
[美劇] 潛龍諜影/Legends 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 潛龍諜影/Legends 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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故事描述中情局深度卧底組(Deep Cover Operations,簡稱D.C.O.)特工Martin Odum(Sean Bean)擁有超出常人想像的適應能力——無論執行任何任務,他都能完美地將自己「轉化」成不同形象、不同性格的人,從而成功混入敵人內部。然而一個神秘的陌生人聲稱Odum並不是真正的Odum,令Odum開始質疑自己的真實身份,整個事件變得撲朔迷離。[展開全文]

故事描述中情局深度卧底組(Deep Cover Operations,簡稱D.C.O.)特工Martin Odum(Sean Bean)擁有超出常人想像的適應能力——無論執行任何任務,他都能完美地將自己「轉化」成不同形象、不同性格的人,從而成功混入敵人內部。然而一個神秘的陌生人聲稱Odum並不是真正的Odum,令Odum開始質疑自己的真實身份,整個事件變得撲朔迷離。


A very sophisticated explosive device A group calling itself the Citizens Army of Virginia if you can imagine this, - were larger - known only as the Founding Father.

=>一個非常複雜的爆炸裝置一個自稱是弗吉尼亞公民軍的團體,如果你能想像得到的話 - 是更大的 - 只被稱為創始人之父。

They were trying to move people out of the way has claimed responsibility for the bombing did go off.

=> 他們試圖讓人們走開,聲稱對這起爆炸事件負責。

It did the damage which has so far taken the lives of 57 people.

=> 它造成了迄今為止57人喪生的危害。

_ Dittmann, hold your fire.

=> 迪特曼,抱著你的火。

Streeter wants to see you.

=> Streeter想見你。

Me? You.

=> 我?您。


=> 現在。

I got Lincoln Dittmann here, boss.

=> 老闆,我在這裡得到了林肯迪特曼。

Whats the matter? You all look like your d-dog died or something.

=> 怎麼了?你們都看起來像你的狗狗死了或什麼的。

Some kind of problem? Russell here thinks so.

=> 某種問題?羅素在這裡認為是這樣。

He says youve been talking trash about the Citizens Army of Virginia.

=> 他說你一直在談論有關弗吉尼亞公民軍的垃圾。

Oh, you think thats funny? Come on, Russell.

=> 哦,你覺得這很有趣?來吧,羅素。

All I said was Im tired of shooting p-p-paper targets.

=> 我所說的是我厭倦了拍攝p-p紙的目標。

I came here cause I heard you were the ones who blew up that federal building in Wichita, but all Ive seen so far is a bunch of wannabes who dont want to do anything real.

=> 我來到這裡是因為我聽說你是那些在威奇托(Wichita)吹起聯邦大樓的人,但是到目前為止我所見過的只是一群不想做任何事情的人。

The Founding Fathers gonna change all that.

=> 創始人的父親會改變這一切。

The F-F-Founding Father? Thats right.

=> F-F-Founding的父親?那就對了。

Hes ready to start a fire thats gonna burn down the so-called government.

=> 他準備發動一場將燒毀所謂的政府的火災。

Well all I can say is, what took him so long? I mean, thats all Ive been waiting for since I got here, the chance to blow some shit up.

=> 那麼我只能說,是什麼讓他這麼久?我的意思是,自從我來到這裡,我就一直在等待這個機會。

Im in.

=> 算我一個。

You just tell me what you need me to do.

=> 你只是告訴我你需要我做什麼。

Ill do it.

=> 我會做的。

Anything, okay? Anything.

=> 任何事情,好嗎?任何東西。

Even die? Talk is talk, and you sure talk a lot.

=> 甚至死亡?談話是談話,你肯定會說很多。

But how far are you willing to go for the cause? I worked c-construction for 15 years.

=> 但是你願意為這個事業走多遠呢?我工作了15年。

Then they gave my job to some wetback.

=> 然後他們把我的工作交給了一些人。

My wife left me, took my daughter with her.

=> 我的妻子離開了我,帶走了我的女兒。

I aint got nothing to lose.

=> 我沒有什麼可失去的。

Lifes a bitch, Lincoln.

=> 生活是一個婊子,林肯。

But no one trash-talks the Citizens Army of Virginia.

=> 但沒有人會說弗吉尼亞公民軍。

You got big balls, Lincoln.

=> 林肯,你有大球。

Ill give you that.

=> 我會給你的。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

Is this how this works? Huh? Does that mean Im in? It means the Founding Father wants to meet you.

=> 這是如何工作的?咦?這是否意味著我在?這意味著創始人想見你。

Well, when? Tomorrow.

=> 那麼,什麼時候?明天。

What the hell? This is the ATF.

=> 我勒個去?這是ATF。

Get on the ground! Hands on your head and drop your weapons! ATF! Streeter, we got to get you out of here.

=> 開始吧!把手放在你的頭上,放下你的武器! ATF! Streeter,我們必須讓你離開這裡。

Come on! Come on! - Lets go! This way! - ATF! Get on the ground! Id have appreciated a heads-up the ATF was coming.

=> 來吧!來吧! - 我們走吧!這條路! - ATF!開始吧!我希望ATF即將上台。

I didnt know.

=> 我不知道

I have no idea why theyre here.

=> 我不知道他們為什麼在這裡。

Lose the gun, Russell.

=> 失去槍,羅素。

Lose it.

=> 失去它。

Put your hands on your head.

=> 把你的手放在你的頭上。

Do it now.

=> 現在做。

Dont move! Do not even breathe! Easy, boys.

=> 不要動!不要呼吸!容易,男孩。


=> 我是聯邦調查局

Covert Operations.

=> 隱蔽行動。

And hes with me.

=> 他和我在一起

Clearance code Foxtrot-Echo-Zulu.

=> 清關代碼Foxtrot-Echo-Zulu。

Dispatch, I need cover code confirmation.

=> 調度,我需要封面代碼確認。


=> 狐步回聲 - 祖魯。

Copy that.

=> 收到。

Checking now.

=> 現在檢查。

Six months.

