
Introduction的重要性 (Why An Introduction Is Needed)

Introduction引言部分通過呈現研究課題所折射的研究理論來說服目標讀者。引言部分不同於摘要(Abstract),字數上沒有嚴格的局限性,但是內容方面要求在對應的選題上更加精準和明確(be concise and to the point)。引言通常需要承接摘要部分提出的幾個學術方向展開話題,從比較寬泛的學術背景鋪墊逐漸過渡到論文的研究課題(narrow down to the research problem)。

Introduction的基本構成 (Major Components Of Introduction)


研究背景和重要性(Background And Importance)

  • Mention of previous work on the subject
  • A statement of the importance of the subject

引言部分的第一段需要給出研究領域的大背景及其重要性所在。這個大背景勾勒出該領域科研成果從古至今的一個走向或者趨勢 (what is known),為接下來本論文課題的發展生長提供溫床。這部分內容的展開一定要引用該領域前人、大牛的經典文獻或者奠基性著作,體現你對於該學科的一個總體把握是全面且客觀的。那如何從這個大背景引入到論文的課題呢?當我們從該學術領域的大趨勢逐漸縮小範圍時,只需把其中關聯該論文課題的相關信息(keep stick to relevant information only)拎出來說,這樣才能保證最後能自然過渡到文章將要探討的科研課題。

引出該領域科研空白(What Is Unknown)

  • Description of knowledge gap


點題—指出本文的研究課題(Topic Of Research Paper)

  • Announce the research topic/question being addressed in research paper
  • How it will fill the missing brick in the wall of research already done


千萬不要覺得這個關係顯而易見嘛,為什麼還要多寫一句廢話?殊不知這種 「進一步」的關聯性分析往往是中國學生最喜歡忽略的,很多內容大家心裡已經想到,唯獨沒有用英文去表述出來。

概述文章的核心方法論和主要發現(Highlight The Approach And Principal Findings)

  • Description of your approach and why you chose it (if needed)
  • Brief summary of your major findings


提出猜想和研究目的(Hypothesis And Objectives)

最後在引言的結尾提出對之前科研問題的猜想以及你通過這項科研課題的研究想要達到的研究目的(Objectives)。研究目的可以依照文章的具體內容板塊拆分成幾個小點羅列出來。這種方式有點類似「節目預告」,給讀者閱讀後面的內容引路,一方面能夠讓讀者明白後面內容的大致輪廓(Organization of this paper),另一方面也能抓住讀者的注意力繼續循著你提供的線索和方向探究下去。


誤區1.一個觀點或者論據引用一大串文獻 Give too many citations for one point

例如Many studies have found a significant association between X and Y [4-15]. 這句話引用文獻 [4-15] 實在是太多了,堆砌在一個觀點的後面是審稿人很反感的。盡量節選重要的經典的或者最近的文獻來引用。如果說這些文獻實在是都很值得引用,那麼不妨嘗試改用下面的句式來展現A significant association has been found between X and Y in men

[4-7], women [8-11], and children [12-15].

誤區2.指出研究課題不具體說明到底如何有研究價值 Explain why your research topic is worth of study

例如我在修改學生論文時最常遇到的表達就是「… is important…」,但是沒有給出細節描述重要性體現在哪些方面。所以如果你想說The development of new materials is important for the automotive industry, 則應該要這樣去表述The development of new materials is necessary for the automotive industry to produce stronger, lighter vehicles, which will improve safety and fuel economy.(推薦表達,加粗部分具體指明在哪幾個點體現新材料的重要性)

誤區3.細節過多導致句子不夠精鍊 Bury your readers in detail


例如 a previous study conducted in 2014 found that 10% fewer individuals were diagnosed with age-related diseases, such as arthritis, in areas with such healthcare policies in place.

推薦修改如下更精鍊簡潔 a previous study found that fewer individuals were diagnosed with age-related diseases in areas with such healthcare policies.


1. General introduction:

For decades, one of the most popular ideas in … literature is the idea that …

Recent theoretical developments have revealed that …

A common strategy used to study … is …

These approaches have been influential in field … because of …

Most of the theories of … are however focused on explaining …

The field has gradually broadened as …

… has been widely adopted in the field of …

One of the major topics to be investigated in … is …

… is widely considered at the time of …

… phenomenon has been widely observed through…

2.Problem definition:

There is a further problem with …

One primary problem with … is that …

The foremost problems are the facts that …

A challenging problem which arises in this domain is …

A well-known problem with … is that it does not take into account the …

This appears as a more straightforward problem compared to the … turns out to be even more challenging because …

This poses some problems when carrying out the …

Unfortunately, this approach results in problems related to …

These constraints make the problem difficult to …

Most of the research in … field is aimed at solving …

3. Gaps in literature:

There has been less previous evidence for …

Other studies have failed to …

To our knowledge, few studies have yielded …

Limited open literature to date has reported…

Only a few studies have shown that…

However, … has rarely been examined directly.

Moreover, few studies have focused on …

4.Problems solution:

There are many alternative methods are available for solving…

A solution to this problem is proposed in …

One approach to solve this problem involves the use of … can be applied to overcome …

A number of works have shown that this problem can be solved by using …

A large number of alternative approaches have been developed to…

Potential techniques to solve contemporary problems in … are…

The standard solution to the problem is based on …

Broadly speaking, the problem can be addressed by …

Recently, a more general solution has been developed for…

5. Study motivation:

It is of interest to know whether … still …

It would be of special interest to…

We therefore analyzed … and investigated whether…

For this study, it was of importance to investigate …

We investigated whether … can be partly explained by …

To examine the impact of …, we …

One common approach to testify… is to…

A new approach is therefore needed for …

6. Aims & objectives:

The aim is to develop more sophisticated methods for …

For our first goal, we focus on two problems …

The aim here is to investigate …

This project aims to develop an overarching framework to…

The aim of the experiment is to compare …

The overall goal of this research was to pursue …

One of the major aims of this work was to create …

The main objective is to investigate methods for improving…

The objectives can be restated in the light of …

The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of …

7. Significance and advantages of your work:

This thesis documents several key contributions of…

The first main contribution proposed in this field is …

The contributions of this work are presented as follows: …

The key contribution of this work is the solution it provides …

It has significant benefits in terms of …

These point out the advantages and practicability of …

One of the key benefits of the algorithm is …

The main advantage compared to previous ones is …

One practical advantage of the method is that it can be used in …

In comparison with other techniques, this method has the advantage of …

The benefit of using the … is expected to …



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