
[美劇] 福爾摩斯:演繹法/Elementary 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 福爾摩斯:演繹法/Elementary 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

劇本 台詞 字幕 筆記 中英文對照 純英文 學英語 文本 PDF 文檔 電子版 紙質版

在大家紛紛質疑,將這位充滿大不列顛紳士之味,瘋狂又前衛的偵探搬到美國是不是合理時,CBS卻宣布,已經與英國著名演員約翰·李·米勒(Jonny Lee Miller)簽約,這位曾經出演了《神奇律師》(Eli Stone),並客串了Showtime熱門劇集《嗜血法醫》(Dexter)的英國男演員,將在《Elementary》中飾演居住在紐約城中大偵探福爾摩斯。鑒於這部劇將來自CBS,那麼它的風格也許無[展開全文]

在大家紛紛質疑,將這位充滿大不列顛紳士之味,瘋狂又前衛的偵探搬到美國是不是合理時,CBS卻宣布,已經與英國著名演員約翰·李·米勒(Jonny Lee Miller)簽約,這位曾經出演了《神奇律師》(Eli Stone),並客串了Showtime熱門劇集《嗜血法醫》(Dexter)的英國男演員,將在《Elementary》中飾演居住在紐約城中大偵探福爾摩斯。鑒於這部劇將來自CBS,那麼它的風格也許無法像蓋·里奇的電影版和BBC三集片一樣偏幽默,沉重的故事是可以預見的。儘管如此,CBS在這樣兩個「前輩」的重壓下,依舊敢預定導航集,可見其十足信心,很有可能這部劇將會成為明年的大熱。而巧合的是,約翰·李·米勒和電影版及BBC版的演員們都有不小的交集:他和電影版的「華生醫生」裘德·洛是同學,兩人一同創辦了Natral Nylon製片公司,還是公認的BFF。而米勒在去年,還曾經和BBC版的「夏洛克」本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇一同出演了英國著名導演丹尼·鮑爾的話劇《弗蘭肯斯坦》(Frankenstein)。


The bittersweet between my teeth Trying to find The in-betweens Fall back in love eventually Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah The bittersweet between my teeth Hello? Yeah, Im coming to get him in Im sorry, did you say he escaped? Hi.


Its Joan Watson.

=> 這是Joan Watson。

On the off chance you havent already been contacted by Hemdale, your son left rehab a little early this morning.

=> 如果你還沒有和Hemdale聯繫過,那麼你的兒子今天早上有點兒早點康復了。

Im already at his house to see if hes here.

=> 我已經在他家看他是否在這裡

Ill call you if theres a problem.

=> 如果有問題,我會打電話給你。

Excuse me, Im looking for Mister Hello? Excuse me, Mister-- Shh! My name is Joan Watson.

=> 對不起,我在找你好先生?對不起,先生,噓!我叫Joan Watson。

Ive been hired by your father to be your sober companion.

=> 我被你父親僱用為你的清醒夥伴。

He told me he was going to e-mail you about me.

=> 他告訴我他要給我發電子郵件。

Im here to make the transition from your rehab experience to the routine of your everyday life as smooth as possible, so I will be living with you for the next six weeks, which means Ill be available to you 24/7.

=> 我在這裡要儘可能順利地從你的康復經歷過渡到你日常生活的日常生活,所以我將在未來的六個星期與你同住,這意味著我將全天候為你提供服務。

Do you believe in love at first sight? Um I know what youre thinking: the world is a cynical place, and I must be a cynical man, thinking a woman like you would fall for a line like that.

=> 你相信一見鍾情嗎?嗯,我知道你在想什麼:世界是一個憤世嫉俗的地方,我必須是一個玩世不恭的人,想像你這樣的女人會這樣下去。

Thing is it isnt a line, so please hear me when I say this.

=> 這是不是一個線,所以當我這樣說,請聽我說。

I have never loved anyone as I do you right now in this moment.

=> 我從來沒有像現在這樣愛你。

Do you believe in love at first sight? I know what youre thinking: the world is a cynical place, and I must be a cynical man, thinking a woman like you would fall for a line like that.

=> 你相信一見鍾情嗎?我知道你在想什麼:這個世界是一個憤世嫉俗的地方,我必須是一個玩世不恭的人,以為像你這樣的女人會這樣下去。

Thing is, it isnt a line, so, please hear me when I say this.

=> 事情是,這不是一條線,所以,當我這樣說,請聽我說。

I have never loved anyone as I do you right now, in this moment.

=> 在這一刻,我從來沒有像現在這樣愛你。

Spot on.

=> 發現。

Sherlock Holmes.

=> 夏洛克·福爾摩斯。

Please dont get comfortable.

=> 請不要舒服。

We wont be here long.

=> 我們不會在這裡很久。


=> 先生。

Holmes, did your father tell you about me or not? Uh, he e-mailed, said to expect some sort of addict-sitter.

=> 福爾摩斯,你父親是否告訴過你關於我的事情?呃,他發電子郵件說,期待某種癮君子。

Well, then he explained his conditions with respect to your sobriety? Well, if you mean his threats to evict me from this, the shoddiest and the least renovated of the five-- count them, five-- properties he owns in New York, then yeah, he made his conditions quite clear.

=> 那麼,他解釋了你的清醒狀況?那麼,如果你的意思是他的威脅把我驅逐出去的話,那麼五個人中最小的和最少重新裝修的 - 他在紐約擁有的五個物業 - 那麼他呢,他的條件是非常清楚的。

I refuse your, quote-unquote, "help," I wind up on the street.

=> 我拒絕你的,不加引號的「幫助」,我在街上擺弄。

Its my understanding that most sober companions are recovering addicts themselves, but youve never had a problem with drugs or alcohol.

=> 這是我的理解,大多數清醒的同伴自己正在恢復上癮,但你從來沒有與毒品或酒精問題。

Your father told you.

=> 你父親告訴過你

Of course he didnt.

=> 當然他沒有。

Uh, would you care to explain why you broke out of your rehab facility the same day you were being released? Bored.

=> 呃,你是否想解釋你為什麼在你被釋放的同一天從你的康復設施中脫離出來?無聊。

You were bored? No, I am bored right now.

=> 你很無聊?不,我現在很無聊

It happens often; youll get used to it.

=> 它經常發生;你會習慣的。

Regarding our mutual friends at Hemdale, Id say they should be thanking me for exposing the flaws in their rubbish security system, wouldnt you? Excellent.

=> 對於我們在Hemdale的共同朋友,我想說他們應該感謝我揭露他們的垃圾安全系統的缺陷,不是嗎?優秀。

There was a woman leaving just as I got here.

=> 有一個女人就像我到這裡一樣離開了。

Did she get you high? Actually, about six feet.

=> 她讓你高嗎?其實大約六英尺

I actually find sex repellent.

=> 我其實找到性別驅避劑。

All those fluids and all the sounds, but my brain and my body require it to function at optimum levels, so I feed them as needed.

=> 所有這些液體和所有的聲音,但我的大腦和我的身體要求它在最佳水平的功能,所以我根據需要餵養他們。

Youre a doctor; you understand.

=> 你是個醫生你明白。

Uh, Im not doctor.

=> 呃,我不是醫生。

Were a doctor-- a surgeon, judging by your hands.

=> 是一個醫生 - 一個外科醫生,用你的雙手來判斷。

Is your car parked nearby? Uh, yes, its just outsi How did you know I had a car? Parking ticket-- fell out of your purse when you dropped it.

=> 你的車停在附近嗎?呃,是的,這只是外面你怎麼知道我有一輛車?停車票 - 掉在你的錢包掉下來。

Cant have one without the other, can you? Were late.

