
Animality of Modern Men 現代人的動物性







In fact, as is stated in Schopenhauers philosophy, true inquiry for the truth should begin with the study of the philosopher himself, that is, 「by the individual only for himself, so as to gain insight into his own want and misery, into his own limitedness, so as then to learn the nature of his own want and misery, into his own limitedness, so as then to learn the nature of his antidotes and consolations」 (142) .

The philosopher lives his life in accordance to his philosophical ideals and lifestyle and discovers the truth through practices in life, which in the end apply to life to all human beings.

Through the painful process of self-examination, the philosopher selflessly summarizes some traits common to all human beings, with 「submission to the noblest ends, above all to those of justice and compassion」 (142) .

In this case, Schopenhauer individually exemplifies the ideal way of living and inquiry as a true educator in that he gives up fame or companion or worldly benefits in search of truth, and scrutinizes directly and bravely his own nature, and the world, through his own nature.

話說海明威在美國最南端的key west小鎮故居里的喵星人都是六個趾的~他們很有文豪氣質、十分淡定。




Such philosophical inquiry requires an individual of a series of abilities such as mental acuteness, noble spirit of sacrifice, honesty, and critical observation, which are unique to human beings only.

Different from what humans trapped with their animality, Schopenhauer 「knew well that here is something higher and purer to be found and attained on this earth than the life of his own time」 (146) .

While his fellow modern men immerse themselves with abundant obligations so as to cover up their loss of aim of life, Schopenhauer lives in the same way as the philosophers of ancient Greece, who question 「value」 of their existence with 「vigorous and exuberant vitality」 (145).

As a modern philosopher who untimely carry out the ancient Greek philosophical ideals that are contrary to modern lifestyle that prefer utility to meaning, Schopenhauer is one of the 「true men」, 「those who are no longer animal, the philosophers, artists and saints」 「the fundamental constitution of things speaks in a voice rough and rigid but ineluctably comprehensible」 and finally 「sense sufficient of the certainty and happiness of the philosopher」 (160) .



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