雙語 | 一起來看特朗普的「國情咨文」
美國當地時間1月30日晚(北京時間1月31日上午),美國總統特朗普發表了一年一度的國情咨文(state of the union),備受媒體關注。我也認真看了一下這篇演講,發現是比較煽情的風格,運用很多小人物的故事,喚起美國老百姓的共鳴。內容上,有總結過去一年的成績,並展望未來的工作動向(包括立法等方面的行動)。今天就來聊聊這一話題,大家可以藉此機會了解「國情咨文」是怎麼回事,以及特朗普政府的施政方針。本文大致分為3部分:
1. 什麼是「國情咨文」?
2. 2018國情咨文的關鍵闡述
3. 國情咨文摘選(中英對照)
The State of the Union Address is an annual message presented by the President of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress, except in the first year of a new presidents term. The address has been usually held on a Tuesday.這項報告不僅僅包括國情分析,總統還會在報告中對美國國會闡述他的立法議程以及國家優先事項。有人說,這份報告模仿於英國國會開幕大典上的御前宣言。然而,雖然憲法中規定要發表這份報告,卻沒有規定要以演講的形式發表,但從伍德羅·威爾遜以來幾乎每位總統都選擇在美國國會聯席會議召開之前以演講的形式發表這份報告。由於這份報告是在美國國會聯席會議時於美國國會大廈發表的,因此總統必須先受到國會邀請進入眾議院會議廳,然後才能在會議上發表報告。這個邀請的慣例和總統的演講現在在形式上成了美國政治和國家計劃的一個傳統部分。——from Wikipedia
今年的國情咨文,主要的關鍵詞就是建設一個SAFE, STRONG and PROUD America(安全、強大和自豪的美國)。具體而言,特朗普特別向老兵致敬,通過了《退伍軍人責任法案》,宣布了減稅的成效,廢除奧巴馬醫改,吸引美國大公司重回本土,結束能源戰爭,重振汽車行業,加強基礎設施建設,打擊販毒等等……
- 失業人數降到45年來的最低點。Unemployment claims have hit a 45-year low.
- 實施了美國有史以來最大的減稅和改革。we enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history.
- FDA批准了有史以來最多的新型和非專利藥品和醫療設備。 last year the FDA approved more new and generic drugs and medical devices than ever before in our history.
- 執政第一年取消的規定數量居歷屆政府之首 we have eliminated more regulations in our first year than any administration in history.
- Together, we are building a SAFE, STRONG, and PROUD America.我們正在共同建設一個安全、強大和自豪的美國。
- We want every American to know the dignity of a hard day』s work; we want every child to besafe in their home at night, and we want every citizen to be proud of this land that we love.
- Just as I promised the American People from this podium 11 months ago, we enacted the biggest tax cuts and reform in American history.正如我在11個月前向美國人民承諾的那樣,我們實施了美國有史以來最大的減稅和改革。
- Our massive tax cuts provide tremendous relief for the Middle Class and small businesses.我們大規模的減稅措施為中產階級和小企業提供了巨大的幫助。
- Since we passed tax cuts, roughly 3 million workers have already gotten tax cut bonuses – many of them thousands of dollars per worker.|我們通過的減稅政策,已讓大約300萬工人享受到了減稅紅利,其中很多人,每人獲得了數千美元。
- This is our New American Moment. There has never been a better time to start living the American dream.這是新的美國時刻,是去實現美國夢的最佳時機。
- Tonight, I want to talk about what kind of future we are going to have, and what kind of nation we are going to be. All of us, together, as one team, one people, and one American family.今晚,我想談談我們將擁有什麼樣的未來,以及我們將成為什麼樣的國家。我們所有人一起,作為一個團隊整體,一個民族,一個美國大家庭。
- Americans love their country. And they deserve a government that shows them the same love and loyalty in return.
- For the last year we have sought to restore the bonds of trust between our citizens and their government.過去的一年裡,我們試圖修復公民與政府之間的信任紐帶。
- In our drive to make Washington accountable, we have eliminated more regulations in our first year than any administration in history.為了讓華盛頓負起責任,我們在本屆政府的第一年,就取消了大量的規定,數量超過歷史上任何一屆政府。
- We have ENDED the war on American Energy – and we have ENDED the War on CLEAN COAL. We are now an exporter of energy to the world.我們結束了美國能源的戰爭——結束了在清潔煤炭上的戰爭。現在,我們是世界上的一個能源出口國。
- America has also finally turned the page on decades of unfair trade deals that sacrificed our prosperity and shipped away our companies, our jobs and our nation』s wealth.美國也終於翻過了幾十年不公平貿易協議的一頁。這些協議犧牲了我們的繁榮,把我們的公司、工作機會和國家財富都捲走了。
- America is a nation of builders. We built the Empire State Building in just one year – isn』t it a disgrace that it can now take ten years just to get a permit approved for a simple road?美國是一個建設者的國家。我們在一年之內就建成了帝國大廈——現在僅僅為了獲得批准一條簡單的道路就可以花上10年的時間,這難道不是一種恥辱嗎?
- I am asking both parties to come together to give us the safe, fast, reliable, and modern infrastructure our economy needs and our people deserve.