=> 不能沒有一個,你能嗎?我們來晚了。

We need to get going.

=> 我們需要走了。

Uh, late for what? Actually, scratch the car.

=> 呃,遲到了嗎?其實,刮傷汽車。

Manhattan Bridge is down to a single lane.

=> 曼哈頓橋下到單線。

Well take the tube instead.

=> 我們將採取管代替。

Look at this place.

=> 看看這個地方


=> 呸。

Cant wait for you to tidy it.

=> 不能等你收拾它。

Prior to my stint in junkie jail, I worked as a consultant at Scotland Yard.

=> 在加入監獄之前,我曾在蘇格蘭場擔任顧問。

Your father told me-- he said you were a detective? I was a consultant.

=> 你父親告訴我 - 他說你是個偵探?我是一名顧問。

I wasnt paid for my services, and therefore I answered to no one but myself.

=> 我的服務沒有報酬,因此我除了自己以外,沒有人回答。

What about London? What about it? He told me thats where you bottomed out.

=> 倫敦呢?那怎麼樣?他告訴我,那是你最底的地方。

He thinks something happened to you there-- he just doesnt know what.

=> 他認為你身上發生了什麼事 - 他只是不知道該怎麼辦。

Handsome woman, your mother.

=> 漂亮的女人,你的母親。

Its very big of her to take your dad back after the affair.

=> 這件事情讓你爸爸回來,真是太大了。

How could you possibly? You still havent told me where were going yet.

=> 你怎麼可能?你還沒有告訴我我們要去哪裡。

About that, I think you and Father will be pleased to hear I have devised a post-rehab regimen for myself thatll keep me quite busy.

=> 關於這一點,我想你和父親會很高興聽到我為自己設計了一個康復後治療方案,這讓我很忙。

I decided to resume my work as a consultant here in New York.

=> 我決定在紐約這裡以顧問身份恢復工作。

Tell me, how do clients typically introduce you? What do you mean? I-I mean I find it hard to believe theyd actually tell someone theyve been assigned a glorified helper monkey.

=> 告訴我,客戶通常如何介紹你?你什麼意思?我 - 我的意思是,我很難相信他們實際上會告訴某人他們被分配了一個榮耀的幫助猴子。

Helper monkey? Well, you and I have whats known as companion/client confidentiality, which means that you can introduce me however you like.

=> 幫手猴?那麼,你和我有什麼叫伴侶/客戶機密,這意味著你可以介紹我,但是你喜歡。

Friend, coworker, relative, and Ill play along.

=> 朋友,同事,親戚,我會一起玩。

But to be honest, most clients just call me their companion.

=> 但說實話,大多數客戶只是叫我他們的同伴。


=> 嗯。

Captain Gregson.

=> 格雷格森上尉


=> 啊。


=> 霍姆斯。

How you doing? Miss Watson, this is Captain Gregson.

=> 你好嗎?沃森小姐,這是格雷格森上尉。

Captain Gregson, this is Miss Watson, my personal valet.

=> 格雷格森上尉,這是我的個人代客沃森小姐。

How do you do? She waits out here.

=> 你好嗎?她在這裡等著。

Im afraid shes quite crucial to my process, Captain.

=> 恐怕她對我的過程非常重要,上尉。

Its okay, really.

=> 沒關係,真的。

Actually, it isnt.

=> 其實不然。

At least not according to my fathers e-mail.

=> 至少不是根據我父親的電子郵件。

Well, consider this my place of business.


Consider every wretched hive of depravity and murder in this city my place of business.

=> 想想在這個城市我的營業場所的每一個猥瑣和謀殺的蜂巢。

Unless, of course, you dont think you have the stomach for the work I do.

=> 當然,除非你不認為自己有工作的胃口。

Im good.

=> 我很好。

Could you put these gloves on, please? Dr.

=> 你能把這些手套戴上嗎?博士

Richard Mantlo came home a few hours ago to find his door kicked in and his wife Amy Dampier, missing.

=> 理查德·曼托(Richard Mantlo)幾小時前回到家門口,發現他的門被踢了進去,他的妻子艾米·丹皮爾(Amy Dampier)失蹤了。

Thats, uh thats Mantlo over there.

=> 那就是那邊的曼特洛。

Hes a headshrinker out at Sanbridge Hospital.

=> 他是三橋醫院的頭痛醫頭。

Says he caught an emergency last night, didnt get home till 5:00 a.

=> 他昨天晚上發現了一個緊急情況,直到五點才回家。



Saw the front door, called 911.

=> 看到前門,叫911。

First officers on the scene found signs of-of a struggle in the kitchen and in the master bedroom.

=> 在場的第一批軍官在廚房和主卧室發現了一個掙扎的跡象。

But no Ms.

=> 但沒有女士


=> 丹皮爾。

Ransom demand? Hm.

=> 贖回需求?嗯。

What is it? Im not sure.

=> 它是什麼?我不確定。


=> 女士。

Dampiers cell phone, have you recovered it? We have her cell phone? Thank you, Detective.

=> 丹皮爾的手機,你找到了嗎?我們有她的手機?謝謝,偵探。


=> 嗯。


=> 嗯。

She either lost a tremendous amount of weight or underwent significant plastic surgery sometime in the last two years.

=> 她在過去兩年的某個時候,要麼失去了大量的體重,要麼接受了大量的整容手術。

She looks the same in all the photos.

=> 她在所有的照片看起來都一樣。

Thats my point.

=> 這是我的觀點。

Ovular frames are older, have been here longer You can tell by the way the wall has faded-- square frames newer.

=> 卵巢的框架是較舊的,在這裡更長的時間你可以通過牆壁已經消失的方式 - 方形框架更新。

Theyre the only ones that feature Ms.

=> 她們是唯一以女士


=> 丹皮爾。

Coincidence? No.

=> 巧合?沒有。

Check her cell phone.

=> 檢查她的手機。

No photos of her older than two years.

=> 她沒有兩年以上的照片。

Yet there are countless pictures of other people in her life, as many as five years ago.

=> 然而在五年前,她的人生中有無數的照片。

I take it you two have worked together before? Yeah, ten years ago.

=> 我認為你們兩個以前一起工作過?是的,十年前。

A few months after 9/11 I was assigned to Scotland Yard to observe their counterterrorism bureau.

=> 9/11之後的幾個月,我被派到蘇格蘭場去觀察他們的反恐局。

Holmes mostly worked homicides, but, uh our paths still crossed a few times.

=> 福爾摩斯大多是殺人的,但是,我們的道路還是跨過了幾次。

Captain, if you please? Yeah? Ms.

=> 上尉,如果你願意?是嗎?女士。

Dampier knew her attacker.

=> 丹皮爾知道她的攻擊者。

She let him into the house herself.

=> 她讓他自己進了房子。

Captain, who-who is this guy? There are two broken glasses here.

=> 上尉,這個人是誰?這裡有兩個碎玻璃。

You can tell from the volume of shards.

=> 你可以從碎片的數量中知道。

Obviously, she was pouring a glass of water for her guest when he assailed her.

=> 很明顯,當她毆打她的時候,她為她的客人倒了一杯水。


=> 對。

Is that something you would do if some nut job comes in and kicks your door in, you ask him if hes thirsty.

=> 如果某個堅強的工作進來並且把你的門推進去,你會問這個問題嗎?你問他口渴嗎?

Could I? Thank you.

=> 我可否?謝謝。

Base of glass number two.

=> 第二個玻璃基地。

If you take another glance at the boot print on the front door, you will see an almost imperceptible spot of blood where the heel made contact.

