
早就有人回答過這個問題了What Are the Differences Between Fruits and Vegetables?

Simply put, a fruit is the
ovary of a plant, which means that it may contain seeds, while a vegetable is a
plant part, which does not contain seeds, although some vegetables may be used
in plant reproduction.

Some examples of fruits
include well-known specimens like apricots, cherries, blueberries, and apples, but tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, and zucchini are
also considered to be fruits botanically, even though many people refer to
these fruits as 「vegetables」 because they are savory, rather than sweet. This
is the result of convenience labeling used in the grocery industry, where
fruits and vegetables are differentiated on the basis of whether they are sweet
or savory, rather than with the use of any firm botanical criteria.

A vegetable, on the other hand, is simply a plant part like a
flower, stem, root, or leaf. Broccoli, for example is a vegetable which
appears in the form of a flower, while celery is
a stalkvegetable, and celeriac is
a root vegetable. Vegetables like
potatoes are technically tubers, not roots, meaning that they are specially
designed plant structures which store nutrients for
the parent plant; tubers are also capable of budding into new plants. Some
examples of leaf vegetables include spinach, cabbage, and lettuce.



「任何可食用、不包括種子的植物部分都是蔬菜,可以是根部(胡蘿蔔)、塊莖(土豆)、莖幹(蘆筍)、葉子(捲心菜)、葉柄(芹菜)、花莖和花苞(花椰菜)。」——水果獵人 (豆瓣)




TAG:水果 | 蔬菜 | 植物 | 生物學 |