
Animality of Modern Men 現代人的動物性





Then more specifically, how do the seemingly well-developed modern men bear the primitive trait of animality?

Granted, modern men have accumulated enough knowledge along their history. However, it is not necessary that the more knowledge men have, the more conscious, simple or honest they are.

On the contrary, the affluent, superfluous, excessive, extravagant knowledge can intimidate men from finding the one true source of life and prompt them to return to their primitive animality, the 「unconsciousness of instinct」 (158) .


Nietzsche observes that we modern men「hasten to give our heart to the state, to money-making, to sociability or science merely so as no longer to possess it ourselves, and labour at our daily work more」 (158) .

Modern men bear such heavy social responsibilities and perform such endless daily tasks that they barely have time or energy to meditate on why they are doing what they do.



In fact, according to Nietzsche, we modern men 「ardently and thoughtlessly than is necessary to sustain our life because to us it is even more necessary not to have leisure to stop and think」 (158) .

Since meditation is an essential ability that tells men apart from other animals, the lack of thinking signals our animality, that is, to act in haste and fear only according to our instinct. (Again, the prosperity of modern world does not deny the fact that men still contains animality.)

The restraints of animality render us to be 「subtle beasts of prey」 among all nature, instead of 「men」 that in our opinion should 「[stand] higher above us」 (158) . By analyzing modern men in general, Nietzsche suggests that modern men still contain animality.




Now that the curse of animality as a punishment dominates most of the modern men, how do human beings transcend their own animality?

Fortunately, Nietzsche puts forward the distinctive figure, Schopenhauer as an educator, who suggests a way to 「lift us」 from our mundane animality (159) . According to Nietzsche, Schopenhauer individually undergoes and conquers three more general dangers, 「isolation」 (138) 「despair of the truth」 (140) and 「dualism」 (his 「[fulfilled] calling」 and 「a burning longing [that dwells]」), or, the productive and destructive forces that confront each other (143) .

Despite the 「constitutional dangers」 during his devotion to philosophy, Schopenhauer never 「[perishes] as a human being and to lead a ghostly life」 which means to submit to his animal instinct. Instead, 「the singular man」 pertains to the uniqueness of his being and pursues his philosophical ideals as always (144) .



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