=> 六個月。

Thats how long Ive been under, six months.

=> 這是我六個月以下的時間。

And you blow my cover for a weapons bust.

=> 而你吹我的掩護武器半身像。

Foxtrot-Echo-Zulu cleared, sir.

=> Foxtrot-Echo-Zulu清除了,先生。

We came here to serve a warrant to seize illegal firearms.

=> 我們來到這裡是為了逮捕非法槍支的手令。

Were not taking the fall for this.

=> 我們並沒有為此而墮落。

Youre more worried about covering your ass than stopping a terrorist attack.

=> 你更擔心的是掩蓋你的屁股而不是制止恐怖襲擊。

What are you talking about? What terrorist attack? Grenade! So, who are you? Martin Odum.

=> 你在說什麼?什麼恐怖襲擊?手榴彈!所以,你是誰?馬丁·奧德姆

Call it in.

=> 調用它。

_ Hey, kid.

=> _嘿,小子。

Dad! Come here.

=> 爸!過來。

Hey, look at you.

=> 嘿,看看你。

I didnt know you were coming.

=> 我不知道你會來。

I missed you.

=> 我很想念你。

Im sorry I didnt call, but I thought about you every day.

=> 對不起,我沒有打電話,但是我每天都在想你。

Did you get em? The bad guys? Yeah.

=> 你收到了嗎?壞人?是啊。

Yeah, I got em.

=> 是的,我得到了他們。

- I knew you would.

=> - 我知道你會的。

- Wow, look at you.

=> - 哇,看著你。

Six months, you mustve grown a foot.

=> 六個月,你一定會長大的。

A half inch since you left.

=> 離開你半英寸

Ive been keeping track.

=> 我一直在跟蹤。

And, Dad, I can do this trick with the ball where I can, like, flip it.

=> 而且,爸爸,我可以用這個球我可以做,就像翻轉它一樣。

I mean, I can almost do it, but I just need to work on it.

=> 我的意思是,我幾乎可以做到,但我只需要努力就可以了。

Yeah, I saw you.

=> 是的,我看到你了。


=> 馬丁。

Hi, Sonya.

=> 嗨,索尼婭。

Hey, I, uh just brought around your check.

=> 嘿,我,呃只是帶著你的支票。

Go inside so I can talk to your dad, honey.

=> 走進去,我可以跟你爸爸說話,親愛的。

- Mom, he just got here.

=> 媽媽他剛到這裡

- Thats okay, Aiden.

=> - 沒關係,艾登

I cant stay.

=> 我不能留下。

Listen, maybe Ill cook you dinner tomorrow night, huh? Chinese.

=> 聽著,也許明天晚上我會為你做晚飯吧?中文。

- Huh? - Awesome.

=> - 呃? - 真棒

Cant wait.

=> 不能等。

See you then.

=> 回頭見。

Didnt know you were back.

=> 不知道你回來了

Im sorry.

=> 對不起。

I shouldve You cant just pop back up after months of being gone and expect everything to be the same.

=> 我應該已經過去了幾個月,你不能再彈出來,並期待一切都是一樣的。

- Theyre not.

=> - 他們不是。

- Im sorry.

=> - 對不起。

Ill get going.

=> 我會走的。

Martin, you signed the check Lincoln Dittmann? What? You signed the check Lincoln Dittmann.

=> 馬丁,你簽了檢查林肯迪特曼?什麼?你簽了檢查林肯Dittmann。

_ _ _ _ _ Martin, where you going? Hey, your grocery! Yeah.

=> _馬丁,你去哪裡?嘿,你的雜貨店!是啊。

Its Russell.

=> 這是羅素。

I told you not to use this number.

=> 我告訴過你不要用這個號碼

You dumped Lincolns cell.

=> 你傾倒了林肯的牢房。

How else am I supposed to contact you? Im calling from a pay phone anyway.

=> 我還有什麼要和你聯繫?無論如何,我都是從付費電話打來的。

What do you want, Russell? Streeter reached out to me this morning.

=> 你想要什麼,羅素? Streeter今天早上伸出了手。

The Citizens Army is back in business.

=> 公民軍恢復營業。

Russell, be smart for once in your life.

=> 拉塞爾,在你的生活中一度聰明。

Walk away.

=> 走開。

The Founding Father wants a sit-down with Lincoln Dittmann.

=> 創始人的父親想要和林肯·迪特曼一起坐下來。


=> 面對面。


=> 明天。

Sit-down for what? Streeter says after the ATF raid, we got to hit back hard.

=> 坐下來什麼?斯特里特在ATF襲擊後說,我們必須努力回擊。

He says this is the big one, what they were planning before.

=> 他說這是他們之前計劃的大事。

Ill make the arrangements.

=> 我會做安排。

_ How long has Russell Stillman - been your C.

=> _拉塞爾·斯蒂爾曼多久了 - 是你的C.



? - Two years.

=>? - 兩年

Hes the one who got me into the Citizens Army in the first place.

=> 他是第一個把我帶入公民軍的人。

How do you know theyre not using him to set a trap? I dont.

=> 你怎麼知道他們不用他來設陷阱?我不。

But thats a chance weve got to take.

=> 但是,這是我們必須採取的一個機會。

Heres the status on the Bellevue case.

=> 這是Bellevue案件的狀態。

Whats he doing here? Lincoln Dittmanns still in play.

=> 他在這裡做什麼?林肯·迪特曼仍然在發揮。

The Founding Father wants to meet Dittmann - tomorrow in Chicago.

=> 建國之父想在明天在芝加哥見到迪特曼。




=> 框。

He wants Lincoln to meet him at a strip club outside OHare tomorrow afternoon.

=> 他希望林肯明天下午在奧黑爾外的脫衣舞俱樂部見他。

Sir, that mess in Virginia happened because Martin refused to loop us in.

=> 主席先生,弗吉尼亞州的混亂是因為馬丁拒絕讓我們進入。

Nothing from you in six months, not a word.

=> 六個月沒有你,沒有一個字。

Then I get a call that you crash an ATF weapons bust, and Im still cleaning up after you.

