

按:本文出自Quora問答,原文作者為Awdhesh Singh。

How do you know someones true personality?

Let me narrate you two stories before I reply this question.


1: Story of a Noble Man

1. 一個高尚的人

Once upon a time, there was a famous painter. He decided to make a painting of the noblest person in the world. He travelled far and wide, and finally, on a mountain, came across a saint who was famous for his wisdom. When he saw him, the saint was surrounded by innumerable followers who worshipped him like God. When the painter requested the saint to let him do his painting, the saint agreed. The painter made his painting and kept it in his drawing room.


Many years passed. The painter decided that he should now paint the wickedest man of the world. He again travelled far and wide, and finally, in a prison, he found a person undergoing punishment for innumerable heinous crimes. He took permission from the jailer to paint the wicked man, and upon securing it, brought him home. The wicked man asked, 『Why do you want to make my paining?』『Because you are the most wicked person in this world,』replied the painter.


In the drawing room, the painter asked the wicked man to sit on a chair and he started painting him. The wicked man saw before him the painting of the noblest man and asked the painter, 『Who is that man?』


『He is the noblest man in this world,』 the painter replied.


Upon hearing this, the wicked man wept and wept.


『Why are you crying?』 asked the painter. 『Are you feeling ashamed about yourself, sitting opposite the noblest man of the world?』


『No,』 replied the prisoner. 『The other painting is also mine.』


2: Story of a Bandit

2. 強盜的故事

Thousands of years ago, there was a bandit in a jungle who used to loot people passing through the jungle. Once, a few sages were going that way when the bandit stopped them and asked them to surrender whatever possessions they had.


A sage asked the bandit,『Why are you doing this? Don』t you know it is a sin to loot others』wealth?』


『I know it is a sin. However, I am doing it to feed my family,』 the bandit replied.


『But you are making a big mistake,』 said the saint. 『As you are doing it through the act of looting, you have to carry all the burden of this sin.』 He then asked the bandit, 『Your family may be sharing the loot, but will they also share your sin?』


『Surely they will,』 said the bandit confidently. 『When they share my loot, why shall they not share my sin?』


『Please go and ask your family members,』 replied the saint. 『If they are willing, please take all we have.』


The bandit went home and asked each member of his family if they were willing to share his sin. However, all the members replied that since he was the one committing those sins, only he must bear their burden. They showed their unwillingness to be a party to his sins.


Shocked, the bandit realized his mistake and came back to the saints. He fell on their feet and sought their forgiveness. 『Only God can forgive you,』 they said. 『Please go and pray to God and He will forgive you and give you light.』


The bandit did penance and prayed for many years and sought light from God. Finally, he gained enlightenment and became one of the greatest saints of India. He later went on to write the most famous Indian epic, Ramayana—the story of Rama—and earned eternal fame.

His name was Valmiki.



People Change Colours


When you start classifying people in black and white, good and evil; you would hardly find any good person in the world. It is so because the good people become bad and bad people become good with time, experience and knowledge. No person can ever be good or bad.


Just as the bandit Valmiki can become a saint and the noblest man can become the most wicked man of the world, we all change in our life.


Someone has wisely said: 『Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.』


· The worst man for you may be the best man for someone else.

· 你認為最差勁的人,對於別人可能是最好的人。

· The terrorist of one society may be a martyr for another society.

· 一個社會上的恐怖分子,在另一個社會中可能是一位烈士。

· A murderer for one person may be savior for another person.

· 一個殺了人的殺人犯,對於另一個人有可能就是救世主。

Don』t judge people.


Understand them.


When you understand people as they are, you don』t find them good or bad.


You find them to be as human as you full of all types of colours that make the universe and humanity.


Source of the Stories: awdheshbooks.quora.com/



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