
[美劇] 凶鬼惡靈/Supernatural 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

[美劇] 凶鬼惡靈/Supernatural 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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與此同時,Sam過上了自食其力的普通生活,甚至愛上了一個叫做Amelia(Liane Balaban)的美麗獸醫。






與此同時,Sam過上了自食其力的普通生活,甚至愛上了一個叫做Amelia(Liane Balaban)的美麗獸醫。






Come on, lets say good night to your brother.


- Night Sam.

=> - 「晚上山姆。

- Good night, love.

=> - 晚安,愛情

Hey ! Dean.

=> 嘿!院長。

- Daddy ! - Hey ! buddy.

=> - 爸爸! - 嘿!夥伴。

What do you think ? Sam is ready to touch around football yet ? - No, daddy.

=> 你怎麼看 ?山姆準備接觸足球嗎? - 不,爸爸。

- No ? - You got him ? - I got him.

=> - 沒有? - 你有他? - 我找到他了。

Sweet dreams, Sammy.

=> 甜美的夢,薩米。

- John ? John, is he hungry ? Okay.

=> - 約翰 ?約翰,他餓嗎?好的。

Sammy ! Mary ! Mary ! Mary ! Hey, Sammy.

=> Sammy!瑪麗 !瑪麗 !瑪麗 !嘿,薩米。

Okay ? Mary ! Daddy ! Take your brother outside as fast as you can ! Dont look back ! Now, Dean ! Go ! Its okay, Sam.

=> 好的 ?瑪麗 !爸爸!把你的兄弟儘快帶到外面!別回頭!現在,Dean!走 !沒關係,山姆。

I got it.

=> 我知道了。

dfgdfgdfgfdg Here.

=> dfgdfgdfgfdg這裡。

Stay back.

=> 留下來

You have to stay back.

=> 你必須留下來。

Sam ! qweqwefsdfvxcvbcvb We were supposed to be there like 15 minutes ago.

=> 山姆! qweqwefsdfvxcvbcvb我們應該在15分鐘前就在那裡。

Sam, you coming or what ? Do I have to ? Yes.

=> 山姆,你來了還是什麼?我一定要嗎 ?是。

Itll be fun.

=> 那一定會很好玩。

And wheres your costume ? You know how I feel about Halloween.

=> 你的服裝在哪裡?你知道我對萬聖節的感覺。

So heres to Sam and his awesome LSAT* victory.

=> 所以這裡是Sam和他非常棒的LSAT *勝利。

LSAT = Law School Admission Test All right, all right.

=> LSAT =法學院入學考試好,好的。

Its not that big a deal.

=> 這不是什麼大事。

Yeah, he acts all humble, but he scored a 174.

=> 是的,他的行為都很謙虛,但是他得到了174分。

- Is that good ? - Scary good.

=> - 那好嗎? - 好可怕

See, there you go.

=> 看,你去了。

You are a first-round draft pick.

=> 你是一個首輪選秀權。

You can go to any law school you want.

=> 你可以去任何你想要的法學院。

Actually, I got an interview here monday.

=> 事實上,我星期一在這裡接受採訪。

If it goes okay, I think I got a shot at a full ride next year.

=> 如果沒事的話,我想明年我會全力以赴。

Hey, its gonna go great.

=> 嘿,這會很好。

It better.

=> 它更好。

How does it feel to be the golden boy in your family ? They dont know.

=> 作為你家人的金童,感覺如何?他們不知道。

No ? I would be gloating.

=> 沒有?我會喜怒無常。

Why not ? Cause were not exactly the Bradys*.

=> 為什麼不 ?因為我們不完全是Bradys *。

From the show "The Brady Bunch".

=> 從節目「布雷迪群」。

Im not exactly the Huxtables*.

=> 我不完全是Huxtables *。

More shots ? The Huxtables from The Cosby Show.

=> 更多的鏡頭?從Cosby展示的Huxtables。

- No.

=> - 沒有

- No.

=> - 沒有


=> 沒有。

- No ! Seriously, Im proud of you, and youre gonna knock them dead on monday.

=> - 不!說真的,我為你感到驕傲,你星期一要把他們打死。

Youre gonna get that full ride.

=> 你會得到全面的旅程。

I know it.

=> 我知道。

What would I do without you ? Crash and burn.

=> 沒有你我該怎麼辦 ?崩潰和燒傷。

Whoa ! Easy, tiger.

=> 哇!容易,老虎。

Dean ? You scared the crap out of me.

=> Dean?你嚇死我了。

Thats cause youre out of practice.

=> 那是因為你沒練習

Or not.

=> 或不。

Get off of me.

=> 你離我遠點。

Dean, what the hell are you doing here ? I was looking for a beer.

=> Dean,你到底在這裡幹什麼?我正在找一杯啤酒。

What the hell are you doing here ? Ok, all right, we got to talk.

=> 你到底在這幹什麼 ?好吧,我們必須談談。

- The phone ? - If Id called would you picked up ? Sam ? Jess, hey.

=> - 電話 ? - 如果我打電話,你會拿起?山姆?傑西,嘿。

Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica.

