


Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the countrys impressive population growth.


細看這個句子,我們不難發現其主幹結構:Basic … is the country』s impressive population growth. 很明顯,這個句子是倒裝句,形容詞開頭,主語在句末。這種情況的出現,一是為了強調開頭的形容詞,二是因為主語太長(有定語從句或長修飾詞修飾)。



Basic to any understanding of the relevant knowledge used in

the assignment after class is the knowledge imparted by teachers in the class.




題目:People succeed because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.


It is universally acknowledged that hard work is indispensable to success. Students study for years before they are admitted into top universities. Scientists toil for years before they make a major discovery. Self-made people work for years before they finally make a fortune. However,

less well-known is the role that luck plays in achieving one』s goal.

在上面的首段最後一句話中,應用了剛剛閱讀中的長難句句式(形容詞放句首的倒裝句),將前面的形容詞改為less well-known, 即「鮮為人知的」。顯而易見,在積累並熟悉閱讀長難句當中的經典句式之後,我們更容易寫出地道、流利、高級的好句子。


Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as 「silent」,the film has never been,in the full sense of the word, silent.


分析這個句子,我們不難發現,主句是「the film has never been silent」, 而前半句「accustomed though we are to speaking of the films as silent」是一個不完全的倒裝句,原句應該是「although we are accustomed to speaking of the films as silent」。也就是說,如果用though引導讓步狀語從句,從句當中就可以倒裝。進一步補充,把though換成as, 也有同樣的作用。



題目:Parents should allow children to make decisions by themselves.


First off, encouraging children to make their own decisions offers them opportunities to develop independence.

Accustomed though children are to turning to their parents for help once they have trouble doing something, they should not miss out on opportunities to grow up independently.

By making their own decisions, children will analyze the situations appropriately, seek out ways to solve the problems by themselves and learn to distinguish right from wrong—all these contribute to the independence of children in the near future. Last October, a piece of striking news appeared on the local newspaper, saying that a kid was left on the street for 4 hours, waiting for his parents to pick up him. When the police came up to him, he said he had no idea where to go because his parents』 phone was out of service and he had no one to turn to for help. To trace back causes, his parents were to blame. Every time the child had questions or problems, his parents required him to ask them first for solutions, never allowing him to make any decisions on his own. Therefore, the result of helping children do everything including making decisions is the inability of children to independently tackle problems when necessary.



求問托福83,ACT 21,GPA 3.76本科申請哪所美國大學比較有把握?

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