
UK foxes thankfully spared the baying pack, unlike Theresa May

TALK of resuming fox hunting is over for now after this idea was ditched by the UK』s enfeebled Tory government last week.

Word & Expression

1. Bay

  • N.?A bay is a part of a coast where the land curves inward. 海灣
  • a short ferry ride across the bay. (ferry n.渡船)


  • V.?If a number of people are baying for something, they are demanding something angrily, usually that someone should be punished. 憤怒地要求
  • The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty. (penalty n.懲罰)


  • 片語:bay area海灣地區

at bay處於走投無路的境地

bay bridge海灣大橋

2. Ditch

  • N.?A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road or field. 道溝; 溝渠
  • Both vehicles ended up in a ditch.


  • V. If you ditch something that you have or are responsible for, you abandon it or get rid of it, because you no longer want it. 丟棄
  • I decided to ditch the sofa bed.


  • 片語:drainage ditchn. 排水溝

幸運的是,英國的狐狸躲過了一劫,不像特里薩·梅(Theresa May)那樣。


句子精講:TALK of resuming fox hunting is over for now after this idea was ditched by the UK』s enfeebled Tory government last week.



A lamp was hanging over the table.


He saw an arched stone bridge over the river.


She saw a water bird flying over the lake.



She spread a cloth over the table.


She wore a white shawl over her shoulders.


A hovercraft goes over land and water.



It is no use crying over split milk.


We are deeply grieved over his death.


There has been much discussion over the question.



These are the main things we have learned over the past few years.


Over the past few years they have consistently gathered in good harvests.


He came to town over the weekend.



Over 1,000 people attended the memorial meeting.


He talked for over half an hour.


The girl is a little over five.



Their income increased by 21 per cent over that of the previous year


The output value in the first quarter was 10 per cent over the same period last year.


It was always an odd manifesto promise. After all, fox hunting is not a high priority for most voters – the vast majority oppose lifting the ban. This feeling has grown and now includes 84 per cent of rural voters. Traditionally, though, animal welfare has not been a big decider of how people actually vote.

Word & Expression


  • N.?A manifesto is a statement published by a person or group of people, especially a political party, or a government, in which they say what their aims and policies are. 宣言
  • The Republicans are currently drawing up their election manifesto.


  • 片語:Philosophy manifesto 哲學宣言


句子精講:This feeling has grown and now includes 84 per cent of rural voters.

百分比的表達法 在英語中,表示百分比一般用percent和percentage,但percent必須與具體數字連用,在英國英語中該詞常分開寫為 per cent,percentage單獨使用時,意為「百分比」、「百分率」。例如:

Ninety percent of these turned out to have a simple explanation.


Since 95 percent of the findings on unidentified flying objects have been ex-plained as sign of nature,these signs should be explained to people.


What percentage of school leavers go to univeristy?



A percentage of the soldiers refused to take part in the raid.


A high percentage of married women have full-time jobs.


percent與percentage後的謂語動詞的數,應根據介詞 of的賓語的數來決定。賓語為單數,謂語動詞則用單數,反之亦然。例如:

Ten percent of the children are absent.


A large percentage of pollution comes from automobile exhausts.



Of the new subscribers,75 percent have paid already.


Nine percent is a large percentage.


A small group of Tories still counted on this being the case and got prime minister Theresa May to promise a free vote on bringing back hunting: despite assertions this was all about controlling fox numbers and lamb losses, it was really about keeping a small pro-hunt rural vote on board.

Word & Expression

1. Count on

  • 指望,依靠
  • Dont count on Lillian.


2. Assertion

  • 斷言,主張
  • If we do not do this,the validator will except to find this assertion in every policy it validates.(validator n.驗證器)


  • 片語:inductive assertion 歸納斷言

It proved toxic, losing May votes and possibly her majority; animal welfare is important, especially to young voters. The reprieve is welcome. The backdrop is the rapid decline in British foxes despite the 12-year hunting ban. The well-regarded British Trust for Ornithology estimated a 34 per cent fall between 1996 and 2014.

Word & Expression

1. Reprieve

  • V.?If someone who has been sentenced in a court is reprieved, their punishment is officially delayed or cancelled. (被判) 緩刑; 撤銷 (刑罰)
  • Fourteen people, waiting to be hanged for the murder of a former prime minister, have been reprieved.


  • N.?A reprieve is a delay before a very unpleasant or difficult situation which may or may not take place. 暫緩; 暫緩令
  • It looked as though the college would have to shut, but this week it was given a reprieve.


Why is less clear. Studies show that changes in fox numbers in Scotland from the 1960s to 1980s were related to food availability, not 「pest control」. Rabbits are an important food for foxes: as UK rabbit numbers have fallen to less than half, this may be the reason.