=> 如果你再看一眼前門的引導印,你會看到腳跟接觸的血跡幾乎察覺不到。

Lab tests, Im certain, will conclude its the victims blood, and could only have been left there after the assault had already taken place.

=> 實驗室測試,我敢肯定,會得出結論,這是受害者的血液,只有在襲擊發生後才能留在那裡。


=> 女士。

Dampier let the man in because he was familiar to her.

=> 丹皮爾讓這個男人進來,因為他對她很熟悉。

He kicked the door in as he exited to try to obscure this fact.

=> 他在退出的時候踢了一道門,試圖模糊這個事實。

Also, he took something from the living room.

=> 另外,他從客廳拿了一些東西。

Note the symmetry of the space, hm? This wall is very nearly a reflection of that one.

=> 注意空間的對稱性,hm?這堵牆幾乎是這個的一個反映。

Pictures, pictures, knickknacks, knickknacks.

=> 圖片,圖片,knickknacks,小擺設。

I see balance everywhere, except this one space.

=> 除了這個空間之外,我到處都能看到平衡。

Hey, something was here-- what was it? Im sorry? Maybe this isnt the best time.

=> 嘿,有什麼東西在這裡 - 是什麼?對不起?也許這不是最好的時機。

No, no, please concentrate.

=> 不,不,請專心。

Something used to occupy that space.

=> 曾經佔據那個空間的東西

I need you to tell me what it was.

=> 我需要你告訴我是什麼

Uh, it was an old ring box-- Amys grandmother gave it to her.

=> 呃,那是一個老戒指盒 - 艾米的祖母給了她。

Why? You said there were also signs of struggle in the master bedroom? Mm-hmm.

=> 為什麼?你說主卧室里還有掙扎的跡象? MM-嗯。

What is it? Why is it so important that the kidnapper took a ring box? Kidnappers dont take trophies.

=> 它是什麼?為什麼綁架者拿了一個戒指盒這麼重要?綁架者不拿獎盃。

Killers do.

=> 殺手們呢。

Theres no body, genius.

=> 沒有身體,天才。

Theres no blood on the front stoop or walk, either.

=> 前面的彎道或走路都沒有血跡。

Its rather difficult not to leave any when youre abducting someone with an arterial wound, wouldnt you agree? Youre certain your men have been over every inch of this house? Of course.

=> 當你綁架一個動脈創傷的人時,不要留下任何東西,難道你不同意嗎?你確定你的人已經過了這個房子的每一寸?當然。

But as you can see, there was a struggle here.

=> 但正如你所看到的,這裡有一場鬥爭。

Shes in the safe room.

=> 她在安全的房間里

What safe room? The one behind that wall.

=> 什麼安全的房間?那個牆後面的那個。

Husband didnt say anything about any safe room.

=> 丈夫沒有說任何安全的房間。

Theres a slight angle to the floor in here.

=> 這裡的地板有一個小角度。

You cant f Its The extra weight of the safe room steel reinforcements can cause the floor around it to decline slightly, creating a slope between one and five degrees.

=> 你不能f這是安全室鋼增援的額外重量可以導致其周圍的地板略微下降,創建一個1至5度的斜坡。

Sometimes I hate it when Im right.

=> 有時我討厭它,當我是對的。

For the last time, I loved my wife.

=> 最後一次,我愛我的妻子。

I didnt hurt her, and before this moment, I had no idea there was any safe room in my house.

=> 我沒有傷害她,在此之前,我不知道我家有沒有安全的房間。

You get why thats hard for us to believe, dont you? The place was gutted before Amy and I moved in two years ago.

=> 你明白為什麼我們很難相信,不是嗎?艾米和我在兩年前搬家之前,這個地方被燒毀了。

She oversaw all the construction.

=> 她監督所有的建設。

Im sorry, but, uh, are you saying she had it installed, but never told you? How do you do it? Do what? Guess things.

=> 我很抱歉,但是,呃,你是說她安裝了它,但是從來沒有告訴過你?你怎麼做呢?做什麼?猜猜看。

I dont guess.

=> 我不猜。

I observe.

=> 我觀察。

And once Ive observed, I deduce.

=> 一旦我觀察,我推斷。

You said you could tell from my hands that I used to be a surgeon.

=> 你說你可以從我手中知道我曾經是一名外科醫生。

"Hand"-- singular, actually.

=> 「手」 - 實際上是奇異的。

It was soft, no calluses.

=> 它柔軟,沒有老繭。

Also, it smelled faintly of beeswax.

=> 另外,它聞到蜂蠟的微微。

Oh, many surgeons, as you know, use a beeswax cream to protect their hands from the dehydrating effects of repeated washings.

=> 噢,如你所知,許多外科醫生使用蜂蠟霜來保護他們的手免受反覆洗滌的脫水影響。

Well Youre no longer practicing, but old habits die hard.

=> 那麼你不再練習,但是老習慣很難。

As far as why you gave up your medical career to become a companion-- Id wager that addiction claimed the life of someone close to you, and his or her death moved you to make drastic changes in your life.

=> 至於為什麼你放棄了你的醫療生涯成為同伴 - 我敢打賭,沉溺於對你親近的人的生命,他或她的死使你感到生命中的巨大變化。

Am I close? What about my father? What about him? How did you know he had an affair? Google.

=> 我關閉了嗎?那我父親呢?那麼他呢?你怎麼知道他有外遇?谷歌。

Well, not everything is deducible.

=> 那麼,並不是所有的事情都可以推論

You-you got us our guy in, and, uh and were grateful.


We can take it from here.

=> 我們可以從這裡拿走。

Respectfully, Detective, I doubt that very much, cause I have reason to believe that Richard Mantlo didnt kill his wife.

=> 尊敬的是,偵探,我非常懷疑,因為我有理由相信理查德·曼特洛沒有殺死他的妻子。

Wait, wait, wait.

=> 等等,等等

Wait, wait.

=> 等等。

Come again? Dr.

=> 再來?博士

Mantlo has girls feet, or hadnt you noticed? Hes a size eight if hes an inch.

=> 曼托有女孩的腳,或者你沒有注意到?如果他是一英寸的話,他就是八號。

The boot print on his front door was an 11.

=> 他的大門上的開機畫面是11。

So? So he was smart.

=> 所以?所以他很聰明。

He wore bigger shoes to throw us off.

=> 他穿著更大的鞋子把我們扔掉。

Did he also wear bigger hands when he strangled his wife? Holmes Well, these strangulation marks are indicative of a man much larger than Mantlo.

=> 當他掐死妻子時,他是不是也戴更大的手?福爾摩斯那麼,這些扼殺痕迹就是一個比曼特洛大得多的人。

No just heavier, but-but taller.

=> 不只是更重,但更高。

Id estimate his height to be somewhere between six foot-one, six foot-three.

=> 我估計他的身高在六尺一六尺三之間。

Your M.

=> 你媽。



will come to the same conclusion in a couple of hours.

=> 將在幾個小時內得出同樣的結論。

Im delivering it now.

=> 我正在交付。

Youre a doctor.

=> 你是個醫生

Tell em Im right.

=> 告訴他們我是對的。

Im not a doctor.

=> 我不是醫生。

Were a doctor.

=> 是醫生。

Surely you havent forgotten how bruising works.

=> 你一定還沒有忘記瘀傷如何工作。

Okay, yeah, sure, these hands do seem a little small for the bruise pattern, but I With your permission, Captain, Id like a moment alone with Dr.

=> 好的,是的,當然,這些手對於瘀傷的模式看起來有點小,但是在你的許可下,上尉,我只想和Dr.


=> Mantlo。

Captain, this You got two minutes.

=> 船長,這你有兩分鐘。

Tall men in your life-- Id like a list.

