什麼不和我們在一起?現在,給我你的手機。

Give me your phone.

=> 給我你的手機。

Yeah, all right.

=> 是的,好的。

And dont even think about warning your boy.

=> 甚至不要考慮警告你的男孩。

Cause if these guys are cops, whoever is holding that weed is going to jail for a long time.

=> 因為如果這些人是警察,誰持有這種雜草將長期監禁。


=> 嘿。


=> 嘿。

God, you scared the hell out of me.

=> 上帝,你嚇死我了。


=> 抱歉。

Look at you.

=> 看著你。

You look great.

=> 你看起來很棒。


=> 謝謝。

Tell me you decided to work with Trevor.

=> 告訴我,你決定和Trevor一起工作。

Uh, trial basis, yeah.

=> 呃,試用基礎,是的。


=> 好。

Ive got to go.



=> 嘿。

Come here.

=> 過來。

You want to look perfect on your first day.

=> 你想在你的第一天看起來完美。


=> 是啊。

Ive got to go.

=> 我得走了。


=> 嗯,嗯。

Great, thanks.

=> 萬分感謝。


=> 好的。

Donna, were going to need to streamline this.

=> 唐娜,我們將需要精簡這一點。

Give each guy a hard time before you send them back.

=> 給每個人一個很難的時間,然後再發回他們。

Give me a wink if they say something clever.

=> 給我一個眼色,如果他們說一些聰明的東西。

Cool? Okay.

=> 涼?好的。

What are you looking for? Another me.

=> 你在找什麼?另一個我。

So, Chip, what makes you think that Im going to let the whitest man that I have ever seen interview for our firm? Uh, because I have an appointment.

=> 所以,Chip,是什麼讓你覺得我要讓我所見過的最白的男人面試呢?呃,因為我有一個約會。


=> 嗯。


=> 謝謝。

You can do this.

=> 你可以這樣做。

Why is the pool closed? I dont know.

=> 游泳池為什麼關閉?我不知道。

Kid, what is wrong with you? You look like youre 11 years old.

=> 孩子,你怎麼了?你看起來像你11歲。

I was late to puberty.

=> 我青春期已經遲到了。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Harvey Specter.

=> 哈維·斯派克。

Very good.

=> 很好。

Go on.

=> 繼續。

Uh, excuse me.

=> 呃,對不起。

I was thinking about going for a swim.

=> 我正在考慮去游泳。

Are the pool facilities here nice? Of course, sir.

=> 這裡的泳池設施很好嗎?當然,先生。

This is the Chilton Hotel.

=> 這是奇爾頓酒店。

Why is the pool closed? And, uh, do you have the time? Its, uh, 10:00.

=> 游泳池為什麼關閉?而且,呃,你有時間嗎?呃,10點。


=> 謝謝。

He saw your gun.

=> 他看見你的槍了。

Oh, you think thats him? Matches the description.

=> 噢,你以為是他?符合描述。

But he didnt go in the room.

=> 但他沒有去房間。

Its 10:00 exactly.

=> 現在到了十點。

Hes just walking by.

=> 他只是走過去

Go after him.

=> 追求他。

Stay on the radio.

=> 留在收音機上。

Rick Sorkin.

=> 里克·索爾金

Rick Sorkin.

=> 里克·索爾金

Rick Sorkin? Excuse me, Mr.

=> Rick Sorkin?對不起,先生

Sorkin, you are five minutes late.

=> 索爾金,你遲到了五分鐘。

Is there a reason why I should let you in? Look, Im just trying to ditch the cops, okay? I dont really care if you let me in or not.

=> 我有什麼理由讓你進去?看,我只是想把警察扯掉,好嗎?如果你讓我進去,我真的不在乎。


=> 先生。

Specter will be right with you.

=> 幽靈將與你合適。

What? Can I get you anything? A coffee or a bottle of water? Hi.

=> 什麼?我可以幫你什麼?一杯咖啡或一瓶水?你好。

Uh, Rick Sorkin.

=> 呃,里克·索爾金

Harvey Specter.

=> 哈維·斯派克。

Nice to meet you.

=> 很高興見到你。

Why dont you have a seat here? Whoa.

=> 你為什麼不坐在這裡?哇。

Whats this? Can I help you? No.

=> 這是什麼?我能幫你嗎?沒有。

How the hell did you know they were the police? I read this novel in elementary school, and it was the exact same thing.

=> 你怎麼知道他們是警察?我在小學讀這本小說,也是一回事。

You read a novel in elementary school.

=> 你在小學讀小說。

What? I like to read.

=> 什麼?我喜歡閱讀。

And why did you ask them what time it was? Uh, throw them off.

=> 你為什麼問他們幾點了?呃,把它們扔掉。

I mean, what kind of drug dealer asks a cop what time it is when hes got a briefcase full of pot, right? We should hire you.

=> 我的意思是,什麼樣的毒販向警察詢問什麼時候他拿著一個裝滿了公文包的公文包,對吧?我們應該僱用你

Jesus, Id give you the 25 grand as a signing bonus.

=> 耶穌,我會給你25個大獎作為簽名獎金。

Ill take it.

=> 我要買它。

Unfortunately, we only hire from Harvard.

=> 不幸的是,我們只僱用哈佛。

And you not only did not go to Harvard Law School, you havent even gone to any law school.

=> 你不但不去哈佛法學院,你甚至還沒去過法學院。

What if I told you that I consume knowledge like no one youve ever met and Ive actually passed the bar? Id say youre full of crap.

=> 如果我告訴你,我消費的知識是沒有見過的,而且我已經通過了這個標準?我會說你充滿了垃圾。

Thats a BarBri Legal Handbook right there, right? Open it up.

=> 那是BarBri法律手冊吧?打開它。

Read me something.

=> 讀一些東西。


=> 任何東西。

"Civil liability associated with agency is based on several factors, including" Including the deviation of the agent from his path, the reasonable inference of agency on behalf of the plaintiff, and the nature of the damages themselves.

=> 「與代理有關的民事責任是基於多種因素的,包括代理人的偏離路徑,代理人對代理人的合理推斷,以及損害本身的性質。

How did you know that? I learned it when I studied for the bar.

=> 你怎麼知道的?當我學習酒吧的時候,我學到了。

Okay, hotshot.

=> 好的,呃。

Fire up this laptop.

=> 啟動這台筆記本電腦。

Im gonna show you what a Harvard attorney can do.

=> 我要告訴你哈佛律師可以做什麼

Pick a topic.

=> 選擇一個主題。

Stock option backdating.

=> 股票期權倒閉。

Although backdating options is legal, violations arise related to disclosures under IRC, Section 409A.

=> 雖然回溯期權是合法的,但違反「IRC」第409A節所述的披露行為。

You forgot about Sarbanes-Oxley.

=> 你忘了薩班斯 - 奧克斯利法案。

The statute of limitations renders Sarbanes-Oxley moot post-2007.

=> 法規限制使薩班斯 - 奧克斯利法案在2007年後成為現實。

Well, not if you can find actions to cover up the violation, as established in the Sixth Circuit, May 2008.

=> 那麼,如果你能找到行動來掩蓋違規行為,就像2008年5月在第六巡迴法庭上所確定的那樣。

Thats impressive, but youre sitting at a computer.

=> 這令人印象深刻,但你坐在電腦前。

Playing Hearts.

=> 玩心。


=> 抱歉。

If you want to beat me, youre going to have to do it at something else.

=> 如果你想擊敗我,你必須在別的事情上做。

How can you know all that? I told you.

=> 你怎麼能知道這一切?我告訴過你。

I like to read.

=> 我喜歡閱讀。

And once I read something, I understand it.

=> 一旦我讀了一些東西,我明白了。

And once I understand it, I never forget it.

=> 而一旦我明白了,我永遠不會忘記它。

Why take the bar? This dickhead bet me I couldnt pass it without going to law school.

=> 為什麼要拿吧?這個傻子打賭我不能通過它沒有去法學院。

Okay, look.

=> 好吧,看。

This is all pretty fascinating stuff, but Im afraid Ive got to get back to work.

=> 這是非常有趣的東西,但恐怕我必須回去工作。

Ill make sure that Serpico isnt around waiting for you.

=> 我會確保塞爾皮克不在你身邊。

If you want this job so much, why didnt you just go to law school? When I was in college, it was my dream to be a lawyer.

=> 如果你想這麼多工作,你為什麼不去法學院呢?我上大學的時候,成為律師是我的夢想。

I needed some money and Trevor convinced me to memorize this math test and sell it.

=> 我需要一些錢,Trevor說服我記住這個數學測試並且賣它。

Turns out we sold it to the deans daughter.

=> 原來我們把它賣給了院長的女兒。

I lost my scholarship, I got kicked out of school, I I got knocked into a different life.

=> 我失去了獎學金,被踢出了學校,我陷入了不同的生活。

And I have been wishing for a way back ever since.

=> 從那以後,我一直希望有一個回頭路。

Let me tell you something.

=> 讓我告訴你一件事。

This isnt elementary school.

=> 這不是小學。

This is hard work.

=> 這是艱苦的工作。

Long hours.

=> 長時間。

High pressure.

=> 高壓力。

I need a grown goddamn man.

=> 我需要一個長大的該死的男人。

You give me this, and I will work as hard as it takes to school those Harvard douches and become the best lawyer you have ever seen.

=> 你給了我這個,我會盡全力去上哈佛大學,成為你所見過的最好的律師。

Im inclined to give you a shot but what if I decide to go another way? Id say thats fair.

=> 我傾向於給你一個鏡頭,但如果我決定採取另一種方式呢?我會說這很公平。

Sometimes, I like to hang out with people who arent that bright.