=> 然後我接到一個電話,告訴你ATF武器破裂,而且我還在清理之後。

The last time I looped you in, one of your people blew my cover.

=> 我最後一次把你卷進去,你的一個人吹了我的封面。

So forgive me if I didnt send you a memo.

=> 所以請原諒我,如果我不給你一個備忘錄。

Martin, can you give us a moment, please? Excuse me.

=> 馬丁,你能給我們一下嗎?打擾一下。

I have tried running him for two years.

=> 我已經嘗試了兩年的時間。

It doesnt work.

=> 它不起作用。

Youre acting like we got a choice in this.

=> 你的表現就像我們在這方面有一個選擇。

Hes got some kind of personality disorder.

=> 他有某種人格障礙

Three out of four shrinks on the committee found him unfit for duty.

=> 委員會四分之三的人認為他不適合執勤。

What did the fourth shrink say? "That hes the most naturally gifted "deep cover operative that weve got and maybe the best that weve ever had.

=> 第四縮水是什麼意思? 「他是我們擁有的最自然而有天賦的」封面作品,也許是我們曾經擁有的最好的作品。

" Crystal, were talking about an imminent attack on U.





=> 泥。

Now, I know were taking a risk in reactivating him, but Im more concerned about the risk if we dont.

=> 現在,我知道我們正在冒險重新激活他,但是如果我們不這樣做,我更關心風險。

You need to debrief my group.

=> 你需要聽我的小組。

Before you do, just wipe that smirk off your face.

=> 在你做之前,把臉上的笑容抹掉。

Just trying to be civil.

=> 只是想成為公民。

Do not patronize me.

=> 不要光顧我。

How long do you plan on being pissed off at me? I run Field Ops.

=> 你計劃生氣多久?我跑野戰行動。

One of my people goes off the grid, it makes me look bad.

=> 我的一個人離開了電網,這讓我看起來很糟糕。

I didnt mean to undermine your authority.

=> 我不是故意削弱你的權威。

What did you think would happen when you went AWOL? Im sorry.

=> 當你去了AWOL,你覺得會發生什麼?對不起。

Im also curious.

=> 我也很好奇

That the only reason youre mad at me? Dont flatter yourself, Martin.

=> 你生我的唯一原因是?不要恭維你自己,馬丁。

We were consenting adults.

=> 我們同意成年人。

We made a mistake.

=> 我們犯了一個錯誤。

Happens every day.

=> 每天都會發生。

Today true patriots fought back against the so-called president, who is a puppet for international bankers We dont even know who he is, except that he calls himself the Founding Father.

=> 今天,真正的愛國者反擊所謂的總統,誰是國際銀行家的傀儡我們甚至不知道他是誰,除了他自稱為開國元勛。

Hes the most dangerous domestic terrorist in the country.

=> 他是國內最危險的國內恐怖分子。

And now hes gonna try to top himself.

=> 而現在他會努力去爭取自己。

Except that were no closer to finding him now than we were three years ago.

=> 除此之外,我們現在已經不像三年前那樣接近尋找他了。

Well, it sounds like Odum got close.

=> 那麼,這聽起來像奧德姆接近。

The guys a rock star.

=> 那傢伙是個搖滾明星

Sure, Odum was good.

=> 當然,奧德姆很好。

But he shouldve been put out to pasture a long time ago.

=> 但是他很早以前就應該放牧了。

And Im not the only one who thinks so.

=> 我不是唯一這樣想的人。

Dont let me stop you, Buchanan.

=> 布坎南,別讓我阻止你。

Im done.

=> 我受夠了。

Martin, this is Maggie Harris.

=> 馬丁,這是瑪姬哈里斯。

She joined the team last month to help out Bobby with analytics and field support.

=> 她上個月加入了這個團隊,幫助鮑比分析和現場支持。

Hi, Maggie.

=> 嗨,瑪姬。

We actually have something in common.

=> 我們實際上有一些共同點。

Im an Air Force brat, too.

=> 我也是一名空軍小子。

- Oh.

=> - 哦。

- Only my father was never stationed overseas, so I didnt get a cool accent out of the deal.

=> - 只有我的父親從未在海外駐紮,所以我沒有得到一個很酷的口音。

Lots to cover, lets get started.

=> 很多,我們開始吧。

Russell Stillman, former member of the Aryan Brotherhood, until he found God.

=> 雅利安兄弟會的前成員羅素·斯蒂爾曼直到找到了上帝。

Became the best asset Ive ever recruited.

=> 成為我所招募的最好的資產。

Ellroy Streeter.

=> Ellroy Streeter。

The Founding Fathers top lieutenant.

=> 創始人父親的中尉。

Tossed by the 82nd Airborne for striking his superior officer.

=> 第82空降轟炸他的上級軍官。

If youre meeting Streeter tomorrow, we dont have a lot of time to work out tac support.

=> 如果你明天見到Streeter,我們沒有太多的時間去做tac支持。

Ill make sure the follow team gets to you within two minutes.

=> 我會確保隨後的隊伍在兩分鐘內到達你。

Make it five.

=> 做五個。

- Two minutes is standard.

=> - 兩分鐘是標準的。

- Streeter knows counter-surveillance.

=> Streeter知道反監視。

Two minutes is too close.

=> 兩分鐘太近了。

Im down with the whole respect-your-enemy drill, but arent you giving these guys too much credit? Martin knows these guys better than any of us, plus hes the one thats inside.

=> 我完全尊重你的敵人演習,但是你不是給了這些人太多的信任嗎?馬丁比我們任何人都更了解這些人,再加上他就是那個人。

Its his call.

=> 這是他的電話。

- Fine.

=> - 很好

Five minutes.

=> 5分鐘。

- Before they activate Dittmann, theyre gonna dig deeper into his - background.

=> - 在他們激活迪特曼之前,他們會深入挖掘他的背景。

- Yeah, we need to build up - his history.

=> - 是的,我們需要建立起他的歷史。

- Its already built.

=> - 它已經建成。

In here.

=> 在這裡。

Then start sharing, because youre not flying solo anymore.

