
Hey guys! With the Chinese New Year coming up I』m sure a lot of you are getting ready to start making New Year』s Resolutions and therefore gonna want to start learning English (again! Hahaha). Of course, talking to real people is always the best way to practice English, but for many reasons that』s not always possible. Online websites and mobile apps, are, in general, much more available and easy to use.

Hey, guys! Chris here! 再過兩個星期就到狗年了!這就是制定新年願望的第二次機會!就像我老跟大家說的,跟人聊天是最好的練口語的辦法,只不過每天有各種各樣的原因會讓這樣的練習不太現實。一般來說,一些網站和手機app用起來更方便,也更容易。

But which ones are best? In today』s online world, there are so many English learning apps and websites that claim to have the best speaking/TOEFL/Reading app or whatever. It』s impossible to know which ones are good and worth your time/money and which ones are scams!

但是哪些app是最好的呢?我感覺幾乎每天都會有各種新的英語學習 app出現在應用商店中,還有各種新出現的網站宣稱要解決一切口語、托福、閱讀等等問題。很難知道哪些好、哪些根本就是在浪費時間。

I』ve been teaching English for a LONNNGGG time. The following websites/apps are the ones that I ALWAYS recommend to my students when they first start learning. I』ve used all of them myself (and still do!) and can vouch for their effectiveness. And most importantly, they』re all free!




(蘋果商店150元、安卓免費) (apps.ankiweb.net/)

When someone asks me how best to improve their English, my number 1 answer is always 『Anki』 which is why it』s at the top of the list! Sorry iPhone users, this app is really expensive, but Android users rejoice! It』s completely free! This app is the premiere SRS/Flashcard app on the market. Nothing else really comes close. Anki has an entire database of user-created flashcard decks that are chock full of great example sentences and vocabulary for you to practice your speaking.


2. 伴魚


(Warning! Shameless self-plug!) This app is something I use a lot to give free English streams on. There are a few paid features (optional), like getting a private teacher/paid lecture and such, but there are a lot of free things such as articles and videos created by English teachers that are great for practicing your English. For those wanting some cheap authentic speaking practice, this is a great app.


3. 復讀機

(iPhone推薦用Speater Lite;安卓隨便下復讀機app即可)

There are lots of apps that 『loop』 video or audio, but I think Speater is the most user friendly one. There are versions. Speater and Speater Lite. You only need the functions from Speater Lite which is free! First, find a clip from a video or piece of audio that you like/want to emulate and upload it to the app. Then you can use the app』s features to repeat, rewind, slow down, or speed up the clip and listen to it as many times as you want! This is an AMAZING way to get the feel for how English sounds and to practice speaking with a native accent.

我經常強調跟讀、模仿的重要性,而且做這種訓練的時候,有很多復讀機app可以讓這一切更方便。其實任何「復讀機」app都可以用,但我覺得Speater是其中最好的app 之一(只有iPhone版)。Speater有付費版和Speater Lite免費版,個人感覺免費版就可以!


5. Tatoeba.org

Tatoeba.org (tatoeba.org/)

An enormous database of example sentences created by native speakers of your target language. Put in a word that you want an example sentence for, search, and then the site spits out a bunch of example sentences with translations! Perfect for when you need to know how a word is used or need to make flashcards or something. A lot of the sentences even come up with native pronunciation examples!


6. Forvo

(蘋果、安卓都有app) (forvo.com/)

Like the above site, but Forvo is focused on individual words instead of complete sentences. Great to check the pronunciation of certain words when you』re a little unsure of what they sound like. Most of the words have pronunciations from both male and female users in several different accents so don』t worry about only getting American pronunciation if you want to study British English, or vice versa. They have more than just English too!

跟tatoeba有點像, Forvo可以查任何一個詞,然後就能聽到不同母語者讀該詞的語音示範。大部分的單詞至少有美國和英國男女的朗讀示範,這樣不管你學美式英語還是英式英語,都可以聽到不同母語者的示範、熟悉不同的口音。

6. HelloTalk


This is a chat app that you can use to do kind of a language exchange with foreigners. Users input their native language and then select the languages they are trying to learn. After that, you can search for other users with interests that are opposite yours. For example, if you』re Chinese and wanting to learn English, you』d search for someone who speaks English and wants to learn Chinese. You can then start a conversation with this person and have a chat with them in your target language. It even has a translate function! The app works similar to WeChat in that there are options for both text and audio so you can practice both writing and speaking! The benefit of this app over WeChat is that it gives you access to a whole pool of potential language learning partners. Once you find one you trust you can then add their WeChat or Skype to continue the conversation in a more convenient app.


7. 英語趣配音


This app is another one that』s great for pronunciation. The app takes clips from foreign movies and TV shows and challenges the users to 『dub』 over the original audio. At the end, the app gives you a score based on how good your pronunciation was. You can even share your score on your moments and challenge your friends to dub over the same clip!


8. HiNative


Previously known as lang-8, HiNative, is a platform where you can ask questions about any language you want and get answers from real native speakers from around the world. You can ask questions like, "How do you say this in Spanish?" "Whats the difference between these two words?" "Is my pronunciation correct?" You can also teach other users about your own native language. It』s a great community to be a part of and a must for students that don』t have a teacher or foreign friend to give corrections.


9. Chris的英語之道

weixin.qq.com/r/5klpcTb (二維碼自動識別)

Another self-plug! But really. My number one goal in life is to help you guys learn English. As you know I like to write articles and record videos to give advice and teach a bit of stuff, but I』m always looking to improve! I』d love for you guys to leave me some comments down below to help me make this blog better! I』d say that counts as a pretty good free English resource, right? One that writes about what you guys want? Hahaha! But seriously! Leave comments down below about what you』d like to hear about next and I』ll write an article/record a video about the most upvoted comment!

王婆賣瓜!但我是認真的。我生活中的第一目標就是幫助你們學好英語。你們也知道,我經常寫文章、錄視頻,都是想提供一些建議或教大家一些東西,但這些當然還遠遠不夠!現在就請大家在評論區留下你的想法,幫我一起把這個公眾號變得更好——畢竟它也是一個不錯的免費資源,對吧?這裡都是你想要的對嗎J 講真,留言說說下一篇你想知道什麼,我會就點贊最多的評論寫篇文章或錄個視頻!

Thanks, and see you guys tomorrow!


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