=> 有時候,我喜歡和那些不太聰明的人一起出去玩。

You know, just to see how the other half lives.

=> 你知道,看看另一半是怎麼活的

Move over.

=> 搬過來。

Im emailing the firm weve just found our next associate.

=> 我正在給剛發現我們下一位同事的公司發郵件。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Youre going to start a week from Monday.

=> 你將從星期一開始一周。

Heres what youre going to do.

=> 這是你要做的。

First, no more pot.

=> 首先,沒有更多的鍋。

We drug test.

=> 我們藥物測試。

Stop smoking now, youll be fine.

=> 現在停止吸煙,你會沒事的。

I assume thats all the drugs you do.

=> 我認為那是你所做的所有藥物。

How did you know that? You read books, I read people.

=> 你怎麼知道的?你讀書,我讀人。

And pot-heads smoke pot.

=> 和鍋頭煙鍋。

Thats what they do.

=> 這就是他們所做的。

Thats not all I do.

=> 這不是我所做的。

I have interests.

=> 我有興趣。

Youre never going to talk to Trevor again.


Youre going to ditch that briefcase and youre going to get on a plane to Harvard and youre going to learn everything there is about going to law school there.

=> 你要把這個公文包丟掉,你要去哈佛的飛機上,你要去學習那裡的一切。

Did you buy that suit? Yeah.

=> 你買了那套衣服嗎?是啊。

Lets buy some new ones.

=> 我們來買一些新的。


=> 你好。

Uh, how do I sign up for todays law school tour? You go back in time six weeks, because thats when it booked up.

=> 呃,我如何報名參加今天的法學院巡迴演出?你回去六個星期,因為那是當它訂了。

Um This is Harvard Law.

=> 這是哈佛法律。

We get over 7,000 applications a year.

=> 我們每年獲得超過7000份申請。

You think you can just walk in and take a tour? Thank you.

=> 你以為你可以走進去參觀一下?謝謝。

Uh, Eduardo Fernandez, who first of all looks like he works at the public pool or something, and he comes up to me the other day and I completely know hes a freshman.

=> 呃Eduardo Fernandez,他首先看起來像是在公共泳池工作或者是什麼東西,而他前幾天來到我面前,我完全知道他是大一新生。

He looks at me and he goes, "Where is the Public Health School"? Which is right around the corner.

=> 他看著我,他說:「公共衛生學校在哪裡」?哪個在右邊。

You know what I tell him? Clifford Watkins? Excuse me.

=> 你知道我告訴他什麼嗎?克利福德沃特金斯?打擾一下。

Can I help you? Jonathan Atwater.

=> 我能幫你嗎?喬納森·阿特沃特

I work for Dean Wormer in the admissions office? Yes, of course.

=> 我在招生辦公室為Dean Wormer工作?當然是。

What can I do for you? The Dean personally sent me down here to invite you to a small cocktail hour for some of our, uh, more realistic candidates.

=> 我能為你做什麼?院長親自派我到這裡來邀請你到我們一些更現實的候選人的小雞尾酒小時。

And wed like to keep this sort of thing discreet, so if youd subtly hand me your name tag, you can proceed directly to the Deans office.

=> 而且我們希望保持這種謹慎的態度,所以如果你巧妙地把你的名字給我,你可以直接進入院長辦公室。


=> 恭喜。

Harvard Law is the oldest law school in the country and boasts the most successful graduates in the world.

=> 哈佛法學院是全國歷史最悠久的法學院,擁有世界上最成功的畢業生。

Currently, we are six of nine Supreme Court justices, and, of course, the President of the United States.

=> 目前,我們是最高法院九名法官中的六名,當然還有美國總統。

Uh, hi.

=> 呃,嗨。

Good morning.

=> 早上好。

Im here Have a seat.

=> 我在這裡坐下

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Mike Ross? Hi.

=> 邁克·羅斯?你好。

Im Rachel Zane.

=> 我是Rachel Zane。

Ill be giving you your orientation.

=> 我會給你你的方向。

Wow, youre pretty.

=> 哇,你真漂亮。


=> 好。

Youve hit on me.

=> 你擊中了我

We can get it out of the way that I am not interested.

=> 我們可以避開我不感興趣的方式。


=> 沒有。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

I wasnt hitting on you.

=> 我沒有打你

Trust me.

=> 相信我。

Ive given dozens of these, and, without fail, whatever new hotshot it is thinks that because Im just a paralegal that I will somehow be blown away by his dazzling degree.

=> 我已經給了幾十個這樣的東西,而且不管怎麼樣,不管新的東西是什麼,都認為是因為我只是一個助學金,所以我會被他那令人眼花繚亂的程度嚇倒。

Let me assure you.

=> 讓我向你保證。

I wont.

=> 我不會。

I was.

=> 我曾是。


=> 嗯,嗯。

I was hitting on you.

=> 我正在打你。

You were.

=> 你之前是。

Take notes.

=> 做筆記。

Im not going to repeat myself.

=> 我不會重複自己。

I love you.

=> 我愛你。

The firm operates on a chain of command model.

=> 該公司在一個命令模型鏈上運作。

Harveys your commanding officer.

=> 哈維是你的指揮官。

However, Louis Litt, he oversees all associates, so youll also answer to him.

=> 不過,路易斯·利特,他監督所有的同事,所以你也會回答他。

What do you think about Harvey? People are in awe of him.

=> 你怎麼看待哈維?人們敬畏他。

They say hes the best closer there is.

=> 他們說他是最接近的。

But I have very little contact with him, so I dont know.

=> 但是我和他的聯繫很少,所以我不知道。

What about Louis Litt? Lets continue with your tour.

=> 那麼Louis Litt呢?讓我們繼續你的旅程。

Hey, Becky.

=> 嘿貝基

You are glowing.

=> 你發光。

I wonder why that is.

=> 我不知道這是為什麼。

Oh, yeah.

=> 哦耶。

Its the day they announce my promotion.

=> 這是他們宣布我晉陞的那一天。

Jimmy, have you lost weight? Steve-o! Hey, Harvey.

=> 吉米,你減肥了嗎?史蒂夫 - O!嘿,哈維。

Looking like a guy who came to work.

=> 看起來像一個來上班的傢伙。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

Why are you scratching off the "Senior" off my door? I got a work order to take it off.

=> 你為什麼從我家門口刮掉「老人」?我得到了一個工作命令,把它摘下來。

Who issued the work order? My supervisor.

=> 誰發布了工單?我的主管。

Why did he issue the work order? If I knew that, Id be his supervisor.

=> 他為什麼發出工單?如果我知道的話,我就是他的主管。

You seem to be enjoying yourself.

=> 你似乎正在享受自己。

I havent enjoyed myself since 2004.

=> 自2004年以來,我一直沒有享受過。

Donna? Someones trying to have a little fun with me here.

=> 唐娜?有人試圖在這裡與我有一點樂趣。

Jessica wants to see you in her office.

=> 傑西卡希望在她的辦公室見到你。


=> 現在。

And finally, this is where youll live.

=> 最後,這是你將住在哪裡。


=> 哇。

I gave you that for a reason.

=> 我給了你一個理由。

You havent taken one note.

=> 你沒有記下一個音符。

Thats because Because you were too busy ogling me to listen to a word Ive said? Partners offices anchor the wings.

=> 那是因為你忙著聽我說的話嗎?合作夥伴的辦公室在兩翼展開。

Fifth floor is research.

=> 五樓是研究。

Sixth is security.

=> 六是安全。

All work gets billed, even if its finding an address.

=> 即使找到地址,所有工作都會被收費。

I answer to Harvey and Louis Litt, and judging by the way you responded to my questions, I should admire Harvey and I should fear Louis.

=> 我回答哈維和路易斯·利特,以你回答我的問題的方式來判斷,我應該佩服哈維,我應該害怕路易斯。

You have been here for five years and just because I outrank you does not mean I have the authority to command your services.

=> 你已經在這裡呆了五年了,只因為我勝過了你並不意味著我有權力指揮你的服務。


=> 哦。

Its also pretty clear that you think youre too smart to be a paralegal.

=> 也很清楚,你認為你太聰明了,不能成為助理律師。

You know what nobody likes? Nobody likes a show-off.

=> 你知道沒人喜歡嗎?沒有人喜歡炫耀。

You used the word "ogling.

=> 你用「ogling」這個詞。

" I mean When do I get to see Harvey? Gerald Tate fired the firm.


So youre taking my promotion away.

=> 所以你把我的晉陞帶走了

You know, most firms would put you in front of the bar and have your license stripped.

=> 你知道,大多數公司會把你放在酒吧的前面,剝奪你的執照。

You lied to a client and he figured it out.

=> 你騙了一個客戶,他想通了。

I lied to him to get him to do the right thing and honor his goddamn contract.

=> 我騙他讓他做正確的事情,並尊敬他的該死的合同。

And you didnt seem to mind so much when you thought I got away with it.

=> 而當你以為我逃避了這一切時,你似乎並沒有太在意。

But you didnt get away with it.

=> 但是你沒有逃脫。

And I cant justify handing you a promotion on the same day that you lose a huge client.

=> 我不能在你失去一個大客戶的同一天向你提供晉陞的理由。

One client doesnt make a firm.

=> 一個客戶不會做一個公司。

I dont know if youve noticed, but were in the middle of an economic meltdown.

=> 我不知道你有沒有注意到,但我們正處在經濟崩潰的中間。

Companies arent exactly lining up to spend money on attorneys right now.

=> 現在公司並不排斥花在律師身上的錢。

And you know, Gerald might have forgiven the lying had you not humiliated him.

=> 你知道,如果你沒有羞辱他,傑拉爾德可能已經原諒了撒謊。

But you did and you need to accept that.