=> 你生命中的高個子 - 我想要一個清單。

Amy was a good person, but if youre here because you think I had something to do with it Dr.

=> 艾米是一個很好的人,但如果你在這裡,因為你認為我有什麼關係,博士

Mantlo said that youd made a pass at her at a holiday party last year.

=> 曼特洛說,你去年在假期聚會上通過了她。

Actually, no, I didnt.

=> 其實不,我沒有。

I asked her about all the plastic surgery shed had.

=> 我問她所有的整容手術。

Plastic surgery? Okay, look, I helped plan a fund-raiser for the hospital, two years ago, that was before the surgeries.

=> 整形手術?好的,看,兩年前,我幫助籌備了醫院籌款,那是在手術之前。

I know I still have the pictures.

=> 我知道我還有照片。


=> 那裡。

Thats a picture of Amy and Dr.

=> 這是艾米和博士的照片

Mantlo that I took that night, okay? Tell me you wouldnt want to ask her why she did it.

=> 曼托洛,我拿了那晚,好嗎?告訴我,你不想問她為什麼這樣做。

Tell me about the stalking charge brought against you two years ago.

=> 告訴我兩年前對你提出的跟蹤指控。

I asked my neighbor out.

=> 我問我的鄰居。

She overreacted.

=> 她反應過度了。


=> 嗯。


=> 先生。

Polk, can you tell us where you were last night? Home alone.

=> 波爾克,你能告訴我們你昨晚在哪裡嗎?獨自在家。

I know.

=> 我知道。

Not much of an alibi, but I dont care, because I didnt do it.

=> 沒有太多的不在場,但我不在乎,因為我沒有這樣做。

Um, did you know that honey was dripping through the ceiling? Yes.

=> 嗯,你知道蜂蜜是從天花板上滴下來的嗎?是。

Happens sometimes.

=> 有時會發生。

I take it beekeeping is a hobby.

=> 養蜂是我的愛好。

Im writing a book.

=> 我正在寫一本書。

Practical Handbook of Bee Culture with Some Observations Upon the Segregation of the Queen.

=> 蜜蜂文化實用手冊與女王的隔離觀。

Up here.

=> 上面這兒。

Ive just started Chapter 19.

=> 我剛剛開始第19章。

Would you like to hear the last few paragraphs? Did you talk to the police about that scary administrator guy? I have not.

=> 你想聽聽最後幾段嗎?你有沒有和警察談過這個可怕的行政人員?我還沒有。

But I thought that Mr.

=> 但我認為,先生

Polk is a prat, no doubt, but his body language said "sub," not "dom.

=> 波爾克毫無疑問是一個寶貴的人物,但是他的肢體語言卻是「分」,而不是「dom」。

" I dont see him having the berries to take another life.


Why do you suppose you hate your job so much? I dont hate my job.

=> 你為什麼這麼想你呢?我不討厭我的工作。

You have two alarm clocks.

=> 你有兩個鬧鐘。

No one with two alarm clocks loves their job.

=> 沒有兩個鬧鐘的人喜歡他們的工作。

Two alarm clocks means its a chore for you to get up in the morning.

=> 兩個鬧鐘意味著你早上起床很麻煩。

You dont hate what I do, though.

=> 不過,你並不討厭我做什麼。

That much was obvious when we talked to Mr.

=> 當我們和先生談話的時候,這很明顯


=> 波克。

There was a look on your face.

=> 你的臉上有一個看看。

I imagine it was the same look you wore to the O.

=> 我想像著你穿著O的樣子



when you were still a surgeon.

=> 當你還是外科醫生的時候

Youre wrong.

=> 你錯了。

I know my father secured your services for the next six weeks? The simple truth is, I dont need you.

=> 我知道我父親在接下來的六個星期內確保了你的服務?簡單的事實是,我不需要你。

Im finished with drugs.

=> 我完成了毒品。

I wont be using them again.

=> 我不會再使用它們。

My advice? Take a six-week holiday.

=> 我的建議?以六個星期的假期。

I promise I wont tell Papa.

=> 我保證我不會告訴爸爸。

Im gonna need your saliva now.

=> 我現在需要你的唾液。

I take back everything I said last night.

=> 我收回昨晚所說的一切。

You obviously love your job.

=> 你顯然愛你的工作。

Couldnt wait to get started this morning.

=> 迫不及待要開始今天上午。

Open you mouth so I can swab it.

=> 張開你的嘴,讓我可以擦拭它。

If youre on anything, the strip on the cup will turn blue.

=> 如果你在任何東西上,杯子上的條會變成藍色。

I have a I have a new theory about our killer.

=> 我有一個關於殺手的新理論。

I think he may have struck at least once before.

=> 我想他以前可能至少擊中過一次。

I-- who love what I do-- woke up early and couldnt stop thinking about the ring box he stole from Amy Dampiers living room.

=> 我 - 愛我所做的 - 早早醒來,不住地想著他從Amy Dampier客廳里偷走的戒指盒子。

You said it was some sort of trophy.

=> 你說這是某種獎盃。

And you know what flavor of killers takes trophies, dont you? Serial.

=> 而且你知道殺手的味道是怎樣的,不是嗎?串列。

Souvenirs help them differentiate between victims.

=> 紀念品幫助他們區分受害者。

It occurred to me that if Amy wasnt our killers first, though, there might be other cases in common.

=> 我想到,如果艾米不是我們的第一殺手,那麼可能還有其他的共同點。

Eileen Renfro.

=> Eileen Renfro。

Savagely beaten and strangled by an intruder in her Bronx home two years ago.

=> 兩年前,布朗克斯家中的一名闖入者被兇殘的毆打和勒死。

He took a jewelry box on his way out, but left behind a size 11 footprint.

=> 他拿出一個珠寶盒,但留下了11號的足跡。

Drug free.

=> 無毒品。


=> 恭喜。

Especially striking-- the physical similarities between her and Amy.

=> 特別引人注目 - 她和艾米的身體相似之處。

Both were curvaceous with long red hair.

=> 兩人都曲長發紅。

You think the killer has a type? The one significant difference in the cases-- Eileen Renfro survived her attack.

=> 你認為殺手有一個類型?案件中的一個顯著的區別 - 艾琳Renfro倖存了她的攻擊。

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

I can see why you think it might be the same guy.

=> 我可以看出你為什麼認為這可能是同一個人。

- I just dont think I can help you.

=> - 我只是不認為我可以幫你。

- We know from the police report that the man who assaulted you wore a mask.

=> - 從警方的報告中我們知道,毆打你的男人戴著口罩。

That doesnt mean you cant help us identify him.

=> 這並不意味著你不能幫助我們識別他。

Did he say anything to you? No.

=> 他有沒有對你說什麼?沒有。

I came in through my front door, and he was just there.

=> 我從前門進來,他就在那裡。

Did he have a particular scent? Uh I dont think so.

=> 他有特別的氣味嗎?呃我不這麼認為。

Was he tall, short, somewhere in between? I dont know.

=> 他身材矮小,身材矮小嗎?我不知道。

I mean, he was on top of me so quickly, his hands were around my throat.

=> 我的意思是,他這麼快就在我身上,雙手在我的喉嚨里。

And what about the mask? What about it? Was it ski, Mexican wrestling, paper plate? Ski.

=> 那麼面具呢?那怎麼樣?是滑雪,墨西哥摔跤,紙碟?滑雪。


=> 好。


=> 優秀。

So, you got a good look at his eyes.

=> 所以,你好好看看他的眼睛。

Holmes? Two and a half feet? Im twice that distance from you now.


I can see that your eyes are a lovely brown.

