





該研究成果2月1日在線發表於國際著名學術期刊Nature陳之端研究組助理研究員魯麗敏劉冰,博士研究生葉建飛,博士畢業生楊拓李洪雷孫苗,以及南京林業大學毛嶺峰為論文共同第一作者,植物所陳之端研究員,植物所外籍特聘研究員、美國佛羅里達大學教授Pamela S. SoltisDouglas E. Soltis,以及美國霍普學院教授Jian-Hua Li為共同通訊作者。該研究得到了科技部重大科學研究計劃、國家自然科學基金委重大項目和中國科學院中-非聯合研究中心項目的資助。




Abstract:High species diversity may result from recent rapid speciation in a 『cradle』 and/or the gradual accumulation and preservation of species over time in a 『museum』. China harbours nearly 10% of angiosperm species worldwide and has long been considered as both a museum, owing to the presence of many species with hypothesized ancient origins, and a cradle, as many lineages have originated as recent topographic changes and climatic shifts—such as the formation of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and the development of the monsoon—provided new habitats that promoted remarkable radiation. However, no detailed phylogenetic study has addressed when and how the major components of the Chinese angiosperm flora assembled to form the present-day vegetation. Here we investigate the spatio-temporal divergence patterns of the Chinese flora using a dated phylogeny of 92% of the angiosperm genera for the region, a nearly complete species-level tree comprising 26,978 species and detailed spatial distribution data. We found that 66% of the angiosperm genera in China did not originate until early in the Miocene epoch (23 million years ago (Mya)). The flora of eastern China bears a signature of older divergence (mean divergence times of 22.04–25.39 Mya), phylogenetic overdispersion (spatial co-occurrence of distant relatives) and higher phylogenetic diversity. In western China, the flora shows more recent divergence (mean divergence times of 15.29–18.86 Mya), pronounced phylogenetic clustering (co-occurrence of close relatives) and lower phylogenetic diversity. Analyses of species-level phylogenetic diversity using simulated branch lengths yielded results similar to genus-level patterns. Our analyses indicate that eastern China represents a floristic museum, and western China an evolutionary cradle, for herbaceous genera; eastern China has served as both a museum and a cradle for woody genera. These results identify areas of high species richness and phylogenetic diversity, and provide a foundation on which to build conservation efforts in China.


TAG:中國科學院所屬研究所 | 進化 | 植物學 |