
MORNING sickness has been blamed on many things – from female fetuses to multiple pregnancies. But a UK study of nearly 800 pregnant women suggests that a protein is the real culprit.

It has long been known that pregnant women produce high amounts of a protein called GDF15 in their liver and placental tissue. The protein is normally involved in inflammatory processes associated with tissue injury. But it was recently found that high levels of GDF15 put mice off eating their meals.

Word & expression

1. blame

  • vt. 責備;歸咎於

The commission is expected to blame the army for many of the atrocities.


talk to , tell off

blame for 責備;因……責備

  • n. 責備;責任;過失

Im not going to sit around and take the blame for a mistake he made.


duty , liability , error , burden , trust

take the blame 承擔過錯

put the blame on 歸咎於…

be to blame for 對…應負責任;應該為某事負責任

2. fetus

  • n. 胎兒,胎 [複數 fetuses]

Pregnant women who are heavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn fetus.


foetus , homunculi

3. pregnancy

  • n. 懷孕;豐富,多產;意義深長

It would be wiser to cut out all alcohol during pregnancy.


conception , abundance , plenty , amplitude , enrichment

ectopic pregnancy [醫]子宮外孕

tubal pregnancy 輸卵管妊娠

pregnancy test 妊娠試驗,驗孕

4. protein

  • n. 蛋白質;朊

Fish was a major source of protein for the working man.



protein content 蛋白質含量

soy protein 大豆蛋白;醬油蛋白質

high protein 高蛋白;高蛋白質麵粉

  • adj. 蛋白質的


5. culprit

  • n. 犯人,罪犯;被控犯罪的人

All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.


prisoner , zek

6. liver

  • n. 肝臟;生活者,居民

Three weeks ago, it was discovered the cancer had spread to his liver.


resident , dweller

liver cancer 肝癌

liver transplantation 肝臟移植

liver function 肝功能

7. placental

  • adj. 胎盤的;胎座的

If the cells did cross the placental barrier, the childs immune system should have recognised them as foreign invaders and destroyed them.


placental abruption 胎盤早剝;胎盤早期剝離

placental barrier 胎盤屏障

  • n. 有胎盤哺乳動物

8. tissue

  • n. 組織;紙巾;薄紗;一套

As we age we lose muscle tissue.


set , gauze

tissue engineering 組織工程學

soft tissue 軟組織

tissue culture 組織培養;體素培養

  • vt. 飾以薄紗;用化妝紙揩去

9. inflammatory

  • adj. 炎症性的;煽動性的;激動的

...nationalist policies that are too drastic and inflammatory.


excited , hot

inflammatory reaction 炎症反應,炎性反應

pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎;骨盆腔發炎;盆腔炎性疾病

inflammatory pseudotumor [醫]炎性假瘤

10. associate

  • vt. 聯想;使聯合;使發生聯繫

Through science weve got the idea of associating progress with the future.



  • n. 同事,夥伴;關聯的事物

...the restaurant owners business associates.


brother , partner , fellow , comrade , colleague

research associate 研究助理;助理研究員

business associate 生意夥伴;業務聯合

associate member n. 準會員

  • vi. 交往;結交

What would they think if they knew that they were associating with a murderer?


company , travel , sort , mix

associate with 聯合;與…聯繫在一起;和…來往

  • adj. 副的;聯合的

Mr. Lin is associate director of the Institute.


deputy , linked , vice , joint , auxiliary

associate dean 副院長

associate editor 副主編;副編輯

associate justice 助理法官,副大法官

11. put off

  • 推遲;扔掉;阻止

Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers.


wait , dispute




Stephen O』Rahilly at the University of Cambridge and his colleagues have now analysed the levels of this protein in the blood of 791 pregnant women. After delivery, the women completed questionnaires about the morning sickness they had experienced throughout the pregnancy.

Those who reported vomiting mid-pregnancy had around 1000 more picograms of GDF15 per millilitre of their blood than women who were sickness-free. And those who said they took anti-sickness tablets had nearly 3000 picograms per millilitre more than women with no sickness. Because these women took medication, the team assumed they experienced the worst morning sickness (bioRxiv, doi.org/cgm4).

