



Welcome to Faraday Future! Thank you for coming to our first FF Supplier 『Summit. I am YT.

歡迎來到 Faraday Future。謝謝你們光臨 FF 首次全球供應商峰會,我是賈躍亭。

I founded the company with a big vision in mind – to empower everyone to live, move and breathe more freely. Unlike any other EV startup that wants to be a follower, FF is born to transform. FF is born to transform product and technology, as well as business model. At Faraday Future, we 「define the future from the future」. FF 91 is a new species. It』s more than an electric car. It』s the third Internet living space. It』s a car robot that knows you better than you know yourself.

我心懷一個宏大的願景創辦了這家公司,保護地球生態,改善生存環境,創造全新的未來出行生態。不像跟有些 EV 創業公司那樣只想當跟隨者,FF 生來就要做變革者,FF生來就要變革產品和技術以及商業模式。在 Faraday Future,我們從未來定義未來,FF 91是一個新物種,它不只是一個電動車,它是第三互聯網生活空間,它是汽車機器人,甚至比你自己更懂你。

With the car as an access to our mobility ecosystem, we will continuously deliver high-value 『internet and sharing services to our users.


In the past, FF was one of the seven businesses that I founded. I have learned a lot from the LeEco business. We created the Internet ecosystem model and developed boundary-breaking tech innovations that will become the core value of next-generation auto industry. But I also made fatal mistakes. All of this will become valuable assets for FF. Now I am 100% focused on running the day-to-day operations at FF. I』m here to make our dual-home-market and dual-brand strategy in the US and China a great success.

在過去,FF 是我創辦的七大子業務之一,我從 LeEco 的經驗中學到了很多。我們創立了互聯網生態模式以及開發了打破邊界的技術創新,這將變成變革下一代汽車產業的核心價值。

但我也犯過一些致命錯誤,所有的這些都將是FF寶貴的財富。現在我將 100%的精力都聚焦 FF 的日常運營。我們將以雙主場戰略及雙品牌策略,確保 FF 在中美兩地獲得偉大成功。

2018 is going to be an amazing year at Faraday Future. Our teams are preparing to achieve a major milestone – to put our first salable FF 91 on the road by the end of the year. This is only a short-term goal. In the long term, we will achieve millions in sales every year with future volume vehicles.

2018 將是 Faraday Future 精彩的一年,我們的團隊正在為實現重要的里程碑準備,去推動我們可銷售版的 FF 91 在年底前上路。這僅僅是一個短期目標,長期目標是實現每年百萬量級的銷量,這將通過我們的「爆款」車型去實現。

However, we cannot deliver the first of a new species without your support – and that』s why we are so excited that you are here.


Our success is your success, and our reward is your reward.


What we are asking of you is not easy – some would even say it』s impossible. We must have the speed to reach our timeline, but we must do it with the highest quality and safety standards in mind. Not everyone believes we can achieve this vision – but to make a miracle, you have to be a little crazy.


People will say it cannot be done. But it』s crazy people like us that make the impossible possible. At FF, we don』t say 「no way」. We always find a way!

人們將會說我們做不到這一點,但像我們這群瘋狂的人,能把不可能變成可能。我們絕不會在 FF 說「no way」,我們總是會找到解決方案。

I』m also happy to share that we have successfully closed our equity financing of more than 1.5 Billion US Dollars. This will basically cover the equity financing needs before IPO. In December last year, we received the initial 300 Million. Last week, we received another 250 million. The rest of the funds will follow.

同時我很高興與你們分享的是,我們已經成功地完成了我們的股權融資,融資額超過了 15 億美金。這將基本滿足我們 IPO 之前的全部股權融資需求。去年 12 月,我們收到了首批 3 億美金融資款,上周我們收到了另外 2.5 億美金,剩餘的資金也會陸續到賬。

Our company slogan this year is 「Fight to the First」. We will need your help to get the first FF 91 on the road. I also guarantee you that FF will provide you reward like nobody else in the market.

我們今年公司的口號是 Fight to the First。我們需要你們的幫助將我們首台 FF 91 帶上路。我也向你們保證,FF 將會給予你們其他公司給予不了的巨大回報。

Together, let』s push the boundaries of technology.

Together, let』s reformat the auto industry.

Together, let』s achieve the impossible!




Thank you.





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TAG:賈躍亭 | 汽車 |