- Struggling communities, especially immigrant communities, will also be helped by immigration policies that focus on the best interests of American Workers and American Families.困難的社區,尤其是移民社區,也將受到移民政策的幫助。這些政策關注為美國工人和美國家庭提供最大利益。
- So tonight I am extending an open hand to work with members of both parties, Democrats and Republicans, to protect our citizens, of every background, color, and creed.因此,今晚,我向兩黨(民主黨和共和黨)成員拋出橄欖枝,期待雙方共同合作,保護我們的公民,不論各種背景、膚色、宗教和信仰。
- As we rebuild America』s strength and confidence at home, we are also restoring our strength and standing abroad.當我們重建美國國內的實力和信心時,我們也在重拾海外力量。
- Last year I pledged that we would work with our allies to extinguish ISIS from the face of the earth. One year later, I』m proud to report that the coalition to defeat ISIS has liberated almost 100 percent of the territory once held by these killers in Iraq and Syria. But there is much more work to be done. We will continue our fight until ISIS is defeated.|去年,我承諾,將與盟友一起,將ISIS從地球表面消滅。一年後,我很自豪地報告說,打擊ISIS的聯盟已經解放了伊拉克和敘利亞近100%一度由殺手侵佔的領土。但是還有很多工作要做。我們還將繼續戰鬥,直到ISIS被最終擊敗。
- Past experience has taught us that complacency and concessions only invite aggression and provocation. I will not repeat the mistakes of the past Administrations that got us into this dangerous position.過去的經驗告訴我們,自滿和讓步只會招致侵略和挑釁。我不會重蹈覆轍,讓國家進入危險的境地。
一些同學可能想了解一下這篇國情咨文的全篇內容。由於全文實在太長,我省略了一些內容,主要保留了介紹美國國內政策和特朗普政府成績的部分,供大家參考。(註:英文原文來源於白宮官網的President Donald J. Trumps State of the Union Address,譯文為筆者根據機器翻譯結果稍加潤色所譯,沒太追求辭藻,以能表達清楚意思為目標。)
Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and my fellow Americans:
議長先生,副總統先生,國會議員,美國第一夫人,以及美國同胞們:Less than 1 year has passed since I first stood at this podium, in this majestic chamber, to speak on behalf of the American People — and to address their concerns, their hopes, and their dreams. That night, our new Administration had already taken swift action. A new tide of optimism was already sweeping across our land.不到一年之前,我第一次站在這個講台上,在這個莊嚴的會議廳,代表美國人民發言,為他們的關切、希望和夢想發聲。那天晚上,我們的新政府已經迅速行動起來了。一股新的樂觀主義情緒席捲了我們的土地。Each day since, we have gone forward with a clear vision and a righteous mission — to make America great again for all Americans.從那以後的每一天,我們都有一個清晰的願景和正義的使命——讓所有美國人的美國再次強大起來。Over the last year, we have made incredible progress and achieved extraordinary success. We have faced challenges we expected, and others we could never have imagined. We have shared in the heights of victory and the pains of hardship. We endured floods and fires and storms. But through it all, we have seen the beauty of America』s soul, and the steel in America』s spine.在過去的一年裡,我們取得了令人難以置信的進步,獲得了非凡的成功。我們面臨了一些預料之中的挑戰,也遇到一些意想不到的挑戰。我們共慶勝利,共渡難關。我們經受了洪水、火災和暴風雨的威脅。但通過這一切,我們看到了美國靈魂之美,看到美國脊樑之鋼鐵。Each test has forged new American heroes to remind us who we are, and show us what we can be.每一次考驗都造就了新的美國英雄,提醒我們自己是誰,向我們展示我們可以成為什麼樣的人。We saw the volunteers of the 「Cajun Navy,」 racing to the rescue with their fishing boats to save people in the aftermath of a devastating hurricane.
我們看到了「卡津海軍」的志願者們,在一場毀滅性的颶風之後,爭相用自己的漁船救助他人。We saw strangers shielding strangers from a hail of gunfire on the Las Vegas strip.在拉斯維加斯大道上,我們看到陌生人冒著槍林彈雨保護其他陌生人。We heard tales of Americans like Coast Guard Petty Officer Ashlee Leppert, who is here tonight in the gallery with Melania. Ashlee was aboard one of the first helicopters on the scene in Houston during Hurricane Harvey. Through 18 hours of wind and rain, Ashlee braved live power lines and deep water, to help save more than 40 lives. Thank you, Ashlee.我們聽到了一些美國人的故事,比如海岸警衛隊的軍士阿什莉·勒波特,他今晚也和梅拉尼婭一起在現場。在颶風哈維的襲擊中,阿什莉登上了第一架前往現場的直升機。經過18個小時的風雨,阿什莉冒著電線和深水之危,挽救了40多條生命。謝謝你,阿什莉。We heard about Americans like firefighter David Dahlberg. He is here with us too. David faced down walls of flame to rescue almost 60 children trapped at a California summer camp threatened by wildfires.我們聽說了像消防員大衛·達爾伯格這樣的美國人。他今天也在現場。在加州的一個夏令營活動中,大衛冒著熊熊大火,拯救了近60名因山火受困的兒童。To everyone still recovering in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, California, and everywhere else — we are with you, we love you, and we will pull through together.我想對所有奮戰在德克薩斯、佛羅里達、路易斯安那、波多黎各、維爾京群島、加利福尼亞等各個地方的人們說:我們與你們同在,我們愛你們,我們將共渡難關。Some trials over the past year touched this chamber very personally. With us tonight is one of the toughest people ever to serve in this House — a guy who took a bullet, almost died, and was back to work three and a half months later: the legend from Louisiana, Congressman Steve Scalise.
