2018年暖心推送 #34:2月10日雅思大作文真題:讀書和看電視哪個更有利於開發想像力和語言能力(教育和傳媒)



Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch television. People of the former group are more likely to develop creative imagination and have a much better grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree?

When people are requested to make a reply to(做出回答) how they can cultivate(教育中的高頻詞:培養=foster/nurture) their language skills or turn out to be imaginative, reading books and watching television are two possible answers. Some people argue that reading is more conducive(有助於=do a great job in/be extremely effective in) than television viewing to human beings personal development, which is fully justified(充分證明) from my own perspective.(觀點句的套句)


Firstly, reading enables readers to think what they have learned from a book by figuring out the authors intention(分析作者的意圖和想法), thereby(因此,後面接doing) shaping their own viewpoint(形成自己的觀點) and fostering their creative imagination. For example, young students who favor classical literature like A Dream of Red Mansions(紅樓夢) cannot help imagining the scenes that so many young ladies are making poems together. On the contrary, people are less likely to think independently while watching television. As television programs are constantly updated and broadcasted around the clock(晝夜不停), audiences, more often than not(經常=frequently), follow the plots of series plays passively(被動跟隨電視劇的情節), leaving no time to consider what they have watched.


Besides, extensive reading(泛讀) is the basis of ones language skill. It is possible that one has an impulse(衝動) to write something of great value after he has read countless related reference books(參考是). It has been reported that Mo Yan, the first Chinese Nobel Prize winner in Literature, has read numerous novels in his youth before he finally produced the remarkable works which gained universal appeal(獲得全世界的關注). By contrast, watching television, particularly those soap operas(肥皂劇), has very few positive effects on improving peoples language skills. A recent survey illustrated that(權威舉例的一種方式) many youngsters addicted to pop plays often pick up the so-called new words which are difficult to understand by others around them.


To conclude, there is no doubt that a bigger population can gain benefits from television watching. However, as for those who are willing to develop their imaginative abilities and have an excellent command of(很好掌握) language skills, reading is admittedly a better option.


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