

KLAS Research的Jared Jeffrey上月底寫了一篇長長的博客1??對Apple的這個舉動進行了分析,從整個文章的介紹上來看,FHIR的出現、標準化、普及對於Apple的這個產品線的確提供了天時地利,目前只欠人和。而對於人和,作者給出了他的三點分析(具體分析請看原文):

  • 首先,普通消費者是不會成天關注自己病志內容的。
  • 其次,閱讀病志並不會促使消費者增強健康意識,更不會憑空提高健康水平。
  • 最後,單一品牌產品線並不能推動整體行業的快速變革,全世界超過8成的智能手機使用的是Android系統。


In order for someone to choose to spend time on an app (when there are millions of them in the app store) the user needs to get something in return. And they need to get that return quickly. When I search for a restaurant on Foursquare I get a return (recommendations). When I use OpenTable I get a return (a dinner reservation). When I use WhatsApp I get a return (a conversation with a friend). When I use Spotify I get a return (music).

But what does the consumer get when they upload a bunch of health data into the Apple health record? Nothing. At least not immediately. At least not until they』re sick. Which they hope they never are. There』s no clear return. This is the challenge with patient-driven health records.

In my view, the companies that have failed on personal health records have failed because they didn』t fully appreciate the way consumers engage with their own healthcare and they ignored the core tenets of consumer behavior. People are busy and have been trained to ignore everything unless it makes them feel good or gives them some near instant utility. Unless Apple』s personal health record app can find a way to deliver utility back to the user (quickly) I fear that it may share the same fate as those that have tried and failed.

1. Apple』s Health Records App: A Ripple or a Roar? [Internet]. The cHealth Blog. 2018 [cited 2018 Feb 6]. Available from: chealthblog.connectedhealth.org


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