The Connection Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence動物虐待和人類暴力的相關性




原文作者:NYSHA Board Member, Harold Hovel, Ph.D.

原文出處:Home Page | NYSHA ? ? New York State Humane Association




The Connection BetweenAnimal Abuse and Human Violence




Animal cruelty is linked directly or indirectly with every type of violentcrime and even with most non-violent crime.


Human beings would benefit enormously if fighting animalcruelty (investigating, prosecuting) were taken seriously. Many human liveswould be saved and much human suffering would be prevented.


Violent individuals are 「made」 and not born. Children areborn with a love of animals, but the home environment plays a major role indetermining a child』s prosocial or antisocial personality and behavior. Childabuse, neglect, abandonment, and witnessing domestic violence are major factorsin creating violent individuals.


Enuresis, arson, and animal cruelty in children are earlyidentifying factors related to future violence. Early intervention may beeffective in changing the pathological path a child is taking.


The majority of juvenile crime offenders and schoolshooters were involved in animal cruelty. Most violent crimes are committed byyoung people under the age of 30. A majority of prison inmates were involved inanimal cruelty at some time in their early lives.

大多數青少年犯罪和校園槍手都涉嫌動物虐待。 大多數暴力犯罪都是30以下的年輕人。大多數囚犯都有早年虐待動物的經歷。

Dog fighting involves crimes such as drugs, guns, illegalgambling, pet theft, murder, and gang violence. 30 – 35 fatal dog attacks takeplace annually by dogs trained for fighting.


Serial killers are closely linked to animal cruelty, somuch so that it is exceedingly rare to find one who did not begin his or hercareer with animal abuse.


Domestic violence (child abuse, spouse battering, and elder abuse) is closelyassociated with animal cruelty. Perpetrators use animal cruelty to controlwomen and children in abusive situations. Battered women often remain inabusive situations out of fear for their pet. Animal cruelty is 11x more likelyin domestic violence households than in non d.v. households.


Stopping domestic violence is a key to reducing ourviolent culture. Nearly all violent criminals and violent psychiatric patientswere abused as children, and nearly all started committing animal cruelty at anearly age.


Reasons to Care About Animal Cruelty


For people who care about animals, the question neverarises. Animals are living, breathing, sentient beings that cohabit the Earth,that feel joy, love, and happiness, but also suffer and feel pain just as humanbeings do. Cruelty is incompatible with a caring, moral society where empathyis a venerable quality.對關注動物的人來說,他們根本不會提出這樣的問題。動物是鮮活的有呼吸有感情的生命,和我們在地球上一起生活,和我們人類一樣,能感受快樂,愛與幸福,也能感受或遭遇痛苦。在這個充滿關懷,崇尚道德的社會,同情是一個可貴的品質,殘忍是與這個社會不相容的。

For those who don』t care about animals, there are stillmany reasons to be concerned, reasons in their own self-interest. There is aclose connection between animal cruelty and most forms of violent andnonviolent crime. Those who are committing or have committed animal abuse arefar more likely to be associated with assault, rape, murder and serial murder,arson, domestic violence, and pedophilia, than are nonanimal abusers. Childrenwho begin their young years abusing other living beings are at higher risk offuture criminal behavior.對那些對動物莫不關心的人來說,出自各自的興趣,他們依然有一些理由關注這個問題。動物虐待和大多數形式的暴力非暴力犯罪緊密相聯。那些正在虐待虐待動物的人,或者虐待過動物的人,比那些未虐待動物的人,更有可能會牽扯進毆打、強姦、謀殺、連環謀殺、縱火、家庭暴力、戀童癖這些行為中。幼年時有過虐待其他生命的少年,未來犯罪的幾率更高。

None of this is conjecture; it is borne out by countlessstudies and statistics. So why should we care about cruelty?

Fighting animal cruelty would:

n save many human lives

n prevent much human suffering

n prevent much animal suffering

n help to protect children

n help to protect women, children, and elders fromdomestic violence

n lead to far less human violence overall

Studies done by the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Association ofChiefs of Police, and many commissioned university professors under contract tothese organizations show that animal cruelty is: - a predictor of future humanviolence; - an identifier of likely suspects; - an

indicator of on-going child, spouse, or elder abuse; - and a felony for themost egregious cruelty incidences in all 50 states.