在過去的一年裡,有一些事迹非常觸動人心。今晚在現場的,有一位堪稱白宮最堅強的人之一——他吃了一顆子彈、差點喪命,三個半月後又回到了工作崗位:他就是來自路易斯安那州的傳奇人物史蒂夫·斯卡萊斯。We are incredibly grateful for the heroic efforts of the Capitol Police Officers, the Alexandria Police, and the doctors, nurses, and paramedics who saved his life, and the lives of many others in this room.我們要特別感謝國會警察、亞歷山大警察、醫生、護士和護理人員的英勇努力,他們拯救了史蒂夫的性命,也救了在座的許多人。In the aftermath of that terrible shooting, we came together, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as representatives of the people. But it is not enough to come together only in times of tragedy. Tonight, I call upon all of us to set aside our differences, to seek out common ground, and to summon the unity we need to deliver for the people we were elected to serve.在那次可怕的槍擊事件之後,我們團結在一起,不是作為共和黨人或民主黨人,而是作為人民的代表團結起來。但是,只有在悲劇發生時才團結起來是遠遠不夠的。今晚,我呼籲所有人拋開分歧,尋求共識,團結一致,為我們的選民服務。Over the last year, the world has seen what we always knew: that no people on Earth are so fearless, or daring, or determined as Americans. If there is a mountain, we climb it. If there is a frontier, we cross it. If there is a challenge, we tame it. If there is an opportunity, we seize it.過去的一年裡,世界已經看到了我們一直自知的一面:地球上沒有其他人像美國人一樣無畏、勇敢、堅定。我們逢山翻山,遇界跨界,不畏懼任何挑戰,不錯過任何機遇。So let us begin tonight by recognizing that the state of our Union is strong because our people are strong.因此,就讓我們從今晚開始,認識到我們的國家是強大的,因為我們的人民是強大的。And together, we are building a safe, strong, and proud America.
我們正在共同建設一個安全、強大和自豪的美國。Since the election, we have created 2.4 million new jobs, including 200,000 new jobs in manufacturing alone. After years of wage stagnation, we are finally seeing rising wages.自大選以來,我們創造了240萬個新增就業機會,其中僅在製造業就新增了20萬個就業機會。經歷了多年的工資停滯之後,我們終於看到了工資的上漲。Unemployment claims have hit a 45-year low. African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded, and Hispanic American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history.失業人數降到45年來的最低點。非洲裔美國人的失業率是有史以來最低的,西班牙裔美國人的失業率也達到歷史最低水平。Small business confidence is at an all-time high. The stock market has smashed one record after another, gaining $8 trillion in value. That is great news for Americans』 401k, retirement, pension, and college savings accounts.小企業信心空前高漲。股票市場打破了一個又一個記錄,價值達到8萬億美元。這對美國的401k、退休、養老金和大學儲蓄賬戶來說是個好消息。And just as I promised the American people from this podium 11 months ago, we enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history.正如我在11個月前在這裡向美國人民承諾的那樣,我們實施了美國有史以來最大的減稅和改革。Our massive tax cuts provide tremendous relief for the middle class and small businesses.
我們大規模的減稅措施為中產階級和小企業減輕了巨大的負擔。To lower tax rates for hardworking Americans, we nearly doubled the standard deduction for everyone. Now, the first $24,000 earned by a married couple is completely tax-free. We also doubled the child tax credit.為了降低辛勤工作的美國人的稅率,我們幾乎把每個人的起征額提高了一倍。現在,一對夫婦收入的前2.4萬美元是完全免稅的。我們還將兒童稅收抵免提高了一倍。A typical family of four making $75,000 will see their tax bill reduced by $2,000 — slashing their tax bill in half.對於一個年收入7.5萬美元的典型四口之家,他們的納稅額將減少2000美元——稅款減半。This April will be the last time you ever file under the old broken system — and millions of Americans will have more take-home pay starting next month.今年4月將是你最後一次在陳舊的問題系統下提交稅表,數百萬美國人將在下個月開始獲得更多的實得工資。We eliminated an especially cruel tax that fell mostly on Americans making less than $50,000 a year — forcing them to pay tremendous penalties simply because they could not afford government-ordered health plans. We repealed the core of disastrous Obamacare — the individual mandate is now gone.我們取消了一項特別殘酷的稅收,主要針對年收入低於5萬美元的美國人,即迫使他們因無法負擔政府規定的醫保計劃而支付巨額罰款。我們廢除了災難性的「奧巴馬醫改」的核心內容——個人強制保險已不復存在。We slashed the business tax rate from 35 percent all the way down to 21 percent, so American companies can compete and win against anyone in the world. These changes alone are estimated to increase average family income by more than $4,000.我們將營業稅稅率從35%降至21%,這樣美國公司就能與世界上任何對手競爭並取得勝利。據估計,單是這些變化,家庭平均收入就將增加4000多美元。Small businesses have also received a massive tax cut, and can now deduct 20 percent of their business income.小企業也獲得了大規模減稅,現在可以扣除20%的營業收入。