
1. It only makes sense to be selective about whom you befriend on a social network.

Be selective 有選擇性的

Befriend 動詞 交朋友 做朋友 接受朋友

2. Some accept dozens or even hundreds of friend requests from people who they hardly know-- or do not know at all. Others discover that not all on their list of friends are good associates.

Friend requests 好友請求

Hardly know 幾乎不認識 (關鍵是會用)

good associates 好的關係,對你有良性影響的關係

3. If a person accepts friends requests from every Tom, Dick and Harry, he or she is bound to get into trouble. It is just like associating with those people in person. You have to be careful about who your friends are.

every Tom, Dick and Harry 翻譯成中文就是 任何張三李四王五 挺有趣的

Associate with Sb 和……交朋友 不要總用 make friends with 這節課學了兩個替代

In person 真人的 面對面的 可以代替face to face



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