Nature Plants∣中科院劉宏濤研究組揭示了紫外光UV-B調控植物下胚軸伸長的新機制

2018年1月29日,《Nature Plants》雜誌在線發表了劉宏濤研究組題為「UVR8 interacts with WRKY36 to regulate HY5 transcription and hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis」的研究論文,本文揭示了紫外光UV-B調控植物光形態建成的新機制

紫外光UVB可以作為信號調控植物發育,如抑制植物伸長,促進子葉張開、類黃酮和花青素積累等。UVR8 (UV RESISTANCE LOUCS 8)是植物中紫外光UVB受體,是所有光受體中最後被發現的,直到2011年才被報道,具體信號傳遞機制並不清楚。UVR8經UV-B照射激活後,由二聚體變為單體並在細胞核中富集。UVR8一定要在細胞核中才能發揮功能,其是否在細胞核中直接調控基因轉錄亟待進一步研究。

劉宏濤研究組的研究發現,UVR8可以與一個功能未知的新的轉錄因子WRKY36(WRKY DNA-BINDING PROTEIN 36)以不依賴UV-B的形式直接結合。紫外光UV-B照射促進細胞核內UVR8-WRKY36複合體形成。WRKY36對植物響應UV-B至關重要,WRKY36的缺失突變體在白光條件下下胚軸變短,但在UV-B條件下下胚軸伸長基本與野生型一致,表明WRKY36是下胚軸伸長的正調控因子,負調控UV-B抑制的下胚軸伸長。進一步的研究表明WRKY36通過直接抑制光形態建成關鍵基因HY5表達而促進生長,UV-B激活的UVR8形成單體,並進入細胞核直接結合WRKY36而抑制其結合HY5啟動子,進而促進HY5表達而抑制伸長。這些結果表明WRKY36是HY5和光形態建成的負調控因子,而UV-B通過UVR8直接抑制WRKY36,進而促進HY5表達及光形態建成。UVR8與WRKY36的結合是UV-B信號轉導的早期機制,UVR8-WRKY36-HY5 是一條全新的UV-B信號通路。以上研究表明UVR8與轉錄因子的直接結合是其信號轉導的早期機制,UVR8在細胞核中才能發揮功能因為其要在細胞核中直接結合轉錄因子WRKY36而直接調控轉錄。


Hypothetical model depicting how UVR8 acts with WRKY36 to regulate transcription and photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis.


UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) is an ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation photoreceptor that mediates light responses in plants. How plant UVR8 acts in response to UVB light is not well understood. Here, we report the identification and characterization of the Arabidopsis WRKY DNA-BINDING PROTEIN 36 (WRKY36) protein. WRKY36 interacts with UVR8 in yeast and Arabidopsis cells and it promotes hypocotyl elongation by inhibiting HY5 transcription. Inhibition of hypocotyl elongation under UVB requires the inhibition of WRKY36. WRKY36 binds to the W-box motif of the HY5 promoter to inhibit its transcription, while nuclear localized UVR8 directly interacts with WRKY36 to inhibit WRKY36–DNA binding both in vitro and in vivo, leading to the release of inhibition of HY5 transcription. These results indicate that WRKY36 is a negative regulator of HY5 and that UVB represses WRKY36 via UVR8 to promote the transcription of HY5 and photomorphogenesis. The UVR8–WRKY36 interaction in the nucleus represents a novel mechanism of early UVR8 signal transduction in Arabidopsis.



TAG:植物學 | 中國科學院所屬研究所 |