=> 院長,這是我的女朋友傑西卡。


=> 等待。

Your brother Dean ? I love the Smurfs.

=> 你的兄弟迪恩?我喜歡藍精靈。

You know, I got to tell you.

=> 你知道,我必須告訴你。

You are completely out of my brothers league.

=> 你完全沒有了我兄弟的聯賽。

Just let me put something on.

=> 只要讓我把一些東西。

No, no.

=> 不,不。

No, I wouldnt dream of it, seriously.

=> 不,我不會認真地想到它。

Anyway, I got to borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business, but nice meeting you.

=> 無論如何,我要在這裡借你的男朋友,談談一些私人家庭生意,但很高興認識你。


=> 沒有。

No, whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her.

=> 不,不管你想說什麼,你可以在她面前說。


=> 好的。

Dad hasnt been home in a few days.

=> 爸幾天沒回家

So ? Hes working overtime on a "Miller Time"* shift.

=> 那麼?他在「米勒時間」輪班加班。

Hell stumble back in sooner or later.

=> 他遲早會倒退的。

"Miller Time" is a slogan for a beer.

=> 「米勒時間」是一個啤酒的口號。

Dads on a hunting trip, and he hasnt been home in a few days.

=> 爸爸正在狩獵之旅,幾天後他還沒回家。

Jess, excuse us.

=> 傑斯,請原諒。

We have to go outside.

=> 我們必須走出去

I mean, come on, you cant just break in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the road with you.

=> 我的意思是,來吧,你不能只是在半夜中斷,並期望我和你一起上路。

Youre not hearing me, Sammy.

=> 你沒有聽到我,薩米。

Dads missing.

=> 爸爸失蹤了

I need you to help me find him.

=> 我需要你幫我找到他。

You remember the poltergeist in Amherst, or the devils gates in Clifton ? He was missing then, too.

=> 你還記得阿默斯特的鬼態主義者,還是克利夫頓魔鬼的大門?那時他也失蹤了。

Hes always missing, and hes always fine.

=> 他總是失蹤,他總是很好。

Not for this long.

=> 沒有這麼長時間。

Now, are you gonna come with me or not ? Im not.

=> 現在,你要不要和我一起去?我不是。

Why not ? I swore I was done hunting.

=> 為什麼不 ?我發誓我打獵。

For good.

=> 好的。

- Come on, it wasnt easy, but it wasnt that bad.

=> - 來吧,這並不容易,但並不是那麼糟糕。

- Yeah ? When I told dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .

=> - 是嗎?當我告訴爸爸我害怕在衣櫃里的東西,他給了我一個。



What was he supposed to do ? I was 9 years old.

=> 他該怎麼辦?我9歲。

He was supposed to say: "Dont be afraid of the dark.

=> 他應該說:「不要害怕黑暗。

" "Dont be afraid of the dark" ? Are you kidding me ? Of course, you should be afraid.


You know whats out there.

=> 你知道那裡有什麼

Yeah I know but still The way we grew up after mom was killed and dads obsession to find the thing that killed her.

=> 是的,我知道,但仍然是我們長大後,媽媽被殺,父親的痴迷找到殺了她的東西。

But we still havent found the damn thing.

=> 但我們還沒有找到該死的東西。

So we kill everything we can find.

=> 所以我們殺了我們所能找到的一切。

Save a lot of people doing it, too.

=> 節省很多人也這樣做。

You think mom would have wanted this for us ? The weapon training and melting the silver into bullets ? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors.

=> 你以為媽媽會為我們想要這個?武器訓練和銀子融化成子彈?男人,院長,我們像戰士一樣長大。

So, what are you gonna do ? Are you just gonna live some normal, apple-pie life ? Is that it ? No, not normal.

=> 那麼,你會怎麼做?你只是想過一些正常的蘋果派生活?是嗎?不,不正常。


=> 安全。

And thats why you ran away.

=> 這就是你逃跑的原因。

I was just going to college.

=> 我剛上大學。

It was dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone.

=> 爸爸說如果我要去,我應該留下去。

And thats what Im doing.

=> 這就是我正在做的。

Dads in real trouble right now if hes not dead already.

=> 如果他現在還沒有死的話,爸爸現在真的麻煩了。

I can feel it.

=> 我能感覺到。

I cant do this alone.

=> 我不能單獨做這件事。

Yes, you can.

=> 是的你可以。


=> 是啊。

Well, I dont want to.

=> 那麼,我不想。

What was he hunting ? All right.

=> 他在狩獵什麼?好吧。

Lets see.

=> 讓我們來看看。

Where the hell did I put that thing ? So when dad left, why didnt you go with him ? I was working my own gig This voodoo thing down in New Orleans.

=> 我到底在哪兒放那個東西?所以當爸爸離開的時候,你為什麼不跟他走?我正在自己的演出在新奧爾良這個伏都教的事情。

Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself ? Im 26, dude.

=> 爸爸讓你自己去狩獵之旅?我26歲,老兄。

All right, here we go.

=> 好的,我們走吧。

So dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California.

