
May you go long,may you back young.

Hope you always be yourself。

Wherever you left for,

As young as you once were

May you go with youthful face,retain with a youthful heart.


I still love you.我的抽象感受

You come,and you back.


Wishing you can come back with the youth that you went away with

No matter away or back, youth always accompanies with you

Went away with young soul, come back with the same


Leave for half a lifetime, return with youthful dreams


May you go through lifetime and carry on your heart

May you go through lifetime and go with your heart

Wish you fuck off, back as a young dickhead

Live fast, die young.

May you return with a young heart after years of fighting.

You go fastest,you plus one second.

As outaway experiencing half life, wish you back still young.

May you return with a young heart after years of fighting.


May you leave with a wrinkle-free face back remain a wrinkle-free soul. : )

我的翻譯是: May you go out for half a lifetime, and return still as a young boy !


May you go far away half of life,come back with a small penis.(憑印象寫的,原句引用自虎撲JR)

May you travel a life,still the same.

……亂說的。總覺得用youth和spend half of your life之類完全對照的翻譯就太格式化了缺點意思……但又不知道如何翻得信雅達。感覺上面那個You came,and you back的意境特別好。

May it be that half a century after your departure, you will return, still an innoncent lad.



TAG:英語 | 赤子之心 |