Driving UK 車評:法拉利812 Superfast

Driving UK 車評:法拉利 812 Superfast

No turbos, but a whoosh of F1 magic 未有渦輪加持,卻含有F1的魔法

TURN off the stability control. Pull a paddle to select first gear. Kick the throttle with as much force as you can muster. Grab the steering wheel as the Ferrari』s computer summons maximum revs. Feel the rear wheels start to spin. Glance in the rear-view mirror as tyre smoke fills the air. Then marvel at the madness of it all — a £253,000 Ferrari with a 「hooligan」 mode.


Fiorano, Ferrari』s private test track, is at the heart of its Maranello headquarters. It』s where Enzo Ferrari had a house, where Michael Schumacher did thousands of laps in a Formula One car and where the development driver Raffaele de Simone and his team honed the 812 Superfast. Today it』s our playground as the company throws open its gates for the car』s official launch.

Fiorano,法拉利的專用試車賽道,位於馬拉內洛的法拉利總部,這裡是恩佐曾經的家,是舒馬赫開著他的F1賽車飛馳過無數次的地方,也是法拉利的測試車手Raffaele de Simone和他的團隊調教812的地方。今天的賽道上將會出現我們的身影,因為我們有幸被邀請參加812的正式發布會。

Hooligan antics over, it』s time to get serious. Fiorano offers a challenging mix of corners and undulations designed to highlight a car』s bad behaviour as well as its good. It』s the sort of place you need if you』re to explore the dynamic repertoire of a V12 Ferrari with 789bhp, which is not far off what an F1 car produces.


Ferrari reckons that raw performance is still the biggest draw for its customers. And while 0-62mph times remain a talking point (the 812 will reach 62mph from standstill in 2.9 seconds, for the record), in the rarefied world of the supercar it』s the 0?124mph figure that is the biggest source of pride. The 812』s time is 7.9 seconds, which is more than six seconds faster than the 550 Maranello managed in the 1990s. For comparison, the 720S of the British upstart McLaren covers the same sprint in 7.8 seconds.

法拉利認為絕對的性能依然是吸引客戶的一大賣點。儘管812零百2.9秒的一個加速時間已經被大家所津津樂道,它的0-200km/h的加速絕對可以使它在超跑俱樂部里傲視群雄——0-200km/h僅需7.9秒,相對於90年代的超跑法拉利550 Maranello快出6秒多。作為競品,性能同樣卓越的邁凱倫720s的0-200km/h衝刺也僅需7.8秒。

The 720S relies on a pair of turbos to help the 4-litre V8 develop its thrust, but the Ferrari has no such affectation. The 812』s V12 is a gargantuan 6.5 litres, up from the 6.3-litre unit in the F12berlinetta the car replaces.

然而720s需要一對渦輪來幫助那具4升V8引擎衝刺,但是法拉利並不需要,這具繼承自F12berlinetta的 6.5升V12巨肺可以提供同等的動力輸出水平。

It won』t win prizes for eco-friendliness, but if you can afford the juice, it』s a dose of old-school charm. Ferrari reckons the V12 has only a few years before it』s overtaken by the rush to hybridisation, so enjoy it now.


Nothing, but nothing, sounds like a Ferrari V12. This engine will rev to 8,900rpm with a cultured Italianate howl from the quartet of exhaust pipes. If anything, it sounds even better outside the car than in, which is as things should be: aficionados reckon a Ferrari should be enjoyed by everyone.


It』s old-school in other ways too. There』s no four-wheel drive, but thankfully there is no shortage of electronic aids. The 812 offers five driving modes, with varying degrees of support. For example, CT Off (that』s Italian for hooligan mode, or, strictly speaking, traction control off) is designed to let the car slip and slide, but not to the point where you lose control.

這輛812的懷舊之處不僅僅在於引擎,它沒有四輪驅動,不過在電子輔助功能上應有盡有。812提供了5種駕駛模式與不同等級的電子輔助。比如CT OFF(義大利人眼中的搞事模式,或者說牽引力控制系統關閉)是允許後輪打滑的,不過在你失控時還是會通過電子輔助救回車輛。

This is the sort of trick Ferrari learnt in F1, at least until such systems were banned in the interests of improving the show. Not even McLaren, the firm』s closest British equivalent, can boast the heritage and F1 chic of Ferrari. Buying an 812 won』t make you Sebastien Vettel, but it will make you feel part of a club. That』s always been crucial to the appeal of the Prancing Horse badge and helps classic Ferraris sell for millions at auction.