=> 所以爸爸正在加利福尼亞傑里科外面看看這條雙線柏油路。

About a month ago, this guy They found his car, but hed vanished.

=> 大約一個月前,這個人他們找到了他的車,但他已經消失了。

Completely M.

=> 完全M.





* M.

=>* M.





= Missing In Action So maybe he was kidnapped.

=> =在行動中失蹤所以也許他被綁架了。

Yeah, well, heres another one in April, another one in December 04, 03, 98, 92 All men, all same 5-mile stretch of road.

=> 是的,好吧,這是四月的另一場比賽,還有一場比賽是在04年12月,03,98,92號舉行的。

That was about three weeks ago.


I hadnt heard from him since, which is bad enough, and then I get this voice mail yesterday.

=> 從那之後我就沒有收到他的消息,這已經夠糟了,昨天我收到了這封郵件。

Dean, something is starting to happen.

=> Dean,有些事情正在發生。

I think its serious.

=> 我認為這是嚴重的。

I need to try to figure out whats going on.

=> 我需要嘗試弄清楚發生了什麼事情。

Be very careful, Dean.

=> Dean,非常小心。

Were all in danger.

=> 我們都處於危險之中。

You know theres EVP* on that ? EVP = Electronic Voice Phenomenon Not bad, Sammy.

=> 你知道那裡有EVP *嗎? EVP =電子語音現象還不錯,Sammy。

Kind of like riding a bike, isnt it ? All right.

=> 有點像騎自行車,不是嗎?好吧。

I slowed the message down and ran it through a goldwave, took out the hiss, and this is what I got.

=> 我把信息放慢了一下,然後通過金波運行,取出了嘶嘶聲,這就是我所得到的。

I can never go home.

=> 我永遠不能回家。

Never go home.

=> 永遠不要回家。

You know, in almost two years, Ive never bothered you, never asked you for a thing.

=> 你知道,近兩年來,我從來沒有打擾過你,從來沒有問過你的事情。

All right, Ill go.

=> 好的,我會去的。

Ill help you find him, but I have to get back first thing Monday.

=> 我會幫你找到他的,但是我必須在星期一回來。

Just wait here.

=> 只是在這裡等。

Whats first thing monday ? Ive this I have an interview.

=> 星期一的第一件事是什麼?我有這個面試。

What ? A job interview ? Skip it.

=> 什麼 ?求職面試 ?跳過它。

Its a law-school interview, and its my whole future on a plate.

=> 這是法學院面試,這是我的全部未來。

Law school ? So we got a deal or not ? Wait, youre taking off ? Is this about your dad ? Is he all right ? Yeah.

=> 法學院 ?所以我們得到了一個交易?等等,你正在起飛?這是關於你的爸爸嗎?他還好嗎?是啊。

You know, just a little family drama.

=> 你知道,只是一個小家庭的戲劇。

But your brother said he was on some kind of hunting trip.

=> 但是你的兄弟說他正在進行某種狩獵旅行。

Yeah, hes just deer hunting up at the cabin, and hes probably got Jim, Jack, and Jose along with him.

=> 是的,他只是在小屋裡尋找鹿,他可能和他一起得到了吉姆,傑克和喬斯。

Were just gonna go bring him back.

=> 我們要把他帶回來

What about the interview ? Ill make the interview.

=> 那面試呢?我會做面試。

This is only for a couple days.

=> 這只是幾天。

Sam, I mean, please.

=> 山姆,我的意思是,請。

Just stop for a second.

=> 只要停下來一會兒

Youre sure youre okay ? Im fine Its just You want even talk about your family and now youre taking off the middle of the night to spend the week-end with them And with Monday coming up Its just not kind of your style.

=> 你確定你沒事吧?我很好這只是你想甚至談論你的家人,現在你正在起飛的半夜與他們一起度過周末而星期一即將到來這不是你的風格。

Hey, everythings gonna be okay.

=> 嘿,一切都會好的。

I would be back in time, I promise.

=> 我會回來的,我保證。

At least tell me where youre going ! Amy, I cant come over tonight.

=> 至少告訴我你要去哪!艾米,我今晚不能過來。

Because I got work in the morning, thats why.

=> 因為我早上上班了,所以才這樣。

Okay, I miss it, my dads gonna have my ass.

=> 好吧,我想念它,我爸爸會有我的屁股。

Hey, uh, Amy, let me call you back.

=> 嘿,艾米,讓我給你回電話。

Car trouble or something ? Take me home.

=> 汽車麻煩什麼的?帶我回家。

Sure, get in.

=> 當然,進去吧

So where do you live ? At the end of Breckenridge Road.

=> 那麼你住哪裡?在布雷肯里奇路的盡頭。

Youre coming from a Halloween party or something ? You know, um, a girl like you really shouldnt be alone out here.

=> 你是從萬聖節派對來的?你知道,這個像你這樣的女孩真的不應該在這裡獨處。

Im with you.

=> 我和你在一起。

Do you think Im pretty ? Will you come home with me ? UmHell, yeah.

=> 你覺得我漂亮 ?你會和我一起回家嗎?呃,是的。

Come on.