Here tonight are Steve Staub and Sandy Keplinger of Staub Manufacturing — a small business in Ohio. They have just finished the best year in their 20-year history. Because of tax reform, they are handing out raises, hiring an additional 14 people, and expanding into the building next door.今晚在這裡的是史蒂夫·斯圖布和斯圖布製造公司的桑迪·凱普林——俄亥俄州的一家小公司。他們剛剛度過了20年歷史上最好的一年。由於稅收改革,他們正在發放加薪,又僱傭了14名員工,並將辦公場地擴大到了隔壁的大樓。One of Staub』s employees, Corey Adams, is also with us tonight. Corey is an all-American worker. He supported himself through high school, lost his job during the 2008 recession, and was later hired by Staub, where he trained to become a welder. Like many hardworking Americans, Corey plans to invest his tax?cut raise into his new home and his two daughters』 education. Please join me in congratulating Corey.一位斯圖布的員工科里·亞當斯今晚也在現場。科里是一個純正的美國工人。他自己勤工儉學讀完高中,2008年因為經濟衰退而失業,後來又被斯圖布僱傭,在那裡接受培訓,成為一名焊工。和許多辛勤工作的美國人一樣,科里計劃將他的減稅收益投資到新家和兩個女兒的教育中。讓我們一起祝賀科里。Since we passed tax cuts, roughly 3 million workers have already gotten tax cut bonuses — many of them thousands of dollars per worker. Apple has just announced it plans to invest a total of $350 billion in America, and hire another 20,000 workers.由於我們通過了減稅政策,大約300萬工人已經享受到了減稅紅利,其中很多人,每人獲得了數千美元。蘋果剛剛宣布,計劃在美國本土投資3500億美元,新僱傭2萬名員工。This is our new American moment. There has never been a better time to start living the American Dream.這是我們新的美國時刻。現在是開始實現美國夢的最佳時機。So to every citizen watching at home tonight — no matter where you have been, or where you come from, this is your time. If you work hard, if you believe in yourself, if you believe in America, then you can dream anything, you can be anything, and together, we can achieve anything.所以,對於每一位今晚在家收看的公民——無論你在哪裡,或者你來自哪裡,這是屬於你的時刻。如果你努力工作,如果你相信自己,如果你相信美國,你可以夢想做任何事,你可以成為任何人,我們一起行動,可以實現任何事情。Tonight, I want to talk about what kind of future we are going to have, and what kind of Nation we are going to be. All of us, together, as one team, one people, and one American family.今晚,我想談談我們將擁有什麼樣的未來,以及我們將成為什麼樣的國家。我們所有人一起,作為一個團隊整體,一個民族,一個美國大家庭。We all share the same home, the same heart, the same destiny, and the same great American flag.我們享有同一個家園,同一顆心,同一種命運,同一面偉大的美國國旗。Together, we are rediscovering the American way.我們一起,重新發現了美國方式。In America, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the center of the American life. Our motto is 「in God we trust.」在美國,我們知道,信仰和家庭,而非政府和官僚機構,是美國生活的中心。我們的座右銘是「我們信仰上帝」。And we celebrate our police, our military, and our amazing veterans as heroes who deserve our total and unwavering support.我們將警察、軍隊、英勇的老兵奉為英雄們,他們值得我們全部和堅定的支持。Here tonight is Preston Sharp, a 12-year-old boy from Redding, California, who noticed that veterans』 graves were not marked with flags on Veterans Day. He decided to change that, and started a movement that has now placed 40,000 flags at the graves of our great heroes. Preston: a job well done.今晚在這裡,還有來自加州雷丁的12歲男孩普雷斯頓·夏普。他注意到退伍軍人的墳墓上沒有國旗,於是決定改變它,開啟了一場運動。現在,該運動已在這些偉大英雄的墓前放置了40000面國旗。普雷斯頓:好樣的。Young patriots like Preston teach all of us about our civic duty as Americans. Preston』s reverence for those who have served our Nation reminds us why we salute our flag, why we put our hands on our hearts for the pledge of allegiance, and why we proudly stand for the national anthem.像普雷斯頓這樣年輕愛國者教會我們作為美國人的公民義務。普雷斯頓對國家效力者的敬意提醒我們不忘初心,記住我們為什麼要向國旗致敬,為什麼要將手放至胸前宣誓效忠,為什麼自豪地演唱國歌。Americans love their country. And they deserve a Government that shows them the same love and loyalty in return.美國人熱愛這個國家。他們的政府,也應該向他們展示同樣的愛與忠誠作為回報。For the last year we have sought to restore the bonds of trust between our citizens and their Government.過去一年裡,我們尋求修復公民與政府之間信任的紐帶。Working with the Senate, we are appointing judges who will interpret the Constitution as written, including a great new Supreme Court Justice, and more circuit court judges than any new administration in the history of our country.我們與參議院合作,任命了解釋成文憲法的法官,包括新任命了一位優秀的最高法院大法官,以及許多巡迴法院法官,這是國家有史以來新政府任命數量最多的一次。We are defending our Second Amendment, and have taken historic actions to protect religious liberty.我們也在捍衛第二修正案,並採取了歷史性行動來保護宗教自由。And we are serving our brave veterans, including giving our veterans choice in their healthcare decisions. Last year, the Congress passed, and I signed, the landmark VA Accountability Act. Since its passage, my Administration has already removed more than 1,500 VA employees who failed to give our veterans the care they deserve — and we are hiring talented people who love our vets as much as we do.