Penn Geometry Festival

歡迎大家今年4月6-8號來賓大參加2018年Geometry Festival。


University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Friday April 6 - Sunday April 8, 2018

The 33rd Annual Geometry Festival will be held at the

Department of Mathematics of the University of Pennsylvania,

from Friday afternoon April 6 to Sunday noon April 8, 2018.

It will be in honor of Eugenio Calabi,

on the occasion of his 95th birthday.

Everyone is invited to the Geometry Festival, and graduate students are especially encouraged to attend. A continuing grant from the National Science Foundation makes it possible for us to partially reimburse the expenses of a large number of graduate students, post-docs and younger faculty who do not have access to travel funds from other sources. A substantial portion of this funding can be committedin advance, and experience shows that additional funds for this purpose are usually available after conference expenses have been met.

The speakers are:

Yasha Eliashberg

Benson Farb

Carolyn Gordon

Daniel Ketover

Yevgeny Liokumovich

Rick Schoen

Jenny Wilson

The Geometry Festival website

will be up and running later this month.



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