=> 來吧。

You dont live here.

=> 你不住在這裡

I can never go home What ? What are you talking about ? Nobody lives here.

=> 我永遠不能回家什麼?你在說什麼 ?沒有人住在這裡。

Huh, where do you live ? Thats good.

=> 呃,你住在哪裡?那很好。

Jokes over, okay ? You want me to leave ? Hello ? Hello ? Hey.

=> 笑話結束了,好嗎?你要我離開?你好 ?你好 ?嘿。

You want breakfast ? No, thanks.

=> 你想要早餐?不用了,謝謝。

So howd you pay for that stuff ? You and dad still running credit-card scams ? Yeah, well, hunting aint exactly a pro-ball career.

=> 那你是怎麼付這個東西的?你和爸爸還在運行信用卡詐騙?是的,狩獵並不完全是一個親職業生涯。

Besides, all we do is apply.

=> 此外,我們所做的只是適用。

Its not our fault they send us the cards.

=> 他們寄給我們的不是我們的錯。

Yeah, and what names did you write on the application this time ? Uh Bert Aframian and his son, Hector.

=> 是的,這次你在申請上寫了什麼名字?呃Bert Aframian和他的兒子Hector。

Scored two cards out of the deal.

=> 拿下了兩張牌。

Sounds about right.

=> 聽起來正確。

I swear, man,you got to update your cassette-tape collection.

=> 我發誓,男人,你得更新你的盒式磁帶收藏。

Why ? Well, for one Theyre cassette tapes.

=> 為什麼?那麼,對於一個他們是盒式磁帶。

And two Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica ? Its the greatest hits of mullet rock.

=> 還有兩個黑色安息日,Motorhead,Metallica?這是m魚的最大命中。

House rules, Sammy driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.

=> 眾議院規則,薩米司機挑選音樂,霰彈槍關閉他的蛋糕洞。

Yo Sammy is a chubby 12-year-old.

=> 喲薩米是一個胖乎乎的12歲。

Its Sorry, I cant hear you.

=> 對不起,我聽不到你。

The musics too loud.

=> 音樂太響了。

Thank you.

=> 謝謝。

All right.

=> 好吧。

So theres no one matching dad at the hospital or morgue.

=> 所以在醫院或太平間沒有一個匹配的父親。

So thats something, I guess.

=> 所以這是我的想法。

Check it out.

=> 一探究竟。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

Did you guys find anything ? No ! Nothing ! No sign of struggle, no footprints, no fingerprints Spotless.

=> 你們找到什麼了嗎?不!沒有 !沒有掙扎的跡象,沒有腳印,沒有指紋一塵不染。

Its almost too clean.

=> 這幾乎太乾淨了。

So this kid, Troy - Hes dating your daughter, isnt he ? - Ya.

=> 所以這個孩子,特洛伊 - 他約會你的女兒,不是嗎? - 雅。

Hows Amy doing ? Shes been putting up missing posters downtown.

=> 艾米怎麼樣?她一直在市中心丟失海報。

You had another one like this last month, didnt you ? And who are you ? Federal marshals.

=> 你上個月還有另一個這樣的人,不是嗎?你是誰?聯邦元帥。

You two are a little young for marshals, arent you ? Thanks, thats awfully kind of you.

=> 你們兩個對於元帥來說有點年輕,不是嗎?謝謝,這真是太好了。

You did have another one just like this, correct ? Yeah, thats right, about a mile up the road.

=> 你確實有這樣的另一個,對嗎?是的,沒錯,就在路上一英里左右。

There have been others before that.

=> 之前還有其他的。

So this victim You knew him ? A town like this, everybody knows everybody.

=> 所以這個受害者你認識他?像這樣的一個小鎮,大家都認識大家。

Any connection between the victims besides that theyre all men ? No.

=> 受害者之間的任何聯繫,除了他們都是男人嗎?沒有。

Not so far as we can tell.

=> 不是我們所能說的。

So whats the theory ? Honestly, we dont know Serial murderer, kidnapping ring.

=> 那麼理論是什麼?老實說,我們不知道連環殺手,綁架戒指。

Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work Id expect out of you guys.

=> 那麼,這正是我期望的那種警察工作。

Thank you for your time.

=> 感謝您的時間。


=> 先生們。

What was that for ? - Why do you have to step on my foot ? - Why do you have to talk to police like that ? Come on.

=> 那是幹什麼用的 ? - 你為什麼要踩著我的腳? - 你為什麼要這樣跟警察呢?來吧。

They dont really know whats going on.

=> 他們不知道發生了什麼事。

Were all alone on this.

=> 我們都是這樣。

If were gonna find dad, weve got to get to the bottom of this thing ourselves.

=> 如果我們要找爸爸,我們自己就得深究這件事。

Can I help you boys ? No, sir.

=> 我可以幫你嗎?不,先生。

We were just leaving.

=> 我們剛剛離開。

Agent Mulder, agent Scully.

=> Mulder特工,Scully特工。

Ill bet you thats her.