=> 我可以看到你的眼睛是一個可愛的棕色。

I think Id like you to leave now.

=> 我想我想讓你現在離開。

Why? Cause I know that youre lying? Mr.

=> 為什麼?因為我知道你在說謊?先生。

Holmes! No.

=> 福爾摩斯!沒有。

She is.

=> 她是。

You can tell by the crucifix.

=> 你可以從十字架上看出來。

You fiddle with it every time I ask you a question.

=> 每當我問你一個問題,你就擺弄它。

Its-its pacifying behavior.

=> 這是安撫行為。

Its just elementary haptic communication.

=> 這只是基本的觸覺通信。

Just read a book, would you? She did see her attackers face.

=> 只是讀一本書,你會嗎?她確實看到了她的攻擊者的臉。

Sherlock! I think she might even know who he is! Get out.

=> 福爾摩斯!我想她可能甚至知道他是誰!出去。

You realize that because you protected him two years ago, you have the blood of an innocent woman on your hands, dont you? Perhaps youd like to go for two or three or four.

=> 你意識到,因為兩年前你保護了他,你手上有一個無辜女人的血,不是嗎?也許你想去兩三四。

Thats enough! Youre done here.

=> 這就夠了!你在這裡完成。

Go wait in the car.

=> 去車裡等。

What a jerk! Im Im really sorry about that.

=> 真是個混蛋!我真的很抱歉

The name of the man who attacked her is Peter Saldua.

=> 襲擊她的人的名字是Peter Saldua。

He was her brothers best friend growing up.

=> 他是她哥哥成長的最好的朋友。

His father was abusive, so her parents took him in his senior year of high school.

=> 他的父親是虐待的,所以她的父母在高中時就把他收養了。

Eileen heard from her brother that he works for a florist in Chelsea.

=> 艾琳從哥哥那裡聽說他在切爾西做花店。

I knew it.

=> 我就知道。

I knew that if I started a row in there, youd come to her defense, and if you came to her defense, she might very well tell you the truth.

=> 我知道,如果我在那裡開了一排,你就會來辯護,如果你來辯護,她可能會告訴你真相。

You are so full of it.

=> 你太滿意了

This is Gregson.

=> 這是格雷格森。

Captain Gregson, Sherlock Holmes.

=> 格雷格森上尉,福爾摩斯。

Im calling because I believe Ive uncovered the name of a strong suspect in the murder of Amy Dampier.

=> 我打電話是因為我相信我發現了殺死艾米·丹皮爾的強烈嫌疑人的名字。

Name wouldnt be Peter Saldua by any chance, would it? How did you know? Cause Im at his house and Im looking at him right now.

=> 名字不會是彼得·索爾杜阿,是嗎?你怎麼知道?因為我在他家,我正在看他。

Are you saying hes in police custody? Technically, yeah.

=> 你是說他在警方拘留?技術上,是的。

Hes all ours.

=> 他是我們的。

Mailman saw the body through the window.

=> 郵遞員從窗戶看到了屍體。

Calls 911, said he thought someone on his route had killed himself.

=> 電話911說,他認為他的路上有人殺了自己。

Turns out he was right.

=> 原來他是對的。

The gun was still in Salduas hand when we got here.

=> 我們到這裡時,槍還在Saldua的手中。

Watch the blood spatter.

=> 觀察血液飛濺。

We found the ring box from Amy Dampiers home, right here.

=> 我們在這裡找到了Amy Dampier家的戒指盒。

Turns out Mantlo and his wife used the florist Saldua worked for.

=> 原來曼特洛和他的妻子曾經使用花店Saldua工作。

They order fresh flowers to the house once a week.

=> 他們每周一次地給房子訂購鮮花。

Saldua was the guy who delivered them.

=> Saldua是交付他們的人。

Explains why she would have let him the other night.

=> 解釋為什麼她會在另一個晚上讓他。

What happened over there? Mixed his colors with his whites? Who knows.

=> 那邊發生了什麼?他的顏色與白人混合?誰知道。

Guy was a nut bar.

=> 蓋伊是一個堅果吧。

Did you already take his phone? It hasnt turned up yet, but it will.

=> 你已經拿了他的電話嗎?它還沒有出現,但會。

You wanted to be the one who found him, didnt you? I dont do what I do for the credit.

=> 你想成為找到他的人,不是嗎?我不做我所做的信用。

Then why do you do it? I would like to thank the police, again, for finding the man who killed my wife.

=> 那你為什麼這樣做?我再次感謝警方找到了殺害我妻子的那個人。

I wouldve liked to seen him stand trial for what he did She had her mole removed when she changed her look.

=> 我本來希望看到他為他所做的事情而受審。她改變了自己的外表時,她的痣被移除了。

It doesnt make any sense.

=> 這沒有任何意義。

She loved that mole.

=> 她愛那個痣。

Before her surgery she turned her head to feature it whenever her picture was taken.

=> 她的手術前,她轉過頭來,每當她的照片被拍下來的時候。

Whered you get those photographs? I reached out to Amys friends via her Facebook page.

=> 你從哪裡得到這些照片?我通過她的Facebook頁面向艾米的朋友伸出了手。

Harrison Polk was right.

=> 哈里森波爾克是正確的。

She was as beautiful before her surgery as she was after, so why bother? What was the point? Another thing.

=> 她在手術之前和以前一樣美麗,為什麼要這樣呢?這是什麼意思?另一件事。

Salduas phone records indicate he used his cell phone constantly.

=> Saldua的電話記錄顯示他經常使用手機。

And yet, three days ago, he just stopped.

=> 然而,三天前,他剛剛停下來。

Didnt make a single call.

=> 沒有打一個電話。

Didnt send a single text.

=> 沒有發送單個文本。

Why? His bank statements meanwhile, theres several checks made out to Dr.

=> 為什麼?與此同時,他的銀行對賬單上還有幾張支票給博士

Roland Jessup, Psychologist.

=> 心理學家Roland Jessup。

He seems worth a talking to, no? No? No, cause he dropped dead of a coronary, 2010.

=> 他似乎值得交談,不是嗎?沒有?不,因為他在2010年死於冠心病。

The Amy Dampier case is over.

=> 艾米·丹皮爾案結束了。

You helped solve it.

=> 你幫忙解決了


=> 沒有。

Somethings off.

=> 有些事情沒有了

I can feel it.

=> 我能感覺到。

Whats that? I got us tickets to the opera tonight.

=> 那是什麼?我今晚拿到了歌劇票。


=> 慶祝。

When your father hired me, he mentioned something about you liking it, so I thought-- I went to Le Grande Macabre once, when I was nine, now Im a buff.

=> 當你的父親僱用我的時候,他提到了一些你喜歡的事情,所以我想 - 我九歲時曾經去過格蘭貝瑪(Le Grande Macabre),現在我變成了一個愛好者。

Im worried about you.

=> 我很擔心你

I think youre making things more complicated than they really are, and it tells me that youre struggling.

=> 我認為你讓事情比現實更複雜,它告訴我你正在掙扎。

No struggle with anything.

=> 沒有與任何事情鬥爭。

Or havent you been paying attention the last few days? Ive been right about everything.

=> 還是你過去幾天沒注意過?我對一切都是正確的。

Actually, you havent.

=> 其實你沒有

The day we met you deduced that I gave up being a surgeon to become a companion because I had lost someone close to me.

=> 我們見到你的那一天推斷,我放棄了做一名外科醫生,成為一名同伴,因為我失去了親近我的人。

The truth is The truth is that you made a mistake during a surgery that cost a patient his life.

=> 事實是,事實是你在手術過程中犯了一個錯誤,使病人喪失了生命。

It takes years of study to become a surgeon, not to mention tremendous ego.