=> 但是你做了,你需要接受。

Jessica, if you hadnt done as much for me as you have, Id be heading for the door.

=> 傑西卡,如果你沒有像我這樣做過多的話,我會走向大門。

If I hadnt done as much for you as I have, Id be throwing you out the window.

=> 如果我沒有為你做儘可能多的事情,我會把你扔到窗外。

But, Harvey, no more shenanigans.

=> 但是,哈維,再也沒有詭計了。

You do one more thing that isnt straight as an arrow, and instead of covering your ass, I will put you in front of the bar myself.

=> 你還做了一件不像箭一樣直的東西,而不是覆蓋你的屁股,我會把你放在吧台前面。


=> 麥克風。


=> 嘿。

What? I just got reamed for lying to a client and if they find out that I lied about you going to Harvard, theyll take away my license.


You what? Not now, Donna.

=> 你什麼?現在不,唐娜。

Look, I have to put my own interests above yours.

=> 看,我必須把自己的興趣放在你的頭上。

Its nothing personal.

=> 這沒什麼個人的。

Youre fired.

=> 你被開除了。


=> 等待。

So youre worried that if I stay, then they might find out that you lied about me and youll lose your license.

=> 所以你擔心如果我留下,那麼他們可能會發現你對我撒謊,你會失去執照。

But if you fire me, then I could tell them that you lied about me and youd definitely lose your license.

=> 但是,如果你解僱我,那麼我可以告訴他們,你對我撒謊,你肯定會失去執照。

Are you telling me that if I throw you under the bus, youre going to drag me with you? But you put your interests above mine.

=> 你是在告訴我,如果我把你扔到公共汽車下面,你會拖著我嗎?但是你把你的興趣放在我的頭上。

I mean, Im just putting mine back up next to yours.

=> 我的意思是,我只是把我的備份放在你的旁邊。

Youre rehired.

=> 你被重新僱用了


=> 好的。

So, should I All right.

=> 所以,我應該好嗎。

Heres whats going to happen.

=> 以下是即將發生的事情。

Youre going to give me back my promotion, and thats the last were going to talk about this.

=> 你會把我的晉陞給我,這是我們將要談論的最後一個。

And why is that? Because if you dont, Im going to go across town and join Rick Peterson.

=> 為什麼是這樣?因為如果你不這樣做,我要去鎮上,加入里克·彼得森(Rick Peterson)。

Im going to approach every client Ive ever closed, and Im going to take them with me.

=> 我要去接近我關閉的每一個客戶,然後我會把他們帶走。

You do that and youll force me to put you in front of the ethics board.

=> 你這樣做,你會迫使我把你放在道德委員會的前面。

I dont think you will.

=> 我不認為你會。

And why not? Because you were obligated to notify them the second I lied to Gerald, but you didnt.

=> 那麼為何不?因為你有義務通知他們第二我撒謊傑拉爾德,但你沒有。

You put me in front of the board right now, Ill put you right up there with me.

=> 你現在把我放在板子前面,我會把你放在那裡。


=> 嗯。

Ill Ill give you your promotion.

=> 我會給你你的晉陞。

But you have to do something for me.

=> 但是你必須為我做點事情。


=> 任何東西。


=> 啊。

Pro bono.

=> 公益。

Anything but that.

=> 除此之外。

Harvey, pro bono cases are how we as a firm show that we care about more than just ourselves.

=> 哈維,無償的情況下,我們作為一個公司顯示,我們關心的不僅僅是我們自己。

Im not saying we shouldnt do them.

=> 我不是說我們不應該這樣做。

Im saying I shouldnt do them.

=> 我說我不應該這樣做。

And its how you can show me that you care about more than just yourself.

=> 這就是你如何告訴我你不僅僅關心你自己。

Youll handle this yourself.

=> 你會自己處理這個。

You will not pass it off.

=> 你不會把它關掉。


=> 絕對。

Your first case.

=> 你的第一個案子。


=> 真棒。

What is it? Pro bono.

=> 它是什麼?公益。

Sexual harassment.

=> 性騷擾。

Dont tell anyone I laid it off on you and dont screw it up.

=> 不要告訴任何人我把它放在你身上,不要把它搞砸。

Got it.

=> 得到它了。

You cant handle it.

=> 你不能處理它。

Ill knock it out of the park.

=> 我會把它從公園裡拿出來

Easy, Clarence Thomas.

=> 容易,克拉倫斯·托馬斯。

Just go meet the client.

=> 只要去見客戶。


=> 嘿。

Didnt I tell you to get some better suits? I spent $500.

=> 我不是告訴你要更好一些嗎?我花了500美元。

For how many suits? Five.

=> 多少套西裝?五。

What? Nancy? Mike? Yeah, hi.

=> 什麼?南希?麥克風?對,你好

Youre a kid.

=> 你是個小孩


=> 沒有。

Im a Im a grown man.

=> 我是一個成年男子。

Youre so skinny.

=> 你太瘦了

Have a grape.

=> 有一個葡萄。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Why dont you tell me your story? It started two years ago.

=> 你為什麼不告訴我你的故事?它在兩年前開始。

I was a stay-at-home mom to my son, Freddie.

=> 我是我的兒子弗雷迪留在家裡的媽媽。

And one day, we were at Little League, Freddie was five.

=> 有一天,我們在小聯盟,弗雷迪五歲。

He really hated that he couldnt play with the older kids.

=> 他真的恨他不能和大孩子玩。

It was the third inning, and I got a phone call.

=> 這是第三局,我打了個電話。

My husband had been in a car accident and he was gone.

=> 我的丈夫出車禍,他走了。

Just like that.

=> 就這樣。

I Im so sorry.

=> 我很抱歉

I did the best I could.

=> 我盡我所能。

I got myself a job as a secretary at Devlin McGreggor and I even got promoted to secretary of the President, Charles Hunt.

=> 我在Devlin McGreggor找到了自己的秘書,甚至被提升為總統Charles Hunt的秘書。

And thats when it all changed.

=> 而這一切都改變了。

Its okay.

=> 沒關係。

Tell me what happened.

=> 告訴我發生了什麼事。

He started asking me to stay late, order in dinner, see, other stuff like that.

=> 他開始要求我遲到,晚餐,看到其他類似的東西。

One night, he says that if I sleep with him, hes going to take care of me in the firm.

=> 一天晚上,他說如果我和他一起睡,他會在公司里照顧我。

And if I dont, hes going to fire me.

=> 如果我不這樣做,他會開除我的。

So, what did you do? I went to human resources.

=> 那麼你做了些什麼?我去了人力資源。

They said they investigated.

=> 他們說他們調查。

Couldnt find anything to support my claim.

=> 無法找到任何支持我的說法。

Two months later, I was fired for poor job performance.

=> 兩個月後,我因工作表現欠佳而被解僱。

They wouldnt let me say goodbye to anybody.

=> 他們不會讓我告別任何人。

They wouldnt write me a letter of recommendation.

=> 他們不會給我寫推薦信。

I wasnt looking for a payoff.

=> 我不是在尋找回報。

All I wanted was for it to stop.

=> 我只想要它停下來。

Can you help me? Uh, yes.

=> 你可以幫我嗎?呃,是的。

Yes, I can.

=> 我可以。

What do you need my help for? Wait.

=> 你需要我的幫助嗎?等待。

Can I just No.

=> 我可以嗎?

Give me an update.

=> 給我一個更新。

Uh, you know, shes a nice woman.

=> 呃,你知道,她是個好女人。

She, uh On the case.

=> 她,呃關於這個案子。

I dont get emotionally attached to the clients.

=> 我沒有情緒上依附於客戶。

This woman had her life ripped apart.

=> 這個女人把她的生活分開了。

You dont even care? Im not about caring.

=> 你甚至不在乎?我不關心。

Im about winning.

=> 我要贏。

Why cant you be about both? Id explain it to you but then Id have to care about you.

=> 你為什麼不能兩個人呢?我會向你解釋,但是我不得不關心你。


=> 對。

What are you doing? Dont touch that.

=> 你在做什麼?不要碰那個。

Im just checking my lock.

=> 我只是檢查我的鎖。

You ride your bike to Its locked, okay? Come on.

=> 你騎自行車到它被鎖定,好嗎?來吧。

Taxi! Defense sent over the investigation files as a courtesy.

=> 計程車!為了禮貌,國防部發送了調查文件。

No, they didnt.

=> 不,他們沒有。

Nobody does anything as a courtesy.

=> 沒有人做禮節。

They sent those files because thats where they want you to look.

=> 他們發送這些文件,因為那是他們希望你看的地方。

Listen, being a lawyer is like being a doctor.

=> 聽著,當律師就像做醫生一樣。

You mean how you dont get emotional about the client? No.

=> 你的意思是你怎麼不對客戶感情?沒有。

I mean, you keep pressing until it hurts, then you know where to look.

=> 我的意思是,你繼續壓,直到它傷害,然後你知道在哪裡看。

Forget about impeaching the investigation.

=> 忘記推敲調查。

It wont lead anywhere.

=> 它不會導致任何地方。

No employee is going to testify against their own CEO.

=> 沒有員工會對自己的首席執行官作證。


=> 好的。

So, what do you suggest I do? Think.

=> 那麼,你建議我做什麼?認為。

If this guys done this once Hes done it before.

=> 如果這個人一旦完成了這個事情就完成了。

And if the people who work for him now wont testify against him Someone who used to work for him might.

=> 如果現在為他工作的人不會為他作證,那麼曾經為他工作的人也許會這樣做。

You know what? Id subpoena the personnel records of every woman whos left the firm during this guys tenure.

=> 你知道嗎?我會傳喚在這個傢伙任職期間離開公司的每個女人的人事記錄。

Thats funny.