=> 我敢打賭你就是她


=> 是啊。

- You must be Amy.

=> - 你一定是艾米。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Troy told us about you.

=> 特洛伊告訴了我們關於你的事。

Were his uncles.

=> 我們是他的叔叔。

Im Dean.

=> 我是Dean。

This is Sammy.

=> 這是Sammy。

He never mentioned you to me.

=> 他從來沒有提到你。

Well, thats Troy, I guess.

=> 那麼,我想是特洛伊。

Were not around much.

=> 我們不在身邊

Were up in Modesto.

=> 我們在莫德斯托。

So were looking for him, too, and were kind of asking around.

=> 所以我們也在找他,我們有點問。

- Hey, are you okay ? - Yeah.

=> - 嘿,你沒事吧? - 是的。

He was driving home.


He said he would call me right back, and he never did.

=> 他說他會馬上打電話給我,他從來沒有這樣做過。

He didnt say anything strange ? Or out of the ordinary ? No, nothing I can remember.

=> 他沒有說什麼奇怪的事情?還是與眾不同?不,我什麼都記不得

I like your necklace.

=> 我喜歡你的項鏈。

Troy gave it to me.

=> 特洛伊給了我。

Mostly to scare my parents You know, the devil stuff.

=> 主要是嚇唬我的父母你知道,魔鬼的東西。

Actually it means just the opposite.

=> 其實這意味著恰恰相反。

A pentagram is a protection against evil.

=> 五芒星是對邪惡的保護。

Really powerfull, I mean if you believe in a kind of thing.

=> 真的強大,我的意思是如果你相信一種事情。

Ok, thank you, Unsolved Mysteries.

=> 好的,謝謝你,未解之謎。

Heres the deal, ladies The way Troy disappeared Somethings not right.

=> 這是交易,女士特洛伊消失的方式有些不對勁。

So if youve heard anything What is it ? Well, its just I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk.

=> 所以如果你聽說過什麼是什麼?那是我的意思,所有這些人都失蹤了,人們都在說話。

What do they talk about ? Its kind of this local legend.

=> 他們談論什麼?這是當地的傳說。

This one girl, she got murdered out on Centennial like decades ago.

=> 這個女孩,就像幾十年前一樣被殺了百年紀念。

Well, supposedly, shes still out there.

=> 好吧,據說,她還在外面。

She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up Well, they disappear forever.

=> 她hit,and and and who who who who who they they they they they they they they they

- Let me try.

=> - 讓我嘗試。

- I got it.

=> - 我知道了。


=> 多德。

Youre such a control freak.

=> 你是這樣一個控制怪胎。

- So angry spirits are born out of violent death, right ? - Yeah Maybe its not murder.

=> - 所以憤怒的精神是從暴力的死亡中誕生的,對吧? - 是的,也許這不是謀殺。

This was 1981.

=> 這是1981年。

Constance Welch, 24 years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river.

=> 24歲的康斯坦斯·韋爾奇跳下了西爾韋尼亞橋,在河裡淹死。

- Does it say why she did it ? - Yeah.

=> - 這是說為什麼她這樣做? - 是的。

What ? An hour before they found her, she calls 911.

=> 什麼 ?一小時才找到她,她打電話給911。

Her two little kids are in the bathtub.

=> 她的兩個小孩在浴缸里。

She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they arent breathing.

=> 她離開他們一分鐘,當她回來時,他們沒有呼吸。

Both died.

=> 兩人都死了。

"Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldnt bear it," said husband, Joseph Welch.

=> 丈夫約瑟夫·韋爾奇說:「我們的孩子已經不在了,康斯坦斯也忍不住了。

That bridge look familiar to you ? So this is where Constance took the swan dive.

=> 那座橋看起來很熟悉嗎?所以這就是康斯坦斯天鵝潛水的地方。

So you think dad would have been here ? Well, hes chasing the same story, and were chasing him.

=> 所以你覺得爸爸會在這裡?那麼,他正在追逐同樣的故事,我們正在追逐他。

Okay, so now what ? Now we keep digging till we find him.

=> 好吧,現在呢?現在我們繼續挖掘,直到找到他。

It might take a while.

=> 它可能需要一段時間。

Dean, I told you Ive got to get back by - Monday.

=> 院長,我告訴過你,我必須回到星期一。


=> 對。

The interview.

=> 面試。


=> 是啊。

Yeah, I forgot.

=> 是的,我忘了。

Youre really serious about this, arent you ? You think youre just gonna become some lawyer, marry your girl ? Maybe.

=> 你真的很認真,不是嗎?你以為你只是成為律師,嫁給你的女孩?也許。

Why not ? Does Jessica know the truth about you ? Does she know about the things youve done ? No, and shes not ever going to know.

=> 為什麼不 ?傑西卡知道你的真相嗎?她知道你做的事嗎?不,她永遠不會知道。

Well, thats healthy.

=> 那麼,這是健康的。

You can pretend all you want, Sammy, but sooner or later youre gonna have to face up to who you really are.

=> 你可以假裝你想要的,Sammy,但遲早你將不得不正視自己的真實。

Who is that ? - One of us.