=> 然後開始分享,因為你不再單獨飛行。

Lincoln was a demolitions engineer for a - construction company in Arizona.

=> 林肯是亞利桑那州一家建築公司的拆遷工程師。

- Come on, set those charges.

=> - 來吧,設置這些費用。

He was good at his job.

=> 他擅長工作。

But his job took him away from home so much that his wife finally left him.

=> 但他的工作讓他離家太遠了,他的妻子終於離開了他。

He tried getting her to take him back.

=> 他試圖讓她把他帶回來。

But it was too late.

=> 但為時已晚。

So he lost his wife.

=> 所以他失去了他的妻子。

Then the recession hit and he lost his job.

=> 然後,經濟衰退打擊,他失去了他的工作。

He took it hard.

=> 他努力了。

Couldnt get back on his feet.

=> 無法站起來。

Got upside-down on his mortgage, buried in debt.

=> 他的抵押貸款倒過來,埋在債務。

- Children? - A daughter.

=> - 孩子? - 一個女兒。


=> 艾莉五月。

- Oh, and Ellie-May has special needs.

=> 哦,Ellie-May有特別的需求。

- What in the hell are you - talking about? - Ellie, dinners ready, honey.

=> - 你到底在說什麼? - 艾莉,晚餐準備好了,親愛的。

Lincoln is socially awkward, highly insecure.

=> 林肯在社交上尷尬,高度不安全。

Hes got a persecution complex and a stutter.

=> 他有一個迫害複雜和口吃。

If hes that angry, there should be a record.

=> 如果他生氣,應該有記錄。

Im building up his e-mails, and Ill post backdated comments in chat rooms.

=> 我正在建立他的電子郵件,我會在聊天室里發表回復的評論。

As his savings dried up, his writing grew more strident.

=> 隨著他的儲蓄枯竭,他的寫作變得越來越刺耳。

More extreme.

=> 更極端。

Im giving him a credit history that shows him falling behind on bills, getting deeper into debt.

=> 我給了他一個信用記錄,顯示他在賬單上落後,進一步陷入債務。

Its not fair.

=> 這不公平。

I did everything right.

=> 我做了一切正確的。

Learned a trade, worked hard.

=> 學了一筆交易,辛苦了。

I deserve b-better What? You stuttered and your accent changed.

=> 我值得b-更好什麼?你結結巴巴,你的口音改變了。

You didnt notice? Go home.

=> 你沒有注意到?回家。

Well backfill the legend.

=> 我們將回填圖例。

Hey, this is Aiden.

=> 嘿,這是艾登。

You missed me.

=> 你想我。

Leave a message.

=> 留言。

Hi, Aiden.

=> 嗨,艾登

Its Dad.

=> 這是爸爸

Um look, Im really, really sorry, but Ive-Ive got some bad news.

=> 嗯,看,我真的很抱歉,但是我有一些壞消息。

Somethings come up and they need me back at work.

=> 有些東西出現了,他們需要我回去工作。

Um I dont think Im gonna be able to get together with you tomorrow, but, listen, I will make it up to you.

=> 嗯,我不認為我明天會和你在一起,但是,聽著,我會補償你的。

Give me a call when you get this.

=> 當你得到這個時給我一個電話。

I love you, son.

=> 我愛你,兒子。

What the hell are you talking about? You dont know where your life begins and your legend ends.


Who are you? I dont know.

=> 你是誰?我不知道。

Who are you? Who do you think you are? You really think youre Martin Odum? There is no Martin Odum.

=> 你是誰?你以為你是誰?你真的認為你是馬丁·奧德姆?沒有馬丁奧德姆。

Hes a legend.

=> 他是一個傳奇。

Everything about him is fake.

=> 關於他的一切都是假的。

Trust no one.

=> 不要相信任何人。

No one! Trying to give yourself a heart attack? Prevent one.

=> 沒有人!試圖給自己一個心臟病發作?防止一個。

My cholesterol sucks, and my doctor says I need to do more cardio.

=> 我的膽固醇很爛,我的醫生說我需要做更多的心臟功能。

I hate the gym.

=> 我討厭健身房。

Need a favor, Bobby.

=> Bobby,需要幫忙。

Well, technically, you outrank me, so you can just order me to do that.

=> 那麼,從技術上講,你勝過我,所以你可以讓我這樣做。

This is off book.

=> 這是關閉的書。

Just between us.

=> 就在我們之間。

Im hoping you can clean this up enough to make an ID.

=> 我希望你可以清理這個足夠的ID作出。

Its from a subway security camera.

=> 它來自地鐵安全攝像頭。

Whats this about? Maybe nothing.

=> 這是關於什麼的?也許沒什麼。

Probably nothing.

=> 可能沒什麼。

But just keep it Between us.

=> 但是保持它在我們之間。

Got it.

=> 得到它了。

Let me just download it to my hard drive and Okay, stop it there.

=> 讓我把它下載到我的硬碟,好吧,停在那裡。

Ill run it through facial recognition and get back to you when I have something.

=> 我會通過面部識別來運行它,當我有東西的時候回到你身邊。

Thanks, Bobby.

=> 謝謝,鮑比。

Martin I know you dont think so, but its a good thing, letting us watch your back tomorrow.

=> 馬丁我知道你不這麼認為,但是這是一件好事,讓我們明天看你的後背。

Were gonna stop these guys.

=> 我們要阻止這些人

Right? Dont worry, Bobby.

=> 對?別擔心,鮑比。

Well get em.

=> 我們會得到他們。

Your flights in two hours.

=> 你的航班在兩個小時內

Well be an hour behind you.

=> 我們會在你身後一個小時。

The Chicago field office is prepped for your arrival.

=> 芝加哥現場辦公室準備好您的到來。

Streeter will have eyes on it.

=> 斯特里特將會看到它。

Im not going anywhere near there.

=> 我不會去附近的任何地方。

Just make sure you stay in contact.

=> 只要確保你保持聯繫。

Lincolns debit card, ID, cell phone, picture of his daughter.

=> 林肯的借記卡,身份證,手機,他女兒的照片。

Streeter sent a plane ticket to Dittmanns P.

