

2018年2月3日的小作文是靜態柱圖, 和年齡有關,這個大家要注意年齡表達的正確性和靈活性。難度不大,順便複習下靜態圖的高頻句型的使用。


The bar chart indicates the proportion which children at different ages taking part in various activities before going to sleep represented(數據是百分比的圖形的改寫套路) over the year of 2014(時間一年的固定改法).

When it comes to children aged 0 to 3, watching TV was the most popular activity before they went to sleep(30%),followed by brushing teeth and bathing with the former being slightly higher than the latter(這個句型超級經典和實用)( 25% and 20%). And those who preferred reading and eating accounted for relatively much lower ratio(5% and 2% for each)

In terms of the age group of 4 to 5 years old, watch TV still played a leading role in(起主導作用,寫第一位是用) their leisure time before their sleep(25%). Subsequently came(排序法中的倒裝結構) brushing teeth and bathing whose rate maintained the same(15%). Clearly, the participation percentage of eating and reading remained the least(4% and 3% respectively)

Turning to children aged 6 to 8, they demonstrated the same interest and enthusiasm towards(表現出相同的興趣和熱情) watching TV and brushing teeth(30%), whose number went far beyond(遠超) bathing and eating(10% and 8% separately) and few children chose reading books before sleep(3%).

Seen from the chart, watching TV was the most attractive to children in all age groups. In addition, bathing&reading and eating showed an opposite pattern as the age grew during the given time.



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