我們為英勇的退伍老兵服務,包括讓他們自主做出醫療選擇。去年,具有里程碑意義的《退伍軍人責任法案》獲國會通過並由我簽署。自該法案通過以來,政府已經解僱了1500多名未能給予退伍老兵應得照顧的僱員,同時僱傭了一批和我們一樣熱愛老兵的新人。I will not stop until our veterans are properly taken care of, which has been my promise to them from the very beginning of this great journey.只要還有老兵未得到妥善的照顧,我就不會停止我的努力。這是我從這偉大征程一開始就對他們許下的承諾。All Americans deserve accountability and respect — and that is what we are giving them. So tonight, I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet Secretary with the authority to reward good workers — and to remove Federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.所有美國人都應該有人負責,並得到尊重——而這正是我們給予他們的。因此,今晚,我呼籲國會授權每一位內閣大臣,賦予他們權力獎勵優秀員工——併除掉那些破壞公信力或辜負美國人民的聯邦僱員。In our drive to make Washington accountable, we have eliminated more regulations in our first year than any administration in history.為了讓華盛頓負起責任,我們在第一年就取消了大量的規定,數量超過歷史上任何一屆政府。We have ended the war on American Energy — and we have ended the war on clean coal. We are now an exporter of energy to the world.我們結束了美國能源的戰爭——結束了在清潔煤炭上的戰爭。現在,我們是世界上的一個能源出口國。In Detroit, I halted Government mandates that crippled America』s autoworkers — so we can get the Motor City revving its engines once again.在底特律,我叫停了讓損害美國汽車工人利益的政府指令,以便讓汽車城再次發動引擎。Many car companies are now building and expanding plants in the United States — something we have not seen for decades. Chrysler is moving a major plant from Mexico to Michigan; Toyota and Mazda are opening up a plant in Alabama. Soon, plants will be opening up all over the country. This is all news Americans are unaccustomed to hearing — for many years, companies and jobs were only leaving us. But now they are coming back.許多汽車公司正在美國興建和擴建工廠,這是我們幾十年來從未見過的。克萊斯勒正在將一家主要工廠從墨西哥遷至密歇根州;豐田和馬自達在阿拉巴馬州開設新廠。很快,全國各地都將有新廠開建。這是所有美國人都不習慣聽到的新聞——多年來,公司和工作崗位都在逃離美國。但現在,他們又回來了。Exciting progress is happening every day.每天都有令人興奮的新進展。To speed access to breakthrough cures and affordable generic drugs, last year the FDA approved more new and generic drugs and medical devices than ever before in our history.為了縮短突破性療法和可負擔仿製葯進入市場的時間,去年,FDA批准了有史以來最多的新型和非專利藥品和醫療設備。We also believe that patients with terminal conditions should have access to experimental treatments that could potentially save their lives.我們還認為,患有絕症的病人應該享有接受實驗性治療的機會,因為這可能會挽救他們的生命。People who are terminally ill should not have to go from country to country to seek a cure — I want to give them a chance right here at home. It is time for the Congress to give these wonderful Americans the 「right to try.」身患絕症的人不應該必須前往他國才能獲得治療——我想給他們一個在國內治療的機會。現在是國會給予這些優秀的美國人「嘗試的權利」的時候了。One of my greatest priorities is to reduce the price of prescription drugs. In many other countries, these drugs cost far less than what we pay in the United States. That is why I have directed my Administration to make fixing the injustice of high drug prices one of our top priorities. Prices will come down.我們工作的重中之中之一就是降低處方葯的價格。這些藥物在許多其他國家價格遠遠低於在美國。這就是為什麼我要求政府把解決藥品價高不合理問題作為首要任務之一。價格會降下來的。America has also finally turned the page on decades of unfair trade deals that sacrificed our prosperity and shipped away our companies, our jobs, and our Nation』s wealth.美國也終於翻過了幾十年不公平貿易協議的一頁。這些協議犧牲了我們的繁榮,把我們的公司、工作機會和國家財富都捲走了。The era of economic surrender is over.經濟妥協的時代已經結束。From now on, we expect trading relationships to be fair and to be reciprocal.從現在開始,我們希望貿易關係公平、互惠互利。We will work to fix bad trade deals and negotiate new ones.我們將努力修復糟糕的貿易協議,並談判新的貿易協議。And we will protect American workers and American intellectual property, through strong enforcement of our trade rules.通過嚴格執行貿易規則,保護美國工人和美國的知識產權。As we rebuild our industries, it is also time to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.我們重建工業的同時,也正是重建我們搖搖欲墜的基礎設施的時候。America is a nation of builders. We built the Empire State Building in just 1 year — is it not a disgrace that it can now take 10 years just to get a permit approved for a simple road?美國是一個建設者的國家。