  • n 反對動物虐待,能拯救很多人的生命;

  • n 反對動物虐待,能阻止很多對人類的傷害;

  • n 反對動物虐待,能阻止很多對動物的傷害;

  • n 反對動物虐待,對兒童保護有益;

  • n 反對動物虐待,有益於保護家暴中的婦女,兒童和老人

  • n 反對動物虐待,能減少暴力犯罪數量



ViolentOffenders Are Made, Not Born


Some psychologists and geneticistsmight contend that there are 「bad genes」 that predispose a newborn to a life ofviolence. While genetics may certainly play some role, 「nature versus nurture」is a far more powerful influence. A child』s parents are the biggest influencesand role models in his or her life. Children brought up with love and understanding,respect, and pro-social values taught at home and elsewhere are on a path tobecoming valued and responsible adults that will repeat such a positiveupbringing with their own children.


In contrast, a child brought up in anabusive home, undergoing neglect, abandonment, sexual, or physical abuse, orwitnessing abuse of his or her mother, learns that violence is a normal way of life,and will very likely repeat that cycle when (and if) they become an adult.Along the way, the child may take out his or her anger and frustration onothers weaker than they are, likely starting with animals and often becoming a schoolbully and a future child or spouse abuser. They may also become involved inviolent or non-violent crime.


As statistics from federal and stateprisons and criminal psychiatric facilities show: Nearly all violentindividuals were abused as children, and over 70% of them began their violentcareers with animal cruelty.


If violent offenders are made and not born, why can』t we figure out whatmakes them and break the cycle?


Decades of study by learnedinstitutions, journals, national science associations, psychology and psychiatricorganizations, university professors, and other professional associations alllead to one conclusion:


Domestic violence is the single mostimportant factor that creates violent individuals and perpetuates the cycle ofviolence.


Combatting domestic violence much moreaggressively than society has done in the past would be of enormous benefit tosociety, and animal cruelty is the way most violent individuals begin.


The degree ofviolence each year is staggering. The Table below shows yearly averages forseveral types of violent crimes in the US, averaged over about a 20-yearperiod. Fortunately, violent crime has decreased somewhat after the start ofthe new century, but remains hugely costly in both human terms and societal terms,representing lost lives, lost productivity, and an enormous drain on resources.The estimated cost of child abuse alone is $124 billion per year [1] while thecost of all violent crime exceeds $450 billion [2]. *


Definitions ofAnimal Cruelty


Legally, animal cruelty is defined as「Socially Unacceptable Behavior That Intentionally Causes Unnecessary Pain,Suffering, or Distress To and / or Death of an Animal.」

Most Common Forms of Abuse: Excessivepunishment; Chaining; Abandonment; Failure to provide sustenance.

Pathological Cruelty To Animals:Beating; Torturing; Burning; Scalding; Freezing, Skinning; Bone Breaking;Whipping; Amputation; Electric Prodding; Mutilation; Freezing; Killing;Crushing; Fighting.

Some crimes: misdemeanor in 50 states,other crimes now a felony in all 50 states as of 2014.



病態的虐待動物方式:毆打,折磨,火燒; 水燙; 寒凍,剝皮,打至斷骨,鞭笞,切去肢體,電擊,傷害至殘,殺戮; 踩踏; 讓動物互相搏鬥。


FBI: There is a very highcorrelation of violent children with 3 specific behaviors:



Cruelty to animals

FBI: 3中特定的行為和暴力兒童有非常高的相關性:





Violence in Schools

While school shootings grab the mostattention, school violence is more widespread and encompasses more types ofcrimes. For instance, in 2012 there were over 749,000 non-fatal violentvictimizations among students ages 12-18. At the same time, 9% of teachersreported being threatened by a student and 5% reported being physicallyattacked. An average of 25 student deaths take place in schools every year, asshown in the chart below. Teachers, principals, and other school staff are alsovictims. Most school homicides are carried out with guns, others with knivesand clubs. In 2013, nearly 18% of high school students carried a weapon toschool.

雖然校園槍擊事件十分搶鏡,其實校園暴力比槍擊更加廣泛,犯罪形式更多。例如,在2012年在12-18歲學齡段發生749,000多件非致命性暴力侵害。同時, 9%的教師報告受到學生威脅,5%的教師報告受到身體攻擊。每年發生在學校的學生死亡案件平均25起。教師,校長和其他學校工作人員也成為受害者。大多數校園殺人案件使用手槍,其餘用刀和棍棒。 2013年,近18%的高中生攜帶武器上學。

43 - 50% of school shooters startedout by torturing animals.

  • Brenda Spencer (shot 12, killed2). Set cats on fire.

  • Kip Kinkle (shot 24, killed 2).Tortured 3 animals per day.

  • Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold(shot 36, killed 13). Boasted of mutilating animals for fun.

  • Evan Ramsey (shot 4, killed 2). Stoned dogs.


  • Brenda Spencer(向12人開槍,殺死2人)。將貓丟入火中。

  • Kip Kinkle(向24人開槍,殺死2人)。每天虐待3隻動物。

  • Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold (向36人射擊,打死13)。以虐待動物為樂,並作為吹噓的談資。

  • Evan Ramsey(射擊4,殺死2)。用石頭砸狗。

Bullying andSuicide

The tragedy of child suicide is verymuch connected with bullying.

  • 4400 suicides of young people takeplace per year. For every suicide that takes place, there are at least 100suicide attempts.

  • Over 14% of high school students haveconsidered suicide and nearly 7% have attempted it.

  • A European study found that at leasthalf of child suicides are related to bullying.



  • 每年發生4400起少年自殺事件。每一期成功自殺事件背後,隱藏著至少100起未遂自殺事件。

  • 超過14%的高中生曾考慮自殺,近7%曾嘗試它。

  • 歐洲的某個研究發現,兒童自殺至少有一半都與校園欺凌有關。

Beautiful Peoplelost to Suicide due to Bullying


Bullying andAnimal Cruelty


Cruelty to animals is often anindicator of either a bully or a victim displaying anger against the bullying.Bullies are often associated with animal cruelty.

75% of school shooters were eitherbullies (Kinkle, Johnson) or victims of bullies (Carneal, Woodham, Harris and Klebold).Half the school shooters were torturing animals and bragged about it.


75%的校園槍手要麼是惡霸(Kinkle, Johnson)或欺凌的受害者(Carneal, Woodham, Harris and Klebold)。有一半的校園槍手虐待動物並引以為豪。


Child Abuse;Spouse Battering; Elder Abuse



It is an astonishing fact that prior to1962, there was no officially recognized notion of child abuse (or spouse orelder abuse either for that matter). The medicalestablishment refused to believe that parents would harm their children.Children entering clinics or hospitals with broken bones, blackeyes, bruises covering their bodies were simply accident-prone. One doctor, C.Henry Kempe, refused to believe that all thoseinjuries could be accidents and sent a questionnaire to hospitals around thecountry, summarizing the findings in the first-ever study of battered children.His work literally sparked a revolution, a long overdue awakening that child abusewas not only taking place but was widespread. Abuse took several forms:physical, sexual, psychological, abandonment, neglect. (Sexual abuse wasn』t「recognized」 until the 1980』s.)

令人吃驚的是,直到1962年,虐待兒童(配偶,老人)都沒有一個官方認可的概念。醫療機構拒絕相信父母會傷害孩子。因為打斷骨頭、打腫眼睛、全身瘀青創傷而就診的兒童都只不過當成意外事件。一個叫C. Henry Kempe的醫生拒絕承認這些傷害僅僅是意外,給全國的醫院寄來一份調查問卷,總結了他對受虐兒童首次研究的發現。從某種意義上說,他的工作引發了一場革命。促使人們遲來的覺醒:兒童虐待不僅發生,而且範圍甚廣。虐待形式包括:身體虐待,性虐待,精神虐待,遺棄,漠視。(性虐待直到上世紀80年代才得以認可)

Home: A CriminalTraining Ground. Exhaustive studies show the connection between childabuse and criminal behavior. 「Parental conflict and harsh, erratic disciplinehave been shown to contribute to juvenile crime. Abused children are at highrisk of becoming involved in crime. Households thatprovide safety, emotional warmth, and guidance foster the development ofnoncriminal young people even in neighborhoods at highrisk for crime」 [11].


There are over 2.7 million cases ofchild abuse per year with 160,000 serious injuries and 2000 deaths [12]. Manyof the children killed in their homes are under the ageof 3; 80% are under the age of 4. Every 5 hours a child is abused to death, andthe number is growing.


Families involved in child abuse aregenerally involved in other types of domestic violence including spouse abuseand often in criminal activities including assaultsas well [12].


Child Abuse andAnimal Abuse. It doesn』t take much of a leap of imagination thatparents brutalizing children wouldn』t hesitate to do the same to the householdpets. In fact, abuse of the family pet is a major way that brutal parentscontrol the child (or the spouse) to enact silence (about the abuse), createdesired behavior, and create a household atmosphere of fear.

The connectionbetween child abuse and animal abuse is 70-80%.



