Business Writing: 8 Most Common Email Mistakes

Hi everyone,

As you may know, Ive decided to host a LIVE session. In this article I will briefly describe the background and the material I will cover.

Heres the link:



This is NOT an English lesson. I have learned that most of the mistakes made in English business writing (especially e-mails) are not due to poor English. If youre reading this, I am guessing youve probably studied English for 10 or more years, and your grammar and vocabulary are probably better than mine!


I didnt invent any of this material. I just noticed that most people I meet havent learned it before. Most of it was taught to me in University (Business communication course, my professor was Indian!). The rules I will share are universal, generally-accepted rules that evolved over time to make business communication more effective and professional. Most English-speaking business men and women either learn them in school or are trained on-the-job. The point is, if your reader is an English speaker, he/she probably knows these rules, and expects you to know them too.

Small mistakes ruin your reputation!

Your reader doesnt know you didnt learn this stuff in school. So if you make a mistake in your writing, your reader thinks either:

  1. You never learned this stuff, which means youre not very professional
  2. You learned it, but you dont follow it, which means youre lazy

First words: Do you use any of these?

None of this is true! Of course youre professional! Of course you re not lazy! But the reader doesnt know that!

I bet most of you always use "Best regards" :)

In this LIVE session, I will share with you the eight most common mistakes that I see, and what you should do instead. You can apply all of my techniques right away, and I promise, your emails will look more professional.

因為.......所以 or 所以......因為?

The session wont take long, and Im sure find it useful. If not, "7天無理由退款" ! Also, I will create a wechat group for everyone who wants to participate. You can ask questions and send me samples of your writing. Please message me if you have any more questions!






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