

「我們很多讀者可能並不清楚,中國對於其網路小說在歐美的流行有著非常大的興趣。下面是南方周末刊登的一篇文章,裡面有etvolare (volaretranslations網站創建者)相關的介紹。也有很多其他類似的文章,包括部分介紹我的文章,我沒有翻譯,因為這樣顯得我有點自誇。這篇最新發表的文章具備很大影響力,在線版本在1-2天內獲得了33萬的瀏覽量。我覺得翻譯並介紹文章對於我們社區非常有意義,也有助於大家了解中國人有多麼關注他們網路小說在外的影響。還有一篇Chinadaily的重量級文章也會很快發表,我會儘快翻譯並發布。」



南方周末 - 「願『道』與你同在」 中國網路文學闖入英文世界



Hmmm… Just saying but why not make a poll to figure out the average age of readers on wuxiaworld?

Im kinda interested in seeing the result cause i get the feeling that most of us are in our 20s rather than teenagers




14 American


Harris The Father Of All Dao

15 was here from early 2014 tho



just turned 35 last week



10, American, male. ISSTH is the reason Igave up meth.



30 from Philippines

I started reading chinese novel here in WWlike 3 or 4years ago and i love it so much here. I would like to say thank youguys for giving us the chance to experience what is chinese novel be like. Ialso got a little understanding about your culture and belief, and it isamazing. Keep up the good work. I wish all translator good health for as longas you live.




i was 22 and start get sucked』in when i was19yo

i』m indonesian ,chinese descendent butcan』t read or write chinese character lol (except i can speak my local Hokkienlanguage)and yeah my english was bad too, if i haveto say from 100% of fluent and grammar , i have to say its only about 48% maybe, thats how poor is my english until now , funny right but yeah chinese novelreally like a drug , even thought i dont even know how the drug feel or tasteslike and by the way thanks for RWX bringing thewonderful 「Coiling Dragon」 for me especially, cuz he is the one thats make mecompletely addicted to Chinese Webnovel. ??






Hey I』m 16 and Indian. And so I really hopethe pay wall mode doesn』t come in for a while or at least till I』m 22 orsomething when I can actually pay using my own cash . but even if you guys doimplement it I would never hold a grudge as technically you guys are workingyou butts of everyday for hours together and I don』t even pay a single rupee totaste the fruits of your Labour so if you do want to ever go and make it pay toread then I』m sure most people would still pay up……… But just from a selfishopinion of mine pls delay it for a few years at least



43 uk

started with anime and manga years ago butfound ZL but CD started me off and hooked the hell out of me , now hooked onreading 24 plus LN』s now..and the count is getting higher with Q』s site now upand started reading Once Upon A Time, There Was A Spirit Sword Mountain and my1st ScFi LN Galactic Dark Net

(ps i think i win the old age group ofreaders sofar lol )






Haha… It feels almost slightly embarrassingto read a news article based on my own interview. Not sure if it』s the way itwas translated or the way it was worded but it SUPER makes me look tin foil hathahaha. Let me clarify a few things from the article.

1. As far as my interest in Jet Li, he wentto a college known as the Beijing College of Martial Arts. I always dreamed ofattending such a place when I was younger but no such place exists in America.

2. The reason I always felt that the coreconcepts within fantasy novels (like magic, chi, ki etc..) potentially existssomewhere in reality is due to the psychological concept of an 「originalthought」. Through research we see it』s actually extremely difficult for a humanto actually come up with their own true original thought which has no influenceor basis from something they』ve been exposed to. In other words, due to thefact that there have been legends of people with powers since biblical times,it』s highly likely such powers truly exist.

3. There really are techniques that canexpose you to the feeling of energy manipulation. Although I cannot do anythinglike in webnovels, but I did find a technique that trains your eyes to seeenergy (back when I was like 13 years old) and to this day it still works.However if you don』t continuously improve it you will be stuck at my levelwhere I look at objects (and living beings) and simply see either an invisiblelooking outline around them similar to when you look down a hot street or if Ireally meditate first and use it I will see white smoky stuff aroundeverything, I never really got to the point where I could see the colors ofaura but once you』ve had any success at all in any energy technique you instantlystart believing in all the other stuff..

Also, my last name isn』t Cazade, it』s justCazad.

Thanks for the interview ??







29 filipino.

I started reading WW in early 2016. I wasreading panlong (manga) and got tired of waiting for the release of nextchapter. So I google hoping that other sites will have one (lol) and ended upgoing in WW. I also read MGA, ATG, AST, HJC and recently TMW. Thanks WW




Hi, I was inspired by all of you with yourposts and stories, so I am also writing a post (my first post).

I started reading on wuxiaworld because ofTDG. I was reading for whole days, I went to sleep and then back to read untilI catch up with the last chapter. When I finished TDG I started to read anotherand so on with 7 other novels

Before reading these novels I hatedreading, but not anymore But this is not everything that I gained because ofthese novels. I became a lot more confident. I would say that with the help ofmain characters I got a whole new way of thinking. I slowly reprogrammed mythinking. My shyness is almost gone. I started to look at things on the biggerlevel and so why would I worry because of some trivial every day stuff. Whatwould this worry mean after one year, nothing, I won』t even remember it.

So I really thank authors of these novelsand RWX for this page!

And now back to my cave to cultivate






Actually I』m really lucky in that sense asalmost half of the guys In my family read wuxia and it was my older cousinhimself who first introduced me to CD and after that is was just smoothsailing. Now my mother doesn』t even understand our dinner table conversationsanymore.



I』m 40 this year from Indonesia. I haveread chinese martial novel since the age of 6, brought home by my mom, sinceall my family start from my grandfather love to read them. At age 12, i hardlyfound any Chinese translated novel in Indonesian that I haven』t read. Till mylate 20s, I occasionally re-read them again and again, especially the favoriteone. I was surprise and became delighted when 1-2 years ago I found that thereis a translated web novel from someone』s comment from one of a manga site. ThenI google it and found Stellar Transformation. In one of comments there I foundout that there was a story before Stellar Transformation, which is CoilingDragon. That』s when I found this website. Thank you very much for all thetranslators which given me a chance to read them again




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