Word & Expression

1. Be related to

  • 與...有關、
  • Im not exactly sure what she does there,but it seems to be related to humorous poems.



Why is less clear.

一、why能引導下列幾種從句: 1. 主語從句

Why he took Chinese nationality in 1901 is a question that interests us.


2. 賓語從句

He asked her why she was doing that.


3. 表語從句

Thats why Ive come to see you.


這裡的why在意義和語法上相當於the reason why。如果把此句改寫為:Thats the reason why Ive come to see you.有些語法書上視為同位語從句,但筆者贊同是限制性定語從句,因為why在此句中是個關係副詞,而不是像同位語從句中那樣是連詞。再如:

Could you tell me the reason why she refused to go to college?


4. 狀語從句

No matter why she became angry with you, you should apologize to her.

不管她為什麼對你生氣,你也應當向她道歉。 二、why作疑問詞時,可以用來向對方問及原因,可以用Why?或Why not?二者都是省略句。分述如下: 1. 「Why?」用來針對肯定的內容發問。例如:

A:What are you going to do tomorrow?

B:Nothing much. Why?(=Why do you ask me that?)

2. Why not?用來針對否定的內容發問,用在下列幾種情況中:


A:Do you often go to school by bike?

B:No, I dont.

A:Why not?(=Why dont you go to school by bike?)


A:You havent finished your homework, have you?

B: No, I havent.

A: Why not?(=Why havent you finished it?)

③ 對否定陳述句詢問原因時。例如:

A:I cant finish this work in two days.

B:Why not?(=Why cant you finish it in two days?)


A:Could you come with me?

B:Why not?(=I can go with you.) 三、why除了用作疑問句之外,還可以用作引導詞(又稱感嘆句)放在句首或句中作插入語,表示驚奇等各種各樣的情緒,不譯為「為什麼」,根據上下文它可以有「喲,啊呀,哎呀,嗨,噢,呃,啊唷」等不同譯法。例如:

①「....」 「Next Friday? Why, whats happening?」「……。」「下星期五?啊,有什麼事嗎?」

②Why! I thought you were in London.哎呀!我還以為你在倫敦呢!

③Why, its quite easy! A child could do it!唔,那是相當容易的!小孩子也會做它!

④Why,what did she say?呃,她說什麼? 四、why 還可用在書和文章的標題中用一種不規範的句子語序也是符合語法的。例如:

Why I am learning English?


Why the bat comes out only at night?



He doesnt know why to go there.

他不知道為什麼去那裡。 六、why在口語中可以用作賓語。例如:

Tell me why.


I dont know why.


「This reprieve is welcome. The backdrop is foxes in rapid decline despite the 12-year hunting ban」 In any event, the classic 「pest control」 argument for hunting has had no teeth for some time. For example, there was no hunting for nearly a year during the 2001 foot and mouth outbreak when other forms of fox control were also curtailed. Yet fox numbers did not rise. Economic gains to farmers from predation on rabbits have also been shown.

Word & Expression

1. Classic

  • ADJ?A classic example of a thing or situation has all the features which you expect such a thing or situation to have. 典型的
  • The debate in the press has been a classic example of hypocrisy.


  • ADJ?A classic film, piece of writing, or piece of music is of very high quality and has become a standard against which similar things are judged. 經典的
  • the classic childrens film Huckleberry Finn.


  • 片語:classic style古典風格

classic music古典音樂

2. Curtail

  • V.?If you curtail something, you reduce or limit it. 縮減
  • NATO plans to curtail the number of troops being sent to the region.


Sadly, evidence seems to play a minor role in the debate. A hard core of Tories remain committed to a resumption and, according to animal welfare groups, fox hunts routinely flout the law under the guise of 「trail hunting」. Fox hunting is far from being consigned to history. But, if the political pundits have got it right, it looks as if its most prominent political supporter of late will soon find herself hounded to the point of exhaustion, cornered and torn apart.

Word & Expression

1. Resumption

  • 恢復
  • Both countries are now hoping for a quick resumption of diplomatic relations.


2. Guise

  • N.?You use guise to refer to the outward appearance or form of someone or something, which is often temporary or different from their real nature. 偽裝
  • He turned up at an Easter party in the guise of a white rabbit.


  • 片語:under the guise of以…為幌子

in the guise of假借

3. Pundit

  • N.?A pundit is a person who knows a lot about a subject and is often asked to give information or opinions about it to the public. 權威; 專家
  • a well-known political pundit.


  • 片語:Media pundit 時事評論員



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150年一遇!超級藍血月!!這麼好的拍照時機 不容錯過!!!

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