=> 那很好笑。

Thats exactly what I thought.

=> 這正是我的想法。

Then what do you need my help for? I dont know how to fill out a subpoena.

=> 那你需要我的幫助嗎?我不知道如何填寫傳票。

Donna, can you show me how to fill out a subpoena? Absolutely.

=> 唐娜,你能告訴我如何填寫傳票嗎?絕對。

Ah, yeah.


Thats hilarious.

=> 那真好笑。

Whats that? Thats my suit guy.

=> 那是什麼?那是我的西裝男人

Go in, tell him I sent you, and spend some money.

=> 走進去,告訴他我寄給你了,花一些錢。

What does it matter how much money I spend on suits? People respond to how were dressed.

=> 我花多少錢在西裝上有什麼關係?人們回應我們如何穿著。

So, like it or not, this is what you have to do.

=> 所以,喜歡與否,這是你必須做的。

Oh, thats weird.

=> 哦,那很奇怪。

Youre giving me advice? It sounds like you actually care about me.

=> 你給我建議?這聽起來像你真的關心我。

I dont.

=> 我不。

Youre a reflection of me, and I absolutely care about me.

=> 你是我的反映,我絕對關心我。

So get your skinny tie out of my face and get to work.

=> 所以,讓你的瘦小的領帶從我的臉上開始工作。

That was a little harsh.

=> 那有點苛刻

Really? Yeah.

=> 真?是啊。


=> 麥克風。

Where are you going? Its 6:30.

=> 你要去哪裡?現在是六點半。

Im going home.

=> 我要回家了。


=> 好的。

Whats so funny? Youre a rookie associate.

=> 有什麼好笑的?你是一個新手夥伴。

If you go home before 9:00 on your first week, youre not going to make it through your first month.

=> 如果你在第一周的9點之前回家,你不會在第一個月就完成。


=> 哦。

And Louis Litt wants to see you.

=> 路易·利特想見你。


=> 嘿。

Can I ask you something? Mmm-hmm.

=> 我能問你一件事嗎?嗯,嗯。

This tie, is it too skinny? Yeah.

=> 這條領帶太瘦了嗎?是啊。

All right.

=> 好吧。

I know you had orientation from Rachel, but I wanted to give you a special welcome from me.

=> 我知道你有來自瑞秋的指導,但我想給你特別的歡迎。

Um, amongst other things, Im sort of the disciplinarian of the associates.

=> 嗯,除此之外,我有點像是同事的紀律。

You wanted to see me? Yes.

=> 你想見我嗎?是。

Gary, please come in.

=> 加里,請進。

Mike, this is Gary Lipsky.

=> 邁克,這是加里·利普斯基。

Garys one of our most promising associates from last year.

=> 加里是去年我們最有前途的同事之一。


=> 你好。

Gary, Ms.

=> 加里女士

Pearson wanted me to ask, have you completed the Petramco filing? Uh, well, my brother was in over the weekend, so I didnt really get to it.

=> 皮爾森要我問,你是否完成了Petramco提交的文件?呃,我哥哥在周末,所以我沒有真正去做。

Gary, come on.

=> 加里,來吧。

This is, like, the third time Ive had to ask.

=> 這是我第三次不得不問。

Ill get right on it.

=> 我會正確的。

Dont bother.

=> 不要打擾。

Youre fired.

=> 你被開除了。

What? You You cant fire me.

=> 什麼?你你不能解僱我。

Oh, yes, I can.

=> 哦,是的,我可以。

And I just did.

=> 而我只是做了。

Go pack up your things.

=> 去收拾你的東西。

Dont you ever show your face in this place again.

=> 你不要再在這個地方展示你的臉了。

See, I arranged for you to see that because we pay our associates very well and we provide the opportunity for unlimited advancement.

=> 看,我安排你看,因為我們付給我們的同事很好,我們提供了無限進步的機會。

But in return, we expect results.

=> 但是作為回報,我們期望的結果。

Have I made myself clear? Yeah.

=> 我已經明確了嗎?是啊。


=> 大。

Welcome to Pearson Hardman.

=> 歡迎來到Pearson Hardman。

Feel free to go back to work.

=> 隨意回去工作。


=> 哈維。

Okay, I have two words for you.

=> 好的,我有兩個字給你。

Absolutely beautiful.

=> 簡直美極了。

You think youre the only one who can charm a client? Categorically stunning.

=> 你覺得你是唯一能夠吸引客戶的人嗎?絕對令人驚嘆。

Hows the new kid working out? Really hot.

=> 新的孩子怎麼樣?好熱。

Youre an idiot.

=> 你是一個白痴。

Jessica Pearson.

=> 傑西卡·皮爾森

Good night, Harvey.

=> 晚安,哈維。

Game finds Washington traveling to Philadelphia.

=> 遊戲發現華盛頓前往費城。

What are you doing here? Watching SportsCenter.

=> 你在這裡做什麼?看著體育中心。

Boo-yah! You wont return my phone calls.

=> 噓 - 呀!你不會回我的電話。

Uh, yeah, because you set me up.

=> 呃,是的,因為你讓我安心。

You remember that? You think I knew about that? Here we go.

=> 你記得嗎?你以為我知道嗎?開始了。

Round 50 of "I get the shaft because you didnt know the whole story.

=> 「因為你不知道整個故事,所以我得到了軸。

" You knew there were risks when you quoted that crap from that book.


Okay? You needed money, and I came through with an opportunity like always.

=> 好的?你需要錢,而且我總是有機會來到這裡。

Besides, you werent the only one who got screwed.

=> 此外,你並不是唯一被搞砸的人。

They pulled a gun on me.

=> 他們拉著我的槍。

Oh, really? And why did they do that? To keep me from warning you.

=> 真的嗎?他們為什麼這樣做?阻止我警告你。

So, you did know.

=> 所以,你知道。

Well, not until after it was too late.

=> 那麼,等到太晚之後。

Well, its too late now.

=> 那麼現在已經太晚了。

Look, let me make it up to you.

=> 看,讓我來補償你。

Oh, you want to make it up to me? Give me my key back.

=> 哦,你想補償我嗎?把鑰匙給我


=> 邁克爾。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

You know I dont want to live in a world where were not tight.

=> 你知道我不想生活在一個我們不緊張的世界裡。

Then kill yourself.

=> 然後殺了你自己

Get out.

=> 出去。

Get the hell out.

=> 滾出。

Donna, I need the Oh, also, I didnt have a chance to Marry me? I took care of that, too.

=> 唐娜,我需要哦,我也沒有機會嫁給我?我也照顧了。

Weve been married for the last seven years.

=> 我們已經結婚七年了。


=> 優秀。

Um, Devlin McGreggor is fighting the subpoena.

=> 恩,Devlin McGreggor正在打傳票。

They filed a motion to dismiss the case based on our lack of evidence.

=> 他們根據我們缺乏的證據提出了駁回案件的動議。


=> 好。

Good Wait.

=> 好,等一下

What do you mean "good"? They dont want to hand over the files.

=> 你是什麼意思「好」?他們不想交出文件。

You pressed where it hurt.

=> 你壓在哪裡受傷。

Youre looking in the right place.

=> 你正在尋找正確的地方。

Did you think they wouldnt fight back? Well, I Now that you mention it.

=> 你覺得他們不會反擊嗎?那麼,我現在你提到它。


=> 哦。

My bad.

=> 我的錯。

I keep forgetting you dont actually know anything.

=> 我一直忘記你什麼都不知道

The idea is you make a move, they make a move.

=> 這個想法是你做出的一個動作,他們做出了一個動作。

You go back and forth until one of you wins.

=> 你來回走,直到你們中的一個勝出。


=> 好的。

What if they win the motion and the case gets dismissed? Then youre not as good as you think you are.

=> 如果他們贏得議案而且案件被駁回呢?那你就沒有你想的那麼好了。

Harvey! What a coincidence.

=> 哈維!真是巧合。

I was wondering how the pro bono was coming.

=> 我想知道公益是如何來的。

Im all over it.

=> 我全都結束了

That makes me very happy.

=> 這讓我很開心。

Because if I were to find out that you werent putting in your full effort, I would be very upset.

=> 因為如果我發現你沒有全力以赴,我會很不高興的。

No worries.

=> 別擔心。

Were all good.

=> 我們都很好。


=> 雷切爾。

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel.

=> Rachel,Rachel,Rachel。

I need your help.

=> 我需要你的幫助。

Theres a hearing on my subpoena.

=> 我的傳票有聽證會

Ive got three cases in front of yours.

=> 我的面前有三件案子。

Youre going to have to wait in line.

=> 你將不得不排隊等候。


=> 等待。


=> 沒有。

No, no, no.

=> 不不不。

My hearing is tomorrow.

=> 我的聽證會是明天。

So, why are you coming to me? Because Donna says youre the best researcher in the firm.

=> 那麼,你為什麼要來找我?因為唐娜說你是公司最好的研究員。


=> 嗯。

Let me see the motion.

=> 讓我看看議案。


=> 哇。

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

=> 哇,哇,哇,哇。

You have an office? How do you have an office and I have a cubicle? Like you said, Im the best researcher in the firm.

=> 你有辦公室嗎?你怎麼有辦公室,我有一個隔間?就像你說的,我是公司最好的研究員。

Really? Well, I just made that up.

=> 真?那麼,我剛剛做出來了。

I didnt even have time to talk to Donna.

=> 我甚至沒有時間和唐娜說話。

Is this all a joke to you? Because I take my job seriously.

=> 這全是對你的玩笑嗎?因為我認真對待自己的工作。

No, Im Im sorry.

=> 不,我很抱歉。

Look, I was Look, you werent there.

=> 看,我是你看,你不在。

Okay? I care about this woman.