=> 斯特里特送了一張飛機票給迪特曼的P



box in Phoenix.

=> 鳳凰衛視

Already in there.

=> 已經在那裡。

Dittmanns boarding pass - and baggage claim receipt.

=> 迪特曼的登機證和行李領取收據。

- Im impressed.

=> - 我印象深刻。

Well, hopefully the Founding Father will be, too.

=> 那麼,希望國父也會。

Omnidirectional mic with a built-in GPS pulse.

=> 帶有內置GPS脈衝的全向麥克風。


=> 啊。

A leash.

=> 皮帶。

A lifeline.

=> 一條生命線。

I told you, Streeter has a serious hard-on about counter-surveillance.

=> 我告訴過你,斯特里特在反偵察方面有嚴重的困難。

Put it on, keep it on.

=> 穿上它,保持它。

When you make contact with the Founding Father, Ill send in the tac team.

=> 當你和創始人聯繫的時候,我會派出隊伍。

Well be five minutes from the strip club.

=> 我們會離脫衣舞俱樂部五分鐘。


=> 是啊。

Flight 425 to Savannah, final boarding.

=> 425航班到薩凡納,最後登機。

Guys You guys.

=> 夥計們你們。

Hey, buddy, hurry up.

=> 嗨,夥計,快點。

I got a plane to catch! Ill be right out.

=> 我有一架飛機趕上!我馬上就出來

Streeter and Rand are approaching now.

=> Streeter和Rand現在正在接近。

Copy that.

=> 收到。

We got eyes on you.

=> 我們看到你了。

Hey! That was crazy back in V-Virginia.

=> 嘿!這在弗吉尼亞州是瘋了。

Give Rand the car keys.

=> 給蘭德汽車鑰匙。

The Founding Father? Hes really gonna meet us here? Stop asking so many damn questions.

=> 建國之父?他真的要在這裡見到我們?別再問這麼多該死的問題了。

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

- What is it? - I dont know if this is a problem, but just in case its a problem Russell Stillmans supposed to check in with me every hour, right? Yeah.

=> - 它是什麼? - 我不知道這是否是一個問題,但為了防止羅素·斯蒂爾曼(Russell Stillman)應該每小時跟我一起檢查,是嗎?是啊。

Five minutes late.

=> 遲到五分鐘

Crystal, we may have a situation here.

=> 水晶,我們可能在這裡有一個情況。

Stillman hasnt checked in.

=> Stillman沒有檢查。

Check his motel room.

=> 檢查他的汽車旅館房間。

Be discreet.

=> 要謹慎。

If hes not there, find him.

=> 如果他不在,找到他。

_ Tell me again You believe in the cause, Russell? Youre the Founding Father.

=> _再次告訴我你信仰的原因,羅素?你是創始人。

I believe in you, and you gotta know Im not a traitor.

=> 我相信你,你知道我不是叛徒。

Neither is Lincoln.

=> 林肯也不是。

Data can be planted records manipulated.

=> 數據可以被種植記錄操縱。

People people always tell the truth in the end.

=> 人們總是說實話。


=> 沒有。

No! Thanks.

=> 沒有!謝謝。

Our people checked Stillmans motel room, and theres evidence of a struggle.

=> 我們的人員檢查了斯蒂爾曼的汽車旅館房間,並有證據表明有一場鬥爭。

Okay, if they break Stillman, Martins dead.

=> 好的,如果他們打破斯蒂爾曼,馬丁死了。

Isnt there a way we can pull him out? No.

=> 我們能把他拉出來嗎?沒有。

Wed lose our only chance of stopping this attack.

=> 我們將失去阻止這一攻擊的唯一機會。

He has to know that he may have been compromised.

=> 他必須知道他可能已經妥協了。

Hes already under, Maggie.

=> 他已經在了,瑪姬。

Theres no way to make contact.

=> 沒有辦法聯繫。

Not necessarily.

=> 不必要。


=> 嘿。

Give me the keys.

=> 把鑰匙給我

Crystal, what are you doing? Next up weve got Lovely Linda on the main stage.

=> 水晶,你在做什麼?接下來,我們在主舞台上找到了可愛的琳達。

Hey Isnt she supposed to c-call? Just sit back and enjoy the view.

=> 嘿,她不應該打電話嗎?坐下來欣賞風景。

Hey, boys.

=> 嘿,男孩。

Which one of you wants to help the economy with a private dance? Im Star.

=> 你們哪一個想用私人舞蹈來幫助經濟?我是明星

Whats your name, sweetie? His names Lincoln.

=> 親愛的,你叫什麼名字?他的名字是林肯。


=> 哦。

Well, Lincoln here he looks like he could use a little TLC.

=> 那麼,林肯在這裡,他看起來像他可以使用一個小薄層色譜。

What the hells she doing? TLC tatas, - legs and, uh - Park the mouth, Mehta.

=> 她到底在做什麼? TLC tatas, - 腿,呃 - 把嘴停下來,Mehta。

Dont you worry, sweetheart.

=> 你不用擔心,親愛的。

You just watch.

=> 你只是看。

Let me do the work.

=> 讓我做這個工作。

Dont insult the lady, Lincoln.

=> 林肯,別侮辱那位女士。

One song.

=> 一首歌。

Change your life.

=> 改變你的生活。

Go get her.

=> 去找她吧

I had to talk to you.

=> 我不得不和你說話。


=> 小心。

Stay in character.

=> 留在性格上。


=> 相機。

Did it ever occur to you that Crystal is a cool strippers name? Ill be sure to tell my mother that you said so.

=> 你有沒有想過,水晶是一個很酷的脫衣舞者的名字?我一定會告訴我的母親,你這樣說。

Russell Stillman never checked in with Maggie.

=> 羅素·斯蒂爾曼從來沒有跟麥琪簽過賬。

We have to assume that the Founding Father has him.

=> 我們必須假定開國元勛有他。

Got to pull you out of this.

=> 必須把你從這裡拉出來。

Russell wouldnt rat me out.

