
為什麼普通的衍生品要叫plain vanilla option(還有swap等)?名字有什麼來歷?

因為plain vanilla就是普通的意思。喏,維基百科

Plain vanilla is an adjective describing the simplest version of something, without any optional extras, by analogy with vanillaice cream, the default flavour.






也有用vanilla來形容人 就是沒什麼特點無趣的樣子

請原諒我複製粘貼=_=。看了下字典,原來還有 vanilla sex呀……

(Oxford English Dictionary)

vanilla, n. (and a.)

[From the popular perception of vanilla as the ordinary, bland flavour of ice-cream.] Plain, basic, conventional; (esp. of a computer, program, or other product) having no interesting or unusual feature; safe, unadventurous. Used orig. with reference to sexual activity (esp. in vanilla sex). Only occas. as pred. adj. colloq. (orig. U.S.).

1972 B. RODGERS Queens』 Vernacular 184 Vanilla bar, a gay bar that is not SM. Ibid. 205 Vanilla,..rigid, conforming, goody-goody 『This neighborhood is too vanilla for the licks of us.』

1983 G. L. STEELE et al. Hacker』s Dict. 129 It』s just a vanilla terminal; it doesn』t have any interesting features.

1985 W. DYNES Homolexis 123 S M adepts dismiss gays of simpler tastes as mere fluffs, who limit themselves to timid exercises in vanilla sex.

1988 InfoWorld 24 Oct. 60/2 In its unmodified, 『vanilla』 state Accountmate is an adequate, if unimpressive, system.

1989 Profession 89 60/1 The specious appropriation of selected fragments of a prestigious literary theory can even make a species of 『vanilla linguistics』..look enticingly 『postmodern』.

1992 Guardian 28 Nov. (Weekend section) 7/2 Since the late Seventies, the lesbian community has also suffered a painful schism between 『S M dykes』 and 『vanilla』 lesbians.

plain-vanilla adj. fig. (orig. U.S.) having no special or additional features; basic, ordinary; cf. VANILLA n.

1959 Washington Post 13 July A19/2 After Cocacabana, Bethany Beach will always look slightly *plain vanilla to me.

1975 Forbes (Nexis) 1 Oct. 72 E-Systems also does aircraft maintenance and overhaul—from what Dixon calls 『plain-vanilla repair work』 to keeping the Presidential air fleet working.

2000 Esquire May 54/1 A sensible mix of stocks, bonds, and money-market mutual funds, the most plain-vanilla kind of investment strategy.

1 March 1936, New York (NY) Times, 「Lexicon of the Soda Jerker: The Slang Employed Behind the Counter Has Now Been Recorded by Phrase Detectives」 by Helen Dallas, pg. X10:

PLAIN VANILLA是指結構最單純的最普遍的。。。。對應著就是最簡單的期權了






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