=> 好的?我關心這個女人

Shes got nowhere else to turn and And you cant help her by yourself.

=> 她無處可轉,而你自己也無法幫助她。

I can.

=> 我可以。

I just prefer not to.

=> 我只是不喜歡。


=> 好的。

Youre asking to look at private files without any evidence of your assertion.

=> 你要求查看私人文件,沒有任何證據證明你的斷言。


=> 是啊。

Thats a rickety argument.


But is there precedent? Lets go see if we can find one.

=> 但是有先例嗎?我們去看看能不能找到一個。

Research is as much art as science.

=> 研究和科學一樣是藝術。

So, were going to look at privacy and harassment law.

=> 所以,我們要看隱私和騷擾法。

See if we can find a combination of cases to make an argument.

=> 看看我們是否可以找到案例的組合來作出論證。

Ill take privacy.

=> 我會採取隱私。

Ill take harassment law.

=> 我會採取騷擾法律。

This will take a while.

=> 這將需要一段時間。

Were going to need dinner.

=> 我們將需要晚餐。


=> 中文。


=> 沒有。

I can afford Chinese on my own.

=> 我自己負擔得起中國人。

This is on the firm.

=> 這是公司。

I want sushi.

=> 我要壽司


=> 哦。

So, they told me to put my top investigator on it.

=> 所以,他們讓我把我的最高調查人員放在上面。

What did you do? What could I do? You were out of the country.

=> 你做了什麼?我能做什麼?你已經出國了

I gave them Luderman.

=> 我給了他們Luderman。

By the way, that dress What, this old thing? Come on.

=> 順便說一句,那件連衣裙什麼的,這件舊事?來吧。


=> 美麗。

Vanessa, why dont we do this more often? Because it always ends the same way.

=> 瓦妮莎,為什麼我們不經常這樣做呢?因為它總是以同樣的方式結束。

Then why are we doing it now? Harvey, I dont sleep around.

=> 那麼我們為什麼現在呢?哈維,我不睡覺。

And I could never be in a relationship with you.

=> 我永遠不可能和你有關係

All you ever think about is yourself.

=> 你所想的只是你自己。

Im thinking about you and me right now.

=> 我正在考慮你和我。

Please, I insist.

=> 請堅持。

But Im a gentleman.

=> 但我是個紳士

Besides, you came through on Dockery for me.

=> 另外,你為我而來的是Dockery。

And Im not one to forget a favor.

=> 而且我不是一個忘了一個忙。

Neither am I.

=> 我也不。


=> 先生。

Dockery, you naughty, naughty boy.

=> Dockery,你頑皮,淘氣的男孩。

Remember when I said you thought you were too smart to be a paralegal? Mmm-hmm.

=> 記得當我說你認為你太聰明了,不能成為助理律師嗎?嗯,嗯。

Why Arent I a lawyer? I dont test well.

=> 為什麼我不是律師?我測試不好。

What? I Im smart.

=> 什麼?我很聰明

And I know Id be a good lawyer.

=> 而且我知道我會是一個很好的律師。

I just I dont know what it is.

=> 我只是不知道它是什麼

I cant take tests.

=> 我不能接受測試。

And I bombed the LSATs.

=> 我轟炸了LSAT。

And even if I could get into a law school, theres just no way Id pass the bar.

=> 即使我可以進入法學院,我也不可能通過這個法律。

So, if only there were someone who could take the tests for me.

=> 所以,如果只有一個人可以為我做測試。

Yeah, if only there were.

=> 是的,如果只有那裡。


=> 是啊。

Mike, where are you at with the research for tomorrows hearing? Uh, nothing yet.

=> 邁克,你在哪裡為明天的聽證做研究?呃,什麼都沒有。

You say you care about the client, but if you keep playing footsie instead of finding me an argument, the clients going to lose.

=> 你說你關心客戶,但是如果你繼續踢腳,而不是發現我的觀點,客戶就會輸。

I dont want to lose.

=> 我不想輸。

Look, its no use, okay? Their investigation is by the book.

=> 看,沒用,好嗎?他們的調查是由書。

We look like the bad guys coming in, putting them under duress.

=> 我們看起來像壞人進來,把他們置於脅迫之下。

What did you just say? I said we look like the bad guys.

=> 你剛剛說什麼?我說我們看起來像壞人。


=> 沒有。

You said they did it by the book, and were putting them under duress.

=> 你說他們是這樣做的,我們把他們置於脅迫之下。

Yeah? Look.

=> 是嗎?看。

This is good.

=> 這很好。

Were going to have some fun.

=> 我們將會有一些樂趣。

We? I get to go? You didnt think I would let you come along? No.

=> 我們?我要走了?你不覺得我會讓你走嗎?沒有。

Good instinct.

=> 好的本能。

I wasnt.

=> 我沒有。

But then, I thought it would be cruel not to let you witness my greatness.

=> 但是,那麼,我認為不讓你見證我的偉大是殘酷的。


=> 好的。

Can I go get my bag? No.

=> 我可以去拿我的包嗎?沒有。

Youre a true giver.

=> 你是一個真正的給予者。

Other side.

=> 另一邊。


=> 好的。

Your Honor, this case should be thrown out.

=> 你的榮譽,這個案子應該被拋出。

Other than her story, the plaintiff doesnt have one piece of evidence.

=> 除了她的故事,原告沒有一個證據。

Because the evidence lies within their personnel files, which theyre conveniently refusing to hand over.

=> 因為證據在他們的人事檔案中,他們方便地拒絕交出。

Those files contain sensitive information.

=> 這些文件包含敏感信息。

Hes fishing at the expense of our employees right to privacy.

=> 他正在犧牲我們員工的隱私權。


=> 請。

He doesnt give a rats ass about his employees right to privacy.

=> 他並沒有對他的員工的隱私權給予抨擊。


=> 抱歉。

Thats actually unfair to rats asses.

=> 這對老鼠的屁股實際上是不公平的。

Your Honor, Mr.

=> 你的榮譽,先生

Specters claim that we dont care about our employees, though belittling, doesnt carry any weight as a rule of law.

=> 斯派特聲稱,我們不關心我們的員工,雖然輕視,但沒有任何法律上的重量。


=> 真正。

But what does carry weight is that an investigation of sexual harassment must be conducted without any duress.

=> 但是重要的是,性騷擾的調查必須沒有任何的脅迫。

Your point? The investigator and every person being interviewed answers to the CEO theyre investigating.

=> 你的意思?調查員和每個被採訪的人都回答了他們正在調查的首席執行官。

That is the definition of duress.

=> 這是脅迫的定義。

It would be as if your bailiff accused you of sexual harassment, and you assigned your stenographer to investigate.

=> 這就好像你的執法官員指責你有性騷擾,並且你讓速記員去調查。

Now, how likely would it be that this investigation yielded any fruit? You honestly think I would harass Herman? Well, I dont know, Your Honor.

=> 現在,這個調查結果有多大可能呢?你真的以為我會騷擾赫爾曼?那麼,我不知道,你的榮譽。

Some people have a thing for the uniform.

=> 有些人有制服的東西。

Uh, Id like to think Herman would come to me before it even got to an investigation.

=> 呃,我想赫爾曼會在調查之前來找我。

I saw that.

=> 我看到了。

That should be stricken.

=> 應該受到打擊

But what if Herman did come to you, Your Honor? And you betrayed his trust by firing him under false pretenses? You really think that little of me? I wouldnt trust you as far as I can throw you, Your Honor.

=> 但如果赫爾曼來到你身邊,你的榮譽呢?你以虛假的方式解僱他,背叛了他的信任?你真的覺得我這一點?我不會相信你,只要我可以拋棄你,你的榮譽。

Hand over the files.

=> 交出文件。

Oh, my Today.

=> 哦,我的今天。

Thats it.

=> 而已。

Herman? Id like to speak to you in chambers.

=> 赫爾曼?我想在內庭與你談談。

That was awesome.

=> 這太棒了。

It was your argument.

=> 這是你的論點。

I just framed it in a way that humanized the situation and brightened all of our afternoons.

=> 我只是以一種使情況人性化,使我們所有的下午變得明朗起來的方式加以制定。

I feel like Michael Corleone in that scene where that fat guy teaches him how to shoot that gun.

=> 我覺得就像邁克爾·考利昂那樣,那個胖子教他如何射那槍。

Are you saying that Im the fat guy? Because Im not the fat guy.

=> 你是說我是胖子嗎?因為我不是那個胖子


=> 嗯。

Do you know what his name was? Yeah.

=> 你知道他的名字是什麼嗎?是啊。


=> Cardoza。


=> 克萊門扎。

I knew that.

=> 我知道。

I was just testing to see if you knew it.

=> 我只是測試,看看你是否知道。

I knew that you knew that I knew.

=> 我知道你知道我知道

Train wreck.

=> 火車失事。


=> 嘿。

Im looking for Rene? Im Rene.

=> 我在找雷內?我是Rene。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

We dont sell skinny jeans at this location.

=> 我們在這個地方不賣緊身牛仔褲。

Did Harvey tell you I was coming, or Harvey Specter sent you? Thats another story.

=> 哈維告訴你我要來了,還是哈維·派特送你?這是另一回事

Do you know your inseam? I dont.

=> 你知道你的內褲嗎?我不。

Its probably a medium.

=> 這可能是一個媒介。

Why dont you browse for a while? These are the most exclusive, and we move down in price as you head to the door.

=> 你為什麼不瀏覽一下?這些是最獨特的,當你走向大門的時候,我們會降低價格。

Oh! Okay.

=> 哦!好的。

Large? Thats not how it works.

=> 大?這不是它的工作原理。


=> 呵呵。

So, Trevors getting you to do his dirty work for him, huh? All I know is you arent talking to each other.