我們在一年之內就建成了帝國大廈——現在僅僅為了獲得批准一條簡單的道路就可以花上10年的時間,這難道不是一種恥辱嗎?I am asking both parties to come together to give us the safe, fast, reliable, and modern infrastructure our economy needs and our people deserve.我要求兩黨共同努力,打造經濟所需、人民所盼的安全、快速、可靠的現代化基礎設施。Tonight, I am calling on the Congress to produce a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion for the new infrastructure investment we need.今晚,我呼籲國會制定法案,為基礎設施投資創造至少1.5萬億美元的資金。Every Federal dollar should be leveraged by partnering with State and local governments and, where appropriate, tapping into private sector investment — to permanently fix the infrastructure deficit.每一美元都應該通過與州和地方政府的合作來發揮槓桿作用,並在適當的情況下,引入私營部門投資,一勞永逸地解決基礎設施的赤字問題。Any bill must also streamline the permitting and approval process — getting it down to no more than two years, and perhaps even one.任何法案都必須簡化審批流程——將其縮短至不超過兩年,甚至是一年。Together, we can reclaim our building heritage. We will build gleaming new roads, bridges, highways, railways, and waterways across our land. And we will do it with American heart, American hands, and American grit.通過攜手努力,我們重拾美國的建造傳統。我們將在土地上建造嶄新的道路、橋樑、公路、鐵路和水路。我們將用美國心、美國手和美國勁來做這件事。We want every American to know the dignity of a hard day』s work. We want every child to be safe in their home at night. And we want every citizen to be proud of this land that we love.我們希望每一個美國人都明白辛勤工作的尊嚴。我們希望每個孩子在晚上都能安全地呆在家裡。我們希望每個公民都為我們熱愛的這塊土地感到自豪。We can lift our citizens from welfare to work, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity.我們能夠讓公民從依靠救濟到自食其力,從依賴到獨立,從貧困到富有。As tax cuts create new jobs, let us invest in workforce development and job training. Let us open great vocational schools so our future workers can learn a craft and realize their full potential. And let us support working families by supporting paid family leave.隨著減稅創造新的就業機會,就讓我們在人力發展和就業培訓領域開展投資。讓我們開設優秀的職業學校,這樣,未來工人能夠學習一門手藝,充分發揮他們的潛力。讓我們通過支持帶薪家庭休假來支持工薪家庭。As America regains its strength, this opportunity must be extended to all citizens. That is why this year we will embark on reforming our prisons to help former inmates who have served their time get a second chance.當美國重獲力量時,這個機會必須惠及每一位公民。這就是為什麼今年我們將著手改革監獄,幫助那些服刑的犯人獲得第二次機會。Struggling communities, especially immigrant communities, will also be helped by immigration policies that focus on the best interests of American workers and American families.困難的社區,尤其是移民社區,也將受到移民政策的幫助。這些政策關注的是為美國工人和美國家庭提供最大利益。For decades, open borders have allowed drugs and gangs to pour into our most vulnerable communities. They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans. Most tragically, they have caused the loss of many innocent lives.幾十年來,開放的邊界讓毒品和幫派湧入我們最脆弱的社區,使得數以百萬計的低薪工人與最貧窮的美國人競爭崗位和工資。最可悲的是,他們造成了許多無辜生命的喪生。Here tonight are two fathers and two mothers: Evelyn Rodriguez, Freddy Cuevas, Elizabeth Alvarado, and Robert Mickens. Their two teenage daughters — Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens — were close friends on Long Island. But in September 2016, on the eve of Nisa』s 16th Birthday, neither of them came home. These two precious girls were brutally murdered while walking together in their hometown. Six members of the savage gang MS-13 have been charged with Kayla and Nisa』s murders. Many of these gang members took advantage of glaring loopholes in our laws to enter the country as unaccompanied alien minors ?- and wound up in Kayla and Nisa』s high school.今晚有兩位父親和兩位母親:Evelyn Rodriguez, Freddy Cuevas, Elizabeth Alvarado和Robert Mickens。他們的兩個女兒——Kayla Cuevas和Nisa Mickens——是居住在長島的好朋友。但2016年9月,在Nisa 16歲生日的前夕,她們倆都沒回家。兩位花季少女在家鄉散步的路上慘遭殺害。黑幫團伙的6名成員被指控與Kayla和Nisa的謀殺案有關。這些團伙成員中有許多人利用法律中明顯的漏洞進入美國,成為無人看護的外來未成年人——並進入了Kayla和Nisa的高中。Evelyn, Elizabeth, Freddy, and Robert: Tonight, everyone in this chamber is praying for you. Everyone in America is grieving for you. And 320 million hearts are breaking for you. We cannot imagine the depth of your sorrow, but we can make sure that other families never have to endure this pain.伊夫林,伊麗莎白,弗雷迪,羅伯特:今晚,在座的各位都在為你們祈禱。每個美國人都為你們悲傷。3.2億顆心為你們而碎。我們無法想像你們的悲傷有多深,但我們可以保證,其他家庭將永遠不必忍受這種痛苦。Tonight, I am calling on the Congress to finally close the deadly loopholes that have allowed MS-13, and other criminals, to break into our country. We have proposed new legislation that will fix our immigration laws, and support our ICE and Border Patrol Agents, so that this cannot ever happen again.