=> 拉塞爾不會把我拉出來的。


=> 哦。

What makes you so sure? Three years ago, the Aryan Brotherhood ordered a hit on him over a meth deal.

=> 是什麼讓你如此肯定?三年前,雅利安兄弟會(Aryan Brotherhood)在甲基丙烯酸交易中下令對他施加壓力。

I ran interference.

=> 我跑了干擾。

- Are you willing to bet your life on that? - I already have.

=> - 你願意為此打賭嗎? - 我已經有了。

_ Youd better go.

=> _你最好去。

The camera.

=> 相機。

There? Oh, its just a smoke detector.

=> 那裡?哦,這只是一個煙霧探測器。


=> 哦。


=> 嘿。

Songs not over yet, sport.

=> 宋還沒有結束,運動。

Lets go, Lincoln.

=> 林肯,我們走吧。

We have a schedule.

=> 我們有一個時間表。


=> 好的。


=> 抱歉。

They made him.

=> 他們造了他。

Legends blown.

=> 傳說已經吹

How do you know? I read people.

=> 你怎麼知道的?我讀了人。

Thats what I do.

=> 我就是做這個的。

Move the follow team in now.

=> 現在移動跟隨團隊。

Follow teams still five minutes away, just like Martin wanted.

=> 還有五分鐘的時間,就像馬丁想要的一樣。

Tell them to get moving.

=> 告訴他們搬家。

Move it, dead man.

=> 移動它,死人。


=> 嘿。

What are you doing? Founding Father still has some doubts about you, Lincoln, and Russell well, he didnt live long enough to put them to rest.

=> 你在做什麼?對於你,林肯和羅素,開國的父親還有一些疑慮,他活不下去讓他們休息。

Our mans in trouble.

=> 我們的人有麻煩

Follow team, whats your ETA? Were still three and a half minutes out.

=> 跟隨團隊,你的ETA是什麼?我們還有三分半鐘的時間。

On your knees, Lincoln.

=> 林肯,跪在地上。

You want money? I got cash.


Whats so damn funny? You think that I am afraid to die? Im already d-dead.

=> 有什麼好笑的你以為我怕死?我已經死了

Dont you know? Know what? I have stage four c-c-cancer.

=> 你不知道嗎?知道什麼?我有四個c-c癌症。

I just I just didnt want to die before I made my m-mark.

=> 我只是在我做了m-mark之前不想死。

Hes improvising.

=> 他正在即興創作。

Hes giving the follow team time to get there.

=> 他給後面的隊伍時間去那裡。

Follow teams still two minutes out.

=> 跟著隊伍還剩兩分鐘。

Streeter? Dittmann says hes dying of cancer.

=> 斯特里特?迪特曼說他正在死於癌症。

Ask him where he was diagnosed.

=> 問他在哪裡被診斷。

Where were you diagnosed? Arizona Medical Center.

=> 你在哪裡診斷?亞利桑那醫療中心


=> 圖森。

Talk to me, Maggie.

=> 跟我說話,Maggie。

Ill give him, uh, Ewings sarcoma, first detected when he complained - of pain in his right knee.

=> 我會給他,尤因是他的肉瘤,當他抱怨的時候第一次發現 - 右膝疼痛。

- Awesome.

=> - 真棒

Chemo and radiation non-responsive after three rounds of doxorubicin, and another three of methotrexate? Beautiful.

=> 化療和放療後三輪多柔比星不反應,另有三種甲氨蝶呤?美麗。

Doctors name? Who was your doctor? Claude Metzger.

=> 醫生的名字?你的醫生是誰?克勞德·梅茨格

No records for a Lincoln Dittmann at that hospital.

=> 在那家醫院沒有林肯迪特曼的記錄。

No records.

=> 沒有記錄。

Youre lying.

=> 你在撒謊。

Thats impossible.

=> 這不可能。

I uploaded everything.

=> 我上傳了一切。

- I dont understand.

=> - 我不明白。

- Follow team, whats your ETA? Are you sure hes spelling it right? Two Ns! Dittmann has two Ns! Stand down, Streeter.

=> - 跟隨隊伍,你的ETA是什麼?你確定他的拼寫正確嗎?兩個N! Dittmann有兩個N!站起來,Streeter。

Hes good.

=> 他很好。

Lucky day, Lincoln.

=> 幸運的一天,林肯。

You checked out.

=> 你簽出了。

What about her? Let her go.

=> 她怎麼了?讓她走。

She doesnt know anything.

=> 她什麼都不知道

We dont need any more - c-c-complications.

=> 我們不需要任何更多的c - c - 併發症。

- Please.

=> - 請。


=> 請。

Ive been around long enough to keep my mouth shut.

=> 我已經走了很長時間,閉上嘴巴。

Im like a priest, I swear.

=> 我就像一個牧師,我發誓。

- I swear.

=> - 我發誓。

- You say anything to anyone, Ill find you.

=> - 你對任何人說什麼,我會找到你。

Get lost.

=> 走開。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Follow team, drive past target.

=> 跟隨團隊,趕過去的目標。

I say again, do not engage.

=> 我再說一遍,不要搞。

Roger that.

=> 收到。

Driving by target.

=> 駕駛目標。

Crystal, whats your status? Im clear.

=> 水晶,你的狀態是什麼?我很清楚。

Use cash, lay low.

=> 使用現金,低。

Well contact you.

=> 我們會聯繫你的。

So when is this happening? Tonight.

=> 那麼這是什麼時候發生的?今晚。

You hear that? Call Gates.

=> 你聽到了嗎?打電話給蓋茨。

Financial ministers from the G7 will be at the IMF summit tonight.

=> 七國集團財長將在今晚的國際貨幣基金組織峰會上發言。

Theres a whole media event planned at the Willis Tower to announce the economic cooperation agreement.

=> 威利斯大廈計劃舉辦一場全媒體活動,宣布經濟合作協議。

If that gets hit, that could turn the recession into - a full-blown depression.

=> 如果受到打擊,那可能會導致經濟衰退 - 一個全面的蕭條。

- As far as high-value targets go, it doesnt get any better.