=> 需要多年的學習才能成為一名外科醫生,更不用說巨大的自我了。

Surgeons dont just leave to become addict-sitters.

=> 外科醫生不只是離開成為吸毒者。

Theyre forced out.

=> 他們被迫離開了

And theyre only forced out if they commit the sin of malpractice.

=> 如果他們犯了瀆職罪,他們只會被迫離開。

I knew it would be a sore subject so I made up the bit about your friend to spare your feelings.

=> 我知道這將是一個痛苦的主題,所以我彌補了你的朋友的一點,以免你的感受。

That was very big of you.

=> 那真是太大了

How do you know the patient died? How do you know I didnt just leave him paralyzed or in a coma? The parking ticket! The one you had in your purse.

=> 你怎麼知道病人死了?你怎麼知道我不是讓他癱瘓或昏迷?停車票!你在錢包里的那個。

It was You incurred it two weeks ago near the corner of 86th and Third.

=> 這是你在兩個星期前的第86和第三個角落附近招致的。

The only thing there is Carver Cemetery.

=> 唯一有Carver公墓的是

Obviously you were visiting a grave.

=> 顯然你正在拜訪一個墳墓。

Not a parents grave, of course, Google indicates that theyre both alive and well.

=> 當然,不是父母的墳墓,谷歌表示他們都活著。

Siblings? No.

=> 兄弟姐妹?沒有。

Carver is a paupers field.

=> 卡佛是一個貧窮的領域。

The picture that you keep on your phone of Mum and Dad says that theyre well-to-do.

=> 你在媽媽和爸爸的電話上留下的照片說他們很好。

No sibling of yours would be interred in a place like that.

=> 你的兄弟姐妹不會被埋在這樣的地方。

So a surgeon whos no longer a surgeon, a parking violation incurred outside poor mans cemetery, and two parents who are as moneyed as they are alive.


You add it all up.

=> 你把它全部加起來。

What does it say? You were visiting the grave of the man that you let die on your operating table.

=> 它說什麼?你正在拜訪那個讓你死在手術台上的人的墳墓。

Its so incredible, the way that you can solve people just by looking at them.

=> 這太不可思議了,只要看著他們就可以解決問題。

I noticed you dont have any mirrors around here.

=> 我注意到你在這裡沒有任何鏡子。

And whats that supposed to mean? It means I think you know a lost cause when you see one.

=> 那應該是什麼意思?這意味著我認為當你看到一個失敗的原因時你就知道了。

Tomorrow Ill arrange for a new companion, but tonight Ive got plans.

=> 明天我會安排一個新的同伴,但今晚我有計劃。

Here you go.

=> 幹得好。

Everything your dead shrink had on my dead friend.

=> 你的死亡縮小了我死去的朋友的一切。

You can thank me.

=> 你可以感謝我。

Its dusty.

=> 它是多塵的

The guys been dead almost two years.

=> 那傢伙已經死了差不多兩年了。

His widow had all his stuff in storage.

=> 他的遺had把所有的東西都儲藏起來了。

Youre lucky she even let me take a look.

=> 她很幸運,甚至讓我看看。

According to this, Saldua never told him about the attack on Eileen Renfro.

=> 據此,Saldua從來沒有告訴他有關Eileen Renfro的襲擊事件。

Just that he had an obsession with redhead women, and a tendency towards violence.

=> 只是他對紅頭髮女性痴迷,並且傾向於暴力。

Want something? "Mr.

=> 想要一些東西? 「先生。

Saldua, now obsessed with his own recovery, "has taken to recording our sessions with his phone, so he can listen to them again and again.

=> 現在沉迷於自己的恢復的索爾多,「已經開始用他的電話記錄我們的會議,所以他可以一次又一次地聽他們。

" Has the phone turned up yet? No.


Im starting to think he lost it.

=> 我開始覺得他輸了。

Listen, I got to take a leak.

=> 聽著,我要泄漏。

Keep an eye on this coat, will ya? God, it feels good! Whether its me, or both of us your ass is mine! Youre both dead! Rage.

=> 留意這件外套,會嗎?上帝,感覺很好!無論是我,還是我們雙方你的屁股都是我的!你們都死了!憤怒。

He felt rage.

=> 他感到憤怒。

Watson! Watson! Excuse me.

=> 沃森!沃森!打擾一下。

Oh, my foot! Excuse me.

=> 哦,我的腳!打擾一下。

Peter Saldua felt rage the night he killed Amy Dampier.

=> 彼得·薩爾杜阿(Peter Saldua)在殺死艾米·丹皮爾的那個夜晚感到憤怒。

Now he had some measure of control Youre not here right now.

=> 現在他有一些控制措施你現在不在這裡。

I dont see you.

=> 我沒看見你

I dont hear you Shall I speak up?! He had some measure of control with Eileen Renfro, but not with her.

=> 我沒有聽到你要我說出來嗎?他與Eileen Renfro有一些控制權,但是沒有和她在一起。

Why? Tell me, what exactly, does a Xanax tablet look like? Small, white, ovular-- why? Detective Abreu, please.

=> 為什麼?告訴我,Xanax平板電腦到底是什麼樣的?小,白,卵圓 - 為什麼?請告訴阿布雷烏。


=> 噓。

"Shh" yourself.

=> 「噓」自己。

Not even on key.

=> 甚至沒有關鍵。


=> 阿布雷烏。

Its Sherlock Holmes.

=> 這是福爾摩斯。

Make it quick, Prince Charles.

=> 快點,查爾斯王子。

I was just on my way out.

=> 我剛剛出去。

The pile vial from Salduas desk, I know it was taken into evidence.

=> Saldua的桌子上的小瓶,我知道它被拿來作證。

I need you to find it for me.

=> 我需要你為我找到它。

Hold on.

=> 等一下。

Now what? The pills inside should be white and ovular, but theyre not, are they? Theyre round and pink.

=> 怎麼辦?裡面的藥丸應該是白色和卵白的,但它們不是,是嗎?他們是圓形和粉紅色的。

How did you know? I need a ride, right now.

=> 你怎麼知道?我現在需要搭車。

Im in the middle of something.

=> 我正處於某種東西的中間。

You were right the other day.

=> 你那天是對的。

About Eileen Renfro.

=> 關於Eileen Renfro。

I had no idea she would respond to you the way that she did.

=> 我不知道她會如何回應你。

I just told you I did because I was embarrassed Id lost my temper.

=> 我剛剛告訴你,我做了,因為我很尷尬,我發脾氣了。

Would I have gotten to the truth some other way? Of course, but you got me there faster.

=> 我會以其他方式了解真相嗎?當然,但是你讓我更快。

Now, please, how fast can you get me to Sanbridge Hospital? You were Peter Salduas last therapist, werent you? You started treating him, what, Probably just a few weeks before you talked your wife into all that plastic surgery.

=> 現在請問,你能把我送到三橋醫院多快?你是Peter Saldua最後的治療師,不是嗎?你開始對他進行治療,可能就在你讓你的妻子進入整個整形手術的前幾個星期。

Excuse me? Saldua wanted to fix himself.

=> 打擾一下? Saldua想要修復自己。


=> 博士

Jessup was his first attempt.

=> 傑塞普是他的第一次嘗試。

You were his second.

=> 你是他的第二個。

Its quite a bit of luck, that.

=> 那真是太幸運了。

You, a man with a wife he wanted dead, stumbling across him, a man with an obsessive personality and a history of violence.

=> 你是一個有妻子的男人,他想死了,他磕磕絆絆地坐著,一個有著迷人個性和暴力史的男人。


=> 嗯。

Only problem was, of course, Amy didnt fit his victim profile, did she? But you accounted for that by pressuring her to alter her appearance until she did.