今晚,我呼籲國會最終堵上允許MS-13和其他犯罪分子進入我國的致命漏洞。我們已經提出了新的立法,修正移民法,支持移民和海關執法局及邊境巡邏隊,確保不再發生這樣的悲劇。The United States is a compassionate nation. We are proud that we do more than any other country to help the needy, the struggling, and the underprivileged all over the world. But as President of the United States, my highest loyalty, my greatest compassion, and my constant concern is for America』s children, America』s struggling workers, and America』s forgotten communities. I want our youth to grow up to achieve great things. I want our poor to have their chance to rise.美國是一個富有同情心的國家。我們感到自豪的是,我們比其他任何國家都更能幫助世界各地的窮人和弱勢群體。但是作為美國總統,我最高的忠誠,我最大的同情心,我不變的關心,就是美國的孩子們,美國艱苦的工人,以及美國被遺忘的社區。我希望年輕人茁壯成長,成就偉大的事業。我希望窮人們有機會站起來。So tonight, I am extending an open hand to work with members of both parties — Democrats and Republicans — to protect our citizens of every background, color, religion, and creed. My duty, and the sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber, is to defend Americans — to protect their safety, their families, their communities, and their right to the American Dream. Because Americans are dreamers too.因此,今晚,我將與兩黨(民主黨和共和黨)成員展開合作,保護我們的公民,不論各種背景、膚色、宗教和信仰。我的職責,以及在座的每一位民選官員的神聖職責,就是保衛美國人民——保護他們的安全、他們的家庭、他們的社區以及他們追求美國夢的權利。因為美國人也是一群夢想家。Here tonight is one leader in the effort to defend our country: Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Celestino Martinez — he goes by CJ. CJ served 15 years in the Air Force before becoming an ICE agent and spending the last 15 years fighting gang violence and getting dangerous criminals off our streets. At one point, MS-13 leaders ordered CJ』s murder. But he did not cave to threats or fear. Last May, he commanded an operation to track down gang members on Long Island. His team has arrested nearly 400, including more than 220 from MS-13.今晚還有一位保衛國家的領導人:國土安全調查特別探員塞萊斯蒂諾·馬丁內斯——人們叫他CJ。CJ曾在空軍服役15年,後來成為一名特工。在過去的15年里,一直在打擊幫派暴力,讓危險的罪犯遠離街道。有一次,MS-13的領導人下令殺害CJ。但他並沒有屈服於威脅或恐懼。去年5月,他指揮了一項行動,追蹤長島的黑幫成員。他的團隊已經逮捕了近400人,其中包括來自MS-13團伙的220多人。CJ: Great work. Now let us get the Congress to send you some reinforcements.CJ:幹得漂亮!讓我們的國會給你一些增援。Over the next few weeks, the House and Senate will be voting on an immigration reform package.在接下來的幾周里,眾議院和參議院將對移民改革方案進行表決。In recent months, my Administration has met extensively with both Democrats and Republicans to craft a bipartisan approach to immigration reform. Based on these discussions, we presented the Congress with a detailed proposal that should be supported by both parties as a fair compromise — one where nobody gets everything they want, but where our country gets the critical reforms it needs.近幾個月來,本屆政府與民主黨和共和黨都進行了廣泛的接觸,制定兩黨合作的移民改革方案。在這些討論的基礎上,我們向國會提交了一份詳細的提案,該提案應該會得到雙方的支持,認為這是一個公平的妥協——沒有一方的利益完全獲得滿足,但我們的國家得到了最亟需的關鍵改革。Here are the four pillars of our plan:計劃包含以下4大要點:The first pillar of our framework generously offers a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants who were brought here by their parents at a young age — that covers almost three times more people than the previous administration. Under our plan, those who meet education and work requirements, and show good moral character, will be able to become full citizens of the United States.第一,我們將為180萬年幼時隨父母來美的非法移民提供一條獲得公民身份的途徑——這一數字幾乎是前一屆政府的三倍多。根據我們的計劃,那些符合教育和工作要求,並表現出良好品德的人,將能夠成為美國公民。The second pillar fully secures the border. That means building a wall on the Southern border, and it means hiring more heroes like CJ to keep our communities safe. Crucially, our plan closes the terrible loopholes exploited by criminals and terrorists to enter our country — and it finally ends the dangerous practice of 「catch and release.」第二,我們將充分保衛邊境。也就是說,我們將在南部邊境建一堵牆,並要招募更多像CJ這樣的英雄來保護社區安全。至關重要的是,我們的計劃堵住了犯罪分子和恐怖分子得以利用而進入我國的漏洞,最終終結「抓捕又釋放」的危險做法。The third pillar ends the visa lottery — a program that randomly hands out green cards without any regard for skill, merit, or the safety of our people. It is time to begin moving towards a merit-based immigration system — one that admits people who are skilled, who want to work, who will contribute to our society, and who will love and respect our country.