Word & expression

1. delivery

  • n. [貿易] 交付;分娩;遞送

In the end, it was an easy delivery: a fine baby boy.


labour , handing over

delivery time 交貨時間

delivery system 傳送系統;運載系統;分配系統

prompt delivery 限時專送

2. throughout

  • adv. 自始至終,到處;全部

The national tragedy of rival groups killing each other continued throughout 1990.


everywhere , around , wholly , about

  • prep. 貫穿,遍及

"Sight Savers," founded in 1950, now runs projects throughout Africa, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.


over all

3. vomit

  • vi. 嘔吐;吐出

Any product made from cows milk made him vomit.


shoot the cat , hork

  • vt. 吐出;使……嘔吐

spit out , regorge

  • n. 嘔吐;嘔吐物;催吐劑

Zimmer slipped and nearly fell on a pool of vomit.


sickness , emesis

4. picogram

  • n. 微微克,沙克

The experts established a provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTMI) of 70 picogram/kg per month.


5. millilitre

  • n. [計量] 毫升

...100 millilitres of blood.



6. tablet

  • n. 碑;藥片;寫字板;小塊;平板電腦

...half a tablet of aspirin.


wordpad , nubble

buccal tablet 口腔片,頰含片

tablet press 壓片機

calcium tablet 鈣片

  • vt. 用碑牌紀念;將(備忘錄等)寫在板上;將…製成小片或小塊

7. medication

  • n. 藥物;藥物治療;藥物處理

When somebody comes for treatment I always ask them if they are on any medication.


drugs , pharmaceutical

oral medication 內服;口服法

8. assume

  • vt. 僭取;篡奪;奪取;擅用;侵佔

If mistakes occurred, they were assumed to be the fault of the commander on the spot.


undertake , adopt , accept , shoulder , sustain

assume responsibility 承擔責任

assume liability 承擔責任

subjective assume 主觀臆斷

  • vi. 假定;設想;承擔;採取

attitudinize , put on the dog


劍橋大學的Stephen O』Rahilly和他的同事們已經分析了791名孕婦血液中該種蛋白質的含量。在分娩之後,這些婦女完成了關於她們在懷孕期間所經歷的孕吐的問卷調查。


「We currently only have medications treating the symptoms, not the cause, of vomiting in pregnancy」 O』Rahilly and his colleagues suggest that the placenta may have evolved to use GDF15 to put mothers off food that could harm the fetus, especially at sensitive stages of the pregnancy.

「Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy can be devastating for women,」 says Kristine Heitmann of Haukeland University Hospital in Norway. The team』s findings suggest that targeting GDF15 may be a way to treat morning sickness. 「It is a path worth exploring further,」 she says. 「Today, we only have medications treating the symptoms, and not the cause of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.」

Word & expression

1. currently

  • adv. 當前;一般地

And, this is how Im doing now in relationship to what were currently discussing or evaluating or experiencing.


commonly , normally , generally

2. symptom

  • n. [臨床] 癥狀;徵兆

One of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia is hearing imaginary voices.


premonitor , prefiguration

symptom complex 症候群

3. evolve

  • vi. 發展,進展;進化;逐步形成

The bright plumage of many male birds was thought to have evolved to attract females.


grow , expand , advance

evolve into vt. 發展成,進化成

evolve from v. 由…進化

  • vt. 發展,進化;進化;使逐步形成;推斷出

...a tiny airline which eventually evolved into Pakistan International Airlines.


go way , to develop

4. sensitive

  • adj. 敏感的;感覺的;[儀] 靈敏的;感光的;易受傷害的;易受影響的

The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a childs needs.


vulnerable , subtle , quick

sensitive skin 敏感性皮膚

highly sensitive 高靈敏度的

  • n. 敏感的人;有靈異能力的人

5. stage

  • n. 階段;舞台;戲劇;驛站

The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.


drama , phase , age , grade , theater

stage by stage adv. 逐步地,一步一步地;分階段地

early stage 早期,初期

by stages 分階段地

  • vt. 舉行;上演;籌劃

Maya Angelou first staged the play "And I Still Rise" in the late 1970s.


celebrate , put on

  • vi. 舉行;適於上演;乘驛車旅行

come off , to hold

6. devastating

  • adj. 毀滅性的;全然的

Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages.


fell , destructive , fatal

  • v. 摧毀(devastate的ing形式);毀壞

annihilating , rubbling

7. explore

  • v. 探索;探測;探險

After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral.


detect , probe into



「在懷孕期間的噁心和嘔吐對於女性來說可能是毀滅性的。」來自挪威海於克蘭大學醫院的Kristine Heitmann說。該小組的研究結果表明,針對GDF15的研究可能是治療孕吐的一種方式。她說:「這是一條值得進一步探索的道路。」「今天,我們只有治療癥狀的藥物,而不是引起懷孕期間噁心和嘔吐的根源。」


It has long been known that pregnant women produce high amounts of a protein called GDF15 in their liver and placental tissue.