=> - 就高價值目標而言,情況並沒有好轉。

Its not just a symbolic target.

=> 這不僅僅是一個象徵性的目標。

Well work up a threat assessment and alert all relevant law enforcement agencies.

=> 我們將進行威脅評估,並提醒所有相關的執法機構。

I want everyone here on standby for when Streeter calls Dittmann.

=> 當斯特里特叫迪特曼時,我希望大家在這裡待命。


=> 大家。

You took a risk coming here.

=> 你冒險來到這裡

Oh, we did a sweep.

=> 哦,我們掃了一眼。

Theyre not watching the motel.

=> 他們沒在看汽車旅館。

Well, whats going on? I wanted to tell you in person.

=> 那麼,發生了什麼事?我想親自告訴你

Chicago PD found Russells body in a vacant lot near the river.

=> 芝加哥PD在靠近河的一個空地上發現了羅素的屍體。

It looks like he was tortured.

=> 看起來他受到了酷刑。

You were right about him holding out.

=> 你說得對,他伸出手。

Not breaking.

=> 沒有打破。

Oh, we should do something for his family.

=> 哦,我們應該為他的家人做點什麼。

Um he mentioned a sister in Kentucky.

=> 他在肯塔基州提到了一個姐姐。

Lexington, I think.

=> 列剋星敦,我想。

I dont think thats appropriate, Martin.

=> 馬丁,我認為這不合適。

But he was my C.

=> 但他是我的C.



He risked his life for me.

=> 他為我冒著生命危險。

He was also a card-carrying member of the Aryan Brotherhood.

=> 他也是雅利安兄弟會的持卡會員。

Yeah, well, people change, Crystal.

=> 是的,人們改變了,水晶。

He changed.

=> 他變了。

Became someone else.

=> 成為別人。

You saved the operation today.

=> 你今天保存了手術。

All right, its not how I wouldve done it, but you kept your composure, you preserved your cover.

=> 好吧,我不會這樣做,但是你保持沉著,你保留了你的封面。

You know, we have a chance of actually stopping this thing.

=> 你知道,我們有機會實際阻止這件事。

I-I-It was impressive.

=> 我 - 我 - 這是令人印象深刻的。


=> 哇。

I bet that wasnt easy for you to say.

=> 我敢打賭,你說這並不容易。

You have no idea.

=> 你不知道。

I have to take this.

=> 我必須採取這一點。

Hello, th-th-this is Lincoln.

=> 你好,這是林肯。

No, Im alone.

=> 不,我一個人。

Yeah, I I can g-g-get there.

=> 是的,我可以去那裡。

You-you got it.

=> 你 - 你知道了。

I meet the Founding Father tonight.

=> 我今晚見到了國父。

As we reported earlier, the treasury secretary has been in negotiations all day with finance ministers from the G7 member nations and the heads of major banks from around the world.

=> 正如我們前面所報道的那樣,財政部長一整天都在同七國集團成員國的財長和世界各大銀行負責人進行談判。

This IMF summit hosted by the U.

=> 這次由美國主辦的IMF首腦會議



treasury secretary Hey! Get in.

=> 財政部長嘿!進入。

Alpha Team? Theyre moving east on Van Buren.

=> 阿爾法團隊?他們正在Van Buren東邊轉。

Copy that.

=> 收到。

Keeping a two-block buffer.

=> 保持一個兩塊緩衝區。

Dont ever get divorced.

=> 永遠不要離婚

Ill make a note of that.

=> 我會記下這個。

My wife was a good woman.

=> 我的妻子是個好女人

But I treated her like dirt.

=> 但是我把她當成了污垢。

Everything that went bad was all my f-f-f All your fault got it.

=> 一切都變得糟糕了,我所有的f-f-f都是你的錯。

You can stop talking now.

=> 你現在可以停止說話。

Hes talking about himself, isnt he? First rule of undercover make the lie as close as possible to the truth.

=> 他在說自己,不是嗎?卧底的第一條規則使謊言儘可能接近真相。


=> 好的。

Theyre turning into an alleyway between Adams and Jackson.

=> 他們正在變成亞當斯和傑克遜之間的一條小巷。

The only place thats listed here is an auto repair shop.

=> 這裡列出的唯一的地方是汽車維修店。

All set.

=> 可以了,好了。


=> 哇。


=> C4。

Guess how much.

=> 猜猜多少。


=> 六。

"All talk, no action," huh? Here you go, Officer "Barczak.

=> 「全都說話,不行動」,嗯?在這裡你去,官員「Barczak。

" I see t-two hats.


Does that mean Im going in with you? Youll be going in with me.

=> 這是否意味著我要和你一起去?你會和我一起去的

Sorry about Russell, but we couldnt take any chances.

=> 對不起羅素,但我們沒有任何機會。

Sometimes a good soldier has to fall for a good cause.

=> 有時候一個好戰士不得不為了一個好的原因而倒下。

Alpha and Delta Team standing by.

=> 阿爾法和三角洲團隊站在。

Waiting to confirm target.

=> 等待確認目標。

The police staging area is right here, next to where the bankers and their puppets are selling out this country.

=> 警察集結區就在這裡,銀行家和他們的木偶在這裡出售的地方。

Youll be firing the first shot of the next American Revolution.

=> 你會發射下一場美國革命的第一槍。

Ready to make history? Yes, sir.

=> 準備創造歷史?是的先生。

Thats what I signed up for.

=> 這就是我註冊的。

Except I di-didnt see a detonator in the car.

=> 除了我以外,沒有在車裡看到雷管。

Ive got it.

=> 我懂了。

Once were inside the perimeter, youll let me out.

=> 一旦我們在外圍,你會讓我出去。

And as soon as you get close enough So so youre not going in with me.

=> 只要你足夠接近,所以你不要和我在一起。

Listen to me.

=> 聽我說。

Weve all got our parts to play, right? Im your Founding Father.

=> 我們都有我們的部分玩,對吧?我是你的創始人。

And I will be your witness.

=> 我將作你的見證。

So I can tell the people who Lincoln Dittmann really was.

