【案例分析】2022 Princeton SCEA Accepted Case Study(1)


[ b]Objective:

[ *] SAT I (breakdown): Took it in November (so didnt submit to Princeton) but 1590(意味著標化考試不是壓力,對於頂級學生考標化真心不是壓力唉)

[ *] ACT: 36 (all 36s except 35 in science)(滿分嗚呼)

[ *] SAT II: Bio M (800), Math II (800)(SAT2生物滿分較難)

[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0(全A生)

[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A

[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis): CompSci A (5), Euro (5), APUSH (5), Bio (5), Physics 1 (5), Calc BC (5) (數學、物理、計算機估計專業為計算機或STEM,同時AP Bio為較難得5分,文科以兩門歷史顯示文理兼修,同時歐洲歷史5分率也較低)

[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A

[ *] Senior Year Course Load: AP English Lit, AP Latin, AP US Gov, AP Macro/Micro, AP Chem, AP Stat, math research, health(全部為先修課程,並且數學為research program,12年級絲毫沒有降低學業上壓力)

[ *] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): National Merit Semifinalist (if that counts?), a bunch of regional/state awards for debate(語言路線), Scioly(科學奧林匹亞), Mathletes(數學), and research(研究)

[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Public Forum Debate (President)(辯論語言+領導力), Science Olympiad (President)(科學 +領導力), Mathletes (President)(數學+領導力), Latin Club (President)(第二外語言+領導力), played piano for a while but never did anything with it(藝術上起碼沒有短板,沒有缺). Not really an EC, but Im in my schools math research program so Ive done computer science-y projects about public health since 10th grade (10年級就開始計算機研究項目,切入點很好「公共健康醫療」,課題落腳點凸顯社會關懷感,同時10年級開始研究課題確保後期ready for Regeneron天才獎STEM競賽,並且與學業的APBio、計算機、數學和標化數學+生物契合,猜測為醫療數據方面)

[ *] Job/Work Experience: Tutoring and babysitting

[ *] Volunteer/Community service: Volunteer counselor at Camp Invention for a week, some volunteer tutoring, some community service stuff in Israel over the summer(以色列,這個挺有趣), coach for middle schools Science Olympiad team(競賽看來並非一定要拿獎對不嘿嘿)

[ *] Summer Activities: 5 weeks of research on mental health after Hurricane Sandy (submitting to JAMA Internal Medicine, entered Regeneron but havent heard back yet)(研究成果刊物發表,並且入圍Regeneron,1月份才出結果,但是被刊物發表是強力證明,JAMA為1區刊物,也就是頂級刊物top刊物5%,影響因子16.538), CIT at my sleepaway camp , Camp Invention counselor, Israel trip(以色列旅行,有趣,diversity)

[ *] Essays: Common App (7/10): It was lighthearted, not too genuine, definitely not a masterpiece. I never felt too confident about it, but my mom told me it was good if that counts? Princeton Supplement (8/10): Slightly more creative than Common App but still nothing special, wrote about my strange addiction to Sporcle (great website 10/10 would recommend,在線參加數千道小知識測試,可以預測這個是有趣的學生在講故事,在客觀事實證明自己學術背景能力和專業研究能力後,突出自己是個有趣的人,而不是一味地去強調我多牛有多牛). I also really liked my fill-in responses, I basically joked around on every single one (note: you will not get rejected automatically if you say your favorite movie is Sharknado).

[ *] Teacher Recommendations: Bio teacher (7/10): kinda crazy but liked me, not sure if she can write well?(與前面呼應,AP bio生物5分,SAT2生物滿分,之前研究項目方向也為med,跟生物相關) Latin teacher (8/10): knows me pretty well and likes me a lot, but I doubt shed say anything super special/memorable to admissions(Latin俱樂部,語言識別在計算機中是很重要的一塊,computational linguistic是很重要的一塊,同時突出自己語言文科的優勢)

[ *] Counselor Rec: no clue, Ive spoken to her maybe twice in my life

[ *] Additional Rec: none

[ *] Interview: Went decently well, but probably didnt count much(面試表現良好,package跟真實的人match)

[ *] Applied for Financial Aid?: no

[ *] Intended Major: Computer Science (契合,學業AP計算機+數學+物理,標化數學+science生物,同時活動包括數學研究和計算機研究,課題為醫療方向包含生物、計算機+數學,推測為醫療數據相關)

[ *] State (if domestic applicant): NY

[ *] Country (if international applicant):

[ *] School Type: Public

[ *] Ethnicity (Hispanic Y/N/not reported): N

[ *] Race(s) (AI/AN, Asian, AA, NH/PI, White, not reported): White

[ *] Gender: F(我的天,還是個女孩子)

[ *] Income Bracket: 150+

[ *] Hooks/tips (URM, athlete, legacy, 1st gen, etc.): legacy (dad, grandpa) (加分,爺爺爸爸都是普林斯頓,並且自己還能保持優秀,這個世界讓你覺得恐怖是的出生比你優秀的人已經贏在起跑線上了,卻比你更努力地保持優秀) [ *] Strengths: Tests, grades, lots of leadership positions?(當然還有你的研究課題啦,都發表在那麼厲害的刊物上了)

[ *] Weaknesses: Essays, didnt save the world or cure cancer or anything, not many ECs/jobs/community service(客觀事實和數據已經證明了學生的學業、標化和專業能力,通過essay突出自己是個有趣的人挺重要的,這個思路跟之前分析的MIT錄的一個學生一樣,他的essay寫的是在紙上玩遊戲,也沒有寫他的機器人、數學俱樂部和游泳varsity,科研畢竟是一條辛苦的路,尤其在頂級名校,如果不會玩,難免會抑鬱)

[ *] Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: Legacy, good grades/tests

[ *] Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: nowhere

[ *] Where else are you applying for RD: committed to Princeton so nowhere, but my top choices were Dartmouth, Hopkins, and Cornell(JHU的醫學是牛的,公共衛生常年第一,與學生的課題契合;Cornell生物、人體生物科學和數學,達茅計算機-basic語言發明人柯梅尼就是前校長)

[ b]General Comments:[/b]

Reading through this thread last year, I almost talked myself out of applying SCEA after seeing kids who won huge national awards or were president of 12 clubs get deferred. You have to remember that College Confidential is a self-selecting pool of the most high-achieving, committed students and is not representative of the entire SCEA pool. I definitely did not expect to get in, but Im realizing now that I was probably selling myself short, just like many juniors/underclassmen reading this thread probably are. Good luck everyone and to those who also committed, see you there:))) Also, if were keeping track, I got the Q1 grades request (很多國內小朋友以為錄取就完事了,12年級的成績還是要注意的)

差個閑話:Princeton的校徽上為打開的一本書,其實個人理解這本應該是聖經,書上用拉丁文寫著「舊約與新約」。下面緞帶上的古體大寫拉丁文是Dei sub numine viget,也是校訓。英譯是Under Gods power she flourishes(「因為上帝的力量,學校欣欣向榮」)。



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