In one study, 23 families were studiedwhere animal abuse was known to be going on. 83% also had children in thehousehold in danger of abuse or neglect [13]. Inanother study, 53 families were investigated where child abuse was known to begoing on (physical, sexual, or neglect). Animal cruelty was also occurring in60% of these families, and in 88% of the families where the child abuse wasspecifically physical abuse. To make it worse, in 1/3 of these families, thechildren were participating in the animal cruelty, following the example of theparents [14].


The chart above demonstrates thenever-ending cycle of abuse. Abused boys and girls are 7 to 9 times more likelyto become animal abusers themselves and are statistically likely to abuse theirown children in the future.


The connection between child and animalabuse is so strong that the FBI officially considers animal cruelty by a childas a likely indicator of ongoing domestic violence to the child and/or thespouse. In 1987, cruelty to animals was outlined as a separate of category of ConductDisorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by theAmerican Psychiatric Association. It is a symptom of a disturbed family and achild at risk of a future life of crime. Ironically, it is the family pet,demonstrating loyalty and unconditional love, that could save the children fromthat antisocial future.



Studies of Violent Behavior Patterns in Adults


A wealth of information about violent individualsand their early lives is available from the perpetrators or their victimsthemselves. Sources of information include:

  • State Prisons. Federal Prisons.

  • Psychiatric Hospitals and Psychiatric Clinics.

  • Battered Women』s Shelters. Abused Child Clinics.

  • Social Services; Domestic Violence Organizations.

  • Interviews with Murderers, especially SerialKillers.

  • Studies of Satanic Groups and Cults.

(See Lockwood and Ascione [7])


  • 州監獄。聯邦監獄。

  • 精神病醫院和心理診所。

  • 受虐婦女庇護所。受虐兒童診所。

  • 社會服務;家庭暴力救助機構。

  • 殺人犯採訪,尤其是連環殺手。

  • 撒旦組和邪教的研究。


It』s clear that a large portion of violentcriminals began their careers with animal cruelty. In fact, one study showedthat 75% of prison inmates charged with violent crimes had an early record ofanimal cruelty, arson, and enuresis [7, pg 80]. It』s also clear that a large majoritysuffered domestic violence in their youth: physical abuse, sexual abuse,neglect, or combinations of these. What is crucial is the treatment, good orbad, that very young children undergo before the age of three [8]. Domesticviolence is the breeding ground for future violent and non-violent crimes.


The same correlation of violentindividuals and animal cruelty is seen around the world, literally in everycountry. A few examples:

Canada - 70% began with animal cruelty

South Africa - 63% began with animalcruelty

Australia - 95% for combined murder,rape, assault, theft, and drugs.

South Pacific - 62% for assaults, 90%for violence, property, and drug crimes, 100% for sexual homicides.

United States - 63% for violent crimesoverall, 70% for combined violence, theft, drugs, and

disorderly conduct.

Statistics on the link between animalabuse and the crimes of 1st and 2nd degree homicide and manslaughterare much harder to find than statistics on serial killers, but since theoverall correlation with all violence is close to 70%, it seems likely that aclose link

would be found for these crimes aswell.








The Worst of theWorstSerial Killers


Serial killers are the monsters in ourmidst. While 20,000+ homicides are committed every year, most have motives andclues which leads to their investigation andpossible solution.

Serial killers have no motive otherthan the pleasure of the terror and torture they inflict and the pleasure ofthe eventual kill. They almost never know the victim beforehand and may killover months or decades. Estimates are that 1 in 5 homicides may be due to serial killers, and the FBIestimates there are at least 30-50 and possibly up to 500 operating at any onetime [25].


Indicators / Predictors of SerialKillers

? Brutal Treatment or Neglect by Parentsor Caregiver

? Head Injuries, especially when young

? Violent to Peers, Siblings

? Arson

? Early Cruelty to Animals







While not all serial killers startedout with animal abuse, a large majority did, just as a large majority wereabused or neglected as young children. In fact, it』s unusual to find a serialkiller who didn』t start out life with these patterns, though the early life of manyof them hasn』t been explored in such detail. Animal cruelty as a trait is oftenignored by official law enforcement, even though some form of animal abuse isnow a felony in all 50 states and animal cruelty has been elevated to a majorcategory in the FBI』s Uniform Crime Report [27].


The United States, with 5% of theworld』s population, produces 75% of the world』s serial killers [25]. As alreadymentioned, the FBI estimates there may be 500 serial killers at large. Lawenforcement (society) spends hundreds of millions of dollars trying toapprehend them and almost nothing on prevention.





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