



所以想了這麼久,還是先寫份情書給你吧,但,又怕簡短深奧你不懂 太沉長顯得矯情。





我想說 。能遇見你就已經很不可思議了,但越是這樣,我便越想擁有你。

我想說 。無論未來的道路是崎嶇還是平坦,我希望我的每一個計劃,都有你。

我想說 。為你 千千萬萬。


2017 11 11 凌晨 2:18


——安東尼·德·聖-埃克蘇佩里 《小王子》

《Bernadette之歌 (伯妮之歌) 》

如果身旁沒有你 If I didnt have you *

生活無趣失重心 Life would be blue *

《神秘博士》沒話亭 Id be Dr. Who without the TARDIS *

也像蠟燭沒燈芯 A candle without a wick *

沃森沒了克里克 A Watson without a Crick *

像我衣服少領結 Id be one of my outfits without a dick-ie *

起司沒有通心麵 Id be cheese without the mac *

像喬布斯沒搭檔 Jobs without the Wozniak *

沒有了你就像是 Id be solving exponential equations *

用少底的計算器 來解指數方程式 That use bases not found on your calculator *

像個原子沒有彈 Id be an atom without a bomb *

像個點兒少了com A dot without the com *

而且還在跟媽住 And Id probably still live with my mom *

他還會在跟媽住 And hed probably still live with his mom *

打從初次遇見你 一切天翻又地覆 Ever since I met you, you turned my world around *

我的夢想與希望 都有你在支持我 You supported all my dreams and all my hopes *

你若是那鈾235 那我就是鈾238 Youre like uranium-235 and Im uranium-238 *

難分離的同位素 Almost inseparable isotopes *

我從沒能想像到 I couldnt have imagined *

此生能如此幸福 How good my life would get *

而我幸福的起點 From the moment *

是在初次遇見你 That I met you *

如果身旁沒有你 If I didnt have you *

百無聊賴失寄託 Life would be dreary *

像弦理論失了弦 Id be string theory without any string *

二進位中少了1 Id be binary code without a one *

陰極射線管沒槍 A cathode ray tube without an electron gun *

《螢火蟲》《巴菲》《復聯》沒了導演喬斯?惠登 *

Id be Firefly, Buffy and Avengers without JossWhedon *

會多說克林貢語 Id speak a lot more Klingon *

黃道吉日今宜死 HeghlumeH QaQ jajvam *

他還會在跟媽住 And hed definitely still live with his mom *

打從初次遇見你 一切天翻又地覆 Ever since I met you, you turned my world around *

當我摯愛與摯友 Youre my best friend and my lover *

要電動才能生磁 而磁變才會生電 Were like changing electric and magnetic fields *

如果沒有了對方 You cant have one *

只有自己便不行 Without the other *

我從沒能想像到 I couldnt have imagined *

此生能如此幸福 How good my life would get *

而我幸福的起點 是在初次遇見你 From the moment that I met you *

伯納黛特 Bernadette *

我們從沒想像到 Oh, we couldnt have imagined *

此生能如此幸福 How good our lives would get *

我們幸福的起點是在初次遇見你 From the moment that we met you *



TAG:情書 |