=> 那是誰 ? - 我們中的一員。

- No ! Im not like you.

=> - 不!我不喜歡你。

This is not going to be my life.

=> 這不會是我的生活。

- Well, you have a responsibility.

=> - 呃,你有責任。

- To dad ? And his crusade ? If it werent for pictures, I wouldnt even know what mom looks like.

=> - 爸爸?他的十字軍東征?如果不是照片,我甚至不知道媽媽是什麼樣的。

What difference would it make ? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, moms gone, and she isnt coming back.

=> 它會有什麼不同?即使我們發現殺了她的東西,媽媽也走了,她不回來了。

Dont talk about her like that.

=> 不要這樣談論她


=> 山姆。

- Whered she go ? - I dont know.

=> - 她去哪兒了? - 我不知道。

What the? Whos driving your car ? Come on, Dean.

=> 什麼?誰在開車?來吧,Dean。

Lets go ! Go ! Dean ! Dean ! What ?! Hey, are you all right ? Im super.

=> 我們走吧 !走 ! Dean! Dean!什麼 ?!嘿,你還好嗎?我超級。

Car all right ? Yeah, whatever she did to it, it seems all right now.

=> 汽車好嗎?是的,無論她做了什麼,現在看來都好了。

That Constance chick What a bitch ! Well, she doesnt want us digging around, thats for sure.

=> 康斯坦斯小雞多麼婊子!那麼,她不希望我們四處挖掘,這是肯定的。

So wheres the trail go from here, genius ? You smell like a toilet.

=> 那麼線索從哪裡走,天才?你聞起來像一個廁所。

One room, please.

=> 一個房間,請。

You guys having a reunion or something ? What do you mean ? That other guy, Bert Aframian.

=> 你們有團聚還是什麼?你什麼意思 ?那個人,Bert Aframian。

He came in and bought out a room for the whole month.

=> 他進來買了一整個月的房間。

I dont think hes been here for a couple days at least.

=> 我不認為他至少在這裡待了兩天。

Salt, cats-eye shells He was worried, trying to keep something from coming in.

=> 鹽,貓眼炮彈他很擔心,試圖阻止東西進來。

What do you got here ? Centennial Highway victims.

=> 你到了什麼地方?百年公路受害者。

I dont get it.

=> 我不明白。

I mean, different men, different jobs, age, ethnicities.

=> 我的意思是,不同的男人,不同的工作,年齡,種族。

Theres always a connection, right ? What do these guys have in common ? Dad figured it out.

=> 總有一個連接,對吧?這些人有什麼共同點?爸爸知道了

What do you mean ? He found the same article we did.

=> 你什麼意思 ?他找到了和我們一樣的文章。

Constance Welch.

=> 康斯坦茨韋爾奇。

Shes a woman in white.

=> 她是個白衣女子。

You sly dogs.

=> 你狡猾的狗。

All right, so if were dealing with a woman in white, dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it.

=> 好吧,如果我們和一個白人女子打交道,爸爸會找到屍體並將其摧毀。

She might have another weakness.

=> 她可能還有另一個弱點。

No, dad would want to make sure.

=> 不,爸爸想確定一下。

Hed dig her up.

=> 他會挖她。

Does it say where shes buried ? No, not that I can tell.

=> 是否說她埋在哪裡?不,我不能說。

If I were dad, though, Id go ask her husband, if hes still alive.

=> 如果我是爸爸,我會問她的丈夫,如果他還活著。

All right, why dont you see if you can find an address ? Im gonna get cleaned up.

=> 好吧,你為什麼不看看你能找到一個地址?我會得到清理。

Hey, Dean, what I said earlier about mom and dad Im sorry.

=> 嗨,Dean,我剛才說的爸爸媽媽對不起。

No chick-flick moments.

=> 沒有小動作片刻。

All right jerk.

=> 好吧,混蛋。


=> 母狗。

Hey, its me.

=> 嗨,是我。

Its about 10:20 Hey, man.

=> 大約10:20嘿,夥計。

Im starving.

=> 我餓死了。

Im gonna grab a little something to eat at that diner down the street.

=> 我要在街上的那家餐館吃一點東西。

You want anything ? No.

=> 你想要什麼?沒有。

Aframians buying.

=> Aframian的購買。

So come home soon, okay ? I love you.

=> 所以很快就回家,好嗎?我愛你。

What ? Dude, five-O.

=> 什麼 ?夥計,五O。

Take off.

=> 脫掉。

What about you ? Uh, they kind of spotted me.

=> 你呢 ?呃,他們有點發現我。

Go find dad.

=> 去找爸爸

Problem, officers ? Wheres your partner ? Partner ? What ? What partner ? So fake U.

=> 問題,官員?你的伴侶在哪裡?夥伴?什麼 ?什麼夥伴?所以假的U.



Marshal, fake credit cards.

=> 元帥,假信用卡。

You got anything thats real ? My boobs.

=> 你有什麼是真的嗎?我的胸部。

You have the right to remain silent.

=> 你有保持沉默的權利。

So you want to give us your real name ? I told you.