=> 當然,唯一的問題是,艾米不適合他的受害者檔案,是嗎?但是你通過壓她改變自己的外表來解釋它,直到她做到了。


=> 先生。

Holmes, right? We met the other day? Yeah.

=> 福爾摩斯,對吧?我們見過面嗎?是啊。

The pill vial from Salduas home came from you.

=> Saldua家裡的藥瓶來自你。

Sample from the hospital, no doubt.

=> 毫無疑問,來自醫院的樣本。

Almost impossible to trace.

=> 幾乎不可能追查。

He thought he was taking tranquilizers, but he wasnt, was he? He was taking a steroid.

=> 他以為他在服用鎮定劑,但他不是,是嗎?他正在服用類固醇。

You were whipping him into a killing frenzy.

=> 你正在把他弄瘋狂的瘋狂。

A frenzy that only made him more and more confused, more violent, more likely to give in to his terrible compulsions.

=> 一場狂亂使得他越來越困惑,更加暴力,更可能屈服於他的可怕的強迫。

I never even heard the name Peter Saldua until the police told me he was the man who killed Amy.

=> 直到警方告訴我他是殺死艾米的那個人,我才聽說過彼得·索爾杜的名字。


=> 胡說。

I imagine that you took to meeting at odd places at odd times, so youd never be seen together, and then when the time was right you took advantage of his job as a delivery man to place him in Amys orbit.

=> 我想像你是在奇怪的時候開會,所以你們不會一起被人看見,然後當時機成熟時,你們把他的工作當成送貨員,把他放在艾米的軌道上。

You arranged for flowers to be sent to the house once a week, cause you needed him to see her.

=> 你安排花一周送到家,因為你需要他去見她。

You needed him to become obsessed with her.

=> 你需要他迷戀她。

You loaded him like a weapon.

=> 你把他裝得像武器

Then you pointed him squarely at your own wife.

=> 然後你直截了當地指著你自己的妻子。

Youre insane.

=> 你瘋了

No, he was insane, Doctor.

=> 不,他瘋了,醫生。

And you took advantage.

=> 你利用了。

And then after youd murdered him, you made it look like a suicide.

=> 然後你殺了他之後,你看起來像是自殺

You took his phone.

=> 你拿了他的電話。

Why? Well, because hed taken to recording your sessions, as well.

=> 為什麼?那麼,因為他也會記錄你的會話。

Problem? Of course not.

=> 問題?當然不是。

Killing him was always part of the plan.

=> 殺死他總是計劃的一部分。

Youd just take the phone after youd done the deed.

=> 你做完事情之後,你就拿著電話。

Hypothetically, Mr.

=> 假設,先生

Holmes, a man wants out of his marriage to a very wealthy wife.

=> 福爾摩斯,一個男人想要嫁給一個非常富有的妻子。

He knows that during the course of their relationship, he signed a prenuptial agreement that gives him nothing if he leaves her, and a living trust that gives him everything if she dies.

=> 他知道,在他們的關係過程中,他簽署了一份婚前協議,如果他離開了她,什麼也不給他,還有一個活生生的信任,如果她死了,就給他一切。

Hypothetically, wouldnt that man be smarter to look for a way to trigger the clauses in the second document as opposed to the first? What did he say? He said that he did it.

=> 假設,那麼這個男人是不是會更聰明地尋找一種方法來觸發第二個文件中的條款而不是第一個?他說什麼?他說他做到了。

Well, we have to tell the police.

=> 那麼,我們必須告訴警方。

No point.

=> 沒有意義。

We dont have any proof.

=> 我們沒有任何證據。

He knows it.

=> 他知道。

Need your car keys.

=> 需要你的車鑰匙。



Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

Not just for your car, but for the way I spoke to you earlier.

=> 不只是為了你的車,而是我早些時候跟你說過的話。

I knew that the death of your patient would be a sore subject.

=> 我知道你病人的死亡將是一個痛苦的課題。

I just Couldnt help yourself.

=> 我只是無法自拔。

Yeah, Im starting to see how thats kind of a thing with you.

=> 是的,我開始看到你怎麼樣了。

I assume youve told my father about what happened tonight.

=> 我想你已經告訴了我父親今晚發生了什麼事。

Im going to miss that brownstone.

=> 我會想念那個褐石。

Actually, youre not.

=> 其實,你不是。

I spoke with him, and since what you did at the hospital had nothing to do with drugs, hes agreed to give you another chance.

=> 我和他談過話,既然你在醫院做的和毒品無關,他同意給你一個機會。

Youve decided to stay on as my companion, havent you? You never would have agreed if you hadnt Im very pleased Watson.

=> 你決定繼續作為我的同伴,不是嗎?如果你沒有,我永遠不會同意,我很高興沃森。

Oh, for myself, of course, but for you.

=> 哦,對於我自己,當然,但對你。

I happen to think theres some hope for you as an investigator.

=> 我碰巧認為你作為調查人員有一些希望。

I want you to let me in on the rest of the plan.

=> 我希望你讓我參與其餘的計劃。

To get Mantlo.

=> 得到曼特洛。

I know you wouldnt have wrecked my car unless it was part of some elaborate temper tantrum.

=> 我知道你不會破壞我的車,除非它是脾氣暴躁的一部分。


=> 正確。

In that case, I want you to tell me about London.

=> 在這種情況下,我希望你能告訴我關於倫敦的事情。

Big place.

=> 大地方。

Lots of rain.

=> 很多雨。

I want you to tell me about what happened to you in London.

=> 我想讓你告訴我在倫敦發生了什麼事。

Why is it so important to you? Because if Im gonna stay with you, I need to know everything.

=> 為什麼這對你很重要?因為如果我要和你在一起,我需要知道一切。

Actually, you dont need to know anything other than that Im a recovering addict.

=> 其實,除了我是一個正在恢復的癮君子之外,你不需要知道什麼。

You want to know about London because you think itll connect us in a more meaningful way.

=> 你想了解倫敦,因為你認為它會以更有意義的方式把我們聯繫起來。

But in case you hadnt noticed, I dont have meaningful connections.

=> 但是,如果你沒有注意到,我沒有有意義的聯繫。

Why are you smiling? Because now I know it was a woman.

=> 你為什麼笑?因為現在我知道這是一個女人。

What makes you say that? Youre trying too hard.

=> 是什麼讓你這麼說?你太努力了

Just like you were the other day with that tattooed lady.

=> 就像你那天和那個紋身的女士一樣。

All that sexist repellent crap.

=> 所有那些性別歧視的廢話廢話。

You can connect to people.

=> 你可以連接到人。

It just frightens you.

=> 它只是嚇倒你。

My bail hearing is at 9:00 tomorrow.

=> 我的保釋聽證明天是9點。

I trust Ill see you there.

=> 我相信我會在那裡見到你。

Youre late, Miss Watson.

=> 沃森小姐,你遲到了。

That barrister was rubbish.

=> 那位大律師是垃圾。

I need to show you something.

=> 我需要告訴你一些事情。

This is Peter Salduas medical file.

=> 這是Peter Saldua的醫療檔案。

Look under the "known allergies" heading.

=> 看看「已知過敏」標題下。

This was taken the morning his body was found.

=> 這是他的屍體被發現的早晨。

Weird, right? No, actually.

=> 奇怪,對吧?不,實際上。

Not even a little.

=> 一點也不是。


=> 博士

Mantlo? Oh.

=> Mantlo?哦。

Sorry for the wait.

=> 抱歉,久等了。

I appreciate you giving me an opportunity to apologize face-to-face for what happened last night.