第三,我們將結束簽證抽籤——一個不考慮技術、價值或人民的安全,隨機發放綠卡的項目。是時候開始朝著以能力為考量的移民體系邁進了,它將吸納那些有技能、想工作、願意為我們的社會做出貢獻的人,以及那些會熱愛和尊重我們國家的人。The fourth and final pillar protects the nuclear family by ending chain migration. Under the current broken system, a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives. Under our plan, we focus on the immediate family by limiting sponsorships to spouses and minor children. This vital reform is necessary, not just for our economy, but for our security, and our future.第四,我們將通過終止連鎖式移民來保護核心家庭。在現行的糟糕體制下,一個移民理論上可以帶來無限數量的遠親。在我們的計划下,我們將重點關注直系親屬,僅限配偶和未成年子女。這一關鍵改革非常必要,無論是對我們的經濟,還是對我們的安全、我們的未來,都是如此。In recent weeks, two terrorist attacks in New York were made possible by the visa lottery and chain migration. In the age of terrorism, these programs present risks we can no longer afford.最近幾周,紐約發生了兩起恐怖襲擊事件,都是由簽證抽籤和連鎖式移民造成的。在恐怖主義盛行的年代,這些項目的風險是我們再也承受不起的。It is time to reform these outdated immigration rules, and finally bring our immigration system into the 21st century.在進入21世紀之際,是時候改革這些過時的移民政策了,是時候打造升級版的移民制度了。These four pillars represent a down-the-middle compromise, and one that will create a safe, modern, and lawful immigration system.這四大要點代表著各方的妥協,這將創造一個安全、現代化和合法的移民體系。For over 30 years, Washington has tried and failed to solve this problem. This Congress can be the one that finally makes it happen.30多年來,華盛頓一直在努力解決這一問題。國會可以最終推動它的實現。Most importantly, these four pillars will produce legislation that fulfills my ironclad pledge to only sign a bill that puts America first. So let us come together, set politics aside, and finally get the job done.最重要的是,這四大要點形成的立法將使我兌現自己的鐵腕承諾,即只簽署將美國置於首位的法案。因此,讓我們走到一起,把政治放在一邊,把事情辦好。These reforms will also support our response to the terrible crisis of opioid and drug addiction.這些改革也將支持我們應對阿片類藥物和毒品成癮的可怕危機。In 2016, we lost 64,000 Americans to drug overdoses: 174 deaths per day. Seven per hour. We must get much tougher on drug dealers and pushers if we are going to succeed in stopping this scourge.2016年,有64000名美國人因服用藥物過量而死亡:也就是每天有174人死亡,每小時有7人死亡。如果我們要成功制止這一禍害,我們必須對毒梟和毒販採取更加嚴厲的手段。My Administration is committed to fighting the drug epidemic and helping get treatment for those in need. The struggle will be long and difficult — but, as Americans always do, we will prevail. 本屆政府致力於打擊毒品泛濫,幫助那些有需要的人獲得治療。這將是場漫長而艱難的鬥爭——但是,一如往常,美國必勝。As we have seen tonight, the most difficult challenges bring out the best in America.正如我們今晚所看到的,最困難的挑戰將激發美國最好的一面。We see a vivid expression of this truth in the story of the Holets family of New Mexico. Ryan Holets is 27 years old, and an officer with the Albuquerque Police Department. He is here tonight with his wife Rebecca. Last year, Ryan was on duty when he saw a pregnant, homeless woman preparing to inject heroin. When Ryan told her she was going to harm her unborn child, she began to weep. She told him she did not know where to turn, but badly wanted a safe home for her baby.我們在新墨西哥的霍特家族的故事中看到了這個真理的生動表達。Ryan Holets今年27歲,是阿爾伯克基警察局的一名官員。今晚他和他的妻子麗貝卡也在這裡。去年,瑞安在值班時看到一位無家可歸的懷孕婦女正準備注射海洛因。當瑞恩告訴她,這將傷害她未出生的孩子時,她哭了起來。她告訴他,自己不知道該找誰求助,她非常想為孩子找一個安全的家。In that moment, Ryan said he felt God speak to him: 「You will do it — because you can.」 He took out a picture of his wife and their four kids. Then, he went home to tell his wife Rebecca. In an instant, she agreed to adopt. The Holets named their new daughter Hope.瑞恩說,那一刻,他覺得上帝在對他說:「你會做的——因為你能做到。」他拿出一張妻子和四個孩子的照片。然後,他回家告訴他的妻子麗貝卡。她立刻同意收養小孩。他們把新女兒取名為「希望」。Ryan and Rebecca: You embody the goodness of our Nation. Thank you, and congratulations.瑞安和麗貝卡:你們體現了我們國家的善良。謝謝你們,恭喜你們。……As long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, there is nothing we cannot achieve.只要我們為自己感到驕傲,為自己奮鬥的目標感到自豪,就沒有什麼不可實現。As long as we have confidence in our values, faith in our citizens, and trust in our God, we will not fail.只要我們對自己的價值觀有信心,對公民有信心,相信上帝,我們就不會失敗。Our families will thrive.我們的家庭將興旺發達。Our people will prosper.我們的人民將更加繁榮。And our Nation will forever be safe and strong and proud and mighty and free.我們的國家將永遠安全、強大、驕傲、偉大和自由。Thank you, and God bless America.謝謝你們,上帝保佑美國。THE WHITE HOUSE,白宮January 30, 2018.2018年1月30日