The technology found in today』s machines is a match for anything else on the road. For example, this is the first Ferrari with electrically assisted power steering. When Porsche introduced such a setup in the 911, the owners』 club went into meltdown. Ferrari admits it』s been sitting on the technology for years, until it could be certain it wouldn』t provoke the same reaction.


The new system has a couple of novel features, including a means of adding weight to the steering to let you know when the maximum level of grip is about to be exceeded. It』s even supposed to encourage you to countersteer if the rear end starts to slide.


I have to admit I found it hard to detect. Anyway, if you need the steering wheel to tell you that the car is about to swap ends, then you and your supercar are heading for a costly excursion.


Don』t imagine, though, that the 812 is difficult to drive. Even with all the systems switched off at Fiorano, it』s as benign as any 789bhp rear-wheel-drive car has any right to be. Its sheer speed demands respect, but you can feel what』s going on. Whereas the mid-engined McLaren demands to be driven with racing-car precision, the Ferrari is a bit of a hoot.


Feel the nose bite, give the throttle a prod and indulge in a power slide. It won』t do much for tyre life — I saw Ferrari changing the boots after half a day on the circuit — but it will make you smile. You get the impression that this was a car developed con amore.


The ride quality』s good, too, especially in the comically named Bumpy Road suspension setting, while in Sport the paddle-shift gearbox is unerringly smooth.


It』s in this duality of character that the Ferrari scores over its rivals. In a 720S or a Lamborghini Aventador you』re forever reminded you』re in a mid-engined supercar. In the Ferrari, should the mood take you, you can settle back and be propelled with serenity to the French Riviera. And you can even take some luggage. A decent boot is supplemented by a shelf behind the seats.


If you』re thinking, though, that it looks a bit familiar, that』s because it does. Ferrari has adopted the habit of producing an all-new model and then following up with a sort of halfway house after a few years. The 488 GTB is thus an updated 458 Italia, and the 812 is a revised F12berlinetta, with a bit of the F12tdf (Tour de France) special edition thrown in. Car makers have not always proved adept at taking scalpels to their beloveds, but Ferrari has developed a knack for making second-generation cars more beautiful than the first.

如果你覺得這些看起來好眼熟,那就對了,因為法拉利就是在老車型的基礎上不斷開發新一代車型,新的488GTB正是在458的基礎上改進而來,同樣的故事也發生在812和F12 berlinetta身上,而812還帶一點F12 Tour de France 限量版的元素。能在現有的成功車型基礎上改進得更好的汽車廠商不算多,但是法拉利總是能做到這一點,在原車的基礎上讓新車更快也更美麗。

Numerous scoops and intakes are needed to cool the engine and keep the car on the deck at the 211mph top speed, but it still manages to look more elegant and considered than the F12berlinetta, especially if you avoid a lurid colour scheme.

眾多的翼片和進氣孔能在冷卻引擎的同時穩定住高速行駛的車身,尤其是在極速211mbp/h(340km/h)的情況下。不過這一切都只讓812比F12 berlinetta看起來更優雅更從容,當然是在避免奇葩配色的前提之下。

Inside, it』s the usual Ferrari blend of posh leather, understated good taste and eccentric layout; even when you』re familiar with it, it』s still far too easy to indicate or turn on the windscreen wipers when you least expect it.


As always with Ferrari, the cockpit can be enhanced by an options list that』s a work of art, and most customers will spend at least £50,000 on personalisation. Our favourite extra is a screen in front of the passenger that shows the selected gear, speed and revs. Like most Ferrari add-ons, it』s not cheap, but what』s an extra £3,360 when you』re spending £250,000?


We like so much of the 812, it is gloriously over the top. Viewed objectively, a Porsche 911 does almost everything the Ferrari does for a third the cost, but that』s never been the point of a V12 Ferrari. It』s an indulgence that will give you a permasmile, whether you deploy the hooligan mode or not. You』re not buying a car; you』re buying a piece of Italy』s cultural heritage and one that won』t be around for ever.





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