=> 所以,特雷弗讓你為他做骯髒的工作,是吧?我所知道的是你們不是在相互交談。

I miss you.

=> 我想你。

I want things to go back to the way they were.

=> 我想讓事情回到原來的樣子。

I miss you, too.

=> 我也想你。

Ive got to go.


What did he say? He said things arent ever going back to the way they were.

=> 他說什麼?他說事情不會回到原來的樣子。

What did you do? I dont know.

=> 你做了什麼?我不知道。

Hey! So the files are on their way.

=> 嘿!所以文件正在路上。

We won? Thats fantastic.

=> 我們贏了?這太妙了。

So we have a week to corroborate Nancys story.

=> 所以我們有一個星期來證實南希的故事。

Listen, I couldnt have done it without you.

=> 聽著,沒有你我不可能做到這一點。

You wouldnt even know where to look without me.

=> 沒有我,你甚至不知道去哪裡看。

You know what nobody likes? Hmm? Nobody likes a show-off.

=> 你知道沒人喜歡嗎?嗯?沒有人喜歡炫耀。

Hello? Yeah, hes here.

=> 你好?是的,他在這裡

Okay, thank you.

=> 好的謝謝。

The files are in conference room C.

=> 這些文件在會議室C.

Why wouldnt they bring them to my cubicle? Theyre trying to bury you in paperwork.

=> 他們為什麼不把他們帶到我的隔間?他們試圖把你埋在文書工作中。

Well, they picked the wrong guy.

=> 那麼,他們選錯了人。

If they didnt, I did.

=> 如果他們沒有,我做了。

Get it done by the end of the week.

=> 在本周末之前完成。

Ive got to run and charm a new client.

=> 我必須運行並吸引新的客戶。

Nice to finally meet you.

=> 很高興終於見到你。

Jessica says youre going to sweep me off my feet.

=> 傑西卡說你要把我從我的腳上掃下來。

Ill do my best, Mr.

=> 先生,我會儘力的。


=> 多克里。

Youve got a nice serve there.

=> 你有一個很好的發球。

Working on it.

=> 工作。

What the hell is this? Its you having sex with a woman who isnt Mrs.

=> 這到底是什麼?這是你與一個不是夫人的女人發生性行為。


=> 多克里。

Are you trying to blackmail me? You asked my firm where youre vulnerable to corporate take-over.

=> 你想訛詐我嗎?你問我的公司哪裡容易受到企業的接管。

Thats it, right there.

=> 就是這樣,就在那裡。

What are you pulling here? Your wife owns voting shares.

=> 你在這裡拉什麼?你的妻子擁有投票權。

Youve been seeing this woman and several others for quite some time.

=> 你已經看到這個女人和其他幾個人相當一段時間了。

How do you think your wifes going to vote after she finds out? Who says she has to find out? My investigator got these within a week.

=> 你覺得你妻子發現後要怎麼投票?誰說她必須找到?我的調查員在一個星期內得到了這些。

What do you think a motivated competitor is going to dig up in a year? I have a solution.

=> 你認為一個積極的競爭對手將在一年內挖掘什麼?我有一個解決方案。

Trade her your preferred shares, which have no voting rights, for her common shares, which do.

=> 把她沒有投票權的優先股交易給她的普通股。

The preferred shares are worth $2,000,000 more.

=> 優先股多價值200萬美元。

A fraction of what youll lose if you get voted out of your company.

=> 如果你被投票退出公司,你會失去一小部分。

John, I dont care if you sleep with every woman in the Hamptons.

=> 約翰,我不在乎你是否和漢普頓的每個女人睡在一起。

Just give her the preferred shares.

=> 只要給她優先股。

Jessica said you were going to charm me to get my business.

=> 傑西卡說你會想要吸引我來開展業務。

Im not interested in getting your business.

=> 我不想讓你做生意

Im interested in keeping it.

=> 我有興趣保持它。

I know where they dont want us to look.

=> 我知道他們不希望我們看的地方。

Did you get through all those files in one night? I would have done it faster, but I ordered a pizza.

=> 你有沒有在一個晚上通過所有這些文件?我會做得更快,但我點了披薩。

Speaking of which, have you ever had the cheese in the crust? Because it blew my mind.

=> 說到這,你有沒有在地殼上的乳酪?因為它吹了我的腦海。

What did you find? There was a dismissal on March 12th, 2005.

=> 你發現了什麼? 2005年3月12日被解僱。

But the file with the employee name on it is missing.

=> 但缺少僱員名字的文件。

Thats our woman.

=> 那是我們的女人

I know it is.

=> 我知道它是。

Im moving to slap sanctions on their attorney, possible jail time.

=> 我正打算對他們的律師進行制裁,可能會被判入獄。

The guy is not going to know what hit him.

=> 那傢伙不知道是什麼打擊了他。

Dennis, its Harvey Specter.

=> 丹尼斯,是哈維·斯派克。

Did you have anything to do with the March 12th, 2005, files left out of discovery? If theyre here by noon, Ill believe you.

=> 與2005年3月12日有什麼關係,沒有發現的文件?如果他們到了中午,我會相信你的。

If not, were filing for sanctions.

=> 如果沒有,我們正在申請制裁。

Threat of sanctions is better than filing for sanctions.

=> 制裁的威脅勝於提起制裁。

Thats what I meant.

=> 我正是這個意思。

Threaten, not file.

=> 威脅,而不是文件。

Who would mean that? Shave.

=> 誰的意思是?刮鬍子。

Have you ever heard of this woman? Joanna Webster? No.

=> 你有沒有聽說過這個女人?喬安娜·韋伯斯特?沒有。

Why? The company has tried to hide her from us.

=> 為什麼?該公司試圖把她藏起來。

You think Hunt did the same thing to her that he did to me? Yes, I do.

=> 你覺得亨特對她做了同樣的事情,他對我做了什麼?是的,我願意。

Then you have to make her come forward and say so.

=> 那麼你必須讓她挺身而出。


=> 是啊。

Thats the plan.

=> 這是計劃。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Joanna Webster? Can I help you? Hi, uh, my name is Mike Ross.

=> 喬安娜·韋伯斯特?我能幫你嗎?嗨,我的名字是Mike Ross。

Im a lawyer.

=> 我是一個律師。

I have some questions for you about your time at Devlin McGreggor.

=> 我有一些關於你在Devlin McGreggor的時間的問題。

Uh, please! Look Just let me tell you a story about my client, okay? Fine.

=> 呃,拜託!看,讓我告訴你一個關於我的客戶的故事,好嗎?精細。

Just a second.

=> 等一下。


=> 先生。

Ross, what happened to me happened six years ago.

=> 羅斯,六年前發生了什麼事。

It was horrible and there was a reason I didnt do anything about it.

=> 這是可怕的,有一個原因,我沒有做任何事情。

Theyll put me on that stand and attack me, and I dont want that.

=> 他們會讓我站在那裡攻擊我,我不想要那個。


=> 女士。


=> 韋伯斯特。


=> 喬安娜。

This man is a predator.

=> 這個人是一個掠奪者。

And if you dont help stop him, he will do it again.

=> 如果你不能阻止他,他會再做一次。

All you have to do is give a deposition Im sorry.

=> 所有你需要做的是沉默,我很抱歉。

I cant do it.

=> 我做不到

What happened with the witness? I failed.

=> 證人怎麼了?我失敗了。

To not be awesome.

=> 不要太棒了。

I got her to testify.

=> 我讓她去作證。

You should have seen me.

=> 你應該看到我。

I tried everything.

=> 我嘗試了一切。

Hed do it again.

=> 他會再做一次。

Id be with her every step of the way.

=> 我會和她在一起的每一步。

Nothing worked.

=> 沒有工作。

And then, it hit me.

=> 然後它就撞到了我。

I asked her, what if it was her daughter that he did this to? She melted.

=> 我問她,如果這是她的女兒呢?她融化了。

Oh, and you know how I came up with that little gem? I cared about her.

=> 哦,你知道我是怎麼想出這個小寶石的?我關心她。

Oh! Yeah.

=> 哦!是啊。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

Im glad to see that staying up all night doesnt make you act like a complete idiot.

=> 我很高興看到熬夜不會讓你變得像個白痴。

Now, go home and get some sleep.

=> 現在,回家睡覺。

I dont want you waving that thing around during tomorrows deposition.

=> 我不想讓你在明天的沉澱中揮動那個東西。


=> 哈維。

Hows the pro bono going? Great! I just talked a witness into testifying.

=> 公益計劃如何進行?大!我剛剛說了一個證人作證。

Really? Whats the witness name? Im not an idiot.

=> 真?什麼是證人的名字?我不是白痴。

Dont treat me like one.

=> 不要像一個人那樣對待我。

You pawned off the case.

=> 你把案件當回事

Jessica, Ive got higher profile cases.

=> 傑西卡,我有更高的個案。

I Need I remind you that when we first met, you were a screw-up? I gave you a shot at the mail room, led you up the ranks, and then paid for you to go to Harvard, where, by the way, you jerked off the entire time you were there.

=> 我需要提醒你,當我們第一次見面時,你是一個搞砸的人?我給了你一個郵件室的一個鏡頭,帶你上了隊伍,然後付錢給你去哈佛大學,順便說一句,你在那裡的時候總是抽搐著。

And I still hired you.

=> 我仍然僱用你

And youve benefited from that ever since.

=> 從那以後你就從中受益。

Look, I closed the Dockery case, okay? You made a promise to me.

=> 看,我關閉了Dockery的案子,好嗎?你向我作出了承諾。

You broke it, and then you lied to my face.

=> 你破了它,然後你撒了謊我的臉。

So let me be clear.