=> 所以我可以告訴那些林肯迪特曼真的是誰。

Yes, sir.

=> 是的先生。

Right? Yes, sir.

=> 對?是的先生。


=> 好的。

Get your uniform on.

=> 讓你的制服。

Alpha, Delta, target is confirmed.


Target confirmed.

=> 目標確認。

Stand by to breach on my count.

=> 支持違反我的計數。

Sir? Im picking up radio communication just outside this building.

=> 先生?我正在這個建築物外面接收無線電通訊。

Let me hear it.

=> 讓我聽聽。

Repeat, maintain fire discipline.

=> 重複,保持消防紀律。

We have a man inside.

=> 我們裡面有一個男人。

Repeat man inside.

=> 重複裡面的人。

- FBI! - FBI! Drop your weapons! FBI! Empty your hands! Show me your hands! Show me your hands! Stay back! Or Ill take this whole place down! - Drop it! - Its a dead mans switch! You shoot me, my finger goes off the trigger.

=> - FBI! - FBI!放下你的武器!聯邦調查局!清空你的手!讓我看看你的手!讓我看看你的手!留下來!或者我會把這整個地方! - 算了吧! - 這是一個死人的開關!你射擊我,我的手指離開觸發器。

And everyone dies.

=> 大家都死了


=> 您。

Get behind the wheel.

=> 坐在車後面。

Were driving out of here together.

=> 我們一起開車出去


=> 沒有。

You wont.

=> 你不會的。

You stand down or I swear Ill take us all out.

=> 你站了下來,或者我發誓我會把我們全部拿出來。

Right here, right now! I dont think so.

=> 此時此刻!我不這麼認為。

If you were gonna do it, you wouldve done it already.

=> 如果你要這樣做,你就已經做到了。

What are you waiting for? Do it! You heard him.

=> 你在等什麼?做吧!你聽到他了

Go ahead.

=> 前進。

Do it.

=> 這樣做。

Do it! Thats right.

=> 做吧!那就對了。

You wanted me to do it.

=> 你希望我這樣做。

So you could watch.

=> 所以你可以看。

Yeah? Bombs clear! All right, were clear.

=> 是嗎?炸彈清楚!好的,我們很清楚。

Where are you going? Martin! You dont know where your life begins and your legend ends.

=> 你要去哪裡?馬丁!你不知道你的人生在哪裡開始,你的傳奇結束了。

There is no Martin Odum! _ Bring it on, bitch.

=> 沒有馬丁奧德姆!把它帶上,婊子。

_ Im really sorry about your C.

=> _我對你的C真的很抱歉




=> 謝謝。

Thanks for backing me up.

=> 謝謝你支持我

Im not the best team player.

=> 我不是最好的球員。

Learned that about myself.

=> 了解到我自己。

Thats what Bobby said.

=> 這就是鮑比所說的。

Not in a bad way.

=> 不是一個壞的方法。

Where is Bobby? I dont know.

=> Bobby在哪裡?我不知道。

I havent seen him.

=> 我沒有見過他

This is Bobby.

=> 這是鮑比。

Cant pick up the phone right now, so leave a message and dont be boring.

=> 現在無法拿起電話,所以留言,不要無聊。

Bobby? Bobby? Bobby.

=> 鮑比?鮑比?鮑比。

You really think youre Martin Odum? There is no Martin Odum! I need a favor, Bobby.

=> 你真的認為你是馬丁·奧德姆?沒有馬丁奧德姆!鮑比,我需要幫忙。

Im hoping you can clean this up enough to make an ID.

=> 我希望你可以清理這個足夠的ID作出。

Trust no one! Hello.

=> 不要相信任何人!你好。

Are you ready to listen? Ive been ready to listen.

=> 你準備好聽嗎?我已經準備好傾聽了。

Now I want some answers.

=> 現在我想要一些答案。

What is this? My friend died trying to find out - who you are.

=> 這是什麼?我的朋友死了試圖找出 - 你是誰。

- I told you not to tell anyone.

=> 我告訴過你不要告訴任何人

Look! I want to know what the hell is going on! Listen to me.

=> 看!我想知道這到底是怎麼回事!聽我說。

Meet me at Union Station.

=> 在聯合車站與我見面。

Platform six.

=> 平台六。

I need to give you something.

=> 我需要給你一些東西。

- What? - Hurry.

=> - 什麼? - 快點

Im being followed.

=> 我正在跟著。

Theyll kill me if they get the chance.

=> 如果有機會,他們會殺了我。

- Who will? - Hurry! - Just get here! - Stay on the line.

=> - 誰會? - 快點! - 到這裡來! - 留在線上。

I want you to answer some questions.

=> 我想讓你回答一些問題。

Tell me what happened! You were never supposed to remember.

=> 告訴我發生了什麼事!你永遠不應該記住。

Remember what? - I got to get out of here.

=> 記住什麼?我必須離開這裡

- Wait.

=> 等一下

Im just pulling up now.

=> 我只是現在拉起來。

Listen, Im coming! All right? - Im here.

=> 聽著,我來了!好吧? - 我在這。

- I dont see you.

=> - 我沒看見你

Im almost on the platform.

=> 我幾乎在平台上。

Just wait! Been waiting too long.

=> 等一下一直等待太久。

Theyre probably watching.

=> 他們可能在看。

Whos watching?! Are you there? Hey! Hey! They dont want you to know the truth.

=> 誰在看?你在嗎?嘿!嘿!他們不想讓你知道真相。

They dont want you to know who you are.

=> 他們不希望你知道你是誰。

Who doesnt? Theres a book, left pocket.

=> 誰不?有一本書,左口袋。

The answers in there.

=> 答案就在那裡。

I didnt find it in time.

=> 我沒有及時發現。

But you can.

=> 但是你可以。

Tell me who you are.

=> 告訴我你是誰。

I dont know.

=> 我不知道。

Who am I? Who am I?! Hey, lady, call 911!

=> 我是誰?我是誰?!嘿,小姐,打電話給911!


[美劇] 犯罪心理/Criminal Minds 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 凶鬼惡靈/Supernatural 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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