=> 所以你想給我們你的真名?我告訴過你。

Its Nugent, Ted Nugent.

=> 是Nugent,Ted Nugent。

Im not sure you realize just how much trouble youre in here.

=> 我不確定你是否意識到你在這裡有多少麻煩。

Were talking, like, misdemeanor kind of trouble or "squeal like a pig" trouble ? You got the faces of 10 missing persons taped to your wall, along with a whole lot of satanic mumbo jumbo.

=> 我們在說話,就像是輕輕的麻煩或「像豬一樣尖叫」的麻煩?你有10個失蹤人員的臉貼在你的牆上,還有一大堆撒旦的巨型巨人。

That makes sense cause when the first one went missing in 82, I was 3.


I know you got partners.

=> 我知道你有夥伴

One of thems an older guy.

=> 其中之一是一個更老的人。

Maybe he started the whole thing.

=> 也許他開始了整個事情。

So tell me, Dean is this his ? I thought that might be your name.

=> 那麼告訴我,Dean是他的?我想這可能是你的名字。

See, I leafed through this, what little I could make out.

=> 看,我翻閱了這個,我能弄清楚什麼。

I mean, its nine kinds of crazy, but I found this, too.

=> 我的意思是,這有九種瘋狂,但是我也找到了。

Now, youre staying right here till you tell me exactly what the hell that means.

=> 現在,你一直住在這裡,直到你告訴我到底是什麼意思。

- Hi, uh, are you Joseph Welch ? - Yeah.

=> - 嗨,你是約瑟夫·韋爾奇嗎? - 是的。

Yeah, he was older, but thats him.

=> 是的,他年紀大了,但那就是他。

He came by three or four days ago, said he was a reporter.

=> 他三四天前來了,說他是記者。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

Were working on a story together.

=> 我們正在一起研究一個故事。

Well, I dont know what the hell kind of story youre working on the questions he asked me.

=> 那麼,我不知道你在問我的問題是怎麼回事。

About your late wife, Constance.

=> 關於你已故的妻子,康斯坦斯。

He asked me where she was buried.

=> 他問我埋在哪裡

And where is that again ? What ? I got to go through these twice ? Its fact checking, if you dont mind.

=> 那又是哪裡?什麼 ?我必須經歷兩次?這是事實檢查,如果你不介意。

In a plot behind my old place over on Breckenridge.

=> 我在布雷肯里奇的老地方背後的陰謀。

Why did you move ? Im not gonna live in the house where my children died.

=> 你為什麼搬走?我不會住在我的孩子死亡的房子里。


=> 先生。

Welch, did you ever marry again ? No way.

=> 韋爾奇,你娶過嗎?沒門。

Constance She was the love of my life, prettiest woman I ever known.

=> 康斯坦斯她是我生命中最美好的女人,也是我見過的最美的女人。

So you had a happy marriage ? Definitely.

=> 所以你有幸福的婚姻?當然。

Well, that should do it.

=> 那麼,應該這樣做。

Thanks for your time.

=> 謝謝你的時間。


=> 先生。

Welch, you ever hear of a woman in white ? A what ? A woman in white or sometimes a weeping woman.

=> 韋爾奇,你聽說過一個白衣女子嗎?什麼?一個白衣女子,有時是一個哭泣的女子。

Its a ghost story.

=> 這是一個鬼故事。

Well, its more of a phenomenon, really.

=> 那麼,這真是一種現象。

Theyre spirits.

=> 他們是精神。

Theyve been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places in Hawaii and Mexico, lately in Arizona, Indiana.

=> 他們已經看到了數百年,在夏威夷和墨西哥的幾十個地方,最近在印第安納州的亞利桑那州。

All these are different women, you understand, but all share the same story.

=> 所有這些都是不同的女人,你們都明白,但都是一樣的故事。

Boy, I dont care much for nonsense.

=> 男孩,我不在乎廢話。

You see, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them, and these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children.

=> 你看,他們活著的時候,他們的丈夫不忠於他們,而這些基本上是精神恍惚的婦女殺了他們的孩子。

Then, once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives.

=> 然後,一旦他們意識到自己做了什麼,他們就奪去了自己的生命。

So now their spirits are cursed, walking back roads, waterways, and if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him, and that man is never seen again.

=> 所以現在他們的靈魂受到詛咒,走回了路,水路,如果他們發現一個不忠心的人,他們就殺了他,那個人再也沒有見過。

You think You think that has something to do with Constance, you smart ass ? You tell me.

=> 你以為你認為這與康斯坦斯有關,你聰明的屁股?你告訴我。

I mean, maybe Maybe I made some mistakes, but no matter what I did, Constance never would have killed her own children.

=> 我的意思是,也許也許我犯了一些錯誤,但無論我做了什麼,康斯坦斯都不會殺死自己的孩子。

Now, you get the hell out of here, and you dont come back.

=> 現在,你離開這裡,你不回來了。

I dont know how many times I got to tell you.

=> 我不知道我有多少次要告訴你。

Its my high-school locker combo.

