2/15 【歷史上的今天】戴高樂斡旋越戰,但是傲嬌總統就是不下台階


When: Feb 15, 1966

What: DeGaulle offered to help end Vietnam War.

Why significant: In response to a letter from Ho Chi Minh asking that French President Charles De Gaulle use his influence to 「prevent perfidious new maneuvers」 by the U.S. in Southeast Asia, De Gaulle stated that France was willing to do all that it could to end the war. As outlined by De Gaulle, the French believed that the Geneva agreements should be enforced, that Vietnam』s independence should be 「guaranteed by the nonintervention of any outside powers,」 and that the Vietnamese government should pursue a 「policy of strict neutrality.」

President Lyndon Johnson saw De Gaulle』s proposal as part of a continuing effort by France to challenge U.S. leadership in Southeast Asia as well as in Europe. Seeing the American commitment in Vietnam as part of a larger global issue of American credibility, Johnson believed that the U.S. could not afford to abandon its South Vietnamese ally, and rejected De Gaulle』s proposal without consideration.

Tags: Vietnam War, President Lyndon Johnson



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