=> 所以讓我清楚。

This isnt professional.

=> 這不是專業。

This is personal.

=> 這是個人的。

And Ill tell you something else, you made your bed, you better goddamn win.

=> 而且我會告訴你一些其他的東西,你把你的床,你最好該死的勝利。

Oh, so thats what this has been about, huh? You dont care about our friendship at all.


Youre my oldest friend and you know it.

=> 你是我最老的朋友,你知道。

But you dont seem to care about that anymore.

=> 但是,你似乎不再關心這一點。

And, yeah, I need the briefcase back.

=> 而且,是的,我需要拿回公文包。

And Im going to find it, Mike.

=> 我會去找的,邁克。

Well, I ditched it when I was running away from the cops that you sent me into.

=> 那麼,當我離開你送給我的警察的時候,我就放棄了。

Mike? Where are you going? To my cubicle.

=> 麥克風?你要去哪裡?到我的房間。


=> 沒有。

Youre not.

=> 你不是。

Its pee-in-a-cup time.

=> 這是杯中的時間。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

What? Drug test.

=> 什麼?葯檢。

Follow me.

=> 跟著我。

Uh, Im just going to put my stuff back Now.

=> 呃,我只是把我的東西放回現在。

Oh, by the way, um, my cousin was your year at Harvard, and I asked him if he knew you.

=> 哦,順便說一句,呃,我的表弟是你在哈佛的那一年,我問他他是否認識你。

Its so funny.

=> 這很有趣。

He didnt.

=> 他沒有。

Well, whats his name? Mitch Samberg.

=> 那他叫什麼名字?米奇·薩姆伯格


=> 是啊。

Dont know him.

=> 不認識他。

Its a big school.

=> 這是一個很大的學校。

Not really.

=> 不是真的。

We get 7,000 applications a year.

=> 我們每年獲得7000份申請。

You think you can just walk in and take a tour? Oh! Mitchell.

=> 你以為你可以走進去參觀一下?哦!米切爾。

With the slicked back hair? Graduated seventh in the class.

=> 隨著光滑的回頭髮?畢業於班級第七。


=> 當然。


=> 是啊。

I remember him.

=> 我記得他

Time to face the music.

=> 時間去面對音樂。


=> 是啊。

Whats up? Ive got to get to the Kendrick filing.

=> 這是怎麼回事?我得去肯德里克文件。

Where the hell is Mike? I dont know.

=> 地獄是麥克嗎?我不知道。

Leave the cup on the counter.

=> 把杯子放在櫃檯上。

Oh, youll have to leave that out here.

=> 哦,你不得不把這個留在這裡。

Why? If you take it in there with you, I have to check to make sure you dont have another urine sample.

=> 為什麼?如果你把它帶在那裡,我必須檢查,確保你沒有另一個尿液樣本。

Oh, you Where have you been? Hi! Um Getting drug tested, actually.

=> 哦,你去哪裡了?嗨!嗯實際上是通過藥物測試。

The deposition is this afternoon.

=> 現在是今天下午。

Before they get here, I want you to grill this woman about her background for anything they might use against her.

=> 在他們來到這裡之前,我希望你能為這個女人在背景上燒烤任何可能用來對付她的東西。

You got it? Got it.

=> 你說對了?得到它了。

Make her tell you everything.

=> 讓她告訴你一切。


=> 一切。


=> 一切。


=> 一切。


=> 好的。


=> 好的。

Id been working six months when Mr.

=> 我當時工作了六個月。

Hunt started asking me to work more.

=> 亨特開始要求我多加工作。

Order dinner.

=> 訂購晚餐。

One night, late, he tried to have sex with me.

=> 一天晚上,他試圖和我做愛。

The next day, I requested a change in assignment.

=> 第二天,我要求改變任務。

Two months later, I was fired for having a bad attitude.

=> 兩個月後,我因為態度不好而被解僱。

This is ridiculous.

=> 這是荒唐的。

Wipe that smirk off your face.

=> 擦掉你臉上的笑容。

Youre not even supposed to be here.

=> 你甚至不應該在這裡。


=> 先生。

Hunt has every right to be here.

=> 亨特有權利在這裡。

Now, Ms.

=> 現在,女士

Webster, after working for Devlin McGreggor, you then went on to waitress at Hooters, right? Yes, I did.

=> 韋伯斯特,在Devlin McGreggor工作之後,你去了Hooters的服務員,對吧?是的,我做到了。

A place that advertises the sexuality of its wait-staff, correct? Youll have to ask them that.

=> 一個廣告其服務員性的地方,對嗎?你必須問他們。

Im asking you.

=> 我在問你。

And shes not answering.

=> 她不回答。

Move on.

=> 繼續。


=> 女士。

Webster, would you say that youre a truthful person? Yes.

=> 韋伯斯特,你會說你是一個真實的人嗎?是。


=> 是啊。

So, when you said earlier that you had never been arrested for a crime, you were, uh, speaking the truth? Yes.

=> 所以,剛才你說你從來沒有因為犯罪而被捕,你說的是,呃,說實話?是。


=> 是。

So, in 1993, then, you were not arrested for stealing $1,000 worth ofjewelry from the Willow Grove Mall in Pennsylvania.

=> 那麼在1993年呢,你們並沒有因為從賓夕法尼亞的Willow Grove購物中心偷走價值1000美元的珠寶而被捕。

I was 17! That was one mistake.

=> 我17歲!那是一個錯誤。

Those records were supposed to be sealed.

=> 這些記錄應該被封存。

So when you say those records were sealed, what you mean to say is you thought you could get away with a lie.

=> 所以當你說這些記錄被封存的時候,你的意思是說你認為你可以逃避謊言。

No, thats not it.

=> 不,不是的。

Youre making it seem different than it is.

=> 你讓它看起來不同於現在。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

You were arrested in your past and you lied about it here under oath.

=> 你過去被捕,你在這裡宣誓就職。

Is that making it seem different than what it is? No answer.

=> 這是否使它看起來不同於它是什麼?沒有答案。


=> 嗯。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Um, let me ask you this, since youve lied here once, whats to make us believe youre not lying about Mr.

=> 呃,讓我問你這個,既然你曾經在這裡撒謊過,那麼我們相信你不是在說謊

Hunt? Well, thank you.

=> 打獵?好,謝謝。

How the hell did you miss that arrest? No.

=> 你怎麼會錯過逮捕?沒有。

I did every background check we have.

=> 我做了每一個背景檢查,我們有。

Did you grill her like I told you to? It was a sealed record, Harvey.

=> 你是否像我告訴過你一樣燒烤她?這是一個密封的記錄,哈維。

God damn it, I knew it.

=> 上帝該死的,我知道。

Fix it.

=> 修理它。

Joanna! Wait! Wait! This is why I didnt want to testify.

=> 喬安娜!等待!等待!這就是我不想作證的原因。

They twist something from a hundred years ago and make me look like a liar.

=> 他們扭曲了一百年前的東西,讓我看起來像個騙子。

They make it sound like what he did to me didnt happen.

=> 他們聽起來像他對我做的事情沒有發生。

Look, it doesnt matter.

=> 看,沒關係。

All right? I need you to testify on Friday and keep this case alive.

=> 好吧?我需要你星期五作證,並保持這個案件活著。

We dont have time to find anyone else before then.

=> 在那之前我們沒有時間去找別人。

Would you please wait? No! Im not waiting.

=> 你可以等一下嗎?沒有!我不等。

You promised this wouldnt happen, and it did.

=> 你答應過,這不會發生,而且確實如此。

You never told me you were arrested.

=> 你從來沒有告訴我你被捕了

Dont contact me again.

=> 不要再和我聯繫。

Please? What happened with the witness? Nothing.

=> 請?證人怎麼了?沒有。

Nothing happened.

=> 什麼都沒發生。

I couldnt fix it.

=> 我無法修復它。

So youre going to quit? Its either that or have Louis Litt fire me.

=> 所以你會放棄?無論是路易斯·里特還是讓我開火

What are you talking about? My first day, Louis fired Gary Lipsky for screwing up a case.

=> 你在說什麼?我的第一天,路易斯解僱了加里·利普斯基搞砸了一個案子。

He said if I did the same thing, Id be gone just as fast.

=> 他說,如果我做同樣的事情,我會走得一樣快。

Well, you go back to the witness house and you get her to testify again.

=> 那麼,你回到證人的房子,你讓她再次作證。

I tried.

=> 我試過了。

Theres no way.

=> 不可能。

Theres always a way.

=> 總有辦法。

Then why dont you go and convince her? Because you screwed it up.

=> 那你為什麼不去說服她?因為你搞砸了

Oh, and you dont give a damn about the client.

=> 哦,你不要對客戶一無所知。


=> 對。

Thats not my job.

=> 那不是我的工作

Does your job include giving a damn about me? Because the least you could do is offer to stand up to Louis for me.

=> 你的工作包括給我一個該死的關於?因為你所能做的至少是為了站起來給路易斯。

Stand up for you? I put my ass on the line for you.

=> 站起來嗎?我把你的屁股放在線上。

But it turns out you may have had the balls to get this job, but you dont have the courage to stick it out when it gets tough.

=> 但事實證明,你可能已經有了這份工作,但是當它變得艱難的時候,你沒有勇氣堅持下去。

Thats not true.

=> 這不是真的。

Isnt it? Youve had one foot out the door since you got here.

=> 不是嗎?自從你來到這裡之後,你已經有了一隻腳。

What are you talking about? Im talking about that briefcase being locked in your desk.

=> 你在說什麼?我正在談論公文包被鎖在你的辦公桌上。

Yeah, I saw it.

=> 是的,我看到了。

And I know what it is.

=> 我知道它是什麼

Its your backup plan in case this doesnt work out.