=> 我感謝你給我一個機會,為昨晚發生的事情面對面道歉。

I cant promise itll change my mind about suing the department over what your consultant did to my car, but its a start.

=> 我不能保證它會改變我的意見,就是你的顧問對我的車起訴了什麼,但是這是一個開始。

There is, uh, just one thing I wanted to ask you.

=> 呃,我只想問你一件事。

Did you ever treat Peter Saldua as a patient? You have a funny way of saying youre sorry, Captain.

=> 你曾經把Peter Saldua當成病人嗎?上尉,你有一個有趣的方式說你很抱歉。

Its a simple question, Doctor.

=> 醫生,這是一個簡單的問題。


=> 沒有。

I never treated Peter Saldua.

=> 我從來沒有對彼得·索爾杜阿。

I never even met the man.

=> 我從來沒見過這個男人

Now, if thats it, I am late for an appointment with my attorney.

=> 現在,如果是這樣的話,我遲到了和律師的約會。

Detective! You know youre just digging yourself deeper, putting this man in the same room with me? Dr.

=> 偵探!你知道你只是在深入挖掘,把這個人和我放在同一個房間里?博士

Mantlo, this is a medical form completed by Peter Saldua for another of his doctors.

=> 曼托,這是由彼得·索爾杜阿為他的另一位醫生完成的醫療表格。

As Ive told you before, Mr.

=> 正如我以前告訴過你的,先生

Holmes-- I was never My assistant, Miss Watson, was perusing it last night when she very astutely noticed that Saldua had a rather strong allergy to rice.

=> 福爾摩斯 - 我從來沒有做過我的助理,華生小姐,昨天晚上她仔細的注意到,薩爾杜阿對大米有過敏反應。

This is ridiculous.

=> 這是荒唐的。


=> 嗯。

As I was saying, Miss Watson noticed Salduas allergy to rice, so you can imagine her confusion when she remembered seeing a sack of the stuff sitting on one of his shelves.

=> 正如我所說,沃森小姐注意到薩爾達對大米的過敏,所以當她想起看到一堆東西坐在他的貨架上的時候,你可以想像她的困惑。

We also found a credit card receipt that told us he had bought it exactly three days before his death.

=> 我們還發現一張信用卡收據,告訴我們他已經在他死前三天才買了。

Odd that, right? Him going to the store and buying the one thing hes allergic to.

=> 奇怪的是,對不對?他去商店購買他過敏的東西。

Odder still, it was the same day he stopped using his cell phone.

=> 呃,還是那天,他停止使用他的手機。

First, I thought that was by choice.

=> 首先,我認為這是由選擇。

Then I remembered the overturned washing machine.

=> 然後我想起了被推翻的洗衣機。

What does a bag of rice and an overturned washing machine have to do with anything? I was wrong the other day when I accused you of taking Salduas phone after you murdered him.

=> 一袋米飯和一個翻轉的洗衣機與什麼有關?那天我錯了,當我指責你殺了他之後服用了Saldua的電話。

You wanted to take it, but you couldnt, could you? Cause you couldnt find it.

=> 你想拿走,但是你不能,可以嗎?因為你找不到它。

He laundered it, you see? Left it in his pocket when he put his trousers in the wash.

=> 他洗了,你明白嗎?把褲子放在洗衣袋裡放在口袋裡。

But the time he realized, it was too late.

=> 但是他意識到的時間已經太晚了。

The phone that hed turned into a virtual library of his therapy sessions was no longer functional.

=> 他變成虛擬圖書館的電話已經失效了。

Furious with himself and suffering the effects of what he couldnt possibly have known was steroid intoxication, he destroyed the washer in a fit of rage.

=> 他對自己感到憤怒,並遭受了他不可能知道的類固醇中毒的後果,於是憤怒地摧毀了洗衣機。

And then he went to the nearest grocers and purchased a bag of rice.

=> 然後他去了最近的雜貨店買了一袋米飯。

Rice, as youre apparently not aware, is a natural desiccant.

=> 大米,你顯然不知道,是一種天然的乾燥劑。

It can be used to absorb moisture from electronic devices that have been immersed in water.

=> 它可以用來吸收浸入水中的電子設備的水分。

We went to Salduas home this morning and examined his bag of rice.

=> 我們今天早上去了Saldua家,檢查了他的一袋米飯。

Youll never guess what we found inside.

=> 你永遠不會猜到我們在裡面找到什麼。

Her name is Amy.

=> 她的名字是艾米。

And, um, when I see her, I get these feelings, and I Please, Dr.

=> 而且,當我看到她的時候,我得到了這些感覺,我請,Dr.

Mantlo, you need to help me.

=> 曼托,你需要幫助我。

You need to tell me how to stop myself from hurting her.

=> 你需要告訴我如何阻止自己傷害她。

I dont want to hurt her.

=> 我不想傷害她

Please! Its okay, Peter.

=> 請!沒關係,彼得。

Its Its okay.

=> 這沒關係。

Im here for you.

=> 我在這裡為你。

Lets try upping your meds, see where that leads us.

=> 讓我們試試看你的藥水,看看我們在哪裡。

now the two-one count.

=> 現在是二人數。

Theres a drive deep into center field! That has got to be Yes! A home run for Ryerson Can we please go to dinner now? Its the bottom of the ninth, the Mets are within one, and no one is out.

=> 有一個深入中心場的驅動器!那肯定是的!瑞爾森的全壘打我們現在可以去吃晚飯嗎?這是第九名的底部,大都會是在一個,沒有人出去。

You said you were gonna watch with me to make up for last night.


Thats before I got hungry.

=> 那是在我餓了之前。

Yeah, well, just because you dont understand something doesnt mean it isnt awesome, okay? Actually, Miss Watson, quite familiar with the American pastime.

=> 是啊,就因為你不明白的東西並不意味著它不可怕,好嗎?其實,華生小姐對美國人的消遣很熟悉。

The other addicts at Hemdale would often gather in the common room to watch the matches on the telly.

=> Hemdale的其他吸毒者往往聚集在公共休息室觀看電視上的比賽。

Theyre not "matches," theyre "games.

=> 他們不是「比賽」,他們是「比賽」。

" Truth be told, I find the science of the sport quite fascinating.


All of the statistical analysis, all of the strategy.

=> 所有的統計分析,所有的策略。

So if youll allow me to save us both a little time Here he comes again.

=> 所以,如果你能讓我挽救我們兩個小時,他又來了。

Pop up to center.

=> 彈出中心。

Intentional walk, game-ending double play.

=> 故意散步,遊戲結束雙重打法。

Final score-- Reds of Cincinnati-- three, Metropolitans of New York-- two.

=> 最後的得分 - 辛辛那提紅人 - 三,紐約都市人 - 兩人。

Yeah, right.

=> 對,對。

Nice try.

=> 不錯的嘗試。

A high fly ball again Ill meet you at the door.

=> 高飛球,我會在門口見到你。

caught Elvis Costello: Watchin the Detectives Bottom of the ninth Theres a ground ball, right behind second No! Oh! Damn! Nice girls, not one little defect Cellophane shrink-wrapped, so correct Red dogs under illegal legs She looks so good that he gets down and begs Shes watchin the detectives

=> 抓住了埃爾維斯·科斯特洛:看著第九名的偵探底部有一個地面球,在第二後面沒有!哦!該死的!好女孩,不是一個小缺點玻璃紙收縮包裝,所以正確的紅色狗在非法腿下她看起來如此之好,他下來,乞求她在看著偵探


[美劇] 殭屍國度/Z Nation 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
已完結美劇整理(補番推薦) – 最後更新2017.10

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