=> 這是我的高中更衣室組合。

Are we gonna do this all night long ? We just got a 911.

=> 我們整晚都要這樣做嗎?我們剛剛得到了911。

Shots fired over at Whiteford Road.

=> 在懷特福德路開槍射擊。

Do you have to go to the bathroom ? No.

=> 你必須去洗手間嗎?沒有。


=> 好。

Fake 911 phone call, Sammy ? Thats pretty illegal.

=> 假的911電話,Sammy?這是非常非法的。

Youre welcome.

=> 別客氣。

Listen, we got to talk Tell me about it.

=> 聽著,我們得談談告訴我。

So the husband was unfaithful.

=> 所以丈夫是不忠誠的。

We are dealing with a woman in white.

=> 我們正在處理一個白衣女子。

Shes buried behind her old house.

=> 她被埋在她的老房子後面。

Sammy, would you shut up for a second ? I cant figure out why he hasnt destroyed the corpse yet.

=> 薩米,你會閉嘴嗎?我不明白他為什麼還沒有摧毀屍體。

Thats what Im trying to tell you.

=> 這就是我想告訴你的。

Hes gone.

=> 他走了。

Dad left Jericho.

=> 爸爸離開耶利哥。

What ? How do you know ? Ive got his journal.

=> 什麼 ?你怎麼知道的 ?我有他的日記。

He doesnt go anywhere without that thing.

=> 沒有那件事,他不會去任何地方。

Well, he did this time.

=> 那麼他這次呢。

Whats it say ? Same old ex-Marine crap when he wants to let us know where hes going.

=> 這是什麼意思?當他想讓我們知道他要去的地方的時候,也是同樣的老前任海軍陸戰隊的廢物。


=> 坐標。

Where to ? Im not sure yet.

=> 去哪兒 ?我不肯定。

I dont understand.

=> 我不明白。

I mean, what can be so important that he just gets out in the middle of the job ? Dean, what the hell is going on ? Sam, Sam ! Take me home.

=> 我的意思是,有什麼可以這麼重要,他只是在工作中脫穎而出? Dean,到底怎麼了?山姆,山姆!帶我回家。

Take me home.

=> 帶我回家。


=> 沒有。

Dont do this.

=> 不要這樣做。

I can never go home.

=> 我永遠不能回家。

Youre scared to go home.

=> 你害怕回家

Hold me.

=> 抱著我。

Im so cold.

=> 我很冷。

You cant kill me.

=> 你不能殺我。

Im not unfaithful.

=> 我不是不忠心

Ive never been.

=> 我從來沒有。

You will be.

=> 你將會。

Im taking you home.

=> 我帶你回家

Sam ! - Sam ! - Here ! You okay ? I think.

=> 山姆! - 山姆! - 這裡 !你好嗎?我認為。

- Can you move ? - Yeah.

=> - 你能動嗎? - 是的。

Help me.

=> 幫我。

Youve come home to us, mommy.

=> 媽媽,你已經回到我們家了。

So this is where she drowned her kids.

=> 所以這是她溺死她的孩子的地方。

Thats why she could never go home.

=> 這就是為什麼她永遠不能回家。

She was too scared to face them.

=> 她太害怕面對他們了。

You found her weak spot.

=> 你發現她的弱點。

Nice work, Sammy.

=> 幹得不錯,薩米。

I wish I could say the same for you.

=> 我希望我能為你說同樣的話。

What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak ? Hey, saved your ass.

=> 你在想什麼,卡斯珀在臉上,你怪胎?嘿,救了你的屁股。

Ill tell you another thing.

=> 我會告訴你另一件事。

If you screwed up my car, Ill kill you.

=> 如果你搞砸我的車,我會殺了你。

- Okay, heres where dad went.

=> - 好的,爸爸去的地方

- Its called Blackbottle Ridge, Colorado.

=> - 這叫科羅拉多Blackbottle里奇。

Sounds charming.

=> 聽起來很迷人。

How far ? About 600 miles.

=> 多遠 ?大約600英里

If we shag ass, we can make it by morning.

=> 如果我們sha驢,我們可以在早上做。

Dean, um Youre not going.

=> Dean,你不會去的。

The interviews in 10 hours.

=> 面試在10個小時之內。

I got to be there.

=> 我必須在那裡。


=> 是啊。

Yeah, whatever.

=> 好吧,無所謂了。

Ill take you home.

=> 我會帶你回家。

Youll call me if you find him ? Maybe I can meet up with you later, huh ? Yeah, all right.

=> 如果你找到他,你會打電話給我?也許我以後可以和你見面,嗯?是的,好的。


=> 山姆。

You know, we made a hell of a team back there.

=> 你知道,我們在那裡做了一個團隊。


=> 是啊。

Jess ! You home !? No ! Sam ! Jess ! Sam ! Sam ! No ! No ! Jess ! Jess ! No ! We got work to do.

=> 傑西!你回家 !?不!山姆!傑西!山姆!山姆!不!不!傑西!傑西!不!我們有工作要做


[美劇] 尼基塔/Nikita 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版
[美劇] 訴訟雙雄/Suits 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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