=> 這是你的備份計劃,如果這不起作用。

You can make some quick cash and go right back to the life you told me you didnt want to lead.

=> 你可以做一些快速的現金,回到你不想領導的生活。

But this isnt because of Louis and it isnt because of me.


Its because youre afraid you might have to admit that youre not as smart as you think you are.

=> 這是因為你擔心你可能不得不承認自己不像自己認為的那樣聰明。

If youre here in the morning, Ill know I still have an associate.

=> 如果你早上在這裡,我會知道我還有一個同事。

Hey, I get that you were upset that I was promoted before you, but if you ever threaten to fire one of my guys again, I am going to kick your ass.

=> 嘿,我知道你在我之前被提拔了,但是如果你曾經威脅要再次開除我的一個傢伙,我會踢你的屁股。


=> 嗯。

What are you talking about? Dont play dumb with me, all right? You fired Gary Lipsky in front of Mike Ross.

=> 你在說什麼?不要跟我傻,好嗎?你在邁克·羅斯面前解僱了加里·利普斯基。

Whats so funny? Gary Lipsky works in the mail room.

=> 有什麼好笑的?加里·利普斯基(Gary Lipsky)在郵件室工作。

What? I didnt fire anyone.

=> 什麼?我沒有開火

Thats how I let the new associates know whats expected of them.

=> 我就是這樣讓新員工知道他們的期望。

You plant a fake employee to manipulate the associ Thats it.

=> 你種植一個假僱員來操縱這個聯盟就是這樣。

What? Mike! I wanna quit.

=> 什麼?麥克風!我想退出。

Come here.

=> 過來。

When your parents died, I lost my son, my daughter-in-law.

=> 當你的父母死了,我失去了我的兒子,我的媳婦。

I was scared, alone, and I was too old to raise you.

=> 我一個人害怕,而且我太老了,無法撫養你。

But I had no choice, because who else was going to take care of my grandson? You made me a promise before.

=> 但我別無選擇,因為還有誰會照顧我的孫子呢?你以前答應我的一個承諾

Youre in the door.

=> 你在門口。

Promise me now the only way youll leave is if they rip you out.

=> 答應我,現在唯一的辦法就是離開你。

You can save your breath.

=> 你可以保存你的呼吸。

Theres no way Im testifying at the hearing tomorrow.

=> 我明天在聽證會上不能作證。

Thats not why Im here.

=> 那不是我來這裡的原因

I know what you did.

=> 我知道你做了什麼。

What are you talking about? You never worked for Devlin McGreggor.

=> 你在說什麼?你從來沒有為Devlin McGreggor工作。

And you were never harassed by Mr.

=> 你從來沒有受到先生的騷擾


=> 打獵。

Thats a lie.

=> 這是一個謊言。

Look, I could tell you that Ive got the canceled checks or the wire transfer or whatever smoking gun that exists.

=> 看,我可以告訴你,我已經取消了支票或電匯或任何存在的抽煙槍。

I dont.

=> 我不。

But I will.

=> 但我會。

And when I do, youll be going to jail.

=> 當我這樣做的時候,你會被關進監獄。

Unless you tell me what happened, right now.

=> 除非你現在告訴我發生了什麼事。

Im the guy you tell.

=> 我是你講的那個人。

All I had to do was waste your time until tomorrow after the hearing.

=> 聽證會之後,我所要做的只是浪費你的時間,直到明天。


=> 請。

I just needed the money.

=> 我只需要錢。

I dont want to go to jail.

=> 我不想去監獄。

Heres what youre going to do.

=> 這是你要做的。

Whats with the attitude? Thats just really, uh Mike! Hey! Im not giving this to you because you need it.

=> 這是什麼態度?這只是真的,呃邁克!嘿!我沒有把這個給你,因為你需要它。

Im giving it to you because I dont.

=> 我給你,因為我沒有。

And I dont know if Im ready to forgive you yet or not, but I do know were even.

=> 我不知道我是否準備原諒你,但我知道我們甚至是。

Wait a second.

=> 等一下。

I didnt I dont Dont.

=> 我沒有,我不,不。

Now were even.

=> 現在我們甚至。


=> 呵呵。

I see you came to work today.

=> 我看你今天上班了

Nice suit.

=> 不錯的套裝。

It was a barter transaction.

=> 這是一個易貨交易。

I got six of them for one little briefcase.

=> 我有一個小公文包,其中六個。

Listen, uh, Im sorry and Forget it.

=> 聽著,恩,對不起,忘了吧。

When I first started, Jessica rode me so hard, I quit once a month.

=> 當我剛開始的時候,傑西卡非常努力地騎我,我每個月都會放棄一次。

I just told you what you needed to hear.

=> 我剛才告訴你你需要聽到什麼

Thats just it.

=> 就是這樣。

Ive only ever had one person who told me what I needed to hear.

=> 我只有一個人告訴我我需要聽到什麼。

Maybe its time I started trusting somebody else.

=> 也許是時候我開始相信別人了。

Merry Christmas.

=> 聖誕節快樂。

Is this for real? You know what to do.

=> 這是真的嗎?你知道該做什麼。

Press until it hurts.

=> 按直到它傷害。

Wire transfer from your account to Joanna Websters.

=> 從您的賬戶電匯到Joanna Websters。

Phone records with Joanna Webster prior to her testimony.

=> 在她的證詞之前,與喬安娜·韋伯斯特的電話記錄。

And an affidavit stating you paid Ms.

=> 還有一份宣誓書

Webster to falsely testify.

=> 韋伯斯特虛假證明。


=> 先生。

Hunt, harassment is a civil violation.

=> 狩獵,騷擾是一種民事侵權行為。

The penalty is money.

=> 罰款是金錢。

But witness tampering, thats a crime, and you will go to prison, where, I guarantee, youll learn more about unwanted sexual advances than you can possibly imagine.

=> 但是,見證篡改,這是一種犯罪,你會去監獄,在那裡,我保證,你會學到更多的有關不想要的性進展超出你想像的。

Do you think this is going to intimidate me? Even if this evidence was credible, who are you going to get to prosecute a small-time witness tampering charge, huh? Harvey, didnt you graduate law school with the current U.

=> 你覺得這會嚇倒我嗎?即使這個證據是可信的,你是否要起訴一個小小的證人篡改罪名,是吧?哈維,你現在沒有畢業法學院嗎?



Attorney in New York? In fact, I did.

=> 紐約律師?事實上,我做了。

And I think he might even be interested in pursuing a case like this.

=> 而且我覺得他甚至有興趣去追求這樣的一個案子。

Wait, are you two still close? Well, I was the best man at his wedding.

=> 等等,你們兩個還在嗎?那麼,我是他婚禮上最好的人選。


=> 哇。

No, you werent.

=> 不,你不是。

Youre bluffing.

=> 你在虛張聲勢


=> 沒有。

I think Ive got some pictures of us at the ceremony.

=> 我想在儀式上我們有一些照片。

Lets see.

=> 讓我們來看看。


=> 是啊。

Here we are.

=> 我們到了。

I must admit, I look very dashing.

=> 我必須承認,我看起來很瀟洒。

This is me and his mother.

=> 這是我和他的母親。

The woman adores me.

=> 女人崇拜我。

Here we are at his bachelor party.

=> 在這裡,我們在他的單身派對。

Theres no strippers.

=> 沒有脫衣舞娘

Hes lame.

=> 他很蹩腳

But he cant put guys like you away for sexual harassment and then go to strip clubs now, can he? All right, what do you want? An admission of guilt and a guarantee that youll obtain treatment before working again.

=> 但是他不能把你這樣的傢伙帶到性騷擾的地方,然後去剝離俱樂部,可以嗎?好的,你想要什麼?承認有罪並保證你在再次工作之前得到治療。

And Nancy gets reinstated with back pay.

=> 南希得到回薪。


=> 精細。

And a raise.

=> 和一個提高。


=> 好的。

All right.

=> 好吧。

Are we done? The kid should be able to grow up without the burden of tuition hanging over his head.

=> 我們完了嗎?這個孩子應該能夠長大,而不用擔負額外的負擔。

Dont you think? Which is why youre also going to pay Nancy an extra $250,000.

=> 你不覺得嗎?這就是為什麼你還要向南希支付額外的25萬美元。


=> 查爾斯。


=> 先生們。

Thank you for everything.

=> 謝謝你為我做的一切。

Youre welcome.

=> 別客氣。

So just one question.

=> 所以只有一個問題。

Why did you go to Joannas house? Because I figured it out.

=> 你為什麼要去喬安娜的家?因為我明白了

I object.

=> 我反對。

I think you did it because you care.

=> 我認為你是因為你在乎。

I did it because its my job.

=> 我做到了,因為這是我的工作。

Would you admit it? You care about me.

=> 你會承認嗎?你關心我。

I saw you smile when I showed up for work this morning.

=> 我今天早上出去上班的時候看到你微笑。

I didnt smile.

=> 我沒有笑。

I was thinking of a funny joke.

=> 我正在想一個有趣的笑話。

Look, we start on this tomorrow.

=> 看,我們明天開始吧。

Does this mean were officially a team now? I wouldnt move your things into Wayne Manor just yet.

=> 這是否意味著我們現在正式成為一個團隊?我不會把你的東西搬到韋恩莊園。

So, now youre Batman.

=> 所以,現在你是蝙蝠俠。

Closer to him than Clemenza.

=> 比克萊門扎更接近他。

Oh, yeah.

=> 哦耶。


=> 基爾默。


=> 克魯尼。


=> 基頓。

Did you really quit when you first started? Of course not.

=> 剛開始時你真的放棄了嗎?當然不是。

Im not a wuss.

=> 我不是一個武士。



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