Cheeky Nandos是什麼意思?
urban dictionary 跟 google 到的解釋實在是不懂。求個直觀簡明的解釋。
問題補充:最近FB上面英國人瘋狂嘲笑美國人問什麼是Cheeky Nandos。後來twitter也來湊熱鬧了,US Nandos 在twitter上問 UK Nandos為什麼我們會被說cheeky。然後我查了半天硬是一個解釋都沒看懂![]()
「「My dear sir, it is rather difficult to explain to your rather limited colonial comprehension, but it』s rather like when you and your chums are perusing the wares within Mssrs. John Wardle David Makin』s Sporting Goods Boutique and you begin to contemplate the benefits of visiting the local J.D. Wetherspoon』s Public House to partake of their weekly Hindoostani Cuisine - themed banquets. Then your friend, Calum, who is a thoroughly spiffing chap and a master of witty repartee, turns to you and says, 「My dear fellows! Wouldn』t it be the most corking notion if we were to sate our appetites at Senor Nando』s Portuguese Chicken Restaurant?」 A suggestion that is certain to make any full-blooded Englisman reply, 「Capital suggestion, dear boy! Tally ho!」」和她發來的一個鏈接A TOTALLY USELESS LINK:Americans On Tumblr Are Trying To Find Out What A "Cheeky Nandos" Is...
Which makes no sense to me at all.
Im so lost
這是在英國聽到的嗎?Nandos 是連鎖飯館,味道跟南美,葡萄牙等國家相似,在英國特別受歡迎。 但是因為飯量大=我本人覺得有點貴,大家好像不同意,哈哈,可能是因為在利茲我們有一家叫Charcos, 跟Nandos一樣好吃但價格有Nandos 的百分之六十,哈哈。反正Nandos這種快餐可能覺得不是一個應該經常吃的東西, 因此偶爾Treat 一下自己午飯或晚飯時可以去吃,Cheeky, 就是有點偷偷的,調皮的,不應該有的那種感覺。cheeky cigarette, cheeky beer, cheeky treat 也可以哈哈。希望有幫助。。。。現在很餓!
A term used by fuckboys over social media in order to facilitate their need for attention by adding the prefix Cheeky to the restaurant chain Nandos, usually followed by with the lads - aka a group of tools equal to or greater than the original tool posting the update. Expect some sort of deeply depressing Metrosexual attire and a variety of group selfies and close up shots of the food thats been ordered. Essentially using this term means the final nail in the coffin of your masculinity has been hammered.試翻譯如下:
一個被蠢貨們用於社交媒體上的術語:把Cheeky置於連鎖餐廳品牌Nandos之前,往往還要在後面跟上「和小伙兒們(在社交媒體上po出這個詞的是一個個體,但這種行為往往有更多蠢貨參與)一起」這樣的說法,意圖嘩眾取寵。你會看到某種讓人充滿負能量的都市風著裝,和一堆擠在端上來的食物前的自拍笑臉。使用這個術語,意味著你本已半身入土的男子漢應有的氣質被徹底打入墳墓之中。我的理解是,Nandos是著名餐廳,在這裡泛指外出就餐。Cheek本意是臉頰,兩者連起來大概是表示去餐廳自拍這樣一種行為。一個在nandos 打過一年工的Nandoca來說,cheeky Nandos 就是指那些那些在吃飯前自拍的人,其實在中國很常見。比如有人在等take away的時候會拍一張自拍(sefie ), 然後和我一起在後廚工作的鬼妹看到了說:" ewww, who take selfie in Nandos ."
Cheeky是形容詞,調皮的狡猾的, Nandos是英國國民美食。
Have a cheeky sth(beer,burger...)?就是類似於中文,待會兒來一小杯?來一頓?走一個?我的同事們每天都會說這句話...個人感覺英國人加上cheeky是一種褒義向的形容,有點獎勵自己的意思,其實也有程度上的描述,有的時候別人問,Are you going to the pub? 你回答,I can have a cheeky one. 是「我可以稍微來一點兒」的意思。這個是現在 Buzzfeed 上面被贊的最高的解釋,可以看一下
「Cheeky Nandos is when one visits the chicken restaurant chain Nandos with a group of friends (top lads) who are in a high spirited mood making jokes (banter). You are probably already out in town, maybe drinking (on the lash) and you may feel hungry (proper peckish mate, hank marvin) so someone suggests a meal at Nandos. Everyone likes Nandos so the person suggesting Nandos will be congratulated (you fucking ledge, top lad). Because in Nandos, there is a tendency to overorder on food or order food which is too spicy, finishing a meal can sometimes require perseverance and stamina. When one finishes a Cheeky Nandos they may again be congratulated (smashed it lads, fucking bossed it). It is the spontaneity and high spiritedness that defines this as a Cheeky Nandos. A Cheeky Nandos would generally not be pre-planned.」
原文本著和南非人一起Cheeky Nandos過的經歷前來答題...
Cheeky Nandos本身的意思,可參考tumblr上英國網友的解釋:
你和一群朋友們(lads)一起在城裡玩,然後肚子餓了(hank marvin),於是你說:「走夥計們,我們去吃麥當勞(Maccers)。」
但你的朋友Smithy,又名Bantersaurus Rex(自行Urban Dic吧...解釋太煩)的Nando』s禮品卡里還剩下些錢(mula)於是說:「夥計們我們去Nandos Chicken,我請客,大家好好來個Cheeky Nandos吧!」於是你說:「Smithy我兒子誒,好主意啊,你真是個傳奇啊(ledge)!」於是伴隨著有趣快活的聊天(Top Quality Banter)你們一起來了個Cheeky Nandos
其實簡單來說,就是朋友之間出去玩的時候一起去Nandos高高興興地邊吃邊聊,談笑風生。Cheeky,在此既可以指「辣」、「好吃」,也可以指「搞怪的」、「好玩的」(指邊聊天邊吃Nandos的過程)。甚至廣義的Cheeky Nandos未必需要在Nandos Chicken餐廳里。根據Urban Dictionary:Cheeky Nandos is a term used on facebook, usually by fuckboys who think theyre cool, referring to a group outing or just a simple hang out
這事很快成為梗,唯恐天下不亂的英國網友們紛紛出動,花式地用俚語折磨美國人。於是這個詞指得也不再僅僅是原本的「朋友出去邊吃邊聊」的意思。作為一個梗,cheeky nandos特指了這一場英國人無比享受地用各種俚語為美國人帶來更加複雜的、聽不懂的「解釋」。
一如Urban Dictionary中所說:A term used by Brits to linguistically torment confused Americans, wherein they "explain" what it means while using as much British slang as humanly possible, for maximum Yank confusion.