  • 形式主語是動詞不定式的一種,它也是邏輯主語, 可以把它歸類到邏輯主語的第一種(不定式的邏輯主語) 用作賓語的不定式,用作目的狀語,用作結果狀語的不定式都是屬於不定式的大概念裡面的。
  • it作邏輯主語

形式主語it 作為形式主語的it並無實際語義,只是為滿足語法上的需要,避免句子頭重腳輕,它代替的是句子的邏輯主語,概括起來會有如下情況:

① 不定式作邏輯主語

It is very kind of you to give me a hand in time.


② 從句作邏輯主語

It so happened that the tickets were sold out.


③ 動名詞短語作邏輯主語

這類句子遠不如前面兩種出現率高,主要在(no good, waste, useless, no use, dangerous)等詞語的後面用

It is no use reasoning with him.


④ 作形式主語的代詞只能用it,不能用that,this等詞

It is easier to lose friends than to make friends.


It is important for modern young people to master at least two foreign languages.



It is considered no good reciting without understanding.


It is no use crying over spilt milk.



It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.


It depends on the weather whether we will go.


(其中的whether 不能換成if,因為if不能引導主語從句。)


  • it作形式主語

① 不定式作真正主語


a. It + is/was + adj./n. (形容詞或名詞) +to do sth.

a). 名詞作表語。主要有a pity,a pleasure,an idea等。

It is a great pleasure to do this.



It seems a pity to waste the food.


b). 形容詞或形容詞短語作表語。

下列形容詞:kind, good, nice, clever, wrong, right, foolish, wise, unwise, stupid, rude, careless, cruel, brave, naughty, polite, selfish等詞作表語時,不定式前常可加一個由of引起的短語,來說明不定式指的是誰的情況。形容詞表示不定式邏輯主語的特徵,即形容詞用來描述不定式行為者的性格、品行等。

It was foolish of you to leave school.你中途退學,真是傻瓜。

It was brave of her to speak out in public. 她能當眾大聲講話,真勇敢。

其他形容詞作表語,常見的形容詞有:necessary,hard, important, difficult, easy, possible, common等。

It is necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes.


b. It + v. + to do sth.

動詞不定式作主語時除動詞be以外,動詞take,cost, need,require,make,sound,occur 等也可用it作形式主語,而把動詞不定式放在後面。

It took us three years to complete the project.


It sounds reasonable to do it this way.


② 動名詞作真正主語


It was nice meeting you.

見到你真高興! (分別時用)


It is nice to meet you.



Its +n.(名詞或名詞短語)/adj.(形容詞)+ doing sth.

a. 下列形容詞後常用動名詞作真正主語:nice, good, useless, hard, foolish, enjoyable, worthwhile等。

It is nice talking to you.


Its foolish behaving like that.


b. 下列名詞或名詞短語作表語時常用動名詞作真正主語:use, good, fun, a waste of, job, task等。

Its a waste of time doing this.


Its an awful job doing this.


③ 名詞從句作真正主語


It +謂語+名詞從句(主語從句、表語從句、同位語從句)

a. It is +名詞+從句: 這樣的名詞有a fact,a surprise,an honor(非常榮幸),a pity,common knowledge(常識)等。

It is common knowledge that the full moon brings fair weather.


It is a surprise that you gave such an answer to the question.


b. It is +形容詞+從句: 這樣的形容詞有natural, true, strange, necessary, important, obvious(很明顯),certain, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, probable等。

It is certain that free medical care will be given to most people in our city.


c. It +動詞+從句: 這樣的動詞有seem, happen, appear, look, matter, make, strike, occur(突然想起)等。

It appeared that he had a taste for music.


d. It + be + 分詞+從句: 這樣的分詞有 said(據說), reported(據報道),believed(人們相信),known(眾所周知),decided(已決定),proved(已證實),thought, expected, annouced, arranged, amusing, puzzling,striking等。

It is said that Li Hao has been to Europe.


需要說明的是,大部分連接詞引導的主語從句都可以用 it充當形式主語。

It remains unknown when they are going to get married.


It says in the newspaper that the enemy has been defeated.




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