劍橋雅思11 Test2 小作文解析

The charts below show the proportions ofBritish students at one university in England who were able to speak otherlanguages in addition to English, in 2000 and 2010.



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該校英國學生的語言能力包括:1 只會英語,2 會英語和法語,3 會英語和德語,4 會英語和西語,5 會英語和一門其他語言,6 會英語和兩門其他語言。




The pie charts show the language proficiency of Britishstudents, at a particular university, in French, Spanish, and German in 2000and 2010. There was a separate category representing all other languages.

Most of these students could speak only one languageother than English. Spanish was the most popular among such students. In 2000,30% of all students in this university spoke Spanish as their only a foreignlanguage and this figure increased to 35% after 10 years. Merely 10% of allstudents could speak only German and English in both 2000 and 2010. Equalnumbers of students were only able to speak French and all other languages (inaddition to English) in 2000, both 15%, but such French speakers declined to10% while speakers of all other language rose to 20% in 2010.

There were students who mastered two other languages.Such students represented 15% of all students in 2010, higher than the figurefor 2000 (10%). On the contrary, some students could speak English solely. However,the proportion of them decreased, from 20% to 10%.

In sum, a larger number of British students in thisuniversity were capable of using foreign languages in 2010, compared to 2000.


1 只會英語的學生

students who only speak English

2 只會英語和法語的學生

students who only speak French 是錯誤的

students who speak English and French 有歧義(因為有學生除了英語和法語還會其他語言,也將包含在這一組),但是文章巧妙地將只說一門外語的學生分成了一段,在這樣的段落中,這樣寫就正確了(這就是分組、分段的重要性)

students who only speak English and French 對

students who only speak French in addition to English 對

3 只會英語和德語的學生 (同上)

4 只會英語和西語的學生 (同上)

5 只會英語和一門其他語言的學生 (同上)

6 會英語和兩門其他語言的學生 (同上)

一旦考慮到這一點,就會發現only, in addition to將大量重